View Full Version : Question Advice about going onto FS

21-03-2021, 10:52 AM
I have tried R&T but never FS. I think I maybe missing out so I was hoping some experienced people could steer me in the right direction and tell the best girl to introduce me into this next chapter of my life

21-03-2021, 03:00 PM
Just jump straight in blind.
Don't read any ARs, don't get any advice, don't do any research, don't do anything.
Just do it!
That's all the fun! Not knowing what will happen.
Sure you might get a few dud punts, but that's all part of the fun and the experience.
And how will you know a good punt if you don't have a point of comparison?
And every punter has to have a few stories of dud punts right?
Then once you've done all that, then start researching, getting advice, reading ARs and balancing that up against your own experiences and tastes, and making informed choices.
It won't take you long to figure out which shops and which girls are good for you, and that will depend on the girl/shop, but it will also depend on you and what your tastes are and what sort of experience you enjoy.
But for starters go in blind and enjoy! Make mistakes, get ripped off, have fantastic times, be surprised and amazed, be disappointed, experience it all.
I envy you bro, at the start of your FS punting life, you have so many adventures ahead of you.

21-03-2021, 04:49 PM
Good advice thank you

21-03-2021, 11:23 PM
Listen to rooter as hes 100% corect

22-03-2021, 01:25 AM
There’s nothing fun about dud punts.

Do your research and make a decision. Isn’t that how you use the forum for your R&T adventures? Use the same for FS.

23-03-2021, 09:25 AM
Make sure you look and smell proper. MLs can get put off and won't give you the best experience.

25-03-2021, 02:20 AM
I want to do more FS but always my biggest is contracting some form STI/STD?
I am afraid that it will affect my future partner/etc.
Any tips how to overcome this hurdle?
the chances are too low with legit shops?