View Full Version : 42 Gladesville Is there back entrance for this shop?

12-01-2023, 02:34 AM
Sorry this is not a review post. I just discovered this place. So many good reviews and this place happens to be pretty close to my place.
Problem is, I'm kinda obsessed with my privacy. I even wear my hoodies and mask on when I'm punting (thanks covid)

I don't mind running into fellow punters but I don't want anyone outside the shop see me. When I'm punting I always go around 11PM - 01AM.

My questions are:

1) Around 11PM, would you say the road is quiet? No pedestrians, no workers etc?

2) Think there is a back entrance for this shop. How can I access? Do I take a ramp on left side of the building? Bit confused as it will take me to second floor of the building. I am gonna be driving.

I know I'm being ridiculous but since this shop is close to my place I just want to be extra careful.

I will delete this post when I get an answer since it's not a review post. Also let me know if these questions are inappropriate for the thread and I will delete it.

Thanks guys.

12-01-2023, 05:01 AM
Driveway on the left when looking from the road, there is parking up there too

12-01-2023, 05:02 AM
You could have posted the question in general too

12-01-2023, 05:15 AM
I don't see any option to delete the post :(. Is there anyway to do so?

12-01-2023, 06:36 AM
Being an light industrial area super quiet after hours. Careful of tight turn at top of ramp especially when leaving.

12-01-2023, 06:37 AM
It's quiet around there even during the day. At night that part of Buffalo Rd is pretty much deserted.

12-01-2023, 10:17 AM
what if someone recognises your car?

12-01-2023, 10:28 AM
what if someone recognises your car?

Last time I was there I noticed there was an anytime fitness across the road so I parked in front of that and thought going to the gym would be my alibi if needed 🧠

12-01-2023, 11:41 AM
It's quiet around there even during the day. At night that parnt of Buffalo Rd is pretty much deserted.Not so quiet on the inside though!!

12-01-2023, 02:17 PM
Yes there is a back entrance to the shop if you drive up the ramp and park your car upstairs.

It would be generally quiet unless you run into other punters coming and going.

12-01-2023, 06:55 PM
You guys are too fussy.

I walk there during the day. The mechanics downstairs at the car shop form and line and applaud and cheer loudly as I walk into the shop.

12-01-2023, 07:13 PM
You guys are too fussy.

I walk there during the day. The mechanics downstairs at the car shop form and line and applaud and cheer loudly as I walk into the shop.

The mechanics are great fun. They clapped before to me and I bowed, it was great fun. Got to have a sense of humour

13-01-2023, 07:40 AM
I parked in the street 3:00pm Monday and walked in the front door. Cars all over the place outside but not a human soul to be seen in the street

13-01-2023, 10:54 AM
Hi Wall20211017,

If you're coming around 11-1am, chances are you'll be the only car on the road, apart from other customers making their way to our shop x)

Its an industrial area so no pedestrians / workers that late at night.

We also have a back entrance which is located left of the front entrance.

The only downside is that the ramp is a bit tight (which has been an issue for some)

- 42 NightShade

13-01-2023, 01:04 PM
You guys are too fussy.

I walk there during the day. The mechanics downstairs at the car shop form and line and applaud and cheer loudly as I walk into the shop.

oh man this gave me a good laugh!!!