View Full Version : General talk ICYMI: Man sleeps with 57 women in 24 hours

27-12-2021, 02:03 PM
Oh buoy! Would like my fellow punters to read this

A 34-year old man from Singapore has broken a 34-year record by successfully having intercourse with 57 different women within a 24-hour period.

The erstwhile record holder successfully had sex with 55 women in a 24-hour period in 1983.

The record was set in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic, as part of an annual event run by a local brothel.

The man, who was not named by local Czech media, told reporters that he had been training hard for months and was delighted to have broken the previous record, which stood at 55.

“I’ve always been a bit of a sex addict, and when I learned that the brothel was having a world record attempt, I knew I had to come and give it a go,” he said.

“I took it really seriously and trained for it just like an athlete would prepare for a marathon. In some ways, it’s actually much harder than a lot of professional sports.”

The world record attempt began at midnight local time, with officials looking on as the man commenced intercourse with his first partner.

“For the world record to count, every woman I slept with had to be different, so the venue had to hire a number of girls from other brothels,” the unnamed man said.

By midday, he was ahead of world-record pace, having slept with 29 women.

“I started to get a bit of a cramp around then, but luckily, we had a physiotherapist on hand to give me a massage, which helped out,” he told journalists.

As part of the conditions attached to the world record, no challenger is allowed to take any prescription medicine to enhance their erection, and the Singaporean man passed a test to reveal his system was clear of such medication.

“Natural remedies are permitted, but I won’t disclose what supplements I take,” he said.

In addition, for each individual session of intercourse to count, the participant must ejaculate more than 5ml of semen.

The record officials were on hand to dutifully measure the amount of fluid ejaculated by the man at the end of each session.

“It’s not the most sought-after job, but we find it rewarding in our own way,” said one of the judges involved.

The previous record holder, an American porn actor, slept with 55 women within a single 24-hour period back in 1983 as a promotional stunt for a new film release.

For decades, men around the world have tried – and failed – to break that mark.

“I personally never thought the record would be broken,” said one judge. “It’s a true credit to this man’s determination and perseverance.”

Just shortly before 11pm, the man broke the record after he completed his 56th session of intercourse, and officials were impressed when he decided to add one more to the tally to finish with 57.

Officials believe it will be unlikely for the record to ever be broken, particularly as such a high volume of sex in a short period of time causes great trauma to the penis.

“As soon as he finished his 57th partner, he was rushed to hospital for treatment to his penis,” said one official.

“In the past, men have actually chafed their penis so much attempting to break the record that they’ve had to have skin grafts; and in one severe case, amputation was actually required.

Clearly it’s a risky record to break.”

. Europe Herald.

28-12-2021, 08:57 AM
Number 57 must’ve been one foxy lady for him to want to go for it after all that! Bravo!

28-12-2021, 09:02 AM
Top kek
Supreme gentleman

28-12-2021, 10:05 AM
Did he have to pay for all 57 girls or was it like those food challenges. If you complete them all it's free?

28-12-2021, 10:13 AM
How would you like the job of "Official Semen Measurer" , would look good on your CV for your next job application............

30-12-2021, 02:01 PM
I’m more impressed by the amount of semen ejaculated and measured. 5x57=285ml and that’s the very least. Almost a can of coke

30-12-2021, 02:16 PM
I’m more impressed by the amount of semen ejaculated and measured. 5x57=285ml and that’s the very least. Almost a can of coke

Don't you just shoot air once you start cumming multiple times in a couple of hours? Or very little semen....takes time for the body to produce it.

30-12-2021, 02:29 PM
Nope.. Its a completion it seems... They go through some criteria to choose the candidate.... Its in world records as well..

30-12-2021, 02:35 PM
here you go.. somemore records.. which are not broken yet......

1. The fastest change of sex partners

American actress Lisa Sparks (stage name – Sparxxx) is known at our online drugstore as the record holder for the frequency of sex. In 2004, she won a sex marathon, coping with 919 men in 12 hours. Each sexual intercourse lasted an average of 45 seconds.

2. The most frequent sex with one partner

Unconditional leadership does not belong to rabbits like many thinks, but male Australian scaly crickets Ornebius aperta. According to biologists from the trustworthy online drugstores where you can buy affordable meds, insects are able to make love with the same partner 50 times in three to four hours.

This number is justified by cricket’s desire to increase discounts on the pills and its chances of becoming a father. The fact that females for puberty have time to change up to 40 partners without viagra. And also have a habit after sex to squeeze out sperm and eat it. So we have to help sexual life and start all over again.

3. Strongest penis

In 1995, the master of martial arts from international pharmacy managed to tear off the ground and lift the weight by 60 cm 120 kg. Not everyone can find best brand-name drugs even with two hands. And Mr. Wang did it with one penis in an erection.

4. Longest penis

For a long time, the record holder of the length was considered a blue whale. It is expected that the largest mammal and penis is not medical products, namely under 3 m in length and 30 cm in diameter. Curiously, during the period of inactivity, the penis with cialis is neatly wrapped in an S-shaped loop and stored inside the giant. And if necessary, it sits out through the genital slit.

In 2015, naturalist photographer from our online drugstores managed to film the mating games of the southern whales. Caught in the frame 4-meter phallus left no doubt about who the real champion.

In the world of men, the title of the longest penis since 1999 is worn by American actor and TV presenter John Falcon. In an excited state with levitra, his penis reaches 34 cm. The record holder complains of severe dizziness during an erection: too much blood rushes sharply to the child-bearing organ. John bequeathed his penis to the Icelandic pharmacy website. After death, of course.

5. Most penises per person

One in 5.5 million men on Earth is born with a rare anomaly – diphallia, or forked penis. Only in isolated cases are both bodies equal and functioning normally. Usually, the excess process is removed at an early age.

The author of the book “Two-Headed: My Life with Two Penises,” created under the pseudonym Diphallic Dude, was lucky. Parents, having received in the hands of an unusual baby, decided to leave everything as it is. After all, both phalluses were good. He lost his virginity to his right penis but eventually learned to use the left. Besides, he realized that equally interested in both men and women. (https://www.amazon.com.au/Double-Header-Life-Two-Penises-ebook/dp/B00R8A2HVK)

30-12-2021, 03:38 PM
Was the guy going bareback with each of the 57 girls or did he have to use condoms?

30-12-2021, 05:20 PM
If they measured the semen content then it would have to be from a condom...unless someone with a straw sucked it back out of the girls vagina

30-12-2021, 05:30 PM
If they measured the semen content then it would have to be from a condom...unless someone with a straw sucked it back out of the girls vagina
Well that just means he’s used 57 condoms in 24 hrs in my book, lol!

31-12-2021, 08:39 AM
34 year-old man breaks 34 year record.... This guy was born to do this!

31-12-2021, 05:52 PM
Well that just means he’s used 57 condoms in 24 hrs in my book, lol!

He could have shot his load into the girls mouths and they would spit it out into a measuring container similar to those Japanese AV stars when sucking many guys or doing bukkake.