View Full Version : General talk Indonesia sex before marriage will be jail time

03-12-2022, 01:22 PM
Several articles are saying sex before marriage will be punishable with jail time in Indonesia. Indonesia's parliament is expected to pass a new criminal law this month. Unbelievable!
If this gets passed just be careful anyone travelling there.

03-12-2022, 06:52 PM
I think it only for Muslims

03-12-2022, 09:40 PM
I think it only for Muslims
It's for everyone.


03-12-2022, 10:53 PM
A new market has opened up for dobber cats. "Pay me or I'll tell"

04-12-2022, 01:03 AM
Punishment can involve whipping and caning.
It’s bizarre that good old wholesome vanilla sex is punished by kinky BDSM.

04-12-2022, 11:06 AM
Yeah read about this. Crazy stuff, but there's a catch. Only specific people have the right to report the crime. I think only close family members of either party.

04-12-2022, 11:31 AM
Yeah read about this. Crazy stuff, but there's a catch. Only specific people have the right to report the crime. I think only close family members of either party.
Yes, seems like family members if they're not married and the other spouse if they are married.

04-12-2022, 01:00 PM
The poor Indonesian girls need some experience before getting married. That's being harsh.

If the law also applies to foreigners then it would be crazy to pick up girls and take them to the hotel. Someone will report them to the authorities or police. Not worth being locked up in an Indonesian gaol for many years!

04-12-2022, 04:20 PM
A lot more Indo girls in our shop these days .... coincidence or something more like spending Christmas in Sydney.

04-12-2022, 04:51 PM
A lot more Indo girls in our shop these days .... coincidence or something more like spending Christmas in Sydney.

Whether it be Indonesian or Japanese girls, they're coming here because they need money. This is what the girls say. After covid, many found themselves without jobs and these girls need to survive somehow. Australia is not far away and they can make lots of money here.

At the same time, it may give some Indonesian girls the opportunity to find a husband and stay here unlike the Japanese who don't have the same thinking. Japan will always be home for most Japanese WLs.

04-12-2022, 04:56 PM
Abrahamic religions are for the mentally ill.

04-12-2022, 05:27 PM
Joko Widodo walks a fine line between Indonesia being a modern advanced nation connected to the world, relying on tourism, trade etc and keeping the conservative religious leaders happy.
Every now and then he has to throw them a bone.
Last time they tried to introduce similar legislation there were protests and riots and they gave up.

04-12-2022, 06:06 PM
Jakarta is pretty wild, especially the girls at the expat clubs.

Most Indians will probably leave if this law is passed.

Met this old fat guy claiming he was the CEO of some British Chamber of Commerce saying how he whips and tie up girls, then uses vibrators and big dildos up their asses. Creeped me out. I said you could never do that stuff back in your home country. I think I pissed him off.

But yeah, BBBJCIMWS in the bathrooms is not uncommon there.

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05-12-2022, 10:35 AM
Spain tried the same thing , it is not sustainable

05-12-2022, 12:15 PM
What actually counts as sex? Is kissing sex? Is HJ sex? blah blah blah ................ As Rooter wrote in his post there will be protest.

05-12-2022, 01:21 PM
What actually counts as sex? Is kissing sex? Is HJ sex? blah blah blah ................ As Rooter wrote in his post there will be protest.

Good luck with the protest.

05-12-2022, 02:22 PM
Most Aussie's holiday in Bali which is 90% Hindu so I don't think there will be many complaints made there.....

06-12-2022, 09:18 AM
Didn't they ban all booze too at one stage?

06-12-2022, 04:42 PM
It was passed.


06-12-2022, 07:22 PM
But it doesn't come into effect for another three years.

06-12-2022, 08:28 PM
But it doesn't come into effect for another three years.They'll be protests before then.

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07-12-2022, 09:56 AM
They'll be protests before then.

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It will never come into effect.

07-12-2022, 11:13 AM
Cruel but fair:shout:

07-12-2022, 12:08 PM
I wonder how this will affect Bali

07-12-2022, 12:39 PM
I wonder how this will affect Bali

It will never happen. It is three years before it is planned to come in and President Widodo has to approve it as well.

Fred Flintstone
07-12-2022, 01:10 PM
I wonder how this will affect Bali

It’s got nothing to do with tourists.

“ acts of pre-marital and extra-marital sex could only be reported by a spouse, parents or children, limiting the scope of the amendment.”

07-12-2022, 02:15 PM
It’s got nothing to do with tourists.

“ acts of pre-marital and extra-marital sex could only be reported by a spouse, parents or children, limiting the scope of the amendment.”

It actually applies to everyone citizens or foreigners, read the proposed legislation...

Fred Flintstone
07-12-2022, 02:24 PM
It actually applies to everyone citizens or foreigners, read the proposed legislation...

Okay, then explain to us non-lawyers how a foreign monger is going to get caught up in this while fucking a hooker.

I suppose the hooker would need to be married, then her husband, parents or children who have witnessed the event report her to the police, thereby incriminating both the monger and the hooker. Most hookers in Bali fly in from Java.

07-12-2022, 05:49 PM
There are already anti-adultery laws in Indonesia, this legislation just tightens them up and increases the penalties.
It is aimed at Indonesians and to prevent them from living together when unmarried and also clamping down on married people having affairs.
It requires an interested party to bring an action.
It is also aimed at gays and lesbians since gay marriage is not legal in Indonesia then gays and lesbians are caught in a Classic Catch 22. They have to be married to have sex, but they are not allowed to get married.
The average tourist visiting Indonesia has nothing to worry about.
It is a terrible and unfair and oppressive law though.

07-12-2022, 06:00 PM
There are already anti-adultery laws in Indonesia, this legislation just tightens them up and increases the penalties.
It is aimed at Indonesians and to prevent them from living together when unmarried and also clamping down on married people having affairs.
It requires an interested party to bring an action.
It is also aimed at gays and lesbians since gay marriage is not legal in Indonesia then gays and lesbians are caught in a Classic Catch 22. They have to be married to have sex, but they are not allowed to get married.
The average tourist visiting Indonesia has nothing to worry about.
It is a terrible and unfair and oppressive law though.

as I said earlier, it will never happen. It is three years before it is planned to come in and President Widodo has to approve it as well before it is law.

07-12-2022, 07:32 PM
Looks like it's already making waves.90363

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07-12-2022, 08:43 PM
An Indo friend of mine in Indonesia has told me this is a “nothing burger”. The law for premarital sex had always been there, just not sensationalised by the media like this time.

The only thing that this new law adds to the situation is that the spouse can now report a partner for adultery, ie. premarital sex, thereby triggering this law.

That is the only net effect. I’ll let you decide how you wanna take this.

07-12-2022, 09:37 PM
Okay, then explain to us non-lawyers how a foreign monger is going to get caught up in this while fucking a hooker.

I suppose the hooker would need to be married, then her husband, parents or children who have witnessed the event report her to the police, thereby incriminating both the monger and the hooker. Most hookers in Bali fly in from Java.

It wouldn't impact Australian's in Bali anyway, Bali is a Hindu majority island so there would be no complaints to begin with..

08-12-2022, 02:23 AM
Yeah just appeasement, doubt anything serious will come of it

08-12-2022, 09:30 AM
So let me get this right; you can kill 200 people and get released from prison after only serving half the jail time. You get caught with a few kilos of weed, and have to serve 20yrs in prison. There's a ban from insulting the Obama look alike, including insulting state institutions and state ideologies, if caught it's 3 years jail time - WTF!

That is one fucked up place, with primitive laws, ugly cities and oppressed women - a total dump of a place. Who'd wanna go there?
I can think of 100 better holiday destinations to fuck a chick out of wedlock.

08-12-2022, 10:19 AM
Several articles are saying sex before marriage will be punishable with jail time in Indonesia. Indonesia's parliament is expected to pass a new criminal law this month. Unbelievable!
If this gets passed just be careful anyone travelling there.

Please remember whether you're in Australia or out:

Sex is a sin before marriage or outside marriage.

Please stop it and confess your sin to a priest.

May your soul be forgiven and saved.

carmen farquis
08-12-2022, 12:54 PM
So let me get this right; you can kill 200 people and get released from prison after only serving half the jail time. You get caught with a few kilos of weed, and have to serve 20yrs in prison. There's a ban from insulting the Obama look alike, including insulting state institutions and state ideologies, if caught it's 3 years jail time - WTF!

That is one fucked up place, with primitive laws, ugly cities and oppressed women - a total dump of a place. Who'd wanna go there?
I can think of 100 better holiday destinations to fuck a chick out of wedlock.
Im surprised they're not kicking up more of a stink about that fuckwit

He's probably a legend in some places over there.

08-12-2022, 02:25 PM
a total dump of a place. Who'd wanna go there?
I can think of 100 better holiday destinations to fuck a chick out of wedlock.

Hmmm I don't know. Now that summer is here. I've seen a lot of bintang singlet wearers around.

08-12-2022, 02:39 PM
So let me get this right; you can kill 200 people and get released from prison after only serving half the jail time. You get caught with a few kilos of weed, and have to serve 20yrs in prison. There's a ban from insulting the Obama look alike, including insulting state institutions and state ideologies, if caught it's 3 years jail time - WTF!

That is one fucked up place, with primitive laws, ugly cities and oppressed women - a total dump of a place. Who'd wanna go there?
I can think of 100 better holiday destinations to fuck a chick out of wedlock.

They were ready to release the terrorist who killed over 200 people in Bali earlier but did it after the anniversary of the Bali bombing and G20 conference in Indonesia. If they had done it earlier, it would have drawn much more criticism.

08-12-2022, 06:57 PM
One report I came across today said the new laws won't come into effect for about 3 years, some time to slip over there and have fun.

08-12-2022, 07:21 PM
This thing has been blown way out of proportion. Like I said, the only thing this new law adds is for the wife to be able to report her husband for adultery as a crime, or vice versa.
All the other stuff about family members reporting extra marital sex is already existing law. Don’t be fooled by the media sensationalism.

13-12-2022, 09:56 AM
Crazy decision. I wonder how long before things actually change

13-12-2022, 10:22 AM
Crazy decision. I wonder how long before things actually changeMost likely will not change.

Jakarta is a sex mad city and Indonesian girls are the most amorous girls.

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13-12-2022, 10:49 AM
But yeah, BBBJCIMWS in the bathrooms is not uncommon there.

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Shit sounds wild or seedy as fuck

13-12-2022, 11:17 AM
Shit sounds wild or seedy as fuckBit of both but no one cares after lots of alcohol.

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13-12-2022, 02:27 PM

Tourists won't be impacted by new laws

14-12-2022, 05:54 AM
I told yas it's a nothing burger. Only net change it brings is the wife / husband can now be legally charged for fooling around. Everything else was already there (and never enforced!).