View Full Version : General talk NSW Borders Opening to the World?

15-10-2021, 10:48 AM
Have you all read the news that Dom is opening NSW borders to the world? If I am reading correctly, anyone will be able to enter NSW.

What do you guys think of this?

15-10-2021, 10:50 AM
Perrottet thinks he is the Prime Minister now :)

15-10-2021, 10:52 AM
I think its because Perrottet comes from a finance background, so all he cares is about the economy and the numbers whereas Gladys does what she thinks is best for the people of NSW, no matter the cost.

15-10-2021, 10:59 AM
As it is always said: "numbers do not lie"

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15-10-2021, 11:00 AM
Only fully vaccinated don't have to qurentine at all. The vaccine have to be approved by TGA. Not vaccinated still have to qurentine.

15-10-2021, 11:00 AM
As it is always said: "numbers do not lie"

Sent from my SM-F916B using Tapatalk

Also, "Hips don't lie". I think we can all agree on that too

15-10-2021, 11:15 AM
This is all politic talk as usual. He "suggested" the borders "could" open. Also only for fully vaccinated and Australians or PR. We are far from having our borders opened. Remember the travel bubble they were talking about last year...

15-10-2021, 11:54 AM
This is all politic talk as usual. He "suggested" the borders "could" open. Also only for fully vaccinated and Australians or PR. We are far from having our borders opened. Remember the travel bubble they were talking about last year...

Pretty sure international border is a Federal decision.

15-10-2021, 12:51 PM
Pretty sure international border is a Federal decision.

Yes they are!!.........

15-10-2021, 12:54 PM
Pretty sure international border is a Federal decision.

The states would still have a say in who they will let in, and how.

15-10-2021, 01:05 PM
I think it's awesome Phuket here I cum

15-10-2021, 01:54 PM
I think its because Perrottet comes from a finance background, so all he cares is about the economy and the numbers whereas Gladys does what she thinks is best for the people of NSW, no matter the cost.

In fairness for sometime now the greatest risk of getting covid has been internal rather than returning travellers.

Hotel quarantine made sense when we had a zero covid mentality, but now that is an impossibility the risk of it getting getting worse due to international arrivals is negligible. Especially if we only allow double vaccinated and provide negative test before boarding.

15-10-2021, 01:55 PM
Pretty sure international border is a Federal decision.

It is. But as the feds have told us for the last 18 months quarantine is a state responsibility.

15-10-2021, 02:43 PM
Scott Morrison has had to do a press conference and basically say "just ignore what the over-excited Catholic schoolboy Premier said" :) :) :)

15-10-2021, 02:46 PM
And it is only returning residents first. Like rooter said sco mo had to jump on him

15-10-2021, 03:11 PM
And it is only returning residents first. Like rooter said sco mo had to jump on him

Yeah Perrottet totally lost the plot today. He got way over-excited.
He said that from November 1 NSW would be open to anyone from anywhere in the world who is double vaccinated to enter NSW - tourists, students, workers, anyone.
This is completely false and as Premier he has no power to make such a decision anyway.
PM Morrison had to do a press conference later on to overrule him and clarify things.
From November 1, Australian residents and citizens currently overseas who are double vaccinated returning to NSW will not have to quarantine.
And from November 1, Australian residents and citizens who are double vaccinated can go on a trip overseas and upon returning to NSW do not have to quarantine.
Australia's borders are not yet open to overseas tourists, workers, students etc, except for a few very specific exceptions for very specific people and situations.

15-10-2021, 03:13 PM
Scomo say I m in charge of the Australian border not you new guy. New guy your just control your state border. Very funny 😀. Don't fuck around who is in charge of the country. Now all the states want internation border open come and see me(Scomo).

15-10-2021, 03:16 PM
Haha, Slenderman Parrot put in his place, over excited. Crazy suggestion if only NSW opens up!

15-10-2021, 03:48 PM
what a clusterfuck today was...
I agree with not having to quarantine under those circumstances, but I think a day 2-3 antigen/normal test should still be done.
Or are we now also saying if you HAVE covid, you dont need to quarantine? Not much is being spoken regarding that.

I'm more worried with Dec 1st no requirement for masks for unvaccinated or vaccinated people anywhere besides public transport.
That will be a disaster for anyone at higher risk and even some US states have changes rules to bring this back.
I feel every 'essential' service should continue to require masks.
For example, you want to punt, go to a restaurant, bar, club etc, its a risk you take...your choice.
Essential services like groceries, govt agencies, medical centers etc will be used by disabled, high risk and old people who have no choice to use these essential services.

15-10-2021, 04:07 PM
what a clusterfuck today was...
I agree with not having to quarantine under those circumstances, but I think a day 2-3 antigen/normal test should still be done.
Or are we now also saying if you HAVE covid, you dont need to quarantine? Not much is being spoken regarding that.

I'm more worried with Dec 1st no requirement for masks for unvaccinated or vaccinated people anywhere besides public transport.
That will be a disaster for anyone at higher risk and even some US states have changes rules to bring this back.
I feel every 'essential' service should continue to require masks.
For example, you want to punt, go to a restaurant, bar, club etc, its a risk you take...your choice.
Essential services like groceries, govt agencies, medical centers etc will be used by disabled, high risk and old people who have no choice to use these essential services.
International arrive still have to do a covid test. Non vaccinated still have to do a 14 days qurentine at hotel as normal. This new guy just want to be clever, Socmo have to close him down. We in NSW are going to have a bumpy ride with the new guy on the driver seat.

15-10-2021, 05:04 PM
The no-quarantine rule is only for fully vaxxed, and had a rapid test before they board the flight. So this group is highly unlikely to be infected; and even if they do get a breakthrough infection after testing, less likely to transmit.

And delta is already in the NSW community, what's one or two more cases?

So I say "So what?" This is such a small deal, not worth worrying about.

👍 Perrottet right call.

15-10-2021, 05:35 PM
One or two case delta can become thousand of cases in weeks even with lockdown, the experience of NSW and now Victoria are good example. If one or two cases doesn’t matter, then what about thousand of cases ?

Ok well we've got thousands of cases in the community right now, yet NSW numbers are going down. Why? Vaccination of course.

We'll be hitting 80% fully vaccinated tomorrow they say, and the part-vaxxed is already over 90% and still going up. The current loosening of restrictions is only for fully vaxxed.

Still not sure what the fuss is about 🤔

15-10-2021, 06:35 PM
I'll say it again, this new guy defo gonna fuck this reopening up. He's just too centred on his old job of Treasurer. Somebody needs to get to this guy and tell him to snap the fuck out of it. Quarantine during a pandemic is literally the only sure bet you can make. Go watch the Godfather 2 and watch the historical scenes when a young Don Corleone gets to the USA. He goes straight to quarantine, because even back then they know better than to let people straight off the transport into the general public.
This premier guy only has $$$$ in his head Bros. Time to set your own rules for your own safety, this Govt can no longer be trusted to do the right thing now.

EDIT: I'll add, from a political POV, it's really bad to have a new guy now because one of his main missions is bound to be to get popular votes to cement his new position. Now is simply not the time to be doing that!

15-10-2021, 07:13 PM
Stay home and hide under your bed some of us want to get on with things

15-10-2021, 07:15 PM
I'll say it again, this new guy defo gonna fuck this reopening up. He's just too centred on his old job of Treasurer. Somebody needs to get to this guy and tell him to snap the fuck out of it. Quarantine during a pandemic is literally the only sure bet you can make. Go watch the Godfather 2 and watch the historical scenes when a young Don Corleone gets to the USA. He goes straight to quarantine, because even back then they know better than to let people straight off the transport into the general public.
This premier guy only has $$$$ in his head Bros. Time to set your own rules for your own safety, this Govt can no longer be trusted to do the right thing now.

EDIT: I'll add, from a political POV, it's really bad to have a new guy now because one of his main missions is bound to be to get popular votes to cement his new position. Now is simply not the time to be doing that!

Stay home and hide under your bed some of us want to get on with things

15-10-2021, 07:31 PM
Stay home and hide under your bed some of us want to get on with things

Like I said, make your own rules. Good luck out there!

15-10-2021, 07:40 PM
Quarantine during a pandemic is literally the only sure bet you can make.

Quarantine in this pandemic didn't work, VIC and NSW proved that.

It's important to remember that restrictions are now loosening only for fully vaxxed, and international travel for fully vaxxed. These are low risk groups.

Also if you don't feel safe, no one's forcing you to leave your home.

We did the right thing: got fully vaxxed, we're at low risk, we want to get our lives back.

This premier guy only has $$$$ in his head Bros. Time to set your own rules for your own safety, this Govt can no longer be trusted to do the right thing now.

Time to take a chill pill. It's going to be fine.

15-10-2021, 07:46 PM
Quarantine in this pandemic didn't work, VIC and NSW proved that.

It's important to remember that restrictions are now loosening only for fully vaxxed, and international travel for fully vaxxed. These are low risk groups.

Also if you don't feel safe, no one's forcing you to leave your home.

We did the right thing: got fully vaxxed, we're at low risk, we want to get our lives back.

Time to take a chill pill. It's going to be fine.

You speak as if you've seen how it will be like without quarantine. I'll admit, neither have I. Let's see how it pans out then, shall we?

And I said in my post, you make your own rules and look after your own safety as you see fit. I'm not telling anyone to stay home or go out. You make up your own decision and go with that.

15-10-2021, 07:49 PM
Quarantine in this pandemic didn't work, VIC and NSW proved that.

It's important to remember that restrictions are now loosening only for fully vaxxed, and international travel for fully vaxxed. These are low risk groups.

Also if you don't feel safe, no one's forcing you to leave your home.

We did the right thing: got fully vaxxed, we're at low risk, we want to get our lives back.

Time to take a chill pill. It's going to be fine.
And also, you should reserve that chill pill for DP. He's the one going berserk trying to chase every $$$ he thinks the state can get. He needs to chill the fuck out seriously.

15-10-2021, 07:50 PM
One or two case delta can become thousand of cases in weeks even with lockdown, the experience of NSW and now Victoria are good example. If one or two cases doesn’t matter, then what about thousand of cases ? Btw, I am against any quarantine or isolation for fully vaccinated people and also contact tracing and testing for vaccinated. To me, it is just waste of resources as the Govts, both NSW and Federal, is treating Covid as “influenza” (though they know well it isn’t) in its strategy and approach towards this virus given that they can’t handle it anymore medically and financially after two years.

More resources should be placed in ambulance for those fully vaccinated can’t stand the symptoms and require hospitalization. Testing, isolation, contact tracing for fully vaccinated seems only to protect only the antivaxers (those medically unfit to receive vaccination excluded) who do not want to protect themselves.

As I stated above. In days of zero covid you would be worried about one or two cases a day coming in from overseas. But when you have 400 cases a day locally, expected to rise back into the thousands (which all the experts say WILL happen) due to easing of restrictions theb two or even 10 cases a day from overseas is nothing. So it comes to a case of balancing risk, and the overseas risk is now minuscule that money in quarantine can and should be invested elsewhere.

15-10-2021, 07:52 PM
Quarantine in this pandemic didn't work, VIC and NSW proved that.

It's important to remember that restrictions are now loosening only for fully vaxxed, and international travel for fully vaxxed. These are low risk groups.

Also if you don't feel safe, no one's forcing you to leave your home.

We did the right thing: got fully vaxxed, we're at low risk, we want to get our lives back.

Time to take a chill pill. It's going to be fine.

It did work. It kept us safer than most countries for the best part of 12+ months. We all want to consider ourselves lucky the system worked as well as it did. Imagine facing a major outbreak without vaccine. But now we have vaccines and now the genie is out of the bottle times have changed.

15-10-2021, 07:57 PM
Quarantine in this pandemic didn't work, VIC and NSW proved that.

It's important to remember that restrictions are now loosening only for fully vaxxed, and international travel for fully vaxxed. These are low risk groups.

Also if you don't feel safe, no one's forcing you to leave your home.

We did the right thing: got fully vaxxed, we're at low risk, we want to get our lives back.

Time to take a chill pill. It's going to be fine.

I'll say it again, this new guy defo gonna fuck this reopening up. He's just too centred on his old job of Treasurer. Somebody needs to get to this guy and tell him to snap the fuck out of it. Quarantine during a pandemic is literally the only sure bet you can make. Go watch the Godfather 2 and watch the historical scenes when a young Don Corleone gets to the USA. He goes straight to quarantine, because even back then they know better than to let people straight off the transport into the general public.
This premier guy only has $$$$ in his head Bros. Time to set your own rules for your own safety, this Govt can no longer be trusted to do the right thing now.

EDIT: I'll add, from a political POV, it's really bad to have a new guy now because one of his main missions is bound to be to get popular votes to cement his new position. Now is simply not the time to be doing that!

I’ll say it again too. When you have significant case numbers IN the community already, quarantine of overseas arrivals is going to make little to no difference. More so when you add in extra conditions like needing to be double vaccinated to get on the plane and show a negative covid test.

Speaking of covid tests someone above said it will be a rapid test, what I read was the test is PCR which is not a rapid test. By that it’s done in a lab rather than the rapid tests where a sample goes into a throw away test.

15-10-2021, 07:59 PM
You speak as if you've seen how it will be like without quarantine.

From my POV it's less about how it will be like, more about what more can you expect?

If at this point you don't think DP should be letting the fully vaxxed out of lockdown, what more do you expect, and what do you think is going to change?

If you can't say what you expect to change, does that mean the fully vaxxed simply need to stay locked down forever?

15-10-2021, 08:25 PM
From my POV it's less about how it will be like, more about what more can you expect?

If at this point you don't think DP should be letting the fully vaxxed out of lockdown, what more do you expect, and what do you think is going to change?

If you can't say what you expect to change, does that mean the fully vaxxed simply need to stay locked down forever?
I did not say that the fully vaxxed should stay locked down. I said that DP letting international arrivals lose without quarantine, vaxxed or not, was a bad idea because everybody knows that the vaccines do not prevent infection nor do they prevent someone from becoming a carrier. So what is his basis for letting vaxxed arrivals escape quarantine? Apart from trying to make NSW more attractive as a tourist destination, there is no other argument.

I am also against his tendency to suddenly "add-on" more freedoms out of nowhere, again with no basis whatsoever. Increase outdoor gathering size? Based on what? He needs more popular votes? Or increase wedding attendance sizes... Based on what

15-10-2021, 08:32 PM
So what is his basis for letting vaxxed arrivals escape quarantine?

The basis is the greater risk is already walking around the streets of Sydney. Those coming in on a plane from overseas now pose very little risk. When we had zero covid different story. And we ain’t going back to zero covid.

15-10-2021, 10:19 PM
While I am against quarantine, isolation and contact tracing for the fully vaccinated, you are certainly wrong in the eyes of any Public Health professionals and responsible Politicians, otherwise Scott Morrison would not step in and ruled that only fully vaccinated returning citizens or PR can avoid quarantine. Luckily you are nobody who is only expressing an opinion like me and any other persons here.

There are over 2,000 cases daily in South Korea but there is still quarantine requirements at home or hotel for travellers or returning Koreans. In UK, over 60,000 cases daily, still quarantine requirements for all incoming travellers or UK residents whether fully vaccinated or not.

NSW Premier is nothing when compared with the PM of Australia and UK

Well PM of Australia is going ahead with it the only difference to what NSW premier said was no foreigners except PR’s. And I am sure the NSW premier has received his expert medical advice before making this decision.

As for UK sorry to burst your bubble but if you and I could leave the country today we would be allowed into the UK without quarantine. All you need there is a test within the first few days of arrival and be double vaccinated. They do have certain countries that they consider to be higher risk where there is more restriction and quarantine but they have never ever had anything like the quarantine system we have had here.

As for Korea what’s the vaccination rate? Answer a smidge over 60%. There is your answer why still quarantine there.Also a lower case rate per capita.

16-10-2021, 05:47 AM
The basis is the greater risk is already walking around the streets of Sydney. Those coming in on a plane from overseas now pose very little risk. When we had zero covid different story. And we ain’t going back to zero covid.
You're talking about extremes here, brother. Zero COVID may not be achievable, but that doesn't mean you should just let it lose. Compare 400 daily cases to 4000 daily cases. Both are not covid zero, but the effect on the health system will be vastly different.

Having said all that, I did say earlier that all the lockdowns and shit that the Govt has been doing were simply to buy us time so that we can all get vaccinated. They simply cannot continue doing that indefinitely. Now the time has come to open the flood gates. We will all just have to look at our own situation and impose our own restrictions if we think it is the right thing to do.

Good luck to us all!

Fred Flintstone
16-10-2021, 06:19 AM
Perrottet should be PM. He’s the only one with conviction, courage and true leadership skills. Scomo has been a disappointment- just a waivering Labor Lite

16-10-2021, 06:46 AM
You're talking about extremes here, brother. Zero COVID may not be achievable, but that doesn't mean you should just let it lose. Compare 400 daily cases to 4000 daily cases. Both are not covid zero, but the effect on the health system will be vastly different.

Having said all that, I did say earlier that all the lockdowns and shit that the Govt has been doing were simply to buy us time so that we can all get vaccinated. They simply cannot continue doing that indefinitely. Now the time has come to open the flood gates. We will all just have to look at our own situation and impose our own restrictions if we think it is the right thing to do.

Good luck to us all!

Too late, we are letting loose. What do you think happened in Sydney last Monday and more to come this cuming Monday? Everyone, pollies and medical experts has said case numbers will go up and are expected to be in the thousands not the hundreds a day.

Why that is ok now and not 3 months ago is vaccination levels. Whilst case numbers will go up hospital numbers and deaths won’t go up by the same proportion as case numbers. This has been proven in places like the UK, Israel etc.

16-10-2021, 07:56 AM
I think you all need to calm down, we're almost at 80% vaxx and we're free from travel restrictions in the greater Sydney area and its the weekend. Go out have some fun, blow off some steam, do some shopping.
I'll be taking the train into the city today and just have a wonder around...but I'll still be wearing a mask, just my personal choice even though I'm double vaxxed.
I don't really care anymore what the governments do because whatever I say or do they don't give a shit about my opinion or yours they only care about being re elected, look at Qld and WA.

16-10-2021, 08:28 AM
I think you all need to calm down, we're almost at 80% vaxx and we're free from travel restrictions in the greater Sydney area and its the weekend. Go out have some fun, blow off some steam, do some shopping.
I'll be taking the train into the city today and just have a wonder around...but I'll still be wearing a mask, just my personal choice even though I'm double vaxxed.
I don't really care anymore what the governments do because whatever I say or do they don't give a shit about my opinion or yours they only care about being re elected, look at Qld and WA.
Enjoy the freedom and stay safe bro!

16-10-2021, 10:25 AM
I think you all need to calm down, we're almost at 80% vaxx and we're free from travel restrictions in the greater Sydney area and its the weekend. Go out have some fun, blow off some steam, do some shopping.
I'll be taking the train into the city today and just have a wonder around...but I'll still be wearing a mask, just my personal choice even though I'm double vaxxed.
I don't really care anymore what the governments do because whatever I say or do they don't give a shit about my opinion or yours they only care about being re elected, look at Qld and WA.
WA and QLD don’t have to worry about elections for a few more years seeing both had one earlier this year.

SA does which also happens to be a Liberal state but you don’t hear much about their border stance which is similar to WA and QLD. Same too with TAS.

But the political issue for those states is they are still effectively at covid zero or close to it, so the sell to the public to open up even to other states let alone international is that much harder.

NSW, Vic and ACT have all gone beyond the point of no return to zero. And all well on way to high vaccination rates and all have forewarned the public to expect more cases as we open up.

Which all gets back to the point I have been making with increasing cases domestically the risk of introducing a dozen more a day from overseas is negligible. In some ways you can control and vet international arrivals (through testing) which makes it a lesser risk than going to work (which is still the second most likely place to get covid after the home).

16-10-2021, 11:23 AM
stay safe bro!

This sign off is now redundant. As we are all going to catch it in the next year or two there is no such thing as staying safe. There is only "stay vaccinated." WA SA and Qld are finally coming around to this realisation.

16-10-2021, 11:25 AM
This sign off is now redundant. As we are all going to catch it in the next year or two there is no such thing as staying safe. There is only "stay vaccinated." WA SA and Qld are finally coming around to this realisation.

Once you are double vaccinated then catching covid will be like a third booster shot :)

16-10-2021, 11:25 AM
As for UK sorry to burst your bubble but if you and I could leave the country today we would be allowed into the UK without quarantine. All you need there is a test within the first few days of arrival and be double vaccinated. They do have certain countries that they consider to be higher risk where there is more restriction and quarantine but they have never ever had anything like the quarantine system we have had here.

As for Korea what’s the vaccination rate? Answer a smidge over 60%. There is your answer why still quarantine there.Also a lower case rate per capita.

So by your example of UKs quarantine logic (10 days i believe), all UK and US should have to do quarantine in Aus then.
UK has less than 3x our population and 45k cases and 155 deaths yesterday vs our 2500/10~. For Australia, they are a super high risk country.

We should therefore let in taiwan, sg, hk, korea,nz, china maybe japan and some euro countries without quarantine before UK. I'm sure most on this forum would prefer that anyway ;)
If you are going to suggest that vaccination is the indication for 'at risk' country, it doesnt make sense because we know vaccination doesn't prevent you from catching it, therefore it shouldn't matter if a vaccinated UK traveler goes to a high vaccinated country then has to 10 day quarantine vs low vaccinated. Also i believe NSW is close if not higher than UK vax rate now.
Basically UK are high risk.

Also the test after returning to Aus is important - did nsw say we would be doing that? An example is a UK person could do the test 72hrs before, then easily catch covid form the 100s of people they come in contact with in the days after inc the airport.
Spreading it all over NSW once here.

16-10-2021, 02:23 PM
So by your example of UKs quarantine logic (10 days i believe), all UK and US should have to do quarantine in Aus then.
UK has less than 3x our population and 45k cases and 155 deaths yesterday vs our 2500/10~. For Australia, they are a super high risk country.

We should therefore let in taiwan, sg, hk, korea,nz, china maybe japan and some euro countries without quarantine before UK. I'm sure most on this forum would prefer that anyway ;)
If you are going to suggest that vaccination is the indication for 'at risk' country, it doesnt make sense because we know vaccination doesn't prevent you from catching it, therefore it shouldn't matter if a vaccinated UK traveler goes to a high vaccinated country then has to 10 day quarantine vs low vaccinated. Also i believe NSW is close if not higher than UK vax rate now.
Basically UK are high risk.

Also the test after returning to Aus is important - did nsw say we would be doing that? An example is a UK person could do the test 72hrs before, then easily catch covid form the 100s of people they come in contact with in the days after inc the airport.
Spreading it all over NSW once here.

You are mistaken about 10 days quarantine in the uk. I thought I made that point clear that entry to there is the same as what is planned for here. Double vaccinated and tested except for a very small number of countries that they consider to be high risk.

And they are NOT a super high risk country to Australia. They have a high vaccination rate and so do we. Vaccination rate is the whole key to it. And yes they have high case numbers but the vast majority of those cases now are very minor due to vaccination. And now we have high vaccination rates and have opened up we too will see cases go up, but serious illness will not go up by the same rate due to vaccination. Not hard to understand is it.

And as I keep harping on about when cases here go up the treat of a dozen a day from international arrivals is trivial.

17-10-2021, 07:37 AM
I was out and about the City yesterday. It has well and truly opened up now. People were out everywhere. So much bare flesh on display. Everywhere I looked there was a long slim pair of sexy legs on display. A deep cleavage exposed. Or a fit toned midriff.
FMD girls, you really know how to make us horny!
I don't think I can hold off punting much longer. Fuck covid, bring on the reopening!

17-10-2021, 09:35 AM
I was out and about the City yesterday. It has well and truly opened up now. People were out everywhere. So much bare flesh on display. Everywhere I looked there was a long slim pair of sexy legs on display. A deep cleavage exposed. Or a fit toned midriff.
FMD girls, you really know how to make us horny!
I don't think I can hold off punting much longer. Fuck covid, bring on the reopening!

I was watching Channel 7 yesterday for the racing , but all eyes where on the ladies who were all dressed up and showing plenty.

The group of owners were jumping up and down when their horse Incentivise won the Cup. One lady was wearing a black cocktail dress with deep V opening at the front, C Cups natural , no bra, when she was so excited and her tits swinging about, what a sight ! No doubt she will be getting plenty while riding CG sometimes later last night……….haha

17-10-2021, 10:25 AM
While you still have a lot of cases you at least have a roadmap out. Here in Auckland we are just locked down still. Maybe I'll be able to visit Sydney again this decade?!

At least you guys are all getting to enjoy yourselves in the best punting city in the world again.