View Full Version : General talk WL/ML who work long hours 6-7 days a week

02-09-2022, 12:53 AM
I had a chat with a few WLs and MLs who were clearly into the money and worked so many days in a week, some even working up to 12 hours a day. Seeing how much money they're making doing their job, I wonder if they even save any money aside or do they just spend the surplus on expensive restaurants, spas and clothing/jewellery?

For example, these are the circumstances I find with some girls:

- My ML ex would spend her surplus money paying for uni and going to expensive spas on her day off. She also loved going to expensive reservations only restaurants. In the end she saved nothing and was expecting me to buy a $2mil apartment in the city for us to live together in (and possibly take it all for herself through divorce).
- My WL ex was trying to save up money to pay for uni in her home country rather than to take up student loan. She would work everyday and only take breaks when she is on period.
- One ML wasn't even interested in relationships, she worked multiple shops and only talks about money. When I asked her why is she trying to make as much money as she can, she hinted that she wanted to bring this money back to her home country so that she can live a luxurious life if she can't stay in Australia. (She hinted how much she makes by the amount of condoms she used up in a month - which is a box of 20s X $100 tip).
- Another WL, worked as a WL in her home country and came here hoping not to get back into the industry but was desperate for money so she worked temporarily to rake up the amount she needed. Didn't tell me what for.

Since the money they make is cash based, those who saved up can't really deposit them into the bank unless they declare it using their ABN number and generate invoices (and forced to pay tax on their earnings). For those who splurge I guess they can report little to zero during their quarterly BAS.
Those ones who declare their incomes can get all paid taxes refunded once they go back for good but I do feel bad for those who splurge and are hoping to find a rich husband to leech off.

My ML ex was basically leeching off of me while we dated. She never bought me presents for my birthday, Valentine's or Xmas, not even a cheap but thoughtful trinket. I ended my relationship with her not only because of that, but because she told me at the very end that she didn't want to have kids. So I felt no point in continuing a relationship with a leech who puts nothing on the table or won't even give me kids.

My WL ex was crazy - she expected me to be her customer whenever I want sex (I was only taking her out on sexless dates during her days off), and expect me to be okay with her going back to her home country at the end of her WH to study several years before we get married. Definitely not down for long distance relationship.

Now that I'm dating normal girls (someone not in the sex industry) it doesn't feel too different from dating one from that industry. I no longer concern myself on how many dicks a girl have seen because I've seen plenty of pussies myself.

02-09-2022, 10:01 AM
Life is fickle.

We come into this fucked up world naked, alone, and without a cent and we leave it the same fucking way.

Make the most of each day, as you don't know when your number is up.

Enjoy the pleasures that women, money, and life can provide and know everything in life is temporary.
We come with zilch/nada/FA and we leave with zilch/nada/FA.

Enjoy the pussy while you still can and able to afford.

Great post btw!

02-09-2022, 10:20 AM
Not much difference from a normal girl. They want apartment, car and etc. Less sex and toys you around. If you think of it. The dating apps and social media made it worse since they would be fucking 3 or 4 guys BBFS.

02-09-2022, 12:02 PM
I stopped dating after entering dating scene recently, girls are more materialistic then every if they are between 19-30, above 30 will either have baggage from previous relationships or psychos. It is best to punt then to loose half of your stuff for just sex.

I heard from my regular that shops have lost 40 percent of their customer due to inflation and WL's are not making $1000's anyymore rather get 3-4 customers per day. Some are just making $300 after 12 hrs of shift.

02-09-2022, 12:21 PM
Not much difference from a normal girl. They want apartment, car and etc. Less sex and toys you around. If you think of it. The dating apps and social media made it worse since they would be fucking 3 or 4 guys BBFS.

Never believe what girls say as to the number of guys they have slept with these days. Sher188 is right about dating apps. It's given women greater freedom to meet whoever they like without any commitments.

Girls know if they tell the truth about seeing many guys then they will be called whores or sluts. Of course they will try to keep their past secret or hidden. When WLs or MLs leave the profession and settle down with guys, it is highly unlikely they will make mention of their past. Those poor guys who marry them have no idea that their girl was doing countless guys.

02-09-2022, 01:08 PM
On the flip side as well, there is no way girls can keep high levels of service when working for so long hours and number of days.

Example... Saw a J girl when she first arrived and then a return visit after a couple of weeks but was working long hours and the difference was considerable.

That's def part of the issue currently...

Great post..

02-09-2022, 02:02 PM
Never believe what girls say as to the number of guys they have slept with these days. Sher188 is right about dating apps. It's given women greater freedom to meet whoever they like without any commitments.

Girls know if they tell the truth about seeing many guys then they will be called whores or sluts. Of course they will try to keep their past secret or hidden. When WLs or MLs leave the profession and settle down with guys, it is highly unlikely they will make mention of their past. Those poor guys who marry them have no idea that their girl was doing countless guys.

Who cares how many guys a girl has slept with before you meet them.

02-09-2022, 11:21 PM
I really don't care if a girl has a body count as long as it was whilst she was single, just like us blokes we all like to have fun.

Body count isn't bad because she may have a few tricks up her sleeve and could be a good root. Only problem is when she turns out to be a dud root though

03-09-2022, 11:37 AM
Yea I mean who gives a shit about how many guys she's fucked. I mean some punters on this forum must of fucked close to a thousand girls are they now undateable?

03-09-2022, 11:56 AM
Not sure why people have issues with body counts unless they're concern the more body count the higher chance of std?
Or maybe it's an ego complex.
I have friends that finds it weird to share same ml/wl after I recommend them cause the girls did a good job.

Not all WL/ml are the same. Some would save as much as they can, pay for uni etc then retire but for how long before they get back into it, who knows.

03-09-2022, 03:56 PM
The popular MLs only need to work 3 days a week and live a comfortable lifestyle.

03-09-2022, 04:05 PM
Wtf marry a trad wife only. she need to be a virgin and have 0 pussy mile travelled.


04-09-2022, 11:20 AM
Wtf marry a trad wife only. she need to be a virgin and have 0 pussy mile travelled.


Interesting link Beta101, though it only addresses sexual mileage from a distance and speed perspective.

In psychology there's a concept known as imprinting. For every guy a woman has bareback sex with; she absorbs his spermatazoa which becomes a part of her forever and this phenomena is known as male microchimerism. So for a chick with a high body count there's a sexual imprint left behind by the tens or hundreds of partners and/or cocks that have penetrated her.
The level and the type of sexual imprinting varies on a spectrum from positive to negative or anywhere in between. Most chicks with high body counts tend to exhibit damaged goods behaviours.
The arranged marriage, the virgin, the blood stained white bed sheet, the zero body count etc are traditions and practices favoured in many countries, cultures, and religions.

Good work lads, and keep the interesting dialogue flowing.

Fred Flintstone
04-09-2022, 05:04 PM
To the OP, why would you ever date a WL? Never in history has a WL/ordinary bloke relationship ever worked out. Many mongers enter into these situations thinking that they can save the girl or that they can get free sex on tap 24/7. But no one will succeed. Just pay your money, fuck hookers and move on.

Nothing in life is free. You either pay now or pay later

04-09-2022, 07:56 PM
To the OP, why would you ever date a WL? Never in history has a WL/ordinary bloke relationship ever worked out. Many mongers enter into these situations thinking that they can save the girl or that they can get free sex on tap 24/7. But no one will succeed. Just pay your money, fuck hookers and move on.

Nothing in life is free. You either pay now or pay later

I have known lots of girls over the years ending up in long term marriages and relationships that have been successful

05-09-2022, 06:39 PM
Interesting link Beta101, though it only addresses sexual mileage from a distance and speed perspective.

In psychology there's a concept known as imprinting. For every guy a woman has bareback sex with; she absorbs his spermatazoa which becomes a part of her forever and this phenomena is known as male microchimerism. So for a chick with a high body count there's a sexual imprint left behind by the tens or hundreds of partners and/or cocks that have penetrated her.
The level and the type of sexual imprinting varies on a spectrum from positive to negative or anywhere in between. Most chicks with high body counts tend to exhibit damaged goods behaviours.
The arranged marriage, the virgin, the blood stained white bed sheet, the zero body count etc are traditions and practices favoured in many countries, cultures, and religions.

Good work lads, and keep the interesting dialogue flowing.

Interesting read. What about experience?

Having a sex with virgin or low body count my sound good but she could be dead fish.

05-09-2022, 08:41 PM
Interesting read. What about experience?

Having a sex with virgin or low body count my sound good but she could be dead fish.

You make a good and valid point. Generally speaking, virgins and women with low body count can be great BUT only if the chick is naturally horny, and she's had incels, betas, or losers as partners and the sex was bland and boring.

When a dude has ample experience (eg a seasoned punter) he can teach, guide and educate a virgin or a LBC chick, exposing her to new sexual experiences that will get her addicted to the guy and the sex he provides (imprinting). The only caveat is the dude has to be better than all her past lovers - which in today's sexual marketplace and dating scene , ain't that fickin' hard.

It is a scientific and proven fact that the chemicals released during sex and during orgasms are addictive AF. But like all drugs the highs are temporary and the addiction needs to be fed constantly (and for punting aficionados this can put a strain on finances).

The problem with women is they're all fuckin' high maintenance and most believe they are entitled to shit (a hormonal thing). When science finally discovers the centre of the universe a lot of chicks will be pissed off to find they're not in it....

05-09-2022, 09:45 PM
You make a good and valid point. Generally speaking, virgins and women with low body count can be great BUT only if the chick is naturally horny, and she's had incels, betas, or losers as partners and the sex was bland and boring.

When a dude has ample experience (eg a seasoned punter) he can teach, guide and educate a virgin or a LBC chick, exposing her to new sexual experiences that will get her addicted to the guy and the sex he provides (imprinting). The only caveat is the dude has to be better than all her past lovers - which in today's sexual marketplace and dating scene , ain't that fickin' hard.

It is a scientific and proven fact that the chemicals released during sex and during orgasms are addictive AF. But like all drugs the highs are temporary and the addiction needs to be fed constantly (and for punting aficionados this can put a strain on finances).

The problem with women is they're all fuckin' high maintenance and most believe they are entitled to shit (a hormonal thing). When science finally discovers the centre of the universe a lot of chicks will be pissed off to find they're not in it....
Please link me to the peer reviewed journal articles that you get these scientific facts from.

05-09-2022, 10:20 PM
Please link me to the peer reviewed journal articles that you get these scientific facts from.

It's called life experience, dating, confidence, having game and swagger, having knowledge about shit, being engaging, striking conversations with women of any age, forming short and long term relationships, taking them home and having sex, having a solid rotation of women, learning how to romance them etc etc
Life is not all about paying $150-$500 each time you want intimacy and need to blow your load. You should try it one day! It will open up your world.

Punting has its time and its place.....

05-09-2022, 11:22 PM
It's called life experience, dating, confidence, having game and swagger, having knowledge about shit, being engaging, striking conversations with women of any age, forming short and long term relationships, taking them home and having sex, having a solid rotation of women, learning how to romance them etc etc
Life is not all about paying $150-$500 each time you want intimacy and need to blow your load. You should try it one day! It will open up your world.

Punting has its time and its place.....

I thought you liked dudes? Wasn't there a male receptionist you wanted to fuck? What happened with that?

Hahaha. I'm sorry man keep going bro. I normally enjoy the shit you write. it's fun to read. Just the shit about imprinting and stuff bahahaha. I shit you not my eyes almost rolled up to my brain.

Whoever on this forum believed that shit aren't the sharpest tool in the shed but neither are dogs and I love dogs, they're adorable.

06-09-2022, 12:18 PM
Very true, sex and pointing are two separate things. Each with its own fun

06-09-2022, 05:06 PM
You must really enjoy "pointing" at people Monkeyman.

I just think its rude

06-09-2022, 07:34 PM
Never believe what girls say as to the number of guys they have slept with these days. Sher188 is right about dating apps. It's given women greater freedom to meet whoever they like without any commitments.

Girls know if they tell the truth about seeing many guys then they will be called whores or sluts. Of course they will try to keep their past secret or hidden. When WLs or MLs leave the profession and settle down with guys, it is highly unlikely they will make mention of their past. Those poor guys who marry them have no idea that their girl was doing countless guys.

Who cares how many guys a girl has fucked? I don't, couldn't care less.