View Full Version : Question Girl Offers Discount - Boss Refuses to Let Her…

12-10-2022, 02:43 AM
I’m curious what others think about this.

The other day I tried a new shop for first time. I almost bolted when I met mama-san…but a really nice lady materialized so I decided to go an hour since I was already there…

Anyway…girl + me = happy happy so one hour becomes two….

And then I break my golden rule and give her a third hour because it’s pouring rain, and I’ve got nothing better to do but chill and cuddle for a while…

Time is almost up and lady asks me to stay longer. I say sorry. But 2 hours is my limit and I’m not horny and I don’t want to pay full whack to just hang out indefinitely doing nothing in particular as nice as it all is…

I never ask for discounts but I do have a magic number combination of hours/$$ that I will always accept. This lady somehow guessed it and I was good to stay.

I know that the shop never cuts their share. Offers like this always come out of the lady’s share.

Anyway suddenly boss is going mental and throwing me out like I’m robbing the joint! She’s asking me non-stop did girl give me her number…but I’m out of there.

Chatting with girl over next few days (yes - got number) seems like she asked boss, got the green-light for me to stay as agreed, but then boss backflipped for unknown reasons.

Girl very happy to make good at alternative venue subsequently…

I don’t know…. should I see the girl privately? Or am I asking for trouble..?

12-10-2022, 05:34 AM
I'm a romantic man. I would encourage you to keep seeing her even outside the shop. Even better if you could make it to her bedroom.

I did it twice in a regular's bedroom. There could be something special about it to let you into her private sanctuary. Her housemate who was also a ML told me she must have liked me a lot to let me do it. I eventually bedded her too in another shop she worked in.

Now if you fall in love with her and she with her I wish you both good luck. :)

12-10-2022, 06:54 AM
I'm a romantic man. I would encourage you to keep seeing her even outside the shop. Even better if you could make it to her bedroom.

I did it twice in a regular's bedroom. There could be something special about it to let you into her private sanctuary. Her housemate who was also a ML told me she must have liked me a lot to let me do it. I eventually bedded her too in another shop she worked in.

Now if you fall in love with her and she with her I wish you both good luck. :)

Thanks mate. I like that kind of refreshingly uncynical perspective.

I have been fortunate a few times over the years to have a WL occasionally want a few hours more just hanging out with me more than she wanted the full price (and the hard fuck it potentially came with ) from whoever might follow me.

It’s never about love (well, maybe once - foolishly). And only after a long history of visits.

I’m less certain about this - first meeting…

12-10-2022, 07:38 AM
Thanks mate. I like that kind of refreshingly uncynical perspective.…

Ah, you don't know our dear Sibon that well, do you?
Uncynical??? maybe, but I doubt it.
What you did miss was his comment laced with loads of Sarcasm.

12-10-2022, 08:37 AM
I'm a romantic man. I would encourage you to keep seeing her even outside the shop. Even better if you could make it to her bedroom.

I did it twice in a regular's bedroom. There could be something special about it to let you into her private sanctuary. Her housemate who was also a ML told me she must have liked me a lot to let me do it. I eventually bedded her too in another shop she worked in.

Now if you fall in love with her and she with her I wish you both good luck. :)

Ah, you don't know our dear Sibon that well, do you?
Uncynical??? maybe, but I doubt it.
What you did miss was his comment laced with loads of Sarcasm.

I might have missed something as i was musing at 5 AM in my regular shop (paying full whack happily thank you very much)….

My question was more directed at “what did I miss?”, “ what would you have done”,

The lady certainly never offered me freebies at different venue! She just offered the same number of hours at the same very special price that her boss reneged on.

I probably would not want them another time really… it was just a really good thing when she was so keen on the first meeting - i knew she had plenty of work all night and didn’t need me at all.

And love? Fuck that! But a genuine bit of mutual happiness and satisfaction is always nice.

12-10-2022, 08:53 AM
I'm a romantic man. I would encourage you to keep seeing her even outside the shop. Even better if you could make it to her bedroom.

I did it twice in a regular's bedroom. There could be something special about it to let you into her private sanctuary. Her housemate who was also a ML told me she must have liked me a lot to let me do it. I eventually bedded her too in another shop she worked in.

Now if you fall in love with her and she with her I wish you both good luck. :)

Ah, you don't know our dear Sibon that well, do you?
Uncynical??? maybe, but I doubt it.
What you did miss was his comment laced with loads of Sarcasm.

…all because I got caught far from home in a torrential downpour one evening just around the corner from a cheap milf shop that seems to get nothing but praise and five star reviews.

Curiosity got the better of me and I wondered what you got for $10 an hour less than Spring House and $10 more than B12.

Must be the location - many mad mad punters in that vicinity. Cause all I registered was something like Spring (once the managers finally let go of their very last give a shit at all).Or B12 - without the friendly vibe.

12-10-2022, 09:57 AM
Sounds like 533

12-10-2022, 10:26 AM
I’m curious what others think about this.

The other day I tried a new shop for first time. I almost bolted when I met mama-san…but a really nice lady materialized so I decided to go an hour since I was already there…

Anyway…girl + me = happy happy so one hour becomes two….

And then I break my golden rule and give her a third hour because it’s pouring rain, and I’ve got nothing better to do but chill and cuddle for a while…

Time is almost up and lady asks me to stay longer. I say sorry. But 2 hours is my limit and I’m not horny and I don’t want to pay full whack to just hang out indefinitely doing nothing in particular as nice as it all is…

I never ask for discounts but I do have a magic number combination of hours/$$ that I will always accept. This lady somehow guessed it and I was good to stay.

I know that the shop never cuts their share. Offers like this always come out of the lady’s share.

Anyway suddenly boss is going mental and throwing me out like I’m robbing the joint! She’s asking me non-stop did girl give me her number…but I’m out of there.

Chatting with girl over next few days (yes - got number) seems like she asked boss, got the green-light for me to stay as agreed, but then boss backflipped for unknown reasons.

Girl very happy to make good at alternative venue subsequently…

I don’t know…. should I see the girl privately? Or am I asking for trouble..?

You must be a decent person and would be treating the ML that's why she may have asked you to stay especially if she shared her private number and was willing to see you outside the shop. I would see her if the opportunity is there and enjoy the thrill of punting. It could be more private and relaxed environment especially when there is no mamasan to know on the door to say the time is up.

Have fun and enjoy.

12-10-2022, 11:15 AM
You must be a decent person and would be treating the ML that's why she may have asked you to stay especially if she shared her private number and was willing to see you outside the shop. I would see her if the opportunity is there and enjoy the thrill of punting. It could be more private and relaxed environment especially when there is no mamasan to know on the door to say the time is up.

Have fun and enjoy.

Well the ML I visited in her bedroom cost me $500 per visit. After two visits I sensibly called it quit. I could have 5 visits to a normal shops. :)

Very few MLs treat any outside meeting with them as not transactional. The clock is still ticking away....

12-10-2022, 12:35 PM
You must be a decent person and would be treating the ML that's why she may have asked you to stay especially if she shared her private number and was willing to see you outside the shop. I would see her if the opportunity is there and enjoy the thrill of punting. It could be more private and relaxed environment especially when there is no mamasan to know on the door to say the time is up.

Have fun and enjoy.

Well the ML I visited in her bedroom cost me $500 per visit. After two visits I sensibly called it quit. I could have 5 visits to a normal shops. :)

Very few MLs treat any outside meeting with them as not transactional. The clock is still ticking away....

Yep. It’s all business. I never forget that. But my view is that there are lots of undesirable jobs that people don’t really want to be doing. God knows I’ve had a few.

But not every day in such jobs need be just another day at the coalface. Sometimes, probably rarely, a customer or a contractor, or a whoever, just surprises the fuck out of you for no reason you can understand.

In this game most see that moment as a schmuck to be looted while the going is good. So I avoid them. Hence the two hour rule.

But the stars aligned on this particular night. But lightning probably doesn’t strike twice … so I.think i’ll stick to my predictable haunts down South.

But thanks all for the chat. Unusually pleasant…

12-10-2022, 06:35 PM
I’m curious what others think about this.

The other day I tried a new shop for first time. I almost bolted when I met mama-san…but a really nice lady materialized so I decided to go an hour since I was already there…

Anyway…girl + me = happy happy so one hour becomes two….

And then I break my golden rule and give her a third hour because it’s pouring rain, and I’ve got nothing better to do but chill and cuddle for a while…

Time is almost up and lady asks me to stay longer. I say sorry. But 2 hours is my limit and I’m not horny and I don’t want to pay full whack to just hang out indefinitely doing nothing in particular as nice as it all is…

I never ask for discounts but I do have a magic number combination of hours/$$ that I will always accept. This lady somehow guessed it and I was good to stay.

I know that the shop never cuts their share. Offers like this always come out of the lady’s share.

Anyway suddenly boss is going mental and throwing me out like I’m robbing the joint! She’s asking me non-stop did girl give me her number…but I’m out of there.

Chatting with girl over next few days (yes - got number) seems like she asked boss, got the green-light for me to stay as agreed, but then boss backflipped for unknown reasons.

Girl very happy to make good at alternative venue subsequently…

I don’t know…. should I see the girl privately? Or am I asking for trouble..?

Best to check with mamasan and not the girl whether there is any discount for extending another hour. The girl can say one thing but ultimately, the final say comes from the boss.

So the girl gave her private number to you. What's the big problem with the mamasan? Many MLs do it more to request customers to see them at the shop rather than outside. I guess she doesn't trust her girls. Anyway, it's up to you to see the ML outside the shop. MLs work as independent contractors. They do not sign contracts or work agreements to be bound by certain conditions to work at a shop.

12-10-2022, 10:12 PM
Classic cuteguy!!!

13-10-2022, 05:51 AM
You must be a decent person and would be treating the ML that's why she may have asked you to stay especially if she shared her private number and was willing to see you outside the shop. I would see her if the opportunity is there and enjoy the thrill of punting. It could be more private and relaxed environment especially when there is no mamasan to know on the door to say the time is up.

Have fun and enjoy.

Decent? I dunno. I don’t think anybody ever called me that. Depraved… deviant…deluded…yes. Many D words.

Best I sometimes get is “gentleman” occasionally . It must mean something different in Chinese. Possibly “crazy customer who often spends his hour talking so much nonsense he completely forgets to fuck anybody , then apologizes to the ladies, and leaves only to return a day later and waste more money on some other way for nobody to do any serious work”.

Well the ML I visited in her bedroom cost me $500 per visit. After two visits I sensibly called it quit. I could have 5 visits to a normal shops. :)

Very few MLs treat any outside meeting with them as not transactional. The clock is still ticking away....

Best to check with mamasan and not the girl whether there is any discount for extending another hour. The girl can say one thing but ultimately, the final say comes from the boss.

So the girl gave her private number to you. What's the big problem with the mamasan? Many MLs do it more to request customers to see them at the shop rather than outside. I guess she doesn't trust her girls. Anyway, it's up to you to see the ML outside the shop. MLs work as independent contractors. They do not sign contracts or work agreements to be bound by certain conditions to work at a shop.

Except the very detailed contract, usually written in blood and Chinese, that holds the truth about mum to various dependent children and elderly relatives (and the PRC authorities generally) as collateral against mum forgetting the $16k friends of mama-san lent her to buy the really secret info about these amazing opportunities to work in Australia. And the $2k for the visa. And few k that first month learning the ropes. Or not clearlyunderstanding 100 % that anything Aussie do-gooders say about “independent contractors etc” only applies to white ladies charging $300 an hour and including (only maybe) a kiss or a few minutes of covered blowjob to only the luckiest and most loyal customers.

Those special 24/7 shops… where the ladies available every day.., anytime you want… and for anything you want… i’ve seen years of employee loyalty there that my company can’t get for more than 5 minutes out of first year law graduates with $20 k signing bonuses and a $150 k “at least come to the office everyday please” salary.

Sorry .. off topic ranty there. Nobody need’s that.

ML? Has any self-respecting punter ever extended a RnT beyond 60 mins? I’m not judging, I waste my money endlessly in ways too ludicrous to mention.

It seriously never occurred to me to occupy a massage table + ML longer than an hour. Even that absolutely insane Northern Beaches pint-size filipino bareback the hole of your choice for a $50 cock monster that left me too damaged to be the only one naked in a locked room for many many months.

Nah. The lady discussed in the original post would probably be insulted if a punter only wanted a massage. No matter how much he paid. She is a bona fide 100 % professional, take immense pride in her ability, want to leave the customer bone dry and lucky to be standing or seeing straight, gold-plated, world-class whore.

Actually, now I’ve written that out it is much less of a mystery why this shop in a league of its own and not comparable to anything Milf Temples elsewhere…

And having now seen quite a few reviews maybe I should have made more of an effort to get on-board with the action feom the get-go. I probably wouldn’t have lasted 3. Let alone be discussing not leaving anytime before dawn.::

I need to get out more. Or stop leaving my home at all. Ever.

13-10-2022, 10:53 AM
I think I've been on the same boat before and but I realized some ML just tried to get more money and some feels somewhat genuine.

I reckon someone called the shop maybe one of her regulars hence why the mamasan went off. Regarding seeing her outside I dont think there should be any issue probably just be careful and see how it goes.

17-10-2022, 04:37 PM
Last night I slept 8 hours in a brothel for free. Coincidentaly it was the same room I had the first time I went to a brothel. The room where it took a Chinese working lady less than 60 minutes to create the creature now known as MilfMonger.

However, this time the brothel was closed for renovations, there were no girls, and the friend who recently took control of the place had just kindly suggested I not attempt to drive the hour or more to get home.

We talked for hours about the business and what the girls really want from their work and feel about their customers. This friend is a Chinese-Australian lady who has been associated with the industry for 20 + years but did not begin as a WL so lacks that personal perspective.

She finally convinced me that a man would be mad to accept any discount from a WL. And a fool to pay for an hour, or extend past the first hour, for any other reason than getting a good fuck and shooting a load.

The two-hour rule is the golden rule.

17-10-2022, 09:04 PM
Got caught in this trap recently.
A ML who I have a very good relationship with in and out of shops kinda stiffed me last time I saw her so I have not seen her since and only reply with a couple of words when she texts me
What happened was I booked an hour and she spoilt me rotten...full on worshipped me for 60 minutes but I didn't come.
No big deal I had a blast.
Then I asked if she was busy the next hour and she wasn't
So I extended on the understanding I was gonna repay her and worship her and eat her out for ad long as she could take
All good we both came wwll she did several times.
Then she asked for a 200 tip on top of our usual because we had done extras for 2hrs.

One of the things we talked about is how common it is for a PRC Chinese WL or Mama-san to kill what any other business would see as a Golden Goose customer.

Things like just refusing to give a long-time regular customer a simple apology or a token $100 refund the one time he ‘s really upset about some aspect of service on a day he might have already been there a few hours.

That $100 today is somehow more valuable than the $1,000 he would have likely dropped the next weekend. And most weekends thereafter.

I can kind of understand it in shops with lots of girls fully booked and always turning punters away.

17-10-2022, 11:13 PM
So I extended on the understanding I was gonna repay her and worship her and eat her out for ad long as she could take
All good we both came wwll she did several times.
Then she asked for a 200 tip on top of our usual because we had done extras for 2hrs.

OUCH!! That's one way to certainly kill off what you'll assume was a "very good relationship". A timely reminder that these sessions/interactions are merely transactions at least to one party.

18-10-2022, 12:10 AM
Classic cuteguy!!!

haha you beat me to it

18-10-2022, 04:20 PM
Rub up a line line of credit with them

18-10-2022, 04:22 PM
Still possible, upright...... No knuckles dragging

18-10-2022, 04:24 PM
Try and hug them, after all

18-10-2022, 04:26 PM
I almost fell over with laughter.... Your description of the best compliment

18-10-2022, 04:27 PM
Shakespeare reading the Bhagavad-Gita

18-10-2022, 04:29 PM
Penny pinching , micro managing, sleep deprived..... Yep

18-10-2022, 04:30 PM
She is , our friend

18-10-2022, 04:32 PM
Might walk up there tonight, after all.....

18-10-2022, 04:32 PM
Only place I could find beet

18-10-2022, 05:18 PM
Only place I could find beet

Are you trying for the new indoor record for the number of meaningless posts in the shortest possible time???

18-10-2022, 05:25 PM
Someone's trying to get to 50 with the most inane posts

18-10-2022, 07:02 PM
Someone's trying to get to 50 with the most inane posts

Maybe. They’ve trolled me before. I think they have me confused with someone else.

19-10-2022, 08:59 AM
Probably about twenty more posts to go... I join the club

19-10-2022, 09:00 AM
Getting old and bored... Nothing else to do

19-10-2022, 09:01 AM
Here is another

19-10-2022, 09:02 AM
Sibon..... ? Are you okay? World mental health week

19-10-2022, 03:19 PM
You've hit 50 now beergut. You can slow down now

19-10-2022, 03:19 PM
In the interests of fairness and good faith relationships I must report that the Mama-san in this matter has offered me an unconditional apology and one full free hour with the lady in question if I will return to her shop.

From what I have read and heard this is a rare event. So I’m appreciative. But now I feel like I should also give this mama-san the names of some mama-sans on this side of the bridge and give her a chance to run a background check and really think about whether encouraging me is in any way a good thing.

And of course I’ll still have to pay the girl for the ‘free’ hour if she’s been forced to give it (because…well obviously right?)

20-10-2022, 02:04 AM
And of course I’ll still have to pay the girl for the ‘free’ hour if she’s been forced to give it (because…well obviously right?)

I doubt there's any other way with that particular mama-san..

14-01-2023, 12:45 AM
Thanks Yaya, improving

14-01-2023, 12:46 AM
A great lady...,.. for toleranting .. people

14-01-2023, 04:56 AM
Shanti Shanti Shanti

14-01-2023, 04:59 AM
Om nah Shivaya....

14-01-2023, 05:01 AM
....... Namah ...

23-01-2023, 12:43 PM
Can you see her again

23-01-2023, 12:44 PM

23-01-2023, 12:46 PM
Like a aunty..... One in a million

23-01-2023, 12:56 PM
Like a aunty..... One in a million
Mate can you stop spamming shit for nothing?

23-01-2023, 01:01 PM
Off course.....

23-01-2023, 02:53 PM
Jana Wendt..... 60 minutes

23-01-2023, 02:54 PM
Probably...... Glamour