View Full Version : 269 Canterbury R. Canterbury: Get lost Angela!

Steven Seagal
02-06-2012, 10:18 PM
Howdy folks,

This is a review of Angela.

Before I get going there’s a couple of things I need to discuss.

First, I’ve been an expert in getting myself into shithouse situations that I have been unable to extricate myself from. Yeah, I am a guy who always seems to get trapped or traps himself.

A good example of this was being in the Army and in Vietnam. I felt well and truly trapped and nothing at all came good out of that mess. I remember before I went into the Army I had ordered and was paying off a set of Encyclopedia Britannica. I think I was paying about $20 a month and when I got called up I sent the books back with a note that said “Keep the money I've paid and here are your books unopened and unused.” Well, after a month in Vietnam, I started getting these letters from the Britannica people that became more and more unfriendly and threatening legal action. I responded politely each time telling them about my present circumstance ,but it was all to no avail. Finally, I received some letters from a law firm called something like Shapiro, Shapiro & Nelson telling me in no uncertain terms they were dragging my sorry arse into court. I sent the following letter to them:

Shapiro, Shapiro & Nelson
Dumbarton Bridge
Hayward, California.


Re: Your letter of May 17th.

I am currently taking a 10 minute break from killing people and destroying massive amounts of property to waste my time with your horseshit letter.

I don’t give a rat’s arse what you have in store for me. I’ve been too busy fucking up this part of the world to care about your cunt books and bills!

If you want to take me to court be my guest. The worst than can happen is I get a warm jail cell, three square meals a day and better company than you thieving cocksuckers could supply.

As for appearing in court, come a get me you stupid dipshits!

Yours truly,

Steven Seagal
1st Lieutenant
U.S. ‘Fucking’ Army.

I didn’t hear from them again.

The next aspect that affects this review is I always want more and want what I can’t have. I am a movie buff and in the 1948 movie Key Largo with Humphrey Frank as Franck McCloud the good guy and Edward G. Robinson as Johnny Rocco a gangster and the following exchange takes place.

Frank: I’ll tell you what Rocco wants.
Rocco: What’s that war hero?
Frank: You want more.
Rocco: Yes, that’s it. I want more!
Frank: Have you ever had enough?
Rocco: Not yet.

I am Rocco. I have written in other places how I always want to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh with reception in massage parlours or brothels and part of it is that I know in my heart of hearts I can’t get it.

Now Jenny, the reception at 269, is not a looker. She is in her late 40’s – early 50’s, small and dumpty yet I want her. I have told her this many times and the conversation goes the same way all the time. It is like this:

Seagal: Jenny I don’t want the others. I want you.
Jenny: I love you.
Seagal: So I can have you?
Jenny: Thanks, I do love you.
Seagal: What does that mean? Is that a yes?
Jenny: That’s a no.

Ok, let’s put those two elements together. I am trapped and I want something I can’t have.

Now, let me set the stage.

I was half way through an hour booking with Anna. Now Anna is short, chubby, no English and very very sweet. (I had seen her before and will do a full review later.) I decided to have a double the last half hour with either Monica or Cindy, (I will do a review on Cindy later.)

I told Little Anna I wanted a double and she ran out with the money and a moment later she returned with Jenny who brought in Angela. Angela is about 35 years old, 5’5” in the old parlance, b+ cups with nice suckable nipples, thick lips and an untrimmed pussy. She looked ok, but was NOT who I wanted. I felt trapped and agreed to take her.

Virtually the moment she came in the room Angela had a rotten attitude. I could tell by the way she talked to little Anna that she was pushy and aggressive. Jenny lingered at the door and watched as Angela undressed. She had a rather worried look on her face. (Let me just note to all of you that in the past Jenny loved to watch people fornicating etc). She knew the atmosphere was now shithouse and walked over to the bed where I lay and took out her tit and stuck it in my mouth. I was very surprised and had a bit of a suck and then crabby Angela said something and both Anna and Jenny split. With Anna I was shortchanged 10 minutes, but I do not blame her for wanting to get away from the sad sack of shit that was called Angela.

Once everyone was gone Angela tried to turn on the charm and the FOAM, (fake orgasm and moaning), full blast, but it was too late. Little Seagal was in a coma that was a vegetative state from which he would not awaken. That Angela was as phony as a three dollar bill. I kept my limp cock in her mouth for 20 minutes and through some bizarre miracle my pathetic member was able to squirt into her gob. (Somebody contact the Guinness Books of Records to have my dick listed as the most limp prick every to ejaculate!)

I cleaned up and was met by Jenny on the way out. She asked which lady was ok and I told her that little Anna was very nice and I would not mind seeing her again and that Angela should be sent back to the People’s Republic of China and placed in a re-education camp to sort out her wrong thinking.

So, I was trapped, but I enjoyed sucking Jenny’s teat.

Until later,


Max Impact
02-06-2012, 10:28 PM
I enjoyed the way that the prologue regarding Seagal's time in Vietnam set the scene and prepared us for the story that later unfolded at 269 Canterbury. What was to later be revealed regarding the author's time there could not have been predicted. A great read. *****

Steven Seagal
02-06-2012, 10:46 PM
