View Full Version : General talk RAT

12-01-2022, 11:15 AM
I don't know if its just me venting but I'm truly over the continual fuck ups by the Federal and State Governments. I can't believe it took all this time to order the Rapid Antigen Tests. And Domenic this morning said they will fine people $1000 for not reporting a positive RAT test.
From the Ruby Princess, Job Keeper, the AZ vaccine debacle, delay in ordering Vaccines, and right up till the Djocovic saga. How many fuck ups! They got away with it 2 years ago with the excuse of a once in a century pandemic. What's the excuse now.
Can anyone think of any more fuck ups the Government are responsible for dealing with the pandemic.

12-01-2022, 11:18 AM
The app that cost them $6m to develop and it was a complete flop…then they went back to manual contact tracing.

12-01-2022, 11:37 AM
I honestly think this covid is all bullshit and there's an underlying agenda. Normal seasonal flu can kill you.

You know what's even more scarier? Rabies. 100% kill rate. No cure.

I love a good conspiracy

12-01-2022, 11:45 AM
I don't know if its just me venting but I'm truly over the continual fuck ups by the Federal and State Governments. I can't believe it took all this time to order the Rapid Antigen Tests. And Domenic this morning said they will fine people $1000 for not reporting a positive RAT test.
From the Ruby Princess, Job Keeper, the AZ vaccine debacle, delay in ordering Vaccines, and right up till the Djocovic saga. How many fuck ups! They got away with it 2 years ago with the excuse of a once in a century pandemic. What's the excuse now.
Can anyone think of any more fuck ups the Government are responsible for dealing with the pandemic.
The excuse now the immigration officers fuckup at the airport not me. We can't even stop a non Australian entering the country and yet Australian was not allowed back.

12-01-2022, 12:36 PM
It seems to me that at the moment they have no way of knowing who has bought a RAT kit or who has tested themselves, let alone who has tested positive or negative. If someone does become positive, how do they know whether the person has tested themselves?

12-01-2022, 01:07 PM
It seems to me that at the moment they have no way of knowing who has bought a RAT kit or who has tested themselves, let alone who has tested positive or negative. If someone does become positive, how do they know whether the person has tested themselves?

It's completely unenforceable.
You do the test in the privacy of your own home, and you see the positive result, but if you don't register it then who is gonna know? How can you be penalised?

12-01-2022, 01:16 PM
I honestly think this covid is all bullshit and there's an underlying agenda. Normal seasonal flu can kill you.

You know what's even more scarier? Rabies. 100% kill rate. No cure.

I love a good conspiracy

If there is an underlying agenda then the whole world must be in on it. I mean to say for there to be an agenda then every country in the world must be aiming for the same agenda. Hardly likely is it?

And yes flu and rabies can kill, lots of things can kill. Difference with covid is how infectious it is and the mortality rate of infected. Flu for example doesn’t transmit anywhere near as easy and it sure the shit doesn’t kill 3.4%*of those that get it.

Good news though is if Omicron goes on as it is and any new variants are not as deadly then maybe we can use the words flu and covid in the same breath. Until then covid is real and is significantly more deadly than anything else out there.

* the 3.4% mortality rate is the global figure obviously countries like Australia it is less, closer to 1% thanks to our health systems. Also don’t believe it factors in Omicron which is less deadly but of course infects so many more.

12-01-2022, 01:28 PM
Good news though is if Omicron goes on as it is and any new variants are not as deadly then maybe we can use the words flu and covid in the same breath. Until then covid is real and is significantly more deadly than anything else out there.

* the 3.4% mortality rate is the global figure obviously countries like Australia it is less, closer to 1% thanks to our health systems. Also don’t believe it factors in Omicron which is less deadly but of course infects so many more.

There was a recent report that someone in South America had contracted Omicron and the flu at the same time, sort of "fluvid".

12-01-2022, 02:31 PM
I don't know if its just me venting but I'm truly over the continual fuck ups by the Federal and State Governments. I can't believe it took all this time to order the Rapid Antigen Tests. And Domenic this morning said they will fine people $1000 for not reporting a positive RAT test.
From the Ruby Princess, Job Keeper, the AZ vaccine debacle, delay in ordering Vaccines, and right up till the Djocovic saga. How many fuck ups! They got away with it 2 years ago with the excuse of a once in a century pandemic. What's the excuse now.
Can anyone think of any more fuck ups the Government are responsible for dealing with the pandemic.

Just don’t have a heart attack in the next month and hope to be resuscitated in an ICU. That’s the scary part

12-01-2022, 03:17 PM
I honestly think this covid is all bullshit and there's an underlying agenda. Normal seasonal flu can kill you.

You know what's even more scarier? Rabies. 100% kill rate. No cure.

I love a good conspiracy
Hey it’s great that you brought up the subject of rabies. The rabies vaccine is actually a real vaccine because it gives 100% effectiveness at preventing rabies disease. Even after getting an animal bite when not vaccinated, a human being can then get the vaccine and it would still be 100% effective at preventing the disease, if given early enough.

This is the best counter argument one can give any antivaxxer to completely shut them up when they start about how vaccines are placebos and do nothing. How do they explain the rabies vaccine then? It simply works.

12-01-2022, 05:06 PM
Hey it’s great that you brought up the subject of rabies. The rabies vaccine is actually a real vaccine because it gives 100% effectiveness at preventing rabies disease. Even after getting an animal bite when not vaccinated, a human being can then get the vaccine and it would still be 100% effective at preventing the disease, if given early enough.

This is the best counter argument one can give any antivaxxer to completely shut them up when they start about how vaccines are placebos and do nothing. How do they explain the rabies vaccine then? It simply works.
Can’t believe some people still think the pandemic is a conspiracy after two years…

12-01-2022, 05:10 PM
Can’t believe some people still think the pandemic is a conspiracy after two years…

Why not! Just ask Donald Trump !

12-01-2022, 05:16 PM
Why not! Just ask Donald Trump !

Or Marcus Lamb ?

12-01-2022, 06:54 PM
It's completely unenforceable.
You do the test in the privacy of your own home, and you see the positive result, but if you don't register it then who is gonna know? How can you be penalised?Lol.... Another brilliant idea from the great mind of Dominic... the same great mind who deliberately ignored all chief health officer advise and got us into this fuckup.

12-01-2022, 07:06 PM
The excuse now the immigration officers fuckup at the airport not me. We can't even stop a non Australian entering the country and yet Australian was not allowed back.Those border force officers are just acting on instructions given to them. How would they know who to pick out from a plane and whether their visa status is no longer valid ? Unless someone instructed them. They can't make any judgement calls by themselves.

For them to push Djokovic by saying "whatever he says will not change a decision has already been made". The question should be who had made that decision ? And relayed that to the officers ? That "minister" should be brought Infront of the court to explain themselves.

All in all. Even though Djokovic is a anti-vaxxer. But the Fed govt did a major fxxkup on this one.

12-01-2022, 07:26 PM
It's completely unenforceable.
You do the test in the privacy of your own home, and you see the positive result, but if you don't register it then who is gonna know? How can you be penalised?

Yes, it’s abundantly clear he made up that rule just so he could say “I made a rule for it” and shake off any responsibility for it. Enforcing it? That’s someone Roses problem!

12-01-2022, 07:44 PM
I don't know if its just me venting but I'm truly over the continual fuck ups by the Federal and State Governments. I can't believe it took all this time to order the Rapid Antigen Tests. And Domenic this morning said they will fine people $1000 for not reporting a positive RAT test.
From the Ruby Princess, Job Keeper, the AZ vaccine debacle, delay in ordering Vaccines, and right up till the Djocovic saga. How many fuck ups! They got away with it 2 years ago with the excuse of a once in a century pandemic. What's the excuse now.
Can anyone think of any more fuck ups the Government are responsible for dealing with the pandemic.How about Barnaby Joyce endorsing George Christensen on his fake Covid conspiracy theories ?


12-01-2022, 07:58 PM
Those border force officers are just acting on instructions given to them. How would they know who to pick out from a plane and whether their visa status is no longer valid ? Unless someone instructed them. They can't make any judgement calls by themselves.

For them to push Djokovic by saying "whatever he says will not change a decision has already been made". The question should be who had made that decision ? And relayed that to the officers ? That "minister" should be brought Infront of the court to explain themselves.

All in all. Even though Djokovic is a anti-vaxxer. But the Fed govt did a major fxxkup on this one.

The type of visa he had meant he had to show the evidence for the visa to be valid to border control when he arrived. He didn't have enough to substantiate it. Border Force gave him until 8.30am in the morning to produce the evidence but about 48 minutes before the deadline border force canceled his visa. He won on a technicality that he wasn't given the allotted time to produce the evidence. That's kind of it in a very short version. A lot of court cases are won or thrown out on technicalities.

12-01-2022, 07:59 PM
Yes, it’s abundantly clear he made up that rule just so he could say “I made a rule for it” and shake off any responsibility for it. Enforcing it? That’s someone Roses problem!

They inserted the fine to make it sound important. They admitted that, plus the fact that they won't/can't enforce it.

everready 2
12-01-2022, 08:05 PM
The NSW premier is relying on stupid people to pay to test whether they are positive, and Falk out $1,000 if they don't report it. Are you joking? No tests for me. If I feel I might have symptoms I'll go the the nearest hospital - no cost, no fine, The Premier is dreaming.

12-01-2022, 08:13 PM
The excuse now the immigration officers fuckup at the airport not me. We can't even stop a non Australian entering the country and yet Australian was not allowed back.

Australians are allowed back and have been since the pandemic started. Just that they need to go into hotel quarantine for 14 days and of course it was difficult and expensive to get flights.

Since November Australians returning to NSW or VIC have been allowed to return without quarantine provided they are double vaccinated.

If unvaccinated they can avoid quarantine if they can provide a medical contradiction to vaccination (and infection in last 6 months is an example) otherwise it is 14 days quarantine.

Now I reckon the joker shouldn’t have been allowed in, and I think the whole positive result from December is a load of bullshit. I also think the PM and government are using him as political fodder.

But please don’t make untrue statements like Australians are not allowed back when they have never been stopped.

12-01-2022, 08:54 PM
The type of visa he had meant he had to show the evidence for the visa to be valid to border control when he arrived. He didn't have enough to substantiate it. Border Force gave him until 8.30am in the morning to produce the evidence but about 48 minutes before the deadline border force canceled his visa. He won on a technicality that he wasn't given the allotted time to produce the evidence. That's kind of it in a very short version. A lot of court cases are won or thrown out on technicalities.This is something new that I'm learning even in my old age.

I mean I've helped friends and relatives apply for visa coming over for holidays, to study, etc and whenever there is any requirement for additional documents, those are uploaded and sent to Immigration for them to review before visas are approved and issued. Mind you, this was all pre-covid.

So if all the documents have already been sent online, and the visa is approved on that basis. I fail to see how border force can cancel a visa after you have arrived on a approved visa ? Also if evidence is needed, you would still produce the very same doc that was uploaded and approved earlier. So what this tells me is that the "doc evidence" that was "approved" earlier is now "no longer acceptable" ? Is that even legal ? No wonder a judge will say "what else do you expect Djokovic to do ?" I mean who would spend thousands of dollars on airfare on a "maybe you can get in depending on the mood of the officer visa" ?

Labia Vortex
12-01-2022, 09:49 PM
The whole thing is a combination of train wreck and circus
When this settles down and reality sets in
The social and economic costs will emerge
They will be huge

12-01-2022, 10:39 PM
This is something new that I'm learning even in my old age.

I mean I've helped friends and relatives apply for visa coming over for holidays, to study, etc and whenever there is any requirement for additional documents, those are uploaded and sent to Immigration for them to review before visas are approved and issued. Mind you, this was all pre-covid.

So if all the documents have already been sent online, and the visa is approved on that basis. I fail to see how border force can cancel a visa after you have arrived on a approved visa ? Also if evidence is needed, you would still produce the very same doc that was uploaded and approved earlier. So what this tells me is that the "doc evidence" that was "approved" earlier is now "no longer acceptable" ? Is that even legal ? No wonder a judge will say "what else do you expect Djokovic to do ?" I mean who would spend thousands of dollars on airfare on a "maybe you can get in depending on the mood of the officer visa" ?

Who knows? Maybe ABF staff saw his “claim” that he got Covid in mid December, and then saw that he was still out and about making public appearances during that same time? They’re just like us, they use social media too.

Of course that “factor” if it were to have been the case, surely couldn’t be put forward in a court of law. They made a bad call nabbing him on the spot, I reckon. They should’ve been patient, let him in, then used another legal power to suss him out in due time.

I personally always felt Djokovic had an air of pretence about him. It’s everything put together, the smile the talk the body language. None of it feels sincere. Like if you compare him to say, Federer or Nadal, there’s no competition in terms of sincerity.

13-01-2022, 01:37 PM
well there you have it 92k cases reported for yesterday. Prob means 500k missing in the stats since beginning of year with the RAT *ckup.

13-01-2022, 08:28 PM
This is something new that I'm learning even in my old age.

I mean I've helped friends and relatives apply for visa coming over for holidays, to study, etc and whenever there is any requirement for additional documents, those are uploaded and sent to Immigration for them to review before visas are approved and issued. Mind you, this was all pre-covid.

So if all the documents have already been sent online, and the visa is approved on that basis. I fail to see how border force can cancel a visa after you have arrived on a approved visa ? Also if evidence is needed, you would still produce the very same doc that was uploaded and approved earlier. So what this tells me is that the "doc evidence" that was "approved" earlier is now "no longer acceptable" ? Is that even legal ? No wonder a judge will say "what else do you expect Djokovic to do ?" I mean who would spend thousands of dollars on airfare on a "maybe you can get in depending on the mood of the officer visa" ?

The type of visa he had meant he had to show the evidence for the visa to be valid to border control when he arrived. He didn't have enough to substantiate it. Border Force gave him until 8.30am in the morning to produce the evidence but about 48 minutes before the deadline border force canceled his visa. He won on a technicality that he wasn't given the allotted time to produce the evidence. That's kind of it in a very short version. A lot of court cases are won or thrown out on technicalities.
He wouldn't be paying for his airfare either.

13-01-2022, 09:11 PM
All being said. He is loaded with money and he/ his team should have taken care of documents submitted and precautionary steps involved. He will escape for sure. It’s not deal breaker for him, for sure his fans will fell bad for him.

Are you guys able to stock up RAT kit. It seems that the stock is very low or near nada at my place and prices have been jacked up in few online portals & they are reducing the PCR test centres as well.

Could have been planned better.

13-01-2022, 09:26 PM
Can’t believe some people still think the pandemic is a conspiracy after two years…

Whilst i personally dont believe the pandemic itself is a conspiracy, i do believe there are those that want it prolonged. Take the pathology labs, where each sample is reported to cost between 120 and 200 aud to process. Then take a look at how many tests have been conducted over the last 2 years ... Follow the money ...

13-01-2022, 10:08 PM
Whilst i personally dont believe the pandemic itself is a conspiracy, i do believe there are those that want it prolonged. Take the pathology labs, where each sample is reported to cost between 120 and 200 aud to process. Then take a look at how many tests have been conducted over the last 2 years ... Follow the money ...

Pathology get $85 per test from the government. Apparently the average cost to the company of the test is $51, though with the higher ratio of positives now that cost would be higher.

The cost you mention is what it would cost you to get one privately for example for overseas travel.

And whilst pathology may well want this to continue end of the day there isn’t much they can do to prolong it even if they wanted to.

Oh and with the visa discussion above when you apply for a visa, any visa, any country there is no guarantee you will be allowed to enter that country on arrival. You can be stopped and questioned further at the border and have your visa cancelled and be deported.

And in the case of the joker there is no requirement to be vaccinated to get a visa. Some like residence visas have medical tests but that doesn’t apply to short stay visas like the tennis players get. Also he was granted his in November knowing full well he wasn’t vaccinated.

The right to fly to Australia is where vaccination or exemption status comes into play and is what that travel declaration he “made a mistake” on is used for. In theory he shouldn’t have been allowed on the plane to Australia. And that was the basis for his visa cancellation and indeed the reason he was stopped to be questioned further. He was only allowed in as the border officials don’t appeared to have given him due process.

13-01-2022, 11:05 PM
Lol.... Another brilliant idea from the great mind of Dominic... the same great mind who deliberately ignored all chief health officer advise and got us into this fuckup.

They're all shit politicians but Dominic is the lesser of the evils. Compared to other premieres, people have more liberties in NSW than in other states. If Gladys was still premiere, we're more likely to be in lockdown right now.

14-01-2022, 06:25 AM
They're all shit politicians but Dominic is the lesser of the evils. Compared to other premieres, people have more liberties in NSW than in other states. If Gladys was still premiere, we're more likely to be in lockdown right now.
Yeah, he's real great. He's turned us into the Dominicron Republic.

14-01-2022, 07:45 AM
Yeah, he's real great. He's turned us into the Dominicron Republic.

I don't even support Dominic and the Liberals, but if you think NSW is bad now it's not going to get any better with a Labor leader.

14-01-2022, 08:02 AM
They're all shit politicians but Dominic is the lesser of the evils. Compared to other premieres, people have more liberties in NSW than in other states. If Gladys was still premiere, we're more likely to be in lockdown right now.

You serious,,, oh, that liberty is the ability to go out and catch and spread Omicron.
Thats why we are now in the shit we are, with no food on shelves, no childcare centres open, major businesses being closed down, because staff are all in isolation and daily infection rates are going through the roof

14-01-2022, 08:09 AM
I don't even support Dominic and the Liberals, but if you think NSW is bad now it's not going to get any better with a Labor leader.
No idea where you're going with this. First you attack Gladys in your alternate timeline argument (there's another alternate timeline by another DP supporter here, in which apparently she would've ended lockdown even earlier, but that's another story, literally speaking), then you attack Labor.
Enough about alternate timelines, he screwed by opening up too much too early. That's the timeline we live in, that's the only one that matters.

14-01-2022, 08:32 AM
No idea where you're going with this. First you attack Gladys in your alternate timeline argument (there's another alternate timeline by another DP supporter here, in which apparently she would've ended lockdown even earlier, but that's another story, literally speaking), then you attack Labor.
Enough about alternate timelines, he screwed by opening up too much too early. That's the timeline we live in, that's the only one that matters.

NSW has gone from having one of the lowest rates of daily infections per capita in the world to one of the highest per capita in the world under Perrottet's watch. And that was even before the RAT cases were included.

14-01-2022, 08:44 AM
NSW has gone from having one of the lowest rates of daily infections per capita in the world to one of the highest per capita in the world under Perrottet's watch. And that was even before the RAT cases were included.

+1, well said and that’s a fact !

14-01-2022, 09:05 AM
NSW has gone from having one of the lowest rates of daily infections per capita in the world to one of the highest per capita in the world under Perrottet's watch. And that was even before the RAT cases were included.

I guess we still have one of the lowest death rates in the world and nearly half of Victoria's which is a similar state in the same country. They must be doing something right

14-01-2022, 09:10 AM
And lower than the national average from what I can tell

14-01-2022, 10:44 AM
NSW has gone from having one of the lowest rates of daily infections per capita in the world to one of the highest per capita in the world under Perrottet's watch. And that was even before the RAT cases were included.

And the increased cases and deaths has resulted in loss of confidence by General public so... While we are not back in lockdown the effect is similar.

14-01-2022, 10:57 AM
NSW has gone from having one of the lowest rates of daily infections per capita in the world to one of the highest per capita in the world under Perrottet's watch. And that was even before the RAT cases were included.

True that...+2

Even the RAT numbers are not reflecting the actual scenarios. even with a 5 to 10% increase, we will still have the lowest rates of daily infections per capita in the world

14-01-2022, 12:12 PM
Sydney is no.1 in the world now !


今天早上,看到新州的新增数字又创新高,按耐不住内心的八卦,于是通过一道算术题,让自己一直以来觉得风景 这边还好的认知,彻底被遮破,与大家分享如下:

美国的人口是3.295亿,今天的新冠日新增创新高约102万;日新增人数和人口总数的百分比0.0031 ;英国的人口数6722万,今天新增约18.7万,日新增和人口数的百分比是大约0.0028;新州人口8 16.6万,今天新增3.8万,日新增和人口数的百分比越是0.0046。




14-01-2022, 12:46 PM
Sydney is no.1 in the world now !


今天早上,看到新州的新增数字又创新高,按耐不住内心的八卦,于是通过一道算术题,让自己一直以来觉得风景 这边还好的认知,彻底被遮破,与大家分享如下:

美国的人口是3.295亿,今天的新冠日新增创新高约102万;日新增人数和人口总数的百分比0.0031 ;英国的人口数6722万,今天新增约18.7万,日新增和人口数的百分比是大约0.0028;新州人口8 16.6万,今天新增3.8万,日新增和人口数的百分比越是0.0046。




Shame not all of us on the forum can read what I'm guessing is Cantonese

14-01-2022, 12:59 PM
I don't even support Dominic and the Liberals, but if you think NSW is bad now it's not going to get any better with a Labor leader.
Still blaming Labor after how many years ??

14-01-2022, 01:32 PM
True that...+2

Even the RAT numbers are not reflecting the actual scenarios. even with a 5 to 10% increase, we will still have the lowest rates of daily infections per capita in the world

Think you did a typo there but I get your point. The problem with the RAT reporting is, the Gov can breath fire and threaten people with fines, but at the end of the day only those who stand to benefit from reporting a positive test will come forward. People who are really sick and need medical attention, people who can get paid sick leave, etc.

Anybody else, like for example a self employed tradie having mild symptoms, wouldn’t want to report it because they stand to lose income if they have to go into iso.

14-01-2022, 06:33 PM
Still blaming Labor after how many years ??
Agree with you there Bro.

This is the part where I don't understand some ppl. If in a bet, you have lost 9 times in a row betting on Big. Some ppl want to continue to put their money on Big ???

Surely with the long list of policy failures we have seen and lived in. It's time to cut off the cancer and give the new drug a chance.

14-01-2022, 06:33 PM
NSW has gone from having one of the lowest rates of daily infections per capita in the world to one of the highest per capita in the world under Perrottet's watch. And that was even before the RAT cases were included.Agree +3

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14-01-2022, 08:06 PM
NSW has gone from having one of the lowest rates of daily infections per capita in the world to one of the highest per capita in the world under Perrottet's watch. And that was even before the RAT cases were included.
Thanks to Domicron we are the Good Standard of the world.

14-01-2022, 09:35 PM
NSW has gone from having one of the lowest rates of daily infections per capita in the world to one of the highest per capita in the world under Perrottet's watch. And that was even before the RAT cases were included.

He literally snatched defeat from the jaws of victory mate.

15-01-2022, 07:13 AM
There are less people in Hospital and ICU now compared to Sept Delta outbreak.....

The MEDIA have you all in a panic and have done a great job on you.

15-01-2022, 07:37 AM
There are less people in Hospital and ICU now compared to Sept Delta outbreak.....

The MEDIA have you all in a panic and have done a great job on you.

I don't remember the daily death count being 15+ regularly even during delta...

Maybe I am wrong.. But I think tbis is the highest daily death rate nsw has seen at any time during the pandemic.

Besides I doubt everyone is in a "panic" they are just exercising "personal responsibility" as the premier and pm repeatedly asked!

15-01-2022, 08:19 AM
I don't remember the daily death count being 15+ regularly even during delta...

Maybe I am wrong.. But I think tbis is the highest daily death rate nsw has seen at any time during the pandemic.

Besides I doubt everyone is in a "panic" they are just exercising "personal responsibility" as the premier and pm repeatedly asked!

That's because it's so prevalent in the community compared to any other time in the past. So a 90 year old, with dementia and heart failure would of died of natural causes 3 months ago but now is far more likely to get covid and is considered covid case.

It's the same reason why 30-50% of hospitalisations are incendental, they're showing up for different reasons get tested for admission and now is a covid hospitalisation. This has been shown in several studies done at different hospitals.

This is the thing about the media, they give no context or nuance. It's basically fear porn.

15-01-2022, 08:29 AM
There are less people in Hospital and ICU now compared to Sept Delta outbreak.....

The MEDIA have you all in a panic and have done a great job on you.

Not less people in hospital and ICU in absolute terms, but as a % of the caseload, DEFINITELY. I’ve been a staunch advocate for vaccination since the beginning, have followed all of the health advice (except seeing an ML during lockdown [emoji854][emoji38]), but I think now it’s absurd to change our behaviour based on the fear of getting covid (unless you’re over 60, then perhaps more justified). It’s just such a different situation than 2 years ago, with a range of effective treatments, including a vaccine!
Interestingly enough I was looking the other day at average death count for flu/pneumonia in Australia per annum, and I was surprised it was so high - 4737 if my memory is correct. Over a 4 month period that equates to roughly 40 deaths per day. Or averaged out over an entire year it would be around 11 per day. Hard to imagine Omicron ever having that kind of impact over a sustained period, even when allowed to spread unchecked. I know there are other factors to consider, and I’m being a little reductionist…
but it feels like at some point along the way we completely lost perspective and a sense of scale (of what we gave up/continue to give up). Not to mention a basic understanding of risk.
Or maybe I’m wrong, I am still open to that possibility lol. I’m just fucking sick of this virus continuing to have such an impact on our lives.

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15-01-2022, 09:10 AM
Not less people in hospital and ICU in absolute terms, but as a % of the caseload, DEFINITELY. I’ve been a staunch advocate for vaccination since the beginning, have followed all of the health advice (except seeing an ML during lockdown [emoji854][emoji38]), but I think now it’s absurd to change our behaviour based on the fear of getting covid (unless you’re over 60, then perhaps more justified). It’s just such a different situation than 2 years ago, with a range of effective treatments, including a vaccine!
Interestingly enough I was looking the other day at average death count for flu/pneumonia in Australia per annum, and I was surprised it was so high - 4737 if my memory is correct. Over a 4 month period that equates to roughly 40 deaths per day. Or averaged out over an entire year it would be around 11 per day. Hard to imagine Omicron ever having that kind of impact over a sustained period, even when allowed to spread unchecked. I know there are other factors to consider, and I’m being a little reductionist…
but it feels like at some point along the way we completely lost perspective and a sense of scale (of what we gave up/continue to give up). Not to mention a basic understanding of risk.
Or maybe I’m wrong, I am still open to that possibility lol. I’m just fucking sick of this virus continuing to have such an impact on our lives.

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Same here, sick and tired of this virus. In fact, I think it’s safe to assume a big proportion of the population are on the same boat as us. Even fellow forum members here are changing their tune when previously they were happy to obey the health orders.

I think people do want to get on with their lives, but the morbid fact is the pandemic is actually causing people to get sick and not be able to participate in the economy. It’s the same effect as lockdown I suppose.

15-01-2022, 09:58 AM
Same here, sick and tired of this virus. In fact, I think it’s safe to assume a big proportion of the population are on the same boat as us. Even fellow forum members here are changing their tune when previously they were happy to obey the health orders.

I think people do want to get on with their lives, but the morbid fact is the pandemic is actually causing people to get sick and not be able to participate in the economy. It’s the same effect as lockdown I suppose.

Yeah, it’s worse than lockdown actually, not just for the lack of govt support, but the sheer unpredictability. And for businesses in my industry that supply perishable product to the hospitality industry, the level of unpredictability is devastating. And can’t be sustained for long.

On another note, did you hear that real estate agents are on the list of essential workers? What a joke lol. For any real estate agents I might’ve offended here, I’m not sorry [emoji51]

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15-01-2022, 10:31 AM
Yeah, it’s worse than lockdown actually, not just for the lack of govt support, but the sheer unpredictability. And for businesses in my industry that supply perishable product to the hospitality industry, the level of unpredictability is devastating. And can’t be sustained for long.

On another note, did you hear that real estate agents are on the list of essential workers? What a joke lol. For any real estate agents I might’ve offended here, I’m not sorry [emoji51]

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The effect on the economy as a result of people getting sick and not working might be shorter and I would assume far less expensive than hard lockdowns, the amount of time it takes for the individual to recover/isolate and get back to work or once the peak is over, which will hopefully be in a couple of weeks.

If it's a hard lockdown it could potentially last several more months longer by "flattening the curve". The govt will then have to use taxes to pay billions and billions of dollars to businesses over several months in an economy that is already shitting its pants.

We simply cant keep doing lockdowns every year and we can't keep giving boosters to everyone every 6 months especially while 10% of poor nations citizens barley have one dose potentially leading to new variants on our shores. We need to do something different, time will tell if having massive amounts of natural immunity will help.

Haha real estate agents need to pay off their BMW'S some how.

15-01-2022, 10:39 AM
Yeah, it’s worse than lockdown actually, not just for the lack of govt support, but the sheer unpredictability. And for businesses in my industry that supply perishable product to the hospitality industry, the level of unpredictability is devastating. And can’t be sustained for long.

On another note, did you hear that real estate agents are on the list of essential workers? What a joke lol. For any real estate agents I might’ve offended here, I’m not sorry [emoji51]

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Gotta keep that property bubble pumping no matter what, right? lol