View Full Version : Question RnT recommendations in and around the CBD?

23-03-2021, 08:29 PM
Hey bros

If anyone can help, I would love some recommendations for good CBD RnT shops. Ideally ones which have a visible roster (wechat etc) where I can book in advance as I don't like to go without a booking and an idea of what the girl I am seeing will look like.

I used to be a regular at DOS a few years ago, but found myself going less and less as the service became less and less consistent and then slowly more and more consistently subpar and now found that I haven't been in more than a year.

If it helps I like to see slim Asian girls who are comfortable with kissing during part 2 (more of a GFE type experience).

Would be very happy if you bros can recommend some shops to try out or even some girls. There used to be a few girls I'd see fairly regularly but alas.. they have all moved on!

23-03-2021, 11:16 PM
Would be really nice if you had shared some of your sessions at the DOS when you were regular there. That could have helped many punters .

24-03-2021, 09:06 AM
Would be really nice if you had shared some of your sessions at the DOS when you were regular there. That could have helped many punters .

I didn't browse this forum pretty much at all back then (account is old but made my first post yesterday).

Will try to be a bit more active now.