View Full Version : General talk Checking in and proof of identity

26-10-2021, 08:59 AM
I haven't been to the shops since they opened last week. I am giving it some time as I believe they would be super busy and most services will be rushed but I am a bit concerned about checking in and let that info flow into all different agencies. I am ok with presenting my vaccine certificate but if you have been to shops, is this mandatory to check in with Servicd NSW app / QR code?

26-10-2021, 09:05 AM
I haven't been to the shops since they opened last week. I am giving it some time as I believe they would be super busy and most services will be rushed but I am a bit concerned about checking in and let that info flow into all different agencies. I am ok with presenting my vaccine certificate but if you have been to shops, is this mandatory to check in with Servicd NSW app / QR code?

Not specific to punting but I've found that nobody cares if you check in anymore. Just pull up your cert on the app and show people. That's all they look at.

26-10-2021, 09:41 AM
I've been to 3 places in the last week and only one didn't ask for QR check-in, just seeing my vaccination certificate was okay.

Saw a guy walk out because be didn't have a vaccination certificate.7478674787

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26-10-2021, 10:09 AM
I am ok with presenting my vaccine certificate but if you have been to shops, is this mandatory to check in with Servicd NSW app / QR code?

How many times has it been posted here that you have to be able to check in manually if you don't want to QR?

26-10-2021, 11:15 AM
I've been to two places so far and none asked me to check in or ask for vax..

26-10-2021, 05:27 PM
I wish we could all just move on. You have to check in wherever you go. Sign in if you want to risk it. Either do it or just don’t go.

08-11-2021, 11:49 PM
I've just been asked for vax

08-11-2021, 11:57 PM
I know that almost all shops don’t even ask for sign in QR. most likely just vac cert.

The problem is will we/shops get fine or should the shop be worried where as no data or too little on record if an audit comes?

08-11-2021, 11:59 PM
Most offer a manual option for check in and ask for vax

09-11-2021, 01:25 AM
Has any of you actually bothered to check the rules from the NSW website????


Hairdressers, beauty salons and massage premises

Hairdressers, spas, nail salons, beauty salons, waxing salons, tanning salons, tattoo parlours and massage parlours can open.

If you are fully vaccinated you can visit a hairdresser, beauty salon or massage premises. You must:

- carry vaccination evidence with you and produce it for inspection to a police officer or authorised officer if requested
- check in with the Service NSW app or provide your contact details to the occupier
- follow the face mask rules.

Obviously, while Brothels have been allowed to open, the NSW government Christian liberal morality rules prohibits mentioning them on a government website :thirst:

In regards to the mask rules there are many exceptions, but the below would be relevant to what we are talking about here.

Bold and Italic comments are obviously NOT on the website - lol

A person can remove their face mask if they are:

- eating or drinking (DATY or receiving a golden shower)

... (many more exceptions here, but not relevant to this)

- they are not in the part of the building that is a retail premises, hospitality venue, or an indoor recreation facility ( Not sure if these would be considered indoor recreation facilities)
- providing goods and services and the person needs to remove their mask to provide those goods or services properly (DFK, BJ, BBBJ, Rimming...)

09-11-2021, 08:14 AM
Here's hoping the QR's are gone in December, that's what the govt wants apparently.....
I had to check in last week, used their iPad, but it still wanted a mobile no, then texted a conf code, which of course I didn't get at first (someone did!). I ended up putting my number in, but wasn't happy.... can you give an email address? At least it isn't in my sign-in history....
I did the same in May, but it didn't ask for a conf code then, must have been upgraded... :(

09-11-2021, 08:23 AM
I’ve been to Ginza a couple of times since lockdown and each time been asked to sign in either manually or using the service NSW app, vaccine cert was requested first time I went too.

09-11-2021, 12:10 PM
Seems like only Brothels are asking, I could be wrong? Have only seen MLs and there’s been no checkin

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09-11-2021, 12:24 PM
Seems like only Brothels are asking, I could be wrong? Have only seen MLs and there’s been no checkin

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Brothels have a lot more to lose if caught out

09-11-2021, 05:32 PM
I haven’t been back to RNT since lockdown ended. Just wondering if shops require QR code check in and double jab confirmation. Also, do you keep your masks on inside the room? Thank you!

Labia Vortex
09-11-2021, 06:03 PM
RnT places don't seem fussed by Vax Certificate or QR Code
For me...,I'll keep the mask on unless a nipple is in my mouth...after being wiped down of course

09-11-2021, 06:08 PM
Went to a RnT recently. I wasn’t asked to show vaxx or check in. ML went in with a mask on but after seeing that I didn’t wear a mask she also took hers off.

09-11-2021, 08:50 PM
RnT places don't seem fussed by Vax Certificate or QR Code
For me...,I'll keep the mask on unless a nipple is in my mouth...after being wiped down of course

Cheers. Thanks !

11-11-2021, 01:05 AM
Interesting lay of the land. I’m actually returning from NYC, so will be an adjustment in being back in Australia.

In NY, there was no check in construct, but the ML would be wearing their mask the entire session.

I assume this will evolve in time in Sydney. I’ll do more research, but it seems crazy of the massage spots to need their customers to leave a paper trail

11-11-2021, 07:09 AM
Interesting lay of the land. I’m actually returning from NYC, so will be an adjustment in being back in Australia.

In NY, there was no check in construct, but the ML would be wearing their mask the entire session.

I assume this will evolve in time in Sydney. I’ll do more research, but it seems crazy of the massage spots to need their customers to leave a paper trail

They are hamstrung by the law, although I suspect a lot aren't complying. Thankfully the services minister is 'keen to retire the QR code system' in December.....

11-11-2021, 08:22 AM
Went to a RnT recently. I wasn’t asked to show vaxx or check in. ML went in with a mask on but after seeing that I didn’t wear a mask she also took hers off.

Cheers for the info!

11-11-2021, 08:51 AM
I phoned the local FS shop before going in last week, to check if the girls had to keep masks on during a service. If they did, I wasn't going to bother, but no - just masks in the place, masks off in the room.

12-11-2021, 02:55 PM
All this nonsense will be coming to an end soon, qr, vax certificates etc...

12-11-2021, 03:23 PM
All this nonsense will be coming to an end soon, qr, vax certificates etc...

Only worries people who have something to hide....

12-11-2021, 03:44 PM
Only worries people who have something to hide....

Who said anything about worried, you're the one hiding inside aren't you?

12-11-2021, 03:49 PM
Who said anything about worried, you're the one hiding inside aren't you?

Inside where??????, Really I don't give a shit what you think, I have been to a local, even knowing me I still have given the required info.........move on

Fred Flintstone
12-11-2021, 03:55 PM
I went to Kyoto206 this week and there is no QR code, no manual form to sign and no vaccination certificate required. The receptionist was wearing a mask though LOL.

12-11-2021, 05:55 PM
I went to Kyoto206 this week and there is no QR code, no manual form to sign and no vaccination certificate required. The receptionist was wearing a mask though LOL.

Its all a bit of a joke these days.
Everyone just pretends to follow the rules but the simple fact is that from day 1 of this pandemic Australia has been different to the rest of the world, not because we are better or smarter or whatever than the rest of the world , but simply because we are a remote island at the arse end of the world. Sometimes its a curse and sometimes its a blessing. With the pandemic it has been a blessing. Even incompetent idiots like Morrison, Andrews, Palashiuk and the clowns in SA and WA and NT and Tas have got us through. Thats how easy it is to do. You could put a chimpanzee or platypus or possum in charge of Australia and everything would still be Ok. Even fuckwits like Howard, Whitlam, Abbot and Rudd couldn't manage to fuck up our beautiful country though they did have a red hot go.

12-11-2021, 07:45 PM
Its all a bit of a joke these days.
Everyone just pretends to follow the rules but the simple fact is that from day 1 of this pandemic Australia has been different to the rest of the world, not because we are better or smarter or whatever than the rest of the world , but simply because we are a remote island at the arse end of the world. Sometimes its a curse and sometimes its a blessing. With the pandemic it has been a blessing. Even incompetent idiots like Morrison, Andrews, Palashiuk and the clowns in SA and WA and NT and Tas have got us through. Thats how easy it is to do. You could put a chimpanzee or platypus or possum in charge of Australia and everything would still be Ok. Even fuckwits like Howard, Whitlam, Abbot and Rudd couldn't manage to fuck up our beautiful country though they did have a red hot go.

100% everything you've said...Why don't you run for PM....you got my vote.

12-11-2021, 08:23 PM
Its all a bit of a joke these days.
Everyone just pretends to follow the rules but the simple fact is that from day 1 of this pandemic Australia has been different to the rest of the world, not because we are better or smarter or whatever than the rest of the world , but simply because we are a remote island at the arse end of the world. Sometimes its a curse and sometimes its a blessing. With the pandemic it has been a blessing. Even incompetent idiots like Morrison, Andrews, Palashiuk and the clowns in SA and WA and NT and Tas have got us through. Thats how easy it is to do. You could put a chimpanzee or platypus or possum in charge of Australia and everything would still be Ok. Even fuckwits like Howard, Whitlam, Abbot and Rudd couldn't manage to fuck up our beautiful country though they did have a red hot go.
We are such a lucky country we haven't fuck up yet maybe. You have gotten our Gold Standard Glady or the NSW new guy.

13-11-2021, 04:41 PM
...Thankfully the services minister is 'keen to retire the QR code system' in December.....

Let's see what happens in December. The way some countries around the world are mandating green passes with QR codes for all venues suggests we haven't seen the last of QR codes. It will be a part of our life from now on.

15-11-2021, 10:20 AM
Let's see what happens in December. The way some countries around the world are mandating green passes with QR codes for all venues suggests we haven't seen the last of QR codes. It will be a part of our life from now on.

Yes, we'll see.... Perrottet does seem keen for a return to normal though.
I wonder too - working girls for the most part seem do it on the side, how many of them if they are shown positive are going to tell public health what they do as their second job?

15-11-2021, 10:59 AM
I went to Kyoto206 this week and there is no QR code, no manual form to sign and no vaccination certificate required. The receptionist was wearing a mask though LOL.
Maybe wearing a mask makes more sense than all this QR code and vax check. What the point if people can show or write fake name?

15-11-2021, 11:17 AM
Only worries people who have something to hide....
So basically everyone....

15-11-2021, 11:48 AM
Just a thought if you don't want to check in, but need to show your vax certificate:

First, go to some other establishment close by and QR check in, you will get to your certificate.

Go to your shop, pretend to check in with their QR; then just show your already active certificate. I've never been asked to go back and show the actual location.

15-11-2021, 02:13 PM
Just a thought if you don't want to check in, but need to show your vax certificate:

First, go to some other establishment close by and QR check in, you will get to your certificate.

Go to your shop, pretend to check in with their QR; then just show your already active certificate. I've never been asked to go back and show the actual location.

Good idea - there is an office works over the road, I might try that next time.....

15-11-2021, 03:22 PM
Let's see what happens in December. The way some countries around the world are mandating green passes with QR codes for all venues suggests we haven't seen the last of QR codes. It will be a part of our life from now on.

Don't think so, business will not continue to enforce this rubbish on behalf of the government, its not their responsibility.. It won't last, just watch and see...

15-11-2021, 03:32 PM
Just a thought if you don't want to check in, but need to show your vax certificate:

First, go to some other establishment close by and QR check in, you will get to your certificate.

Go to your shop, pretend to check in with their QR; then just show your already active certificate. I've never been asked to go back and show the actual location.

That’s not going to work as your check-in shows the name of the location you have checked in at.

15-11-2021, 04:10 PM
Are you serious SCOMO has been fucking this country sideways, doggy you name it in all positions. We just lost China our biggest trading partner. It's what kept Australia prosper all these years. Now Scomo is picking a fight with China with his buddy the usa. We do the dirty work while the usa take our trades from China. If SCOMO is re elected in the next elections. The Australian got themselves to blame for jobless and the decline of Australia.

15-11-2021, 04:41 PM
Are you serious SCOMO has been fucking this country sideways, doggy you name it in all positions. We just lost China our biggest trading partner. It's what kept Australia prosper all these years. Now Scomo is picking a fight with China with his buddy the usa. We do the dirty work while the usa take our trades from China. If SCOMO is re elected in the next elections. The Australian got themselves to blame for jobless and the decline of Australia.

So you think that "each way Albo" will do a better job? Even "I don't know " gets a higher approval rating than " Albo" as preferred PM

15-11-2021, 05:06 PM
Are you serious SCOMO has been fucking this country sideways, doggy you name it in all positions. We just lost China our biggest trading partner. It's what kept Australia prosper all these years. Now Scomo is picking a fight with China with his buddy the usa. We do the dirty work while the usa take our trades from China. If SCOMO is re elected in the next elections. The Australian got themselves to blame for jobless and the decline of Australia.

I have to say I do agree. We're losing trade deals whilst the USA with all its rhetoric is benefiting from more trade with China. Like wtf.

15-11-2021, 06:10 PM
Wow...we went from "checking in and proof of identity" to Australian trade deals with China and diplomacy with the USA. Love it.

15-11-2021, 07:54 PM
Wow...we went from "checking in and proof of identity" to Australian trade deals with China and diplomacy with the USA. Love it.
Australia is the 51st state of America. All this vaccines BS and vaccines certificates, booster shot started in America.

15-11-2021, 08:05 PM
So you think that "each way Albo" will do a better job? Even "I don't know " gets a higher approval rating than " Albo" as preferred PMI used to vote for the liberal party in the past when they were moderate. The Liberal party today is pure extremism. Talking about war, billions to missiles and submarines. Even fuck over their long time French allies and other allies whenever they have a chance at kissing up to the USA even though nobody there even knows who the hell Scomo is. At this point, I'd rather vote for a wombat than cast another vote for the Liberal party.

15-11-2021, 08:53 PM
Are you serious SCOMO has been fucking this country sideways, doggy you name it in all positions. We just lost China our biggest trading partner. It's what kept Australia prosper all these years. Now Scomo is picking a fight with China with his buddy the usa. We do the dirty work while the usa take our trades from China. If SCOMO is re elected in the next elections. The Australian got themselves to blame for jobless and the decline of Australia.
If things go on like this with China very soon we won't be fucking their women and have a cheap massage.

15-11-2021, 09:24 PM
That’s not going to work as your check-in shows the name of the location you have checked in at.

The vax certificate does not show the location. Read again; you don't seem to need to show where you checked in.

15-11-2021, 09:37 PM
The vax certificate does not show the location. Read again; you don't seem to need to show where you checked in.
Read again, Your check-in shows the location. I am referring to the checkin process

If you just want to show your vaccination certificate, you don’t even need to check in anywhere. Your certificate can be stored offline in your mobile wallet, as a PDF, image or in the Medicare app.

15-11-2021, 10:05 PM
For me at Miss Heavens last Sunday morning: I showed reception a photo of my vax certificate on my phone.
I was given the option of QR sign in or paper. I opted for paper. The receptionist asked for my phone number - and nothing more.

15-11-2021, 10:06 PM
That’s not going to work as your check-in shows the name of the location you have checked in at.

That's right - I think you're hoping they don't scrutinise it too hard.....

15-11-2021, 10:09 PM
I have been to a few of the bigger well known FS shops over the last few weeks. No one asked me for anything

16-11-2021, 01:16 AM
not their responsibility to verify the check in is correct, you get the fine if they come knocking.. I can make a 100% irrefutable statement on the matter.. checked in, not checked in.. whatever.. if I get interrupted for some bullshit audit on a checkin that was 'just to track the spread until they poisoned us all with the optional cocktail' mid punt for summin that wont matter for anyone in a few days, ill loooose my shit.

16-11-2021, 10:57 AM
definitely would prefer no check-in .... sounds good

16-11-2021, 11:35 AM
Have been asked in massage parlours but have used paper