View Full Version : General talk Would you be worried when we are allowed go back to punting

10-09-2021, 02:59 PM
Given that the vaccine doesn't protect you from catching the virus, would you be concerned to go back to shops once we are allowed to have that freedom?
I myself will be quite hesitant and probably see how the case numbers fluctuate.
As much as I miss punting, I just don't want to risk catching a virus that the humanity isn't fully across.

10-09-2021, 04:44 PM
Viral load is the same, though your chance of hospitalisation and death is significantly decreased. Who knows how future strains will fare with vaccines coming out

Feel sorry for the teachers who are fully vaccinated, but are in a room full of kids for 8hrs a day. Just wear a mask if you decide to fuck an ml/wl

It's pointless to look at case numbers moving forward as the media will be given hospitalisation numbers instead. I think there will be a drop in case numbers that correlate to the number of people fully vaccinated- essentially if you're feeling ok, and are fully vaccinated with a slight cough, are you going to go and get tested? Most likely not unless your symptoms are ridiculously bad.

10-09-2021, 05:50 PM
Viral load is the same, though your chance of hospitalisation and death is significantly decreased. Who knows how future strains will fare with vaccines coming out

Feel sorry for the teachers who are fully vaccinated, but are in a room full of kids for 8hrs a day. Just wear a mask if you decide to fuck an ml/wl

It's pointless to look at case numbers moving forward as the media will be given hospitalisation numbers instead. I think there will be a drop in case numbers that correlate to the number of people fully vaccinated- essentially if you're feeling ok, and are fully vaccinated with a slight cough, are you going to go and get tested? Most likely not unless your symptoms are ridiculously bad.


Adding to this; The regime of checking in with vaccination check will be used for surveillance. If cases (which are really positive tests) rise in certain places then it's really easy to generate a list of "casual contacts" who will be required to test. This will not only screen for other positives (unlikely) but will reveal unvaccinated people checking in to non compliant shops. What action, if any, will take place is unclear but it will increase the data throughput for subsequent analysis.

The clever part of all this is that no one will ever know where the cases or the exposure sites are.

10-09-2021, 07:58 PM
Nothing to worry if you have make up your own mind to go punting

No one force you to go.

I will advise to take 2 jab first.

10-09-2021, 09:27 PM
Given that the vaccine doesn't protect you from catching the virus, would you be concerned to go back to shops once we are allowed to have that freedom?
I myself will be quite hesitant and probably see how the case numbers fluctuate.
As much as I miss punting, I just don't want to risk catching a virus that the humanity isn't fully across.
Ever had a bad cold, well being vaccinated and catching covid 95% of the time is how you will feel. Hide forever or be keen to have a crack in time all the nervous nellies will look back and cringe at the way they carried on. Up to you and all the other people who want to be either unvaccinated, misinformed or plain hesitant. But 70 to 80 % of us are going to have a crack.

10-09-2021, 09:35 PM
Ever had a bad cold, well being vaccinated and catching covid 95% of the time is how you will feel. Hide forever or be keen to have a crack in time all the nervous nellies will look back and cringe at the way they carried on. Up to you and all the other people who want to be either unvaccinated, misinformed or plain hesitant. But 70 to 80 % of us are going to have a crack.

That's the spirit BB!

10-09-2021, 11:08 PM
Ever had a bad cold, well being vaccinated and catching covid 95% of the time is how you will feel. Hide forever or be keen to have a crack in time all the nervous nellies will look back and cringe at the way they carried on. Up to you and all the other people who want to be either unvaccinated, misinformed or plain hesitant. But 70 to 80 % of us are going to have a crack.

I'm actually not worried about covid itself, but I do worry about the long-term effects it has on us while vaccinated. Has there been any research or paper regarding this? I know its too early to tell, but I want to read on what experts think. I'm double vaccinated btw.

10-09-2021, 11:10 PM
Probably just as likely to catch it in Woolies. Unless u got an underlying health condition and u have been fully vaccinated. The risk of ending up hospital is very low. U be surprised by the amount people that are dealing with COVID in home isolation.
I would be more worried about mass crowd events, like the footy and cricket.

10-09-2021, 11:11 PM
But 70 to 80 % of us are going to have a crack.

Thats it! vaccinate for yourself and your family. if the 30%-20% of idiots don't want to be protected, then they can miss out on a good punt.

10-09-2021, 11:12 PM
I'm actually not worried about covid itself, but I do worry about the long-term effects it has on us while vaccinated. Has there been any research or paper regarding this? I know its too early to tell, but I want to read on what experts think. I'm double vaccinated btw.

Think the research is more likely to be targeting the effects of COVID on the unvaccinated. Know as Long COVID

10-09-2021, 11:19 PM
Nothing to worry if you have make up your own mind to go punting

No one force you to go.

I will advise to take 2 jab first.

Hopefully in this community Punters, WL/ML and Madames will get vaccinated. Couple I’ve asked all say they are and will checking the girls

10-09-2021, 11:24 PM
Yeah, I'll be going back to it after I'm fully vaxxed and shops reopen. I went for AZ, gonna wait longer for the second jab. Stuff it, can't help myself, need to fuck my lovelies!

10-09-2021, 11:37 PM
I'm actually not worried about covid itself, but I do worry about the long-term effects it has on us while vaccinated. Has there been any research or paper regarding this? I know its too early to tell, but I want to read on what experts think. I'm double vaccinated btw.

This might help:-


10-09-2021, 11:55 PM
Hopefully in this community Punters, WL/ML and Madames will get vaccinated. Couple I’ve asked all say they are and will checking the girls

Most of the girls I know at least done 1 jab. Second jab before mid October.

10-09-2021, 11:59 PM
This might help:-


Pretty sure this is Long Covid in the Unvaccinated not vaccinated

11-09-2021, 09:43 AM
Pretty sure this is Long Covid in the Unvaccinated not vaccinated
You are right. The paper studies "long COVID" over a 7 month period and it says:
Data were collected from September 6, 2020 to November 25, 2020.

That means they study COVID patients that were infected between February 2020 - April 2020.

The first vaccines to enter phase 3 trials only did so in November 2020.

11-09-2021, 11:27 AM
Pretty sure this is Long Covid in the Unvaccinated not vaccinated

I might be thinking that "Long Covid" in vaccinated people might be a contradiction in terms, you're not supposed to get it, right. We know that's not true so the effects of having a "mild" case may well not show up, if at all, for years. The other problem is that there may not be any incentive to actively track it anyway, particularly as it usually depends on self reporting symptoms which a lot of people might put down to other things.

11-09-2021, 11:59 AM
I'll be going to pubs, bars, restaurants, brothels, cafes, shopping, massage parlours, footy, cricket, beach, picnics, parties, casino etc.
Resume life as normal.
I have had two vax shots and I will take my chances.
Your chances of catching the virus are much smaller than not catching it.
Worldwide the percentage of people infected is just a small proportion of the population (around 2.5% - or in other words 97.5% of the worlds population has avoided covid), and those that die is a tiny proportion (around .05% - or in other words 99.95% of the worlds population has not died of covid.
And the vast majority of those that died were very old and/or very sick.
If you are under 60yo and healthy it’s more like a 99.99% certainty you will not die of covid.
Put it this way, if you got the results of a biopsy and your GP it told you it's a 99.95% certainty you will not die of cancer you would be ecstatic and go out and celebrate with champagne and dinner and a fuck!
Well that's the covid diagnosis for us all. It's a 99.95% to 99.99% certainty you will not die of covid, so why hide under the bed in fear? As soon as the lockdown ends, go out and for a champagne dinner and a fuck!
Vaccination will make those already tiny chances of dying or getting really sick even tinier.
Even if I get the virus it will be like getting a cold or at worst a flu and that has never stopped me from living life to the fullest before.
Living life in a cotton wool cocoon is no way to live.

11-09-2021, 12:02 PM
I'll be going to pubs, bars, restaurants, brothels, cafes, massage parlours, footy, cricket, beach, picnics, parties, casino etc.
Resume life as normal.
I have had two vax shots and so I will take my chances.
Your chances of catching the virus are much smaller than catching it.
Worldwide the percentage of people infected is just a small proportion of the population (around 2.5% - or in other words 97.5% of the worlds population has avoided covid), and those that die is tiny proportion (around .05% - or in other words 99.95% of the worlds population has not died of covid.
Vaccination will make those already tiny chances of dying or getting really sick even tinier.
Even if I get the virus it will be like getting a cold or at worst a flu and that has never stopped me from living life to the fullest before.
Living life in a cotton wool cocoon is no way to live.

Go bro rooter! Looking forward to it!!

11-09-2021, 01:12 PM
It's going to be like winning lotto for me .IT has been almost 2yrs out of our normal lives .No pubs ,clubs, holidays, girls etc
Fkuc sitting at home locked away any longer. I'll be at the beach ,back to my local massage girls etc.
The ONLY doubt I have is travelling O/S having to come back & quarantine at home for 2 weeks.

11-09-2021, 03:26 PM
I agree 100% with Rooter. Got no intention of living the rest of my life in a bubble.

The low chances of catching Covid might be partially to do with lockdowns but humans are social creatures and continued lockdowns are going to result in a lot more mental health issues.

The best way out is to be vaccinated and use a little common sense in crowds. Masks are probably going to be required in quite a few situations.

A comparable scenario to the current Covid crisis is like when a swimmer/surfer gets taken by a shark. People stay out of the water for a while but eventually most go back in.

11-09-2021, 06:44 PM
I agree 100% with Rooter. Got no intention of living the rest of my life in a bubble.

The low chances of catching Covid might be partially to do with lockdowns but humans are social creatures and continued lockdowns are going to result in a lot more mental health issues.

The best way out is to be vaccinated and use a little common sense in crowds. Masks are probably going to be required in quite a few situations.

A comparable scenario to the current Covid crisis is like when a swimmer/surfer gets taken by a shark. People stay out of the water for a while but eventually most go back in.

CountryPunter for Premier! If only the government had a more common sense approach to these things.

11-09-2021, 07:07 PM
Ever had a bad cold, well being vaccinated and catching covid 95% of the time is how you will feel. Hide forever or be keen to have a crack in time all the nervous nellies will look back and cringe at the way they carried on. Up to you and all the other people who want to be either unvaccinated, misinformed or plain hesitant. But 70 to 80 % of us are going to have a crack.

They say the vaccine helps your protection system kick in quickly, by giving your antibodies a taste of the virus.

It is also said your antibodies learn from the real virus, so the vaccine should have your antibodies armed and ready.
Therefore if you get the real virus after vaccine, could that improve your system, like getting a booster shot :grimace:

11-09-2021, 09:23 PM
^ I don't know if you're just stupid.

No, getting the covid after a vaccine does not give act like a booster shot. Your body recognises the virus and already has the antibodies tonight it.

11-09-2021, 09:38 PM
^ I don't know if you're just stupid.

No, getting the covid after a vaccine does not give act like a booster shot. Your body recognises the virus and already has the antibodies tonight it.

There are actually studies in places like the UK and Israel that are disputing this, it is likely contracting COVID-19 after vaccination will in fact boost the protection and effectiveness if antibodies preventing the chance of re-infection later on.

11-09-2021, 10:16 PM
Would you be worried when we are allowed go back to punting

I worry not about Covid but my money won't last as I intend to see 3 WLs in a day to make up lost time.

11-09-2021, 10:39 PM
There are actually studies in places like the UK and Israel that are disputing this, it is likely contracting COVID-19 after vaccination will in fact boost the protection and effectiveness if antibodies preventing the chance of re-infection later on.
I'm all for vaccination but this is a bit too farfetched for me. Think about it, how could they prove that a person who has been vaccinated would get better protection than if he wasn't vaccinated and then got infected? The same person who is vaccinated cannot then be unvaccinated again to prove this point.

Probably the only thing that they can prove beyond a doubt is that antibodies created by being actually infected with COVID (and surviving it of course!) are better than antibodies created from vaccination.

12-09-2021, 03:17 AM
I'll be going to pubs, bars, restaurants, brothels, cafes, shopping, massage parlours, footy, cricket, beach, picnics, parties, casino etc.
Resume life as normal.
I have had two vax shots and I will take my chances.
Your chances of catching the virus are much smaller than not catching it.
Worldwide the percentage of people infected is just a small proportion of the population (around 2.5% - or in other words 97.5% of the worlds population has avoided covid), and those that die is a tiny proportion (around .05% - or in other words 99.95% of the worlds population has not died of covid.
And the vast majority of those that died were very old and/or very sick.
If you are under 60yo and healthy it’s more like a 99.99% certainty you will not die of covid.
Put it this way, if you got the results of a biopsy and your GP it told you it's a 99.95% certainty you will not die of cancer you would be ecstatic and go out and celebrate with champagne and dinner and a fuck!
Well that's the covid diagnosis for us all. It's a 99.95% to 99.99% certainty you will not die of covid, so why hide under the bed in fear? As soon as the lockdown ends, go out and for a champagne dinner and a fuck!
Vaccination will make those already tiny chances of dying or getting really sick even tinier.
Even if I get the virus it will be like getting a cold or at worst a flu and that has never stopped me from living life to the fullest before.
Living life in a cotton wool cocoon is no way to live.
Rooter is talking sense, the couple of guys on here carrying on about evidence long covid ect are the facebook soldiers. Take a look at colledge football on espn, americans are getting on with it. So should we, yes there will be set backs, but it will be for the unvaccinated. We will unfortunately have restrictions because of them but hopefully its so they can catch up. Im ok with that but if there is no effort to catch up, eventually the unvaccinated will be on their own. Problem is they clog up hospitals and people with breast cancer, prostrate cancer, brain cancer, sepsis, mental illness, heart disease and many other illness are taking a backseat because of these self centred misinformed lunatics.

12-09-2021, 07:31 AM
Rooter is talking sense, the couple of guys on here carrying on about evidence long covid ect are the facebook soldiers. Take a look at colledge football on espn, americans are getting on with it. So should we, yes there will be set backs, but it will be for the unvaccinated. We will unfortunately have restrictions because of them but hopefully its so they can catch up. Im ok with that but if there is no effort to catch up, eventually the unvaccinated will be on their own. Problem is they clog up hospitals and people with breast cancer, prostrate cancer, brain cancer, sepsis, mental illness, heart disease and many other illness are taking a backseat because of these self centred misinformed lunatics.
Spot on, mate. One of those "couple of guys" oscillates wildly, one moment he's on about COVID being just like a common cold and it's all about the Gov trying to "steal our assets" (hence no need to vaccinate), the next moment he's spouting Lancet articles about the dangers of Long COVID along with his own commentary that being vaccinated may not prevent it from happening (oh btw, hence no need to vaccinate)!

I can't believe how far people will go just to avoid a tiny pin prick of a needle.

12-09-2021, 10:42 AM
I don't have 5g where I live so I'm safe

12-09-2021, 11:57 AM
Spot on, mate. One of those "couple of guys" oscillates wildly, one moment he's on about COVID being just like a common cold and it's all about the Gov trying to "steal our assets" (hence no need to vaccinate), the next moment he's spouting Lancet articles about the dangers of Long COVID along with his own commentary that being vaccinated may not prevent it from happening (oh btw, hence no need to vaccinate)!

I can't believe how far people will go just to avoid a tiny pin prick of a needle.
Yes I know friend trying to avoid the vaccine saying AZ is blood clot, Pfizer is not that effective against delta and now say waiting for Modena. I bet he will say next I want Chinese or Russian vaccine. We see about freedom next month.

Fred Flintstone
14-09-2021, 11:18 AM
The only guys worrying about catching Covid and worried about the vaccine are the ones who get their daily news from Fuckbook - which is half of those affected LGAs

14-09-2021, 03:27 PM
I'm all for vaccination but this is a bit too farfetched for me. Think about it, how could they prove that a person who has been vaccinated would get better protection than if he wasn't vaccinated and then got infected? The same person who is vaccinated cannot then be unvaccinated again to prove this point.

Probably the only thing that they can prove beyond a doubt is that antibodies created by being actually infected with COVID (and surviving it of course!) are better than antibodies created from vaccination.

The way I understand is that the vaccine only target a very specific part of the virus (the spike protein) so the antibodies introduced by the vaccine is very specific, that's why the it is less effective against the new variants as they don't like the same anymore. The antibodies produced via a natural infection is more all rounded, the immune system would recognise other parts of the virus and have different attack vectors if you recovered from it.

So the idea from some scientists from UK is that GET VACCINATED so you have a form of protection but let natural runs its cause and if by any case you get infected (by whatever variants), you are likely that you will be protected by the vaccine and but your immune system would be given a chance to taste what the real virus is like and produced other antibodies which would target other parts of the virus, so effectively it is like a booster shot but in a natural way.

the key here is still get vaccinated thou

14-09-2021, 10:07 PM
Pretty funny how a certain amount people choose to not be vaccined but dont mind taking drugs made from god knows what in someones backyard. Plus the vaccine is made in a proper lab with testing and controlled

15-09-2021, 02:37 AM
Pretty funny how a certain amount people choose to not be vaccined but dont mind taking drugs made from god knows what in someones backyard. Plus the vaccine is made in a proper lab with testing and controlled

Exactly this, they should not take any medicine ranging from over the counter to prescription medication. they should just grow their own natural 'meds' in their backyard!

15-09-2021, 03:07 AM
these are the same people who think you can get controlled by 5g using the nanites in the vaccine. absolute idiots

15-09-2021, 07:33 AM
Pretty funny how a certain amount people choose to not be vaccined but dont mind taking drugs made from god knows what in someones backyard. Plus the vaccine is made in a proper lab with testing and controlled
Because there are no Facebook groups dedicated to telling people not to take backyard meds.

15-09-2021, 11:55 AM
Exactly this, they should not take any medicine ranging from over the counter to prescription medication. they should just grow their own natural 'meds' in their backyard!

Sounds about right, they definitely should be doing this

15-09-2021, 11:56 AM
Because there are no Facebook groups dedicated to telling people not to take backyard meds.

Do you want to start a group to get this going? Hahahaha

15-09-2021, 10:46 PM
Most of the girls I know at least done 1 jab. Second jab before mid October.

Same.... speaking to the few girls i know, they are all getting vaxxed

16-09-2021, 11:26 AM
The girls are not stupid. They will look after their health and their livelihood.
Almost all of them will get vaxed.
They know the reality is that if they are not vaxed they will not be able to work in the mainstream industry.
They will have to quit or operate in the dodgy fringes with all the risks that that involves.

17-09-2021, 05:27 AM
Most of the girls vacced up day 1, they are very aware of their risk,with some scooting out regional as soon as it happened. As is they are waiting for the all clear, - remember that they are [predominantly from places with strict governments and institutionalised thoughts.. if the govt say so, then they just do

17-09-2021, 10:03 AM
A lot of the girls are scared shitless from what their relatives back home are telling them. They don't have access to the high quality vaccines we do, just the Chinese and Russian stuff. Health systems collapsed, thousands dying every day, old people too afraid to leave their homes...

We offer everyone access to these high quality vaccines for FREE, even if they're not citizens/not on Medicare. Which is amazingly great, I fully support it, and I'm sure the girls know it too. Why wouldn't they take the opportunity? It's a no-brainer.

We forget how lucky we are sometimes.

19-09-2021, 04:33 PM
To answer OP's questions, no. I'm not scared returning to punting.

19-09-2021, 11:05 PM
The only thing I am worried about is if the price goes stupid. Shopped around over the weekend for a BBBJ with CIM and was quoted $400 and $450. Finally booked one for $250

20-09-2021, 04:59 PM
Agreed.... price is the main factor I will be concerned with. However will not be surprised if there is a spike

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

20-09-2021, 06:56 PM
The only thing I am worried about is if the price goes stupid. Shopped around over the weekend for a BBBJ with CIM and was quoted $400 and $450. Finally booked one for $250

LOL - where abouts?

20-09-2021, 10:46 PM
LOL - where abouts?

In pyrmont mate going tomorrow lunch time, will ask her if she is happy for me to share her details. Never seen her before so see how it goes.

21-09-2021, 08:59 AM
In pyrmont mate going tomorrow lunch time, will ask her if she is happy for me to share her details. Never seen her before so see how it goes.

Good luck mate..

21-09-2021, 11:28 AM
The only thing I am worried about is if the price goes stupid. Shopped around over the weekend for a BBBJ with CIM and was quoted $400 and $450. Finally booked one for $250

get tested afterwards LOL

21-09-2021, 03:15 PM
with everything COVID will be around, my only thing of not punting is getting busted and copping the fine

22-09-2021, 12:07 AM
Not *too* worried about Covid, I’m suspecting/hoping symptoms will be weaker with a more vaccinated population.

I think it will be an inevitability that most people will be exposed to it. I also think that the daily numbers won’t be publicised as much after opening up, since we will be in a “living with it” phase.

What I *am* worried about is increasing police spot checks on adult businesses and brothels. I definitely don’t need *that* stress in my life, especially as I’m planning to sign in on paper, expecting that most brothels will turn a blind eye to the QR codes and will be ok with a token entry on the sign in sheet.

I also expect decreasing government focus on the QR codes as they are going to wind down the contact tracing teams. Plus more government MPs will start talking about lack of civil liberties with ongoing tracking.

22-09-2021, 06:57 AM
I reckon the virus will keep mutating until it becomes much less lethal than it is now, and then that variant will become the dominant strain world wide. It's all based on the theory that a living host can continue to transmit the virus, a dead host cannot. Variants that can kill the host will eventually lose out to the one that can coexist with the host.

22-09-2021, 05:54 PM
I reckon the virus will keep mutating until it becomes much less lethal than it is now, and then that variant will become the dominant strain world wide. It's all based on the theory that a living host can continue to transmit the virus, a dead host cannot. Variants that can kill the host will eventually lose out to the one that can coexist with the host.
Yeah that's how it Nornally work

symbiont relationship

We need it to wipe out the elderly and weak
They need is to replicate

22-09-2021, 06:36 PM
Not *too* worried about Covid, I’m suspecting/hoping symptoms will be weaker with a more vaccinated population.

I think it will be an inevitability that most people will be exposed to it. I also think that the daily numbers won’t be publicised as much after opening up, since we will be in a “living with it” phase.

What I *am* worried about is increasing police spot checks on adult businesses and brothels. I definitely don’t need *that* stress in my life, especially as I’m planning to sign in on paper, expecting that most brothels will turn a blind eye to the QR codes and will be ok with a token entry on the sign in sheet.

I also expect decreasing government focus on the QR codes as they are going to wind down the contact tracing teams. Plus more government MPs will start talking about lack of civil liberties with ongoing tracking.

You will be disappointed as the government have already said there will be no paper check in, all electronic. If you don't want to use your phone you need to get a credit size card with QR code and vaccination details from Service NSW. Don't you listen to Glady's updates?

22-09-2021, 07:07 PM
I am certainly worried. As an adult I have been vaccinated. But my child is 8 years old and therefore not vaccinated. After everything starts opening up, the cases are expected to go through the roof. So we could potentially get the infection from so many places. We dont know what happens if a non-vaccinated child gets infected with the delta variant. Certainly there are examples of children getting pretty sick from this variant which was not the case with the original variant.

22-09-2021, 07:36 PM
I reckon the virus will keep mutating until it becomes much less lethal than it is now, and then that variant will become the dominant strain world wide. It's all based on the theory that a living host can continue to transmit the virus, a dead host cannot. Variants that can kill the host will eventually lose out to the one that can coexist with the host.

The virus will definitely keep mutating. It will take many years for the mutation to stabilise. Look the original Flu virus is still mutating after hundred of years. My point is my balls will go from Blue to Purple waiting for that day. So any punt during these few years will be "a punt" that you could be catching it and bringing it back to the friends and family and work mates.

For me, when I can't contain my purple balls, I'll probably choose to wear a mask while at the ML or WL and avoid any kissing or fluid exchange. CBJ and Doggie positions will do me just fine.

22-09-2021, 07:42 PM
I am certainly worried. As an adult I have been vaccinated. But my child is 8 years old and therefore not vaccinated. After everything starts opening up, the cases are expected to go through the roof. So we could potentially get the infection from so many places. We dont know what happens if a non-vaccinated child gets infected with the delta variant. Certainly there are examples of children getting pretty sick from this variant which was not the case with the original variant.

I feel you. Us catching it from our punt... bad luck... if we pass it to family like unvaccinated kids... who can develop long covid.... that's really bad. Also very true with the original variant isn't as easily transmissible, this Delta and the Lamda and Mu variants (which will quickly arrive once we open up our International travel) are highly transmissible and deadlier than the original Alpha.

22-09-2021, 08:29 PM
LOL - where abouts?

You can still get BBBJ with CIM for $50 in these tough times if you look in the right places, and I don't even mean Oxford street!

22-09-2021, 08:57 PM
No point worrying about the virus if your vaccinated imo. You'll eventually catch it and hopefully it'll be all G

22-09-2021, 11:15 PM
You will be disappointed as the government have already said there will be no paper check in, all electronic. If you don't want to use your phone you need to get a credit size card with QR code and vaccination details from Service NSW. Don't you listen to Glady's updates?

You did focus on that part of my post, didn’t you?

The other part was asking for how long will the checkins continue. At some point:
* people will start agitating against them
* Liberal MPs will start talking about freedom from continual monitoring
* people will ignore them as much as they do now, if not more

The whole point of the exercise is for contact tracing. If there’s no contact tracing being done, if we are “living with covid”, then there won’t be a need for doing checkins.

23-09-2021, 12:28 AM
For me, when I can't contain my purple balls, I'll probably choose to wear a mask while at the ML or WL and avoid any kissing or fluid exchange. CBJ and Doggie positions will do me just fine.

Yeap, that’s Da Plan!

Did a couple both wearing masks sessions with MLs last year after the initial lock down, fine session, no kissing of course but I don’t kiss anyway even in normal time. And it didn’t affect the HJ and Spanish at all.

FS could be a bit different, missing the BJ would be less VFM but hey, if the WL is fully vaccinated. Don’t mind her taking the masks off to take me all in. Then she can put the masks back on for the main event.

23-09-2021, 12:43 AM
You did focus on that part of my post, didn’t you?

The other part was asking for how long will the checkins continue. At some point:
* people will start agitating against them
* Liberal MPs will start talking about freedom from continual monitoring
* people will ignore them as much as they do now, if not more

The whole point of the exercise is for contact tracing. If there’s no contact tracing being done, if we are “living with covid”, then there won’t be a need for doing checkins.
They are not tracing like they used to but they send tects to ppl who have been to the same place and checked in via qr code

23-09-2021, 07:33 AM
My expectation is that the girls and us will need to be fully vaxxed to work and play. Like restaurants, bars, haircuts etc. Govt mandate will be no jab, no play.

That will quickly drag the holdouts to the vaxx table.

We'll need to echeck in with the QR code. You'll have a record of your visit if a partner gets suspicious. But you likely have a similar inexplicable record on your google timeline , unless you've switched it off.

Contact tracing will drop to a robo text saying get tested.

Am i worried about Covid? Yes, but I'm more worried about STIs from girls tbh. Herpes from a BBBJ for example, but i still do that...

23-09-2021, 09:24 AM
Yeap, that’s Da Plan!

Did a couple both wearing masks sessions with MLs last year after the initial lock down, fine session, no kissing of course but I don’t kiss anyway even in normal time. And it didn’t affect the HJ and Spanish at all.

FS could be a bit different, missing the BJ would be less VFM but hey, if the WL is fully vaccinated. Don’t mind her taking the masks off to take me all in. Then she can put the masks back on for the main event.Bro Ahlungor. What about when those fresh pair of double Ds are hanging Infront of your face ?

Surely you want to put them into your mouth and suckle on them like some baby deprived of milk for a lifetime ?

Where does the mask go then, under the chin or on the eyes ?

23-09-2021, 12:37 PM
Bro Ahlungor. What about when those fresh pair of double Ds are hanging Infront of your face ?

Surely you want to put them into your mouth and suckle on them like some baby deprived of milk for a lifetime ?

Where does the mask go then, under the chin or on the eyes ?

Great question!

I do have a personal routine in regards to sucking tits pre Covid. FS - always, and I washed them myself before putting baby food into my mouth.

RnT, usually no sucking or licking unless I was the first booking of the day, that’s just me.

With the face masks, nothing changed but since myself will be fully vaccinated and if my ML is the same then the masks wearing rule can relaxed between us, no ?

23-09-2021, 01:26 PM
Great question!

I do have a personal routine in regards to sucking tits pre Covid. FS - always, and I washed them myself before putting baby food into my mouth.

RnT, usually no sucking or licking unless I was the first booking of the day, that’s just me.

With the face masks, nothing changed but since myself will be fully vaccinated and if my ML is the same then the masks wearing rule can relaxed between us, no ?

Good point. I'll probably use that too. Exchange Digital Covid Vaccine cert with ML to verify both are fully vaccinated followed by big gulps of milk from the double Ds :cool2:

23-09-2021, 01:26 PM
and if my ML is the same then the masks wearing rule can relaxed between us, no ?

legally, maybe yes, protection actually, NO !

You can still catch it & spread if fully vax'd.

24-09-2021, 11:30 PM
If I decide to punt again any time soon (but I suspect I won't at this stage) I will be asking businesses and girls for COVID and health check compliance. I would never have dreamt of doing that previously. But I'd rather know they are taking precautions.

The flip side to that, is many of those businesses may ask for my certificate which will reveal my identity. Which I'm not keen on.

It's definitely got me re-evaluating my punting choices. I would love to go for a celebratory end of lockdown punt. But I'm nervous about it. And I'm not normally a nervous punter.

25-09-2021, 01:17 AM
Then dont go, move on and either go back to your wife or get a steady thing happening, see ya

25-09-2021, 01:34 AM
get tested afterwards LOL

Mate if your double vaccinated it’s time to leave the bubble.

26-09-2021, 03:28 AM
Yes, probably feel unsafe to go to shop despite that I’m fully vaxx. Not just because of the chance of catching virus but contact tracing bother me more. Everyone will scan QR? Everyone will leave contact number for shop? Shop will contact us if having issues? How to explain your presence there?

26-09-2021, 04:08 AM
How to explain your presence there?

If you are painter tell them you go there to paint.
If you are plumber tell them you go there to fix a leak.
If you area teacher tell them you go there to give tuition etc.
Good luck with punting. No one has died from it.
But it won't stop you from being the first.

26-09-2021, 08:25 AM
If you are painter tell them you go there to paint.
If you are plumber tell them you go there to fix a leak.
If you area teacher tell them you go there to give tuition etc.
Good luck with punting. No one has died from it.
But it won't stop you from being the first.
Too late to be the first:

26-09-2021, 08:45 AM
Too late to be the first:

The news article is confusing. The Malawi man died because of extreme orgasm. But the same article finishes off with the benefit of sexual activity. Some of us will have extreme orgasm when the lockdown is lifted. The probability of dying would be the same as any of us allowed into QLD. :cool2: 🤪

26-09-2021, 09:02 AM
The news article is confusing. The Malawi man died because of extreme orgasm. But the same article finishes off with the benefit of sexual activity. Some of us will have extreme orgasm when the lockdown is lifted. The probability of dying would be the same as any of us allowed into QLD. :cool2: 🤪
The post mortem report said:
“died of too much sexual excitement and sweetness”, ROFL!
I guess they added the points about the health benefits of sex to ensure that the article doesn't deter horny men from having sex.
I also think the lady in question must be making money hand over fist by advertising that she's "the One" who literally fucked this guy's brains out!

07-10-2021, 12:04 PM
If you are not worried you should be, I personally know of a WL who died a few weeks ago after a stint in Hospital with Covid, she was still working and managed to infect at least 2 others girls who are at this very moment in hospital as a result. The lady who died worked in 4 shops that i know of and was still working privately through lock down. The shop owners and the girls involved are keeping it very quiet for fear of losing customers. If you plan on punting GET VACCINATED!

07-10-2021, 12:40 PM
If you are not worried you should be, I personally know of a WL who died a few weeks ago after a stint in Hospital with Covid, she was still working and managed to infect at least 2 others girls who are at this very moment in hospital as a result. The lady who died worked in 4 shops that i know of and was still working privately through lock down. The shop owners and the girls involved are keeping it very quiet for fear of losing customers. If you plan on punting GET VACCINATED!

Yes, my girls are going to wait a few weeks and see how things turn out. Covid rates will rise so they will wait a bit just to make sure the hospitals can cope.

07-10-2021, 12:41 PM
If you are not worried you should be, I personally know of a WL who died a few weeks ago after a stint in Hospital with Covid, she was still working and managed to infect at least 2 others girls who are at this very moment in hospital as a result. The lady who died worked in 4 shops that i know of and was still working privately through lock down. The shop owners and the girls involved are keeping it very quiet for fear of losing customers. If you plan on punting GET VACCINATED!
Didn't the WL get vaccinated? Always a risk seeing ml or Wl. Even Vax can still get infected. Is the risk punters and girls have to weigh up.

07-10-2021, 01:02 PM
The shop owners and the girls involved are keeping it very quiet for fear of losing customers. If you plan on punting GET VACCINATED!

How did you find out? Pretty piss-poor behaviour if you ask me.......

07-10-2021, 05:01 PM
It would've made the news wouldn't it?

I'm pretty sure if you go into ICU and eventually die they'd be contact tracing like mad.

09-10-2021, 07:35 AM
No she wasn't vaccinated, I don't think she has a medicare card and didn't think she could. I know a few girls (all Chinese) who are hesitant, they read a lot of online Chinese news feeds and were getting the idea that Australia's Vaccines were not safe. They have started to come around now and I've managed to get a couple of them booked and jabbed so far but I know if another girl who simply refuses to listen in spite of the fact that it nearly killed her husband. She plans on going back to work on day 1 of opening.

09-10-2021, 07:41 AM
How did you find out? Pretty piss-poor behaviour if you ask me.......

I am friends with the owners of a couple of shops, (dating one actually) so I get a LOT of inside info, found out yesterday that another very popular girl is also in hospital. I tried to start a thread about this to warn people that the virus is in the shops but it never went up. I did not name any person or the shops so I don't know what the mods are playing at here.

09-10-2021, 07:42 AM
It would've made the news wouldn't it?

I'm pretty sure if you go into ICU and eventually die they'd be contact tracing like mad.

They are, and the police are also looking into it, she owed a few people money and there is a possibility that she was helped on her way.

09-10-2021, 08:35 AM
I am friends with the owners of a couple of shops, (dating one actually) so I get a LOT of inside info, found out yesterday that another very popular girl is also in hospital. I tried to start a thread about this to warn people that the virus is in the shops but it never went up. I did not name any person or the shops so I don't know what the mods are playing at here.

That sounds like a tricky situation to be in, dating a shop owner while living with a WL.

09-10-2021, 08:43 AM
That sounds like a tricky situation to be in, dating a shop owner while living with a WL.
555 too many stories

09-10-2021, 10:00 AM
If the police are looking into it it definitely would have made the news and they'd be appealing for anybody who had contact with her to get themselves checked out. As well as being ammunition for all the reporters, medical experts and anyone from the religious right to stop parlors and brothels from re opening at all.
And then as gthgrt and konfusion have also pointed out your dating a shop owner while living with a popular WL that everyone is going to miss when shops re open.

I'm calling bullshit on this one

09-10-2021, 11:34 AM
It would've made the news wouldn't it?

I'm pretty sure if you go into ICU and eventually die they'd be contact tracing like mad.


We've got over 500 new cases and about a dozen deaths every day.

Some rando on a punting forum says a sex worker died, and you think it's going to be on the six o'clock news? Contact tracers going crazy? 😂

What else? A police taskforce? Royal commission? Martial law? 🤣

Seriously, come Monday there'll be an end to effective contact tracing. Cases will skyrocket but it won't be the end of the world because of high vaccination rates.

Most people who get a sniffle won't even bother getting tested if they're fully vaxxed -- why would they?

Just forget about contact tracing, it's not going to be relevant. Until 1st December we still need to check in, but it won't mean anything.

09-10-2021, 12:02 PM
If the police are looking into it it definitely would have made the news and they'd be appealing for anybody who had contact with her to get themselves checked out. As well as being ammunition for all the reporters, medical experts and anyone from the religious right to stop parlors and brothels from re opening at all.
And then as gthgrt and konfusion have also pointed out your dating a shop owner while living with a popular WL that everyone is going to miss when shops re open.

I'm calling bullshit on this oneI agree.

All Covid related deaths are documented and investigated. Big data wins again.

It sounds like someone lost track of their posts and fiction they wrote.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

09-10-2021, 12:16 PM
Yeah, i thought there will be no more contract tracing except to let the systems do it.

If someone tested positive, the system will use their QR code scans and text all the other ppl who were in the same location and probably time as other's who QR coded and tell them to get tested or isolate

09-10-2021, 02:40 PM
I agree.

All Covid related deaths are documented and investigated. Big data wins again.

It sounds like someone lost track of their posts and fiction they wrote.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk
Maybe he didn't know we can look back on his previous post. It just don't make much sense. How came others in the forum haven't hear anything or is it because punters are keeping a secret also. He claimed he post something like this but was deleted by mod. Normal mod don't delete that fast.

09-10-2021, 04:55 PM
Back to the OPs post. I've just heard from one of my regulars and she's saying her boss has offered her 6 shifts across his 3 shops. Apparently the phones for each shop are going off the hook with punters looking for a booking from Monday on. Fellas here may be a little nervous, but punters out there aren't.

Any other confirmations?

If yes, it may pay to secure a booking now with your favourite shop. Nothing worse than heavy balls and a heavy wallet with nowhere to unload both.