View Full Version : General talk Soft white underbelly exposes problems with prositutions in USA (how lucky WL are in Australia)

19-01-2023, 06:05 PM
I've come across this interesting Youtube channel called soft white underbelly. They interview all sorts of American prostitutes, pimps, mamasan, prostitutes from 13 and up. Some of the stories are quite messed up and pretty hard to watch. Some got into it because they were kidnapped as a kid and molested or family neglect and abuse etc. These girls then move to the streets and get recruited by pimps. The pimps usually takes care of them and give them that love they didnt get from home. Then the mind control spiral starts. Prostitution is illegal in America, so there isn't any brothels just strip clubs. Because its not regulated the underworld has their own rules in regards to this. The game is something like this, most of the WL on the streets are looked after by pimps. If you don't have a pimp you can attacked. 100% of your money goes to your pimp. Your pimp clothes you, feeds you and house you & supplies drugs for you (usually meth to keep you hooked but tell you, you need it to cope with the many guys u fuck). There are even underage girls as young as 13 working as WL if you watch that channel. These things happen because there are no regulations as its never been legal. The government creates a massive under highlighted problem because of this but you never hear about this.

If prostitution was legal, it would be regulated and less or none of this underworld rules of doing things. Many girls here makes life changing amount of money without any fear of safety and free of drug addiction and not to mention a higher standard of STD awareness, many become millionaires.

I am always interested in why the WL here got into this business. I havnt heard anything too fucked up like the stories on soft white underbelly. The only story i got once was the WL told me she got into a gambling debt and need to pay it off and she regrets how because of this she now fucked her body for life.

If you have some stories please share how some girls got into the business as a WL?

20-01-2023, 03:32 PM
20 years ago Sydney brothels where run by the Chinese Mafia, they used agents to bring the girls in from country areas of China and promise them they will make enough money to buy a house,
so these agents will pay for airfares and the girls will be housed in city apartments, now to control these girls they will get them addicted to drugs and force them to work in places like 429A Pitt St, but the one thing the girls didn't realise, that they will never make any money, as it went to cover all their costs, even the drugs that where forced into them by the mafia,

With Thai girls it was a little bit different then, they would come over to work in factories for the owners, who payed for their expenses, and do 1 or 2 days in a brothel, like private apartment to make extra money,
these days girls that work in the industry are normally overseas students that work as ML/Wls as Sydney rent and schools are expensive

20-01-2023, 04:54 PM
these days girls that work in the industry are normally overseas students that work as ML/Wls as Sydney rent and schools are expensive

most of them in the western suburbs and cheaper shops are actually older like 30-40, not students. Lots are single mums from china, came in on sham marriage for PR and need to pay the sham husband 50-80k whatever it is so work in the shops to pay the debt, then keep working to support parents and family in china. Sometimes the odd one is younger, no children still need to support parents. They could earn 3k rmb a month in china or earn 3k aud a week in australia turning tricks. Or they have some sort of family debt in china that needs to be paid etc.

20-01-2023, 04:56 PM
I've come across this interesting Youtube channel called soft white underbelly. They interview all sorts of American prostitutes, pimps, mamasan, prostitutes from 13 and up. Some of the stories are quite messed up and pretty hard to watch. Some got into it because they were kidnapped as a kid and molested or family neglect and abuse etc. These girls then move to the streets and get recruited by pimps. The pimps usually takes care of them and give them that love they didnt get from home. Then the mind control spiral starts. Prostitution is illegal in America, so there isn't any brothels just strip clubs. Because its not regulated the underworld has their own rules in regards to this. The game is something like this, most of the WL on the streets are looked after by pimps. If you don't have a pimp you can attacked. 100% of your money goes to your pimp. Your pimp clothes you, feeds you and house you & supplies drugs for you (usually meth to keep you hooked but tell you, you need it to cope with the many guys u fuck). There are even underage girls as young as 13 working as WL if you watch that channel. These things happen because there are no regulations as its never been legal. The government creates a massive under highlighted problem because of this but you never hear about this.

If prostitution was legal, it would be regulated and less or none of this underworld rules of doing things. Many girls here makes life changing amount of money without any fear of safety and free of drug addiction and not to mention a higher standard of STD awareness, many become millionaires.

I am always interested in why the WL here got into this business. I havnt heard anything too fucked up like the stories on soft white underbelly. The only story i got once was the WL told me she got into a gambling debt and need to pay it off and she regrets how because of this she now fucked her body for life.

If you have some stories please share how some girls got into the business as a WL?

Really interesting - thanks for sharing this

20-01-2023, 05:39 PM
most of them in the western suburbs and cheaper shops are actually older like 30-40, not students. Lots are single mums from china, came in on sham marriage for PR and need to pay the sham husband 50-80k whatever it is so work in the shops to pay the debt, then keep working to support parents and family in china. Sometimes the odd one is younger, no children still need to support parents. They could earn 3k rmb a month in china or earn 3k aud a week in australia turning tricks. Or they have some sort of family debt in china that needs to be paid etc.

its defiantly changed over the last 20 years, but the girls have more control over their own situation now, but money still plays the key factor in why girls get involved in this industry

Fred Flintstone
20-01-2023, 05:53 PM
Most of the Thai girls come here on dodgy student visas, expressly for the purpose of working in prostitution and for sending money back home.

They will not be able to pass the IELTS and have no chance of entering a proper university. They all enroll in those visa factories - inner city training colleges we see every where. They deliberately enroll in one or two subjects a year so that they can stay 5-10 years “studying”. There is also no age limit for student visas, so you will get 40 year old hookers studying “management” with four English words to their vocabulary. The college owners all know what is going on and are in collaboration with the agents.

As part of their visa application, they need to show they have sufficient funds to support themselves for 1-year. The agents will “lend” the required funds and to produce a bank statement to show all is good. The colleges charge about $10-15k per year and they then need to pay the agent, for accommodation etc.

These girls will never actually graduate and will never get a legit job. Some will save enough and eventually go back home. Most will gamble, drink and take drugs and will blow their earnings. Family back home will also take a large chunk of it.

Many of these girls were hookers in Thailand. If they are tattooed, it definitely means they were already on the game.

20-01-2023, 06:10 PM
Yes, it is a common and enduring "model" and one not limited to the Thais.

20-01-2023, 06:58 PM
The low level courses that they take include English, Leadership, Business etc. Often there is no attendance requirement. Other people or customers do their assignments. Soon the Government will reinstate the two day a week working restriction.

Double G
23-01-2023, 08:54 AM
Saw a circular tatt just above her pubes on a 30ish ML claiming to be indonesian last week, I wondering what it meant. You can just seevthe edge of it in one of her photos https://www.escortsandbabes.com.au/Profile/NSW/Newcastle/Independent/Wendy99/
Saw almost the same same tatt on an old chinese broiler a few weeks before.

23-01-2023, 01:38 PM
Most of the Thai girls come here on dodgy student visas, expressly for the purpose of working in prostitution and for sending money back home.

They will not be able to pass the IELTS and have no chance of entering a proper university. They all enroll in those visa factories - inner city training colleges we see every where. They deliberately enroll in one or two subjects a year so that they can stay 5-10 years “studying”. There is also no age limit for student visas, so you will get 40 year old hookers studying “management” with four English words to their vocabulary. The college owners all know what is going on and are in collaboration with the agents.

As part of their visa application, they need to show they have sufficient funds to support themselves for 1-year. The agents will “lend” the required funds and to produce a bank statement to show all is good. The colleges charge about $10-15k per year and they then need to pay the agent, for accommodation etc.

These girls will never actually graduate and will never get a legit job. Some will save enough and eventually go back home. Most will gamble, drink and take drugs and will blow their earnings. Family back home will also take a large chunk of it.

Many of these girls were hookers in Thailand. If they are tattooed, it definitely means they were already on the game.

You're bang on there Fred!
I befriended a Thai ML that was quite mature, 35 but looked 28, and that used to be quite popular. I met her very shortly after her arrival in sdyney. Came here on a student visa. When she came here, she had a little experience back in Thailand but wasn't earning much, so she decided to make the leap to help her family and son back in her country.
At first when I met her, she did not drink, gamble, take drugs. She was quite healthy and into fitness.
We hanged outside the shop quite regularly, not to have a relationship or anything but just as friends. Months went by, and I saw her starting to drink. Stress she said - one monger was pretty much harassing her and causing a lot of stress.
Then she became popular, she started earning lots of money, started buying designer bags, and picked up gambling from one of her regular that brought her to the star and paid for a night gambling. She got big money that night.
After a year, we still hang out regularly but I can see that she is losing weight, that sometimes she is acting erratic. Turns out Her "boyfriend" that usually paid everything for her had her try and get addicted to meth.

It was really an eye opener and a sad thing to witness. Went from a bright, funny, healthy lady to someone who was barely recognisable, drank a lot, gambled all her money and always doing meth. Stop seeing her after a while even just as friends because I just didn't recognise her anymore. Last I heard, she broke up with her boyfriend, said she will go back for two weeks in Thailand for festivities with her son and family. Never saw and heard back from her, maybe she just wasn't allowed back in Australia, who knows.