View Full Version : General talk ARs hijacked by shops - anyway to have seperate

06-01-2023, 11:23 AM
A relative newb but already noticed large number of shops appear to take over genuine AR threads with their shop advertising despite them already having 2 of their own thread forums

Any ideas about how to sanitise the posts of shops

I did read somewhere an experienced campaigner mention many people not knowing how to use the search function properly - is that what I'm missing ?

I do check my regular shops roster updates but also want to see what is being posted about ARs etc without having to spend 75% of my time filtering adverts

Thanks in advance for any suggestions

Ps example below


06-01-2023, 11:41 AM
On the desktop site you can change the sort order to “Thread start time” instead of “Last post time” to restore some sanity, but that’s not an option on the mobile site.

06-01-2023, 11:58 AM
On the desktop site you can change the sort order to “Thread start time” instead of “Last post time” to restore some sanity, but that’s not an option on the mobile site.

Thanks ScotPassingThrough shall try

06-01-2023, 12:19 PM
The host used to suspend shops that did this. it would enhance the site if it recommenced doing this.

06-01-2023, 12:58 PM
On the desktop site you can change the sort order to “Thread start time” instead of “Last post time” to restore some sanity, but that’s not an option on the mobile site.

Would be great if the filtering options were available on mobile too. I resort to "view desktop site" option in mobile browser whenever I want to search for something.

06-01-2023, 01:49 PM
Would be great if the filtering options were available on mobile too. I resort to "view desktop site" option in mobile browser whenever I want to search for something.

+2 need this…. Big time, it’s becoming very painful navigating around the hijacked threads and a massive turn off. I now refused to read a thread that has been promoted by a shop.

06-01-2023, 01:59 PM
Don't mention the war. I've seen guys get thrown out for doing that.

06-01-2023, 02:23 PM
It has stopped in the private massage section, so now it's just the shop info and rosters and them bumping reviews in the main section. Admin has explained before that the shops pay for the site, their advertising fees are what keeps it going and free to use. Yeah it is tedious when you post a review and in 10 minutes it's on page 3 after everyone bumps their threads to the top, but there are ways around it (sort by start date etc). Perhaps a happy compromise, a limit on thread bumps per day (but there will be ways around that with ghost accounts commenting on a thread to keep it at the top etc).
The advertisers pay a shit load of money so I expect they want value for their $$.

06-01-2023, 02:25 PM
If you only want to read genuine AR look at the date it was created. If it was created more than 6months ago more than likely the girl is not working there and the thread is boosted by the shop advertising. It does not always work but helps.

06-01-2023, 02:30 PM
If you only want to read genuine AR look at the date it was created. If it was created more than 6months ago more than likely the girl is not working there and the thread is boosted by the shop advertising. It does not always work but helps.

This. Plus check last post by info. Will likely save you a click. I think regulars have their systems in place and probably remember a lot of AR titles that keep getting bumped.

06-01-2023, 02:34 PM
I just google aus99 (shop name) (girls name) if I’m after a review on someone, usually pretty good results

06-01-2023, 02:42 PM
If you only want to read genuine AR look at the date it was created. If it was created more than 6months ago more than likely the girl is not working there and the thread is boosted by the shop advertising. It does not always work but helps.

Like this thanks

06-01-2023, 02:43 PM
Don't mention the war. I've seen guys get thrown out for doing that.

Starting to see that - oops

06-01-2023, 02:43 PM
It has stopped in the private massage section, so now it's just the shop info and rosters and them bumping reviews in the main section. Admin has explained before that the shops pay for the site, their advertising fees are what keeps it going and free to use. Yeah it is tedious when you post a review and in 10 minutes it's on page 3 after everyone bumps their threads to the top, but there are ways around it (sort by start date etc). Perhaps a happy compromise, a limit on thread bumps per day (but there will be ways around that with ghost accounts commenting on a thread to keep it at the top etc).
The advertisers pay a shit load of money so I expect they want value for their $$.

Fair call wasn't aware of this - thanks for enlightenment asiafever

06-01-2023, 02:44 PM
I just google aus99 (shop name) (girls name) if I’m after a review on someone, usually pretty good results

Worth a try - thanks for suggestion Harp0

06-01-2023, 03:03 PM
Don't mention the war. I've seen guys get thrown out for doing that.

Hence why I only addressed the practical aspect of it lol

The advertisers pay a shit load of money so I expect they want value for their $$.

And that’s the key, isn’t it. Someone has to pay to keep the lights on, and it ain’t us. The commercial reality of the modern internet is that if you get something useful for free then you’re not the customer, you’re the product. Not complaining or disparaging the site in any way, that’s just the way it is

06-01-2023, 03:52 PM
Hence why I only addressed the practical aspect of it lol

And that’s the key, isn’t it. Someone has to pay to keep the lights on, and it ain’t us. The commercial reality of the modern internet is that if you get something useful for free then you’re not the customer, you’re the product. Not complaining or disparaging the site in any way, that’s just the way it is

Now I have a clearer picture of the reality & economics of this forum I shall humbly appreciate the info and contributions of fellow punters along with the shop intel to enjoy punting

Thank you for enlightening me and long may I be able to make some useful contributions for others

06-01-2023, 04:16 PM
They should have an option for that when you change the view it defaults to that instead of having to change it everytime.