View Full Version : General talk Unvaccinated visits on Monday the 11th?

07-10-2021, 07:12 PM
Any unvaccinated people planning on going on the Monday when shops open? Or just going before December 1st in general?

07-10-2021, 07:34 PM
One thing garenteed is there will be a lot of fuckwit wits out and about voicing their opinions about freedoms, etc and starting trouble over it

talking to a receptionist at a leagues club, they are worried about unvaxed people pushing their way into the clubs and causing altercations so they have hired more security just for this reason to make sure only vaxxed patrons can enter. The unvaxed are not going to stay home whilst we are out and about getting our lives back on track,

Just let's hope Darwinism plays its role when we back out into the open again

07-10-2021, 08:28 PM
The question should be...

Does anyone think that our favourite establishments are going to strictly enforce whether people check in and prove their vaccination status?

The answer to my own question... some may do and others will not. Hell, most massage places technically are not supposed to be offering the the nude tug (not during COVID times or ever for that matter). The authorities can't check every single place every single day.

The establishments have been closed for months, and while they might be cautious at first in terms of their checks and balances, I highly doubt they are going to decline potential paying customers for very long.

There seems to also be a mindset amongst punters and providers in the industry that there is going to be a massive stampede and 'wealth shift' upon re-opening... that might last no more than the first week. I think most punters will remain cautious for the most part, and I think if the girls get too pushy with and over price their extras they could turn their prospective customers away.

As well, most of us here shouldn't be so quick to jump on the moral high ground about this. COVID times or not, 60% of the establishments we visit are filthy dirty with just a thin disposable sheet separating us and a massage table which I doubt has had a decent level of cleaning in some time. Who knows how many heads have been in the face hole and on the pillow we use on the roll over.

It's like walking into any run of the mill McDonalds as well. They are so quick to jump on you to make sure you've checked in, but the service counter and self-serve ordering kiosks don't look like they have had a spray of Jif and wipe with a Chux the whole day! COVID safe plans? lol

For the record, I am double vaxxed.

07-10-2021, 08:40 PM
I doubt there will be a lack of demand. Most ppl aren't cautious.

Try booking a hair cut

07-10-2021, 09:19 PM
The question should be...

Does anyone think that our favourite establishments are going to strictly enforce whether people check in and prove their vaccination status?

The answer to my own question... some may do and others will not. Hell, most massage places technically are not supposed to be offering the the nude tug (not during COVID times or ever for that matter). The authorities can't check every single place every single day.

Some places will get away with not checking.

But the shit will hit the fan is there is an outbreak that gets traced back to that shop.

If you are not vaxxed, QR into the shop might not be advisable.

07-10-2021, 09:32 PM
Places large enough to afford security to check vaxx status will do so. A friend running a security company is overwhelmed by demand. Smaller places; your local cafe, massage shop and bistro, nope. Smaller places will rely on goodwill and decency - and the moi roights dipshits have none of that. A restaurant owner won't allow the 20 year front of house kid to go up against some rabid karen.

The unvaxxed will quickly realise this and be all in. Interesting times. The good news is that the vaxx does mean less chance of getting seriously ill.

07-10-2021, 09:52 PM
Places large enough to afford security to check vaxx status will do so. A friend running a security company is overwhelmed by demand. Smaller places; your local cafe, massage shop and bistro, nope. Smaller places will rely on goodwill and decency - and the moi roights dipshits have none of that. A restaurant owner won't allow the 20 year front of house kid to go up against some rabid karen.

The unvaxxed will quickly realise this and be all in. Interesting times. The good news is that the vaxx does mean less chance of getting seriously ill.

Yeah agreed. I know of one place (not sex industry) who sent out an email saying if you're not double vaxxed and try to cause dramas they'll just call the cops (they're one street from the police station). Of course the morons will try to barge their way through and small massage shops juat aren't in a position to fight against some arsehole being belligerent. Bigger FS shops will most likely put qr code at the door and not let you in until they see at least qr check in, and as was said above signing in if not vaxxed probably not a great idea.

07-10-2021, 10:06 PM
Yeah agreed. I know of one place (not sex industry) who sent out an email saying if you're not double vaxxed and try to cause dramas they'll just call the cops (they're one street from the police station). Of course the morons will try to barge their way through and small massage shops juat aren't in a position to fight against some arsehole being belligerent. Bigger FS shops will most likely put qr code at the door and not let you in until they see at least qr check in, and as was said above signing in if not vaxxed probably not a great idea.

A mate has booked 4 of us in to a pub on monday night. No oroblem getting the booking but the bloke on the phone asked if all 4 of us are vaxxed.

No one really checks whether you actually QR code in. It'll be interesting to see if anyone checks the vaxx status. Maybe the prospect of a discussion at the door in full hearing of other patrons will keep the belligerent fuckers out. We're about to find out.

07-10-2021, 10:10 PM
So who here won’t get vaxxed out of interest? Would be interesting to see the rate.

Full vaxxed here.

07-10-2021, 10:14 PM
Fully vaxxed here.

07-10-2021, 10:16 PM
Jabbed here as well.

07-10-2021, 10:43 PM
The only thing you can have full control on is that you should be fully vaccinated.

Then you could hope that the MLs or WLs you are going to see are also fully vaccinated. This shouldn’t be too hard to achieve , I’m pretty sure many responsible and well run shops are at that level already.

Then comes the part we have no control, the others unvaccinated punters, if the shop can police that and enforce the health order then all good. But then again , all hell will break loose come 1 December when there ain’t no restriction no more and it’s freedom to all.

Still, you can only control what you can, just like safe sex.

Let’s be careful out there.


07-10-2021, 10:46 PM
i’m fully vaxed. The issue here is about the business. I know big companies are strict with checking the vax cert but for small business including massage shops?

The tricky questions are:

How will owners have the power to push away people?
What if it becomes a threat to refuse those people?
Will do shop owners really check on this certificate or qr code?
How will they maximise their profit if some of their costumers unvax?

07-10-2021, 10:53 PM
i’m fully vaxed. The issue here is about the business. I know big companies are strict with checking the vax cert but for small business including massage shops?

The tricky questions are:

How will owners have the power to push away people?
What if it becomes a threat to refuse those people?
Will do shop owners really check on this certificate or qr code?
How will they maximise their profit if some of their costumers unvax?

The reality is, in this industry, I don’t feel anyone would be checked let alone turned away. The industry has copped such a loss for so long so it’s hard to blame the owners for not turning away a quid. It’s not by the rules, but it’s the truth.

Any efforts to be somewhat compliant, if the business wants to try, would be half arsed and box ticking. At the start of this year when QR codes were required, who of us actually honestly signed in with the app or our real names in paper form? It will be a similar approach.

07-10-2021, 10:54 PM
Hopefully the shops will be smart enough to register their sites with Service NSW using an innocuous business name.

"R&T's Cafe" or something.

Same as they do for their credit card merchant accounts.

07-10-2021, 11:52 PM
Chatting with some of my local shop owners and store clerks. A few of them have had to call the police on people multiple times for refusing mask and check in proceedures. These pricks always seem to get lippy about it too.

One local restaurant had to close for 2 weeks after a customer who barged in without a mask and berated staff, ended up being a COVID carrier.

He cost them 20 grand in revenue. What a fucking selfish cunt.

08-10-2021, 12:20 AM
Chatting with some of my local shop owners and store clerks. A few of them have had to call the police on people multiple times for refusing mask and check in proceedures. These pricks always seem to get lippy about it too.

One local restaurant had to close for 2 weeks after a customer who barged in without a mask and berated staff, ended up being a COVID carrier.

He cost them 20 grand in revenue. What a fucking selfish cunt.My local coffee place insists to see our Service NSW QR sign-in before they are willing to take my coffee order. I salute them for that.

Having said that, I have a strange feeling way before 1 Dec our hospitals will be seeing thousands of Covid patients and running out of space and ventilators. Let's see how that will play out.

Labia Vortex
08-10-2021, 06:27 AM
All shops have aircon… how often do they clean the filters
Is the air just recycled
I’m in an at risk group demographically because of my age
Sadly I feel my punting days have come to an end

08-10-2021, 06:52 AM
All shops have aircon… how often do they clean the filters
Is the air just recycled
I’m in an at risk group demographically because of my age
Sadly I feel my punting days have come to an end

I'm in the same boat as you as far as age but I have other reasons as well, the money will be spent on another recreation...cheers

08-10-2021, 07:55 AM
My local coffee place insists to see our Service NSW QR sign-in before they are willing to take my coffee order. I salute them for that.

Having said that, I have a strange feeling way before 1 Dec our hospitals will be seeing thousands of Covid patients and running out of space and ventilators. Let's see how that will play out.

Things are not all that bad heading towards 1 Dec. let’s not forget NSW is nearly 90% 1st dose completed, by all counts, these group of people (most of us are in that boat) should continue on to take the second dose, no ? Abide based on aged 16+ of the population, but kids that are under 16 won’t be punting and are unlikely behaving like an ass out there, right?

So, if 90% of the 16+ would be fully vaccinated by 1 Dec, then the chance of the Covid being spread around will be much less than where we were pre Delta back in June. And even if the cases are still happening post 1 Dec, those of us who are fully vaccinated even when infected , we won’t be that sick and much lesser of a carrier too, that’s how the vaccines supposed to work is it not ?

Say by mid December, we still get say 200-300 cases a day but 95% of them were those unvaccinated and end up in Hospital or ICU, the message will be louder and clearer than anything the government could have thrown at them ?

The good guys and people who did the right things should be winning in the end, let’s just see science does the job!


08-10-2021, 08:16 AM
3 things which could cause us issues and ppl getting sick.

1. Ppl who took astra within the prev 3 months between dose 1 and 2 arent that well protected

2. Pfizer takers whose efficacy wanes after 6 mths

3. New strain

08-10-2021, 08:17 AM
Also ppl who had covid and survived and not vaccinated should have antibodies. But they won't have a double jabbed cert

08-10-2021, 08:23 AM
Things are not all that bad heading towards 1 Dec. let’s not forget NSW is nearly 90% 1st dose completed, by all counts, these group of people (most of us are in that boat) should continue on to take the second dose, no ? Abide based on aged 16+ of the population, but kids that are under 16 won’t be punting and are unlikely behaving like an ass out there, right?

So, if 90% of the 16+ would be fully vaccinated by 1 Dec, then the chance of the Covid being spread around will be much less than where we were pre Delta back in June. And even if the cases are still happening post 1 Dec, those of us who are fully vaccinated even when infected , we won’t be that sick and much lesser of a carrier too, that’s how the vaccines supposed to work is it not ?

Say by mid December, we still get say 200-300 cases a day but 95% of them were those unvaccinated and end up in Hospital or ICU, the message will be louder and clearer than anything the government could have thrown at them ?

The good guys and people who did the right things should be winning in the end, let’s just see science does the job!

CheersGlad to see Ahlungor is an optimist.

The catch with Covid protection is you have to be double jab + social distance controls, both enforced for it to be effective.

Just look at a sunny day on any beach in Sydney and we know ppl won't do social distancing here.

Our new Premier opening up with 100 ppl events, concert for 3000 ppl, choir singing, etc. Masks are even optional indoor at the office where air is recirculated. We know that is a man who doesn't believe in social distancing.

If he looked at countries with 80% or better Vax rate still having thousands in the hospital. He will know he should not override the CHO with his own views.

I wish everyone was like you punting with a mask on for both ML and punter. Safety 1st mate.

08-10-2021, 08:37 AM
Just saw this on MAC's website:

Also, as mandated by the NSW Government, all customers will be required to provide proof of covid-19 vaccination prior to entering the premises, this is a condition of entry.

I reckon this will drive lots of customers away.

08-10-2021, 08:59 AM
Safety 1st mate.

I like the idea of safety first, but for how long would you like us to keep life on hold?

Soon 80% of NSW will be double-vaxxed. There's a large number of us who have done the right thing and are now waiting to get our lives back.

We know that the unvaxxed are going to be hardest hit, they're the ones who will fill the hospitals. But at some point we've just got to say those people made their choice.

08-10-2021, 12:46 PM
Just saw this on MAC's website:

Also, as mandated by the NSW Government, all customers will be required to provide proof of covid-19 vaccination prior to entering the premises, this is a condition of entry.

I reckon this will drive lots of customers away.

I think the opposite - this will drag cautious punters like me in. I'm vaxxed and want to be around other vaxxed folk, not lippy dipshits. If a business is a little lax on the checking, i'll assume unvaxxed are getting in and will move on to a shop who are a little more stringent.

So hopefully a stringent attitude from small businesses becomes a drawcard, not a negative.

In fact, the vaxxed are in the majority. Unvaxxed are not a market you want to appeal to as a business, surely.

08-10-2021, 12:49 PM
I think the opposite - this will drag cautious punters like me in. I'm vaxxed and want to be around other vaxxed folk, not lippy dipshits. If a business is a little lax on the checking, i'll assume unvaxxed are getting in and will move on to a shop who are a little more stringent.

So hopefully a stringent attitude from small businesses becomes a drawcard, not a negative.

In fact, the vaxxed are in the majority. Unvaxxed are not a market you want to appeal to as a business, surely.

I was thinking the same thing. You don't want to appeal to anti-vax market I wouldn't Think, and a business that reassures me that they are taking things seriously is more appealing.

08-10-2021, 09:24 PM
Hopefully they enforce it and not just say that for appearance sake!

09-10-2021, 01:06 AM
Wake up dickhead and stop writing crap on this site.

09-10-2021, 01:07 AM
Sorry this is for tpol

09-10-2021, 02:44 AM
Wake up dickhead and stop writing crap on this site.




BTW, why do you think they just approved the 3rd booster shot?



09-10-2021, 12:44 PM
Things are not all that bad heading towards 1 Dec. let’s not forget NSW is nearly 90% 1st dose completed, by all counts, these group of people (most of us are in that boat) should continue on to take the second dose, no ? Abide based on aged 16+ of the population, but kids that are under 16 won’t be punting and are unlikely behaving like an ass out there, right?

So, if 90% of the 16+ would be fully vaccinated by 1 Dec, then the chance of the Covid being spread around will be much less than where we were pre Delta back in June. And even if the cases are still happening post 1 Dec, those of us who are fully vaccinated even when infected , we won’t be that sick and much lesser of a carrier too, that’s how the vaccines supposed to work is it not ?

Say by mid December, we still get say 200-300 cases a day but 95% of them were those unvaccinated and end up in Hospital or ICU, the message will be louder and clearer than anything the government could have thrown at them ?

The good guys and people who did the right things should be winning in the end, let’s just see science does the job!


Yeh 100%. Out of the 11 reported deaths from Covid in NSW yesterday, 7 were vaccinated. This has been the norm for the past couple months.

The good guys are definitely winning. And science is doing its job.

The bad guys will be stuck at home till the December 1st.

09-10-2021, 01:26 PM
Yeh 100%. Out of the 11 reported deaths from Covid in NSW yesterday, 7 were vaccinated. This has been the norm for the past couple months.

The good guys are definitely winning. And science is doing its job.

The bad guys will be stuck at home till the December 1st.

And out of those 7 who passed away they apparently suffered co-morbidities.
The vaccine doesn't stop tje virus in its tracks, it reduces the viral load and the occurrence of you ending up in hospital and possibly dead.
If you are already ill, you'll still be very vulnerable just like with the flu

09-10-2021, 02:10 PM
And out of those 7 who passed away they apparently suffered co-morbidities.
The vaccine doesn't stop tje virus in its tracks, it reduces the viral load and the occurrence of you ending up in hospital and possibly dead.
If you are already ill, you'll still be very vulnerable just like with the flu

Oh...I thought the vaccine was most needed to help the more vulnerable, like the elderly or those of ill health.

So the 4 that passed that were not vaccinated were all fit, young and healthy?

The science is working a treat, especially when that virus leaked out of that lab in Wuhan and created a worldwide epidemic.

09-10-2021, 05:22 PM
Yeh 100%. Out of the 11 reported deaths from Covid in NSW yesterday, 7 were vaccinated. This has been the norm for the past couple months.

The good guys are definitely winning. And science is doing its job.

The bad guys will be stuck at home till the December 1st.

From SMH:
The deaths were in three women and eight men, with one person in their 50s, one in their 60s, four in their 70s, two in their 80s and three in their 90s.

Four of the people were not vaccinated, three were fully vaccinated and four had received one dose.

09-10-2021, 05:56 PM
I think the opposite - this will drag cautious punters like me in. I'm vaxxed and want to be around other vaxxed folk, not lippy dipshits. If a business is a little lax on the checking, i'll assume unvaxxed are getting in and will move on to a shop who are a little more stringent.

So hopefully a stringent attitude from small businesses becomes a drawcard, not a negative.

In fact, the vaxxed are in the majority. Unvaxxed are not a market you want to appeal to as a business, surely.

I agree and I would like to know if the girls are vaccinated as well, and I want to see proof.

10-10-2021, 09:17 AM
star trek - borg used nano tech to assimilated other being. Hmmm could this been occuring now?

10-10-2021, 09:21 AM
And Khan used bugs from citi alpha 5 to control humans

10-10-2021, 09:52 AM
Any unvaccinated people planning on going on the Monday when shops open? Or just going before December 1st in general?

Shops aren't allowed to open on Monday:


10-10-2021, 10:29 AM
Shops aren't allowed to open on Monday:


Sex premises no but massage parlours yes

10-10-2021, 11:23 AM
Bonza at seven hills is open tomorrow but need to show Vax certificate. Surprise is open a brothel maybe is also license as a massage parlour.

10-10-2021, 11:47 AM
Bonza at seven hills is open tomorrow but need to show Vax certificate. Surprise is open a brothel maybe is also license as a massage parlour.

yes. Same price as before. I will be there Tuesday.

10-10-2021, 10:08 PM
man only fear is unvaxxed people going to shops on 1 Dec..

10-10-2021, 10:20 PM
man only fear is unvaxxed people going to shops on 1 Dec..

you know vaxxed people can still get and pass on the virus right?

10-10-2021, 10:32 PM
Bonza at seven hills is open tomorrow but need to show Vax certificate. Surprise is open a brothel maybe is also license as a massage parlour.
Update new opening 25 Oct with 80% vax. The shop got jump the gun.

Labia Vortex
11-10-2021, 12:28 AM
With QR codes and checks anonymity is compromised
It’s ok if you’re single but if not do you trust the security of the data ?
Just sayin’

11-10-2021, 01:14 AM
With QR codes and checks anonymity is compromised
It’s ok if you’re single but if not do you trust the security of the data ?
Just sayin’
I m more concerns been call. I need to get tested and partner know why I have been and household need to qurentine.

11-10-2021, 08:44 AM
If you don't have COVID, and are not vaccinated, don't see a reason why you can't visit a shop. So much fear for such little reason, it's really sad to see

11-10-2021, 09:11 AM
Bonza at seven hills is open tomorrow but need to show Vax certificate. Surprise is open a brothel maybe is also license as a massage parlour.

It had on there website the 11th and I just checked and now it says the the 25th and even got a message from them saying it's the 25th now

11-10-2021, 10:26 AM
If you don't have COVID, and are not vaccinated, don't see a reason why you can't visit a shop. So much fear for such little reason, it's really sad to see

Absolutely agree. The government has done a good job of scaremongering people

11-10-2021, 10:43 AM
If you don't have COVID, and are not vaccinated, don't see a reason why you can't visit a shop. So much fear for such little reason, it's really sad to see

Because there's still around 500 cases in the community.

If you catch it you have a higher chance of taking a hospital bed

11-10-2021, 10:43 AM
If you don't have COVID, and are not vaccinated, don't see a reason why you can't visit a shop.

The odds of you catching Covid while out punting is higher while you’re unvaccinated, as are your chances of needing to be hospitalised with because of the virus. And I don’t know about you but I was in a serious car accident and needed an ICU bed I sure as shit wouldn’t want it to be filled with someone who could have avoided being in the ward by getting vaccinated.

11-10-2021, 10:58 AM
If you don't have COVID, and are not vaccinated, don't see a reason why you can't visit a shop. So much fear for such little reason, it's really sad to see

I can't believe, with all the discussion in the general media around these very points, that we still are having this conversation.

1. Unvaxxed have a far higher chance of catching Covid
2. Unvaxxed have a far higher chance of pushing the disease on to others, including the vulnerable
3. Unvaxxed have a far higher chance of needing a hospital bed
4. The chances of a bad reaction are less than that of being hit by lightening.
5. Your parents enabled every childhood vaccine which has meant you didn't suffer from terrible blights like polio, tetanus or TB.
6. I read it on a whackjob facebook page isn't research

Every second pharmacy now offers the jab. It takes 1 minute. You might feel a little crook for a day or so. Ffs.

11-10-2021, 11:12 AM
Unfortunately neoliberalism has successfully white-anted any sense of community or collectivism that society once had. People only give a shit about themselves these days and aren’t willing to make sacrifices to help the wider community. Which is ironic given how much they bang on about the ‘ANZAC spirit’

11-10-2021, 11:43 AM
If you don't have COVID, and are not vaccinated, don't see a reason why you can't visit a shop. So much fear for such little reason, it's really sad to see

The problem with people like this is that they are so stupid, they have no idea how stupid they are. You see, If you are very very stupid, then how can you possibly realize that you're very very stupid? You have to be relatively intelligent to realize how stupid you are.

This is known as the Dunning-Kruger effect and it works both ways whereby In order to know how good you are at something requires exactly the same skills as it does to be good at that thing in the first place, if you are absolutely no good at something at all, then you lack exactly the skills you need to know that you are absolutely no good at it.

11-10-2021, 11:48 AM
If you don't have COVID, and are not vaccinated, don't see a reason why you can't visit a shop. So much fear for such little reason, it's really sad to see

Thank god morons like you are in the minority........

11-10-2021, 12:04 PM
Thank god morons like you are in the minority........

Isn't this the purpose of the virus? Like the great floods during Noah's time

11-10-2021, 12:41 PM
For the love of punting, can we please, pretty please.. with a couple of fresh WL'sd on top, not fuck this thread up with a debate on covid, the vacciene, if it works, the probablity of ...
By now everyone has an opinion, and nobody is going to change someone elses on a page about the delights of punting..

I'll even start a new thread for everyone that insists on continuing the debate so the rest of us can think about how hard the cobweb blow will be.


11-10-2021, 12:55 PM
just keep yourself safe. Just assume that there are idiots out there who are being self-righteous.

11-10-2021, 01:05 PM
For the love of punting, can we please, pretty please.. with a couple of fresh WL'sd on top, not fuck this thread up with a debate on covid, the vacciene, if it works, the probablity of ...
By now everyone has an opinion, and nobody is going to change someone elses on a page about the delights of punting..

I'll even start a new thread for everyone that insists on continuing the debate so the rest of us can think about how hard the cobweb blow will be.


Amen to that!


11-10-2021, 03:14 PM
Places large enough to afford security to check vaxx status will do so. A friend running a security company is overwhelmed by demand. Smaller places; your local cafe, massage shop and bistro, nope. Smaller places will rely on goodwill and decency - and the moi roights dipshits have none of that. A restaurant owner won't allow the 20 year front of house kid to go up against some rabid karen.

The unvaxxed will quickly realise this and be all in. Interesting times. The good news is that the vaxx does mean less chance of getting seriously ill.
True it's becuase it's going be a good death for the vaxxed. So no vaxxed will will seriously ill they just died. it means More hospital places for the unvaxxed.

11-10-2021, 03:16 PM
man only fear is unvaxxed people going to shops on 1 Dec..
If you're highly protected by the Vaxx then why are scare of the unvaxxed. Shouldn't the unvaxxed be more scare since they're not protected.

11-10-2021, 03:19 PM
The only thing you can have full control on is that you should be fully vaccinated.

Then you could hope that the MLs or WLs you are going to see are also fully vaccinated. This shouldn’t be too hard to achieve , I’m pretty sure many responsible and well run shops are at that level already.

Then comes the part we have no control, the others unvaccinated punters, if the shop can police that and enforce the health order then all good. But then again , all hell will break loose come 1 December when there ain’t no restriction no more and it’s freedom to all.

Still, you can only control what you can, just like safe sex.

Let’s be careful out there.

WTF you seriously believe the vaxxed won't carry the virus and the vaxxed won't die from the virus

11-10-2021, 03:23 PM
I can't believe, with all the discussion in the general media around these very points, that we still are having this conversation.

1. Unvaxxed have a far higher chance of catching Covid
2. Unvaxxed have a far higher chance of pushing the disease on to others, including the vulnerable
3. Unvaxxed have a far higher chance of needing a hospital bed
4. The chances of a bad reaction are less than that of being hit by lightening.
5. Your parents enabled every childhood vaccine which has meant you didn't suffer from terrible blights like polio, tetanus or TB.
6. I read it on a whackjob facebook page isn't research

Every second pharmacy now offers the jab. It takes 1 minute. You might feel a little crook for a day or so. Ffs.

Do you have any datas and medical journal to support your claims Have you seen country like singapore and Israel. They're nearly 100 vaxxed and yet they covid case and , death rate are still surging. You can't blame the unvaxxed if there's no more unvaxxed left for you to blame.

11-10-2021, 03:24 PM
Also ppl who had covid and survived and not vaccinated should have antibodies. But they won't have a double jabbed cert
You're 1000 %correct. Natural immunity is way better than the vaccine which dosen't work anyway.

11-10-2021, 04:29 PM

11-10-2021, 04:50 PM
For those who went to shops today, do they enforce the vaccination check?
I am fully vaxxed but just wanted to check. In any cases I'm waiting a week or more before the reopening craze calms down

11-10-2021, 05:25 PM
For those who went to shops today, do they enforce the vaccination check?
I am fully vaxxed but just wanted to check. In any cases I'm waiting a week or more before the reopening craze calms down
checked into 10 (7 was mattress and bedding places needed a new mattess)
only 2 asked to see vacination certificate

11-10-2021, 06:02 PM
For those who went to shops today, do they enforce the vaccination check?
I am fully vaxxed but just wanted to check. In any cases I'm waiting a week or more before the reopening craze calms down
No, I went to a massage parlour my regular didn't ask at all. She say was busy and many enquiries from punters. Same price for extra but I give her more.

13-10-2021, 08:13 AM
For the love of punting, can we please, pretty please.. with a couple of fresh WL'sd on top, not fuck this thread up with a debate on covid, the vacciene, if it works, the probablity of ...
By now everyone has an opinion, and nobody is going to change someone elses on a page about the delights of punting..

I'll even start a new thread for everyone that insists on continuing the debate so the rest of us can think about how hard the cobweb blow will be.

Bro, this thread is about unvaxxed people visiting shops. It's got everything to do with COVID.

13-10-2021, 08:20 AM
You're 1000 %correct. Natural immunity is way better than the vaccine which dosen't work anyway.
Of course natural immunity is great, but it is a big roll of the dice, whereas vaccination is controlled. Just compare the death rate from taking the vaccine Vs death by COVID.
I suppose if you're a natural risk taker you'd fancy your odds of surviving it. Kinda comes with the territory of being a punter I guess.

22-10-2021, 09:35 PM
I can't believe, with all the discussion in the general media around these very points, that we still are having this conversation.

1. Unvaxxed have a far higher chance of catching Covid
2. Unvaxxed have a far higher chance of pushing the disease on to others, including the vulnerable
3. Unvaxxed have a far higher chance of needing a hospital bed
4. The chances of a bad reaction are less than that of being hit by lightening.
5. Your parents enabled every childhood vaccine which has meant you didn't suffer from terrible blights like polio, tetanus or TB.
6. I read it on a whackjob facebook page isn't research

Every second pharmacy now offers the jab. It takes 1 minute. You might feel a little crook for a day or so. Ffs.

I can't believe, with all the discussion in the general media around these very points, that we still are having this conversation.
For some people the jabb is a death shot . Some people die instantly . some permanently disable . For some people better just to take the Chance with covid.
You might never ever catch Covid . It's like Doing chemo without Cancer to protect yourself from cancer

22-10-2021, 09:37 PM
Of course natural immunity is great, but it is a big roll of the dice, whereas vaccination is controlled. Just compare the death rate from taking the vaccine Vs death by COVID.
I suppose if you're a natural risk taker you'd fancy your odds of surviving it. Kinda comes with the territory of being a punter I guess.

The Vaccine is more deadly than Covid . Look at taiwan
Taiwan death from COVID-19 vaccination exceeds death from COVID-19

22-10-2021, 09:41 PM
Vaccine sides that our government is hiding from you . There's 100 of thousands of case like this all around the world . In the UK death rate are higher than normal.

Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails: ‘We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There'

23-10-2021, 09:01 AM
First Jab is said to have reached 93%. Highly unlikely that it will get to 93% double Jab as there are so many people exempt from a second jab because of their adverse reaction to the first Jab.

23-10-2021, 10:34 AM
the same people who preach about not knowing what they put in their bodies are probably the same people who take drugs.
i believe this to a certain extent. it may not be all, but a good percentage would be accuarte IMO

04-11-2021, 09:27 PM
If your too stupid to get vaccinated then at least have the sense to respect the girls and stay away

08-11-2021, 03:17 PM
Yeah fully vaxxed here

08-11-2021, 03:17 PM
And I don't think it makes sense for the shops to put themselves at risk for such a small percentage of the population

08-11-2021, 06:35 PM
And I don't think it makes sense for the shops to put themselves at risk for such a small percentage of the population

It all depends on what percentage of punters are vaccinated.. Also only 30% of people registered for the digital pass, so I doubt most will ask..