View Full Version : Shop info Ginza quality out west/hills

18-11-2022, 08:53 AM
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Fred Flintstone
18-11-2022, 05:02 PM
If they were Ginza quality, they’d be at Ginza earning the big bucks

18-11-2022, 05:08 PM
Welcome to the punting seventh circle of hell, where eventually even hope comes to die...
It is a barren wasteland out here. Ginza quality? Forget it.
Nearest I can think of is 42g. For message we fair a little better, but not much. Top Ryde probably the closest. My advice, find excuses to make trips to better punting areas.

Of course there may be the occasional diamond in the rough but don't bet your life savings on it.

18-11-2022, 05:28 PM
Do you mean shops with ginza pricing out west?

Thankfully none, but you will find a lot of shops offering youngish girls at affordable prices with ok to excellent service.

If you look at the AR section ginza quality means paying huuge prices for young J girls with eczema and (maybe) bad teeth who give meh service cause they're working 24/7 for as long as their visa allows them to be here.

Paying big bucks doesn't guarantee excellent service.

18-11-2022, 06:00 PM
Do you mean shops with ginza pricing out west?

Thankfully none, but you will find a lot of shops offering youngish girls at affordable prices with ok to excellent service.

If you look at the AR section ginza quality means paying huuge prices for young J girls with eczema and (maybe) bad teeth who give meh service cause they're working 24/7 for as long as their visa allows them to be here.

Paying big bucks doesn't guarantee excellent service.

The West as a whole isn't bad, there are some good shops reasonably priced that have some good to great girls roll through them. The Hills however, as I described. Lived here 13 years or so, lovely area to live, horrible for punting.

18-11-2022, 06:32 PM
Me to live Hills but gives ample opportunity to take a wrong turn into brothel driveway on way home from work.

23-11-2022, 08:34 PM
Can you even get Diamond (BBBJ) FS further west than 42G?
Or should the question be, do you really want Diamond FS further west?;)