View Full Version : General talk Seeing your crush in brothel lineup

31-01-2022, 10:14 PM
I had a major crush on a girl during my uni days, I took her on date few times during our studies, she is from mainland China and was very conservative, she acted like tradional Chinese girl very naive and was very well mannered, she always wanted to get married and have a family, after couple of dates she kinda drifted apart and started to resend me, not sure why but gave me cold shoulder everytime and started to ignore my calls and messages, nothing sexual happened between us except for few kisses and holding hands. Recently I visited one of the brothel and she was part of the lineup, she did not recognise me in the dark room, when I chose her she came back to pick me up from the waiting room and realised it was me, it was awkward when we walked to the room, she left to get some fresh towels and took her time to come to the room, it had been few years since I saw her, I started the conversation by telling her how familiar she looked to my crush from my uni days, she then called me by my name and asked what I was doing in brothel. As far as I knew she was from rich family as she used to have Hermes, LV bags and would spend lot of money on travel and entertainment when we were students. She asked me to take my clothes off and directly went to covered blowjob and asked me to fuck her after 2 mins of BJ, I came pretty quickly, still had lot more time to kill, I asked why she turned into this business, she did not reply, there was lot of silence in the room for few mins then she sat next to me and with guilty face and did not speak for sometime, I took shower and got dressed and asked her if she was ok, she just nodded her head and I left could not talk, I felt bad at that moment realizing she has been having sex with other dudes. It got me thinking how a sweet innocent girl I knew once can turn into prostitute, I felt bad since she was my crush. I knew her parents were rich, I know her life story, we would speak and hang out all the time, it kinda hurts to see your crush in brothel.

31-01-2022, 10:33 PM
I'm sorry to hear you went through that Matey. Not having closure in a relationship tlcan eat at you from the inside.
If there's little comfort I can give you is this: rejection and/or failed relationships is just the universe's cruel way of telling you, you and the other person won't be happy with one another.
As for the ex, at least you can go back there and get closure

31-01-2022, 10:36 PM
I had a major crush on a girl during my uni days, I took her on date few times during our studies, she is from mainland China and was very conservative, she acted like tradional Chinese girl very naive and was very well mannered, she always wanted to get married and have a family, after couple of dates she kinda drifted apart and started to resend me, not sure why but gave me cold shoulder everytime and started to ignore my calls and messages, nothing sexual happened between us except for few kisses and holding hands. Recently I visited one of the brothel and she was part of the lineup, she did not recognise me in the dark room, when I chose her she came back to pick me up from the waiting room and realised it was me, it was awkward when we walked to the room, she left to get some fresh towels and took her time to come to the room, it had been few years since I saw her, I started the conversation by telling her how familiar she looked to my crush from my uni days, she then called me by my name and asked what I was doing in brothel. As far as I knew she was from rich family as she used to have Hermes, LV bags and would spend lot of money on travel and entertainment when we were students. She asked me to take my clothes off and directly went to covered blowjob and asked me to fuck her after 2 mins of BJ, I came pretty quickly, still had lot more time to kill, I asked why she turned into this business, she did not reply, there was lot of silence in the room for few mins then she sat next to me and with guilty face and did not speak for sometime, I took shower and got dressed and asked her if she was ok, she just nodded her head and I left could not talk, I felt bad at that moment realizing she has been having sex with other dudes. It got me thinking how a sweet innocent girl I knew once can turn into prostitute, I felt bad since she was my crush. I knew her parents were rich, I know her life story, we would speak and hang out all the time, it kinda hurts to see your crush in brothel.

Is there even a nice way of asking how a girl ended up becoming a WL? Theres probably a lot of personal trauma behind that facade. No judgement here bro, but i probably would have tackled that a bit different.

Maybe book her for a couple of hours on her next shift and take in something to eat and drink and just chill? She might appreciate the sentiment.

31-01-2022, 10:41 PM
what a lucky find. It sounds awkward at the same time lucky but unlucky how she pushes you away. I think the girl would regret seeing you, in thinking that you will tell her friend or family.

same happened to me, i work for a company that has other branches. One day i went to pick a documents in other branch. She greeted me to say hi but i wasn’t focused on her face as i was in rushed. she was pretty. Few years down the track i went to RnT pick a girl in line, she somehow recognised me but i didn’t lol Until she told me about that story. I felt bit awkward at the same time lucky gave me NHJ. then again funny thing was my lil bro mind telling me “respect her, she’s a girl next door don’t wake up!” lol Through out the session we just chatted like a long time friend. After few weeks wanted to go back to that shop, she has left.

31-01-2022, 10:44 PM
If she comes from money and now finds herself in this job then you can probably limit it to one of the following things: a falling out with her parents due to some major disagreement, her parents have no money now maybe was part of the anti-corruption crackdowns in MLC, or an addiction of some sort either to high limit gambling or to illicit drugs and she can’t tell her parents obviously if they are conservative. Maybe even a combination.

31-01-2022, 10:54 PM
Sounds sad. Maybe should not pick her as it would definitely awkward moment for both of you. How about asking from mutual friends if anyone knows? But it already happened so maybe go back and talk to her few times. Maybe you can help her to get another job?

31-01-2022, 11:03 PM
If she comes from money and now finds herself in this job then you can rule probably limit it to one of the following things: a falling out with her parents due to some major disagreement, her parents have no money now maybe was part of the anti-corruption crackdowns in MLC, or an addiction of some sort either to high limit gambling or to illicit drugs and she can’t tell her parents obviously if they are conservative. Maybe even a combination.

Could be any of those, or she was actually a "kept" woman who did not really come from a rich family, but had all the things she had from her rich sugar daddy / sponsor. The rich family story may have been a facade. Certainly would explain why she suddenly dropped OP without any explanation... Her sponsor was in town, so she had to be a good girl.

You'd be surprised how many of the PYTs that walk around with their expensive handbags (Hermes, that's no joke!) dressed head to toe in Gucci are actually kept women, not from rich families. They have their "part-time" BFs, but when the big fella comes to town, they need to do their duty or they can kiss their lifestyles goodbye.

31-01-2022, 11:21 PM
Could be any of those, or she was actually a "kept" woman who did not really come from a rich family, but had all the things she had from her rich sugar daddy / sponsor. The rich family story may have been a facade. Certainly would explain why she suddenly dropped OP without any explanation... Her sponsor was in town, so she had to be a good girl.

You'd be surprised how many of the PYTs that walk around with their expensive handbags (Hermes, that's no joke!) dressed head to toe in Gucci are actually kept women, not from rich families. They have their "part-time" BFs, but when the big fella comes to town, they need to do their duty or they can kiss their lifestyles goodbye.

This would make a lot of sense actually. Unless you actually know her family, it could all just be a backstory and her lifestyle was funded by a sugar daddy who naturally moves onto the next one once they’ve gotten bored

01-02-2022, 12:03 AM
All woman are cheap whores. I hope u learned ur lesson lol

So shop n girl name? Pajeets are waiting bro hurry

01-02-2022, 12:28 AM
All woman are cheap whores. I hope u learned ur lesson lol

So shop n girl name? Pajeets are waiting bro hurry
How come you said that? You don’t have any family members who are women? Inappropriate comment!

01-02-2022, 12:37 AM
All woman are cheap whores. I hope u learned ur lesson lol

So shop n girl name? Pajeets are waiting bro hurry

What an inappropriate comment.
You just showing what a piece of shit you are.

01-02-2022, 01:24 AM
My angel is a centrefold


01-02-2022, 01:46 AM
This is actually really sad. I doubt very few girls get into prostitution because that's what they wanted to do as a career. Most do it unwillingly. Your crush certainly sounds like the latter.

It's really hard to say whether there is anything you can or should do. Going back and seeing her, even if you tell her you just want to talk, might come off as creepy to her. It might signal to ber a deeper interest than is warranted after all this time that may make her wary.

Personally, I would be mortified if I met anyone from my non-punting life in this situation. It nearly happened once before while waiting for a line up. I saw a girl who had been going to a social club I was a member of walk past me while I was in one of the booths. I nearly fell out of my chair in shock but fortunately she was already booked for another client.

What I do find interesting is your feeling bad afterwards about her sleeping with other men. Does this signal that you still have feelings for her? Or were you just meaning bad in the sense of pity?

01-02-2022, 01:50 AM
All woman are cheap whores. I hope u learned ur lesson lol

So shop n girl name? Pajeets are waiting bro hurry

What a cretinous thing to say.

01-02-2022, 01:57 AM
don't feed the trolls

01-02-2022, 04:44 AM
ive spoken to number of working girls over the years and this what it comes down too,
they do their first batchelor overseas, but come to Australia for english and future studies, when they get here they realise how expensive Sydney is, and
the parents can only support them so much, so they look for a job options and that's why they turn to the industry, now the fake hand bags, clothes etc is just a persona they can hide behind in public, so no one will find out, so princess in the street, a whore in the bed,

but back to the original post, i say she was already working in the brothel, and couldn't get too close without getting attached, otherwise she wouldn't be able to do her job that's why she broke up with you, she will go back to china and start a new life and get married to a dumb local boy from a rich family and never mention what she did in Sydney

01-02-2022, 07:17 AM
Knowing her for almost 6 months, she wasn't the type who would work as prostitute, she would even buy me lunch/dinner sometimes and take me on road trips. I also faced time with her parents couple of times at the end. She graduated in Masters in Accounting and also was intern in a big finance company in Wynyard and I was working as part time in Town hall. Having feelings for someone and not having closure and at one stage you see them in brothel kinda hurts even though you no longer have feelings for them.

01-02-2022, 07:24 AM
Maybe I am just a pervert but if a hot chick I had a crush on but never got to fuck suddenly appeared in front of me in a brothel I would feel like Xmas, NYE and my birthday all happened at once.
What a gift! I would fuck her like crazy!

01-02-2022, 08:05 AM
Maybe I am just a pervert but if a hot chick I had a crush on but never got to fuck suddenly appeared in front of me in a brothel I would feel like Xmas, NYE and my birthday all happened at once.
What a gift! I would fuck her like crazy!

Same here bro!! It’s like a dream come true. I probably won’t feel bad for her either. She’s doing a job that pays really well, she can handle selling sex, who am I to judge?

The one thing that might happen in this situation is she does not treat you in the same way as other customers due to the past acquaintance, which could be a good or a bad thing!

01-02-2022, 08:14 AM
Is there even a nice way of asking how a girl ended up becoming a WL? Theres probably a lot of personal trauma behind that facade. No judgement here bro, but i probably would have tackled that a bit different.

Maybe book her for a couple of hours on her next shift and take in something to eat and drink and just chill? She might appreciate the sentiment.

Enjoy the moment.

Accept her for what she is now and enjoy your time with her if you like to continue to see her again.

Or walk away if it's too painful and forget about her and live your life.

The world is never what we think we see it is.

01-02-2022, 08:15 AM
Maybe I am just a pervert but if a hot chick I had a crush on but never got to fuck suddenly appeared in front of me in a brothel I would feel like Xmas, NYE and my birthday all happened at once.
What a gift! I would fuck her like crazy!

Hahahha good call bro I would be giving her a good Rogering and making a second booking

01-02-2022, 08:22 AM
Knowing her for almost 6 months, she wasn't the type who would work as prostitute, she would even buy me lunch/dinner sometimes and take me on road trips. I also faced time with her parents couple of times at the end. She graduated in Masters in Accounting and also was intern in a big finance company in Wynyard and I was working as part time in Town hall. Having feelings for someone and not having closure and at one stage you see them in brothel kinda hurts even though you no longer have feelings for them.

Did you start to punt because of this rejection? This chick choose to suck dick rather than have a proper bf. You dodged a bullet and U should probably go back n fuck her a few more times to teach her a lesson, get revenge on rejection, justice for all the burned guys n bonus if you tell her she turned u onto punting lol. No matter what u do it's constructive lesson in life for her.

01-02-2022, 08:29 AM
How come you said that? You don’t have any family members who are women? Inappropriate comment!

Why are you on a punting forum if you respect woman so much? Thanks for the laugh u rapey pajeet hypocrite lol

01-02-2022, 08:36 AM
All woman are cheap whores. I hope u learned ur lesson lol

So shop n girl name? Pajeets are waiting bro hurry

Omg this is the funniest comment I heard.

You shouldn't look down on yourself like that. Most of us here dont judge which echelon you begin your life. It's okay.

For the recorded I respect all people who put it a honest day work to make a living. Irrespective of their profession and gender.

01-02-2022, 08:43 AM
Same here bro!! It’s like a dream come true. I probably won’t feel bad for her either. She’s doing a job that pays really well, she can handle selling sex, who am I to judge?

The one thing that might happen in this situation is she does not treat you in the same way as other customers due to the past acquaintance, which could be a good or a bad thing!

If you had deep feelings for the girl I reckon it would be a bit awkward, if not I would be like a rat up a drainpipe (showing my age there)......

01-02-2022, 09:30 AM
Yes I agree I thought this sight discouraged disparaging talk.

01-02-2022, 10:08 AM
a lot punters act like white knights but deep down they are misogynists. paying for sex is equally degrading as being a sex worker

I get the point you’re making, and don’t fully disagree.
However, taking a cum shot in the mouth from a stranger for cash is not equal as giving a cum shot in the mouth to a stranger for cash imo.

01-02-2022, 10:10 AM
Why are you on a punting forum if you respect woman so much? Thanks for the laugh u rapey pajeet hypocrite lol

As I’m human with human manners. Punting doesn’t turn you to a cheap dog, but yourself.

01-02-2022, 10:27 AM
a lot punters act like white knights but deep down they are misogynists. paying for sex is equally degrading as being a sex worker

Nothing misogynistic about punting. I reckon it's quite empowering as us men are simple brained and from some of the responses on the forums have us wrapped around their fingers.

I actually think it's quite empowering.

01-02-2022, 10:32 AM
Is she happy doing what she is doing?

She may have been uncomfortable with you, but she may also enjoy her work?

01-02-2022, 10:32 AM
Just like break up sex you need a fuck closure. Give it your all time best and let that be your last memory of her and her last memory of you as a fuck god.

01-02-2022, 10:47 AM
How is being on a punting forum equivalent of being disrespectful to women lol? You can punt without degrading them - respect their boundaries.

01-02-2022, 10:48 AM
Hey OP, you can either have sex with her or if it is too painful, better just to avoid her/the shop.

01-02-2022, 11:14 AM
So being on a punting forum makes us all Neanderthal, knuckle dragging, misogynist douchebags?
Give me a break.
Sounds like the kind of attitude "I pay you money for sex so I am immediately superior to you." Utter bullshit.

Just because we punt does not mean we can't have a healthy respectful attitude towards women, including the girls in the industry.

I reckon we can do without the racist remarks as well.

01-02-2022, 11:28 AM
So being on a punting forum makes us all Neanderthal, knuckle dragging, misogynist douchebags?
Give me a break.
Sounds like the kind of attitude "I pay you money for sex so I am immediately superior to you." Utter bullshit.

Just because we punt does not mean we can't have a healthy respectful attitude towards women, including the girls in the industry.

I reckon we can do without the racist remarks as well.

Well said. No substitute for good manners and a little kindness.

01-02-2022, 12:08 PM
Totally agree. It no different to walking down the street and walking to a barber shop. They just provide a service that we are in need of. We are no white knight but it doesnt mean we can't show them respect.

01-02-2022, 12:20 PM
100% agree with what the 3 blokes above me said.

Does paying a woman for sexual services instantly mean you are demeaning and degrading her, or treating her less than as a person? I don't see why it does.

01-02-2022, 12:43 PM
a lot punters act like white knights but deep down they are misogynists. paying for sex is equally degrading as being a sex worker

You may be right. I wish I don't have to do this. But it's a quick fix without attachment. I'm not really proud of myself and I'm trying to punt less or best none at all.

01-02-2022, 12:59 PM
I get the sentiment but why is paying for sex or being a sex worker degrading? What is the issue with satisfying your needs or earning money?

01-02-2022, 01:35 PM
Knowing her for almost 6 months, she wasn't the type who would work as prostitute, she would even buy me lunch/dinner sometimes and take me on road trips. I also faced time with her parents couple of times at the end. She graduated in Masters in Accounting and also was intern in a big finance company in Wynyard and I was working as part time in Town hall. Having feelings for someone and not having closure and at one stage you see them in brothel kinda hurts even though you no longer have feelings for them.

I think the question is are you going to go back? Second and third the guys who said it's a bit of a gift! Certainly not something that happens to everyone

01-02-2022, 02:40 PM
I had a major crush on a girl during my uni days, I took her on date few times during our studies, she is from mainland China and was very conservative, she acted like tradional Chinese girl very naive and was very well mannered, she always wanted to get married and have a family, after couple of dates she kinda drifted apart and started to resend me, not sure why but gave me cold shoulder everytime and started to ignore my calls and messages, nothing sexual happened between us except for few kisses and holding hands. Recently I visited one of the brothel and she was part of the lineup, she did not recognise me in the dark room, when I chose her she came back to pick me up from the waiting room and realised it was me, it was awkward when we walked to the room, she left to get some fresh towels and took her time to come to the room, it had been few years since I saw her, I started the conversation by telling her how familiar she looked to my crush from my uni days, she then called me by my name and asked what I was doing in brothel. As far as I knew she was from rich family as she used to have Hermes, LV bags and would spend lot of money on travel and entertainment when we were students. She asked me to take my clothes off and directly went to covered blowjob and asked me to fuck her after 2 mins of BJ, I came pretty quickly, still had lot more time to kill, I asked why she turned into this business, she did not reply, there was lot of silence in the room for few mins then she sat next to me and with guilty face and did not speak for sometime, I took shower and got dressed and asked her if she was ok, she just nodded her head and I left could not talk, I felt bad at that moment realizing she has been having sex with other dudes. It got me thinking how a sweet innocent girl I knew once can turn into prostitute, I felt bad since she was my crush. I knew her parents were rich, I know her life story, we would speak and hang out all the time, it kinda hurts to see your crush in brothel.

OK, so I'm going to make some points, throw out some generalisations, out forward some things you probably already know, and so on.

Before i get in to anything through I want to state i have no doubt it would be a bit of a shock to have an experience like that. First thing we'll deal with is the sex with other guys and sweet innocent girl bit.
Sex is not dirty. Wanting your girl to be an innocent virgin, when you analyse it, is a centuries old stereotype forced on us mostly by various religions, and it has manifested in to the idea that somehow we guys should sample as many girls as possible, but girls shouldn't dare explore their sexuality. Extending that to her being a wl, yes coming to terms with the fact she's a wl is not for everyone. Maybe the sweet innocent thing was an act, god knows women all over the world have had society train them that way, and certain nationalities are grand masters at it... Anyway I think that point makes itself, she could still be that girl from before. It's a job that has stigma attached, up to you how you feel about it.

You didn't mention (unless I missed that part) that you would think about going back, and I would advise against it if you were. No good will come from that. It sounds like neither of you were comfortable with the whole thing (just from your description).
East Asian girls do things differently. Japanese, Korean, Chinese, often when they have decided not to pursue or continue a relationship they'll just ghost you. They're not big on calling you in, explaining their reasoning and wishing you best with your future endeavours. They'd rather avoid the confrontation and the boot to your ego. History also may have taught them a lot of guys don't take rejection well, so they try to give the message in other ways. We all want closure but sometimes we don't get it, we just have to pick up and move on. It works both ways too, be honest have you ever promised to call a girl and never done it? Ever had a couple of flings and then ghosted her? 98% of us have probably done it.

Now I'm coming from the pragmatic viewpoint, because if you take emotions out of the way we tend to see things clearer. Personally I know this would suck, no doubt about it, but for your own sake perhaps you need to file it under "Interesting life experience" and move forward.

Of course you can ignore all that, I'm no great sage, I'm just another knucklehead on a forum pointing his pipe as he offers an old timers perspective.

01-02-2022, 03:10 PM
Yeah, had some crushes in the past that I would've love to see in a brothel.

Seen one as an ML, but yet to get FS from her - only nude HJ. Wasn't a crush, but someone I thought was an absolute knockout. Her body was every bit gorgeous as I imagined.

One girl who is now back home, her spending habits and style changed a bit abruptly and years down the road she said she started living with Caucasian guy roughly 25 years older than her. She couldn't give a str8 reply as to how she met her. Signs suggest she worked a t brothel, but nothing for sure. May never know since she's now married. I had such a huge crush on her.

Can't think of any other off the top of my head, but yet to actually run into someone. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if a girl saw me through a CCTV and excluded herself from any lineup.

01-02-2022, 03:37 PM
That’s a really , Rare random event you’ve experienced… Have you ever given a thought to the fact that all the Lux fashion goods she was toting during university came from the fact she was working?

01-02-2022, 04:18 PM
wow, funny topic to be going so hard in such a relatively short time.

01-02-2022, 11:42 PM
Knowing her for almost 6 months, she wasn't the type who would work as prostitute, she would even buy me lunch/dinner sometimes and take me on road trips. I also faced time with her parents couple of times at the end. She graduated in Masters in Accounting and also was intern in a big finance company in Wynyard and I was working as part time in Town hall. Having feelings for someone and not having closure and at one stage you see them in brothel kinda hurts even though you no longer have feelings for them.

is her name Carissa?

02-02-2022, 12:18 AM
Knowing her for almost 6 months, she wasn't the type who would work as prostitute, she would even buy me lunch/dinner sometimes and take me on road trips. I also faced time with her parents couple of times at the end. She graduated in Masters in Accounting and also was intern in a big finance company in Wynyard and I was working as part time in Town hall. Having feelings for someone and not having closure and at one stage you see them in brothel kinda hurts even though you no longer have feelings for them.

only a few dates in 6 months ?
Yet you went on to meet "the folks". Mmm, so it appears that you didn't fuck her, but she wanted a family ? maybe not wanting to get some practice in was your killer and lack of indication of commitment on your part was the issue.
I also would bet that she was working on the side for the appearances. I have found with these girls that the livery they adopt is indicative. Think about it, they come out here to try and settle here, you gotta ask why. And unless your chinese, they wouldn't consider taking you back to china to live.

02-02-2022, 08:23 AM
is her name Carissa?

He's said before that Carissa was the name of a bad lady boss he had in the past. I doubt that's the crush he was referring to.

02-02-2022, 10:01 AM
He's said before that Carissa was the name of a bad lady boss he had in the past. I doubt that's the crush he was referring to.

beta101 is been caned for inappropriate thought…?

02-02-2022, 11:33 AM
a lot punters act like white knights but deep down they're are misogynists. paying for sex is equally degrading as being a sex worker

Very true we all punt cause we got damaged by the other sex I reckon n it's our equaliser...

02-02-2022, 12:31 PM
Very true we all punt cause we got damaged by the other sex I reckon n it's our equaliser...

You are not the queen, I , is more appropriate… carry on

02-02-2022, 01:06 PM
only a few dates in 6 months ?
Yet you went on to meet "the folks". Mmm, so it appears that you didn't fuck her, but she wanted a family ? maybe not wanting to get some practice in was your killer and lack of indication of commitment on your part was the issue.
I also would bet that she was working on the side for the appearances. I have found with these girls that the livery they adopt is indicative. Think about it, they come out here to try and settle here, you gotta ask why. And unless your chinese, they wouldn't consider taking you back to china to live.

She went from a goodie girl to a naughty girl. Oh well, it does happen. Maybe she got mixed up with the wrong crowd or got abused by her uncle. Who knows what messed the girl up to become a WL.

02-02-2022, 01:48 PM
I would have just left it at what it was and picked a different girl. Get a proper service and no baggage.

02-02-2022, 02:44 PM
Wish there were some girls that I knew when I was younger that were in a line up 😁😁

02-02-2022, 03:15 PM
I am touched by the story, and I'm also emotionally drawn to this - like a good drama.
OP, please update me if there is a follow up session lol

As for seeing someone I know in a lineup from h/s or uni, I'd imagine it'd be a little awkward - bargaining power perhaps.

02-02-2022, 07:08 PM
Wish there were some girls that I knew when I was younger that were in a line up 😁😁

Depending on how old you are, the ravages of time may not be so kind on your old crush!

07-02-2022, 11:50 AM
There are many ways to get a broken heart.
Electric shock , bad diet , severed aorta artery.
See my crush in shop is not included in the list.