View Full Version : General talk Double Happiness

21-08-2022, 06:28 PM
To counter the doomsayers and alarmists who advised against having ML as a girlfriend a ML told me that her ex-colleague had married a Korean man who was her regular client and she was expecting a baby.

Love a ML bravely and hope to hear more of such happy stories. :)

21-08-2022, 06:46 PM
Dont wanna be the bad guy.
But hopefully theyre both happy closed doors.

Some could easily just say having a baby just makes it that her status here becomes more secure.

Their start might be questionable. But i truly hope theyre both happy.

But i hope and would love to see that they actually are happy now and have a happy ending.

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21-08-2022, 07:06 PM
Dont wanna be the bad guy.
But hopefully theyre both happy closed doors.

Some could easily just say having a baby just makes it that her status here becomes more secure.

Their start might be questionable. But i truly hope theyre both happy.

But i hope and would love to see that they actually are happy now and have a happy ending.

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Two MLs I know of secretly work behind their partners' backs.

One complained that her Aussie husband did not give her enough money.

The other just had too many financial commitments in China having to support her mother, child and mother-in-law. Her husband was killed by a fall. What her present partner gave her wasn't sufficient.

21-08-2022, 07:07 PM
Two MLs I know of secretly work behind their partners' backs.

One complained that her Aussie husband did not give her enough money.

The other just had too many financial commitments in China having to support her mother, child and mother-in-law. Her husband was killed by a fall. What her partner gave her wasn't sufficient.Yep, and those things are the stuff most people dont see when they see a "happy" family on the outside.

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21-08-2022, 08:08 PM
I read double happiness…..I though a thread about Chinese cigarettes

21-08-2022, 10:16 PM
There are a lot of Milfs that work in the Adult Industry, so unless he has got bank, she be back cock slinging for tips

22-08-2022, 11:37 AM
The biggest lie we are told is to find someone that makes you happy ....Don't fall for that fucking horseshit! Make yourself happy, then find someone that adds to it. If they don't add value kick them to curb and walk away.
For most guys this is fucking hard as most lack testicular fortitude.

As for the Korean punter one can only hope he gets his happy ending.

22-08-2022, 02:16 PM
The biggest lie we are told is to find someone that makes you happy ....Don't fall for that fucking horseshit! Make yourself happy, then find someone that adds to it. If they don't add value kick them to curb and walk away.
For most guys this is fucking hard as most lack testicular fortitude.

As for the Korean punter one can only hope he gets his happy ending.

I met 3 pairs of MLs with their partners in a wedding. I was asked to photograph a small wedding.

2 of the MLs went through the real wedding and got their permanent residency and the third did it for show.

Didn't find out whether they were still working in the parlours.

22-08-2022, 04:43 PM
wedding vows dont mean shit to people these days, why even bother

It may mean nothing to you but it's important to applications for a permanent residency. :)

22-08-2022, 08:36 PM
Gotta agree with Mr Glamourphoto - The whole deal and concept of vows, white weddings, flowers, dinner menu, canapés, bridesmaids, photographs, guests... the whole works was created by women for women. From pre-pubescent years, all chicks dream and fantasise about is their wedding day and what dress she'll be wearing. A bloke on the other hand, just wants to get the whole thing over and done and he would be more than happy wearing thongs, a singlet and shorts on his wedding day.

if it's a WL/ML getting married, then yeah...find a celebrant, sign the paperwork, make it legit, and go back to the shop to consummate the contract ie unless you are a visa mule and that is a story for another day.

23-08-2022, 12:41 AM
I thought this thread was about a poker machine