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08-01-2022, 08:42 PM
There was someone here who mentioned about free pussy in a thread not long ago and we had a lgood laugh about him.

I got my free "offer" today. I worked in fashion industry and had the opportunity to meet models.

Today after the a shooting session with a Filipina model I plucked up courage to put my arms around the model and kissed her. I softly whispered to her "Do you want to go inside the room?"

She nodded her head. We had 3 sessions of love making. My little brother went hard and soft and hard and soft. In between we went under the shower which I loved to kiss her with the water spraying into our mouth. I couldn't enter her under the shower as I was too tall for her. Then we went into the bed again soaking wet and carried on. She cum with the body vibrating violently. She was a bit of a loud lover with frequent moanings.

I asked her when she could come again. She checked her calendar and said tomorrow at 1pm. She must have enjoyed it. She told me I was gentle with her and she enjoyed the slow long sex. It always cost me more money in parlours as my minimum time was an hour and half or sometimes two.

So free pussies are possible if you are prepared to have the courage to approach the girl. Today I talked to the model a lot warming her up. She told me she knew I might want to bed her but she was not sure.

Good luck to you all brothers. After spending thousands of dollars punting it's time we deserve a free break.

everready 2
08-01-2022, 09:02 PM
Mate, I doubt you've had a girlfriend in your sad life. Stick to paying for it rather than becoming a writer of fiction - you aren't very good at it.

08-01-2022, 09:08 PM
Mate, I doubt you've had a girlfriend in your sad life. Stick to paying for it rather than becoming a writer of fiction - you aren't very good at it.

You can believe it or you don't have to believe it.

The main thing is I'm having the fun.

Strangely I don't quite believe my luck today.

Fred Flintstone
08-01-2022, 09:21 PM
And then you woke up, with your sheets drenched in sweat and cum stains on your jocks. But it was a good dream though

08-01-2022, 10:30 PM
There was someone here who mentioned about free pussy in a thread not long ago and we had a lgood laugh about him.

I got my free "offer" today. I worked in fashion industry and had the opportunity to meet models.

Today after the a shooting session with a Filipina model I plucked up courage to put my arms around the model and kissed her. I softly whispered to her "Do you want to go inside the room?"

She nodded her head. We had 3 sessions of love making. My little brother went hard and soft and hard and soft. In between we went under the shower which I loved to kiss her with the water spraying into our mouth. I couldn't enter her under the shower as I was too tall for her. Then we went into the bed again soaking wet and carried on. She cum with the body vibrating violently. She was a bit of a loud lover with frequent moanings.

I asked her when she could come again. She checked her calendar and said tomorrow at 1pm. She must have enjoyed it. She told me I was gentle with her and she enjoyed the slow long sex. It always cost me more money in parlours as my minimum time was an hour and half or sometimes two.

So free pussies are possible if you are prepared to have the courage to approach the girl. Today I talked to the model a lot warming her up. She told me she knew I might want to bed her but she was not sure.

Good luck to you all brothers. After spending thousands of dollars punting it's time we deserve a free break.

Warwick 1 … who the fuk is this moron …they were recently banned in their one of many Other sign ins … I remember laughing actually guffawing about the ‘guy’ who was saying he was a photographer. , I asked if one of the models was his mum .. I remember a very prim answer ….

I’m trying now too imagine how this
Person gets their hair styled at justcutz … dude I’m going to be more than happy
To pay for a free one at Jessie’s shop in Cabramatta

08-01-2022, 10:37 PM
And then you woke up, with your sheets drenched in sweat and cum stains on your jocks. But it was a good dream though

A wet dream!


09-01-2022, 12:20 PM
It did elicit pangs of jealousy in me...maybe I'm in the wrong profession etc

09-01-2022, 05:21 PM
I can't comment on the veracity of the OP's adventures, but freebies like this are quite achievable if you are in the "right place at the right time".

09-01-2022, 07:08 PM
Welcome to the norm of talking to a girl and earning a fuck. This has been there since the birth of time unless you have been living in a cave your whole life.

09-01-2022, 07:44 PM
I can't comment on the veracity of the OP's adventures, but freebies like this are quite achievable if you are in the "right place at the right time".

Of course. As I said before there's lots of free pussy out there. You just need to be in the right place at the right time and you don't need to pay.

09-01-2022, 07:50 PM
It did elicit pangs of jealousy in me...maybe I'm in the wrong profession etc

This thing happens at the most unlikely situation. You can't will it.

Yes you would meet many females in the rag trade mostly demanding clients, temperamental designers, sulky models, prima donnas, seedy photographers etc. And the money is not there.

She came today not at 1pm but at 3.30pm. She had a boyfriend stayed over her place this morning. She is a butterfly who likes new nectar.

We had it under the hot shower. Kissing her soft lips under the water spray is a great thrill. I put a tall chair for her to sit on so that our height was level. She told me I was so hard.

Then back to work on some photos for her portfolio.

After that I tried to initialize a second session on the studio floor getting her aroused but my little brother couldn't get up. I ended up playing with her prominent clitoris.

Then she is gone. Most probably to meet up with another male friend. She told me she and her western husband had an open marriage and he worked overseas.

Don't know when I would see her again as she is extremely busy and fully "booked" by friends with benefits over the next few weeks. She said to be allowed to see her twice in two days is something she has not done before. There is a lot of competition for her time. Future opportunities don't look too good for me.

I guess I have to be back to the parlours and giving out pineapples again if I want to look for a punt.

09-01-2022, 08:39 PM
If she is a Filipina, this sort of behaviour is not unusual. Like Japanese, they mostly don't associate sex with morality or fidelity. You just need to find them.

everready 2
09-01-2022, 09:38 PM
Sibon, you are only kidding ourself. You are full of sh.. Got a life please

everready 2
09-01-2022, 09:40 PM
Sorry... kidding YOURSELF! Get a grip son. Or see a physiatrist

Fred Flintstone
09-01-2022, 10:33 PM
If she is a Filipina, this sort of behaviour is not unusual. Like Japanese, they mostly don't associate sex with morality or fidelity. You just need to find them.

Yes, I agree that Filipinas are indeed very promiscuous. Sex is not highly valued and it’s no big deal. If you go to some of the malls in the western suburbs, you may see an old white codger (age 70+) and a young Filipina (age 25-35) pushing a pram, walking together, probably on their way to Dunkin Donuts. If you smile at the Filipina, she will most probably smile back. The old bloke probably can’t get it up anymore, so it’s game on. In any case, he’s done his job by getting her out here and getting her pregnant. When he’s gone to the loo (bladder problems at his age), go and chat to the Filipina and see what happens

everready 2
09-01-2022, 10:56 PM
Fred, the old bloke, Sibon, is full of sh.t; even Wilma wouldn't have a bar of Sibon. He's away with the fairies.

09-01-2022, 11:03 PM
A photographer using his position of power over his subject for sexual favours is nothing new. I don't know why that's so hard to believe. If there wasn't an ethics code enforced by a medical board, doctors, psychiatrist, chiros, physios etc. would be sleeping with their patients all the time.

10-01-2022, 01:38 AM
I can't comment on the veracity of the OP's adventures, but freebies like this are quite achievable if you are in the "right place at the right time".

She is a half Chinese and half Filipina. Both of us are in the situation of having our better halves living overseas in Asia. Corvid has made it more difficult to meet.

I told her my solution of going for paid sex. And her was having friends with benefits. Occasionally she had her male friends spending overnight in her place.

She had a prominent clitoris protruding out. When I was on top of her my undie would rub against it and she got very aroused. When I took of the undie off I saw her white stuff on my undie. She kissed very well and readily offered her lips.

10-01-2022, 02:16 AM
A photographer using his position of power over his subject for sexual favours is nothing new. I don't know why that's so hard to believe. If there wasn't an ethics code enforced by a medical board, doctors, psychiatrist, chiros, physios etc. would be sleeping with their patients all the time.

Several years ago an Indian "photographer" was jailed because of misbehaving. Two models went to the police station to report him. He was also sacked from his job.

You have to make very very sure it's a mutual consent. That's the reason I spend so much time talking to her to suss her out. And I asked her again before leading her into the room. If she goes to the police it's my words against her. It's for this reason that if I want sex I'll go to the parlour. It's so much simple and with a load of the peace of mind.

But this is an exceptional case with a girl who has huge and insatiable appertite for sex. Yesterday afternoon we had three sessions of love making. She left about 6pm to meet her friend with benefits at her apartment. She told me he came over to spend a night at her place and they had it out many times.

10-01-2022, 09:28 AM
OP probably on meth or crack, or a combo of both. With Filipinas it's always about the money or advantages that comes with the job, however to detail the session by adding "hot shower" and calling it "free" is just pure fantasy.

OP probably is still in high school. He needs to study for his upcoming HSCs not lurking in this forum writing crap.

The last time I had "free sex" was back in my early 20s. One was with a girl a I knew back in high school, she had a crush on me for a long time and she asked me out as soon as she found out I was single again. Another one was with a girl I knew at a friend's birthday party, she was so drunk that she kissed me in front of everyone at the party, gave me her home address and told me to visit her immediately after the party or we won't be "friends".

First girl I didn't date, she stayed over my place overnight and we had sex four times, and she was pissed off at me that I didn't ask her to be my gf even though we had sex. Second girl asked me to be her bf but we end up splitting after 2 weeks. Our first meeting was the first and last time we had sex.

Nothing ends up rosy in all this "free sex" drama. A girl with loose holes will have "free sex" with you to suss out if you have what she wants and can control you for it. If in the end she finds out you have nothing to offer her she'll call you the biggest mistake of her life and go on doing the same to others.

Fred Flintstone
10-01-2022, 11:22 AM
The OP uses the term “Corvid”. The Zoo is back! So obviously it’s all fantasy writing and I’m sure many punters are jacking off reading his garbage

10-01-2022, 11:31 AM
Probably its a fiction.

However, its not impossible to get free sex... actually its more natural/ common than paying for sex .

I started punting mid 20's, and was getting free ones via tinder, ashley madison, kik, pof etc regularly. However, it was not as straight forward as the story or just tap on shoulder. I had to spend hours chatting and ratio was probably 1 to 100. Later, i concluded it does not worth my time. With age i realised time is more valuable than money and I just stick to spending money for sex rather than time.

Best wishes to the writer either way (happy fucking or happy writing).

10-01-2022, 11:41 AM
The OP uses the term “Corvid”. The Zoo is back! So obviously it’s all fantasy writing and I’m sure many punters are jacking off reading his garbage
Sounds like it and smell like it. Welcome back from your reincarnation Zoo. Why is the anti Vax dude he haven't reincarnation yet.

10-01-2022, 12:17 PM
If she is a Filipina, this sort of behaviour is not unusual. Like Japanese, they mostly don't associate sex with morality or fidelity. You just need to find them.

I'm curious, when they do this do they really mean that their sexual activity is not associated with morality and fidelity but YOUR sexual proclivities, on the other hand, speak loudly about your character?

10-01-2022, 12:39 PM
Probably its a fiction.

However, its not impossible to get free sex... actually its more natural/ common than paying for sex .

I started punting mid 20's, and was getting free ones via tinder, ashley madison, kik, pof etc regularly. However, it was not as straight forward as the story or just tap on shoulder. I had to spend hours chatting and ratio was probably 1 to 100. Later, i concluded it does not worth my time. With age i realised time is more valuable than money and I just stick to spending money for sex rather than time.

Best wishes to the writer either way (happy fucking or happy writing).

I went this route too before discovering massage parlours as the easier way to meet young cool girls.

I subscribed to Asian Dating ended up with flood of women from Philipines wanting a passport to come to live in Australia. I spent more time deleting messages than getting a date.

Dating sites can be a time-consuming way to bed a girl unless you are exceptionally good looking.

10-01-2022, 12:47 PM
Dating sites can be a time-consuming way to bed a girl unless you are exceptionally good looking.

some are more blessed than others … only needs a creepy clown nose ..

10-01-2022, 01:05 PM
Yeah...going with the same approach after going through a similar path on dating sites & ventured into spending money for sex and their time
...but at times you know that it's more mechanical unless you create a rapport or she is comfortable... It takes a few sessions to get into that mode...

10-01-2022, 04:13 PM
Talking of dating sites...

I got a message on WeChat the other day from some mob called Metro Personal Consultants.

"we are introducing agency for western guy and Asian lay (sic) in Australia"

So if you want to get laid, this seems to be the place to go?

10-01-2022, 04:21 PM
Talking of dating sites...

I got a message on WeChat the other day from some mob called Metro Personal Consultants.

"we are introducing agency for western guy and Asian lay (sic) in Australia"

So if you want to get laid, this seems to be the place to go?

If you're getting personal invitations, exercise caution. There are many agencies that will scam desperate or naive men by promising young beautiful girls but only when you send money upfront. When you do pay up then there will be further requests and in the end you'll be out of pocket for a large sum of money. Just try legitimate sites or go to public places. You never know who you may meet and later hook up.

10-01-2022, 06:32 PM
If you're getting personal invitations, exercise caution. There are many agencies that will scam desperate or naive men by promising young beautiful girls but only when you send money upfront. When you do pay up then there will be further requests and in the end you'll be out of pocket for a large sum of money. Just try legitimate sites or go to public places. You never know who you may meet and later hook up.

I have no intention of getting involved with them or any other agency.

Just thought it was funny how they misspelled "lady" in this context.

10-01-2022, 07:13 PM
I have no intention of getting involved with them or any other agency.

Just thought it was funny how they misspelled "lady" in this context.

Maybe it wasn't a misspell, have you thought of that?

10-01-2022, 10:01 PM
Had me wondering, but I'll pass on the offer just the same. Knowing how they charge it could end up being an expensive "lay".

11-01-2022, 04:42 AM
Great fanfiction my dude, can't wait for the next chapter!

11-01-2022, 06:01 AM
Great fanfiction my dude, can't wait for the next chapter!
lol so entertaining during this period may release some stress for those with depression :D

11-01-2022, 09:51 AM
Since we can never know if the event indeed took place, what won’t happen to me not necessarily won’t happen to others.

It’s good entertainment and interesting reading , they should be welcome and appreciated in a punting forum to say the least. Didn’t we all used to love reading the letters and confessions in Playboy and Penthouse?

A punting review as well as a “real life” sexual adventure should both be valued and embraced. Just my two cents.


Ps. Please keep it up and keep them coming.

11-01-2022, 11:34 AM
Since we can never know if the event indeed took place, what won’t happen to me not necessarily won’t happen to others.

It’s good entertainment and interesting reading , they should be welcome and appreciated in a punting forum to say the least. Didn’t we all used to love reading the letters and confessions in Playboy and Penthouse?

A punting review as well as a “real life” sexual adventure should both be valued and embraced. Just my two cents.


Ps. Please keep it up and keep them coming.

Yes there have been many of these stories popping up in AUS99 over the years. There ought to be a single thread called “AUS99 Letters” where we get to post and read them!

I remember there was one a long time ago, a bro recounted how he hooked up with the RE agent who was showing him a property, and they later went to the same vacant property to have steamy hot sex! That was a good one!

11-01-2022, 11:41 AM
I'm all for it, as long as they're believable recounts or at least well written fiction.

11-01-2022, 04:45 PM
I worked for about 20 years in the Japanese tourism industry in Sydney. Thousands of young working holiday girls, students, visitors eager to get their rocks off. I was getting paid to have "free sex".

11-01-2022, 05:16 PM
I worked for about 20 years in the Japanese tourism industry in Sydney. Thousands of young working holiday girls, students, visitors eager to get their rocks off. I was getting paid to have "free sex".

I believe you especially if you are a white man. I was studying Japanese in Tafe for 4 years and met many of them for Japanese conversation practice. But I did nothing more than that. Chinese men did not appeal to them.

Then suddenly Japanese economy went sour. They stopped coming any more.

11-01-2022, 05:32 PM
I wouldn't say they stopped coming, but the numbers did start dropping from the late 1990s. I gave it up about 10 years ago because I figured I was getting too old. Took up punting instead, that's why I am here.

12-01-2022, 07:30 AM
She is a half Chinese and half Filipina. Both of us are in the situation of having our better halves living overseas in Asia. Corvid has made it more difficult to meet.

I told her my solution of going for paid sex. And her was having friends with benefits. Occasionally she had her male friends spending overnight in her place.

She had a prominent clitoris protruding out. When I was on top of her my undie would rub against it and she got very aroused. When I took of the undie off I saw her white stuff on my undie. She kissed very well and readily offered her lips.

Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most.