View Full Version : Complaint Totally pissed off with Tiffany at Renwick

Fred Flintstone
23-02-2023, 10:02 PM
I had a big cum load to release. Trying to work out where to go, I decided to give Renwick another shot as it’s been about two years since the last visit.

Rang and tried to make an appointment for 2.00pm. Joey was available at 2.30 pm so I agreed. Tiffany then calls back a minute later and asks if I can come at 3.00pm. Yeah sure, no problem. I hadn’t set out yet.

So I left at about 2.15 pm to get to Renwick on time. As I’m looking for a place to park in Leichhardt, Tiffany calls again at 2.50pm and says that Joey is now only available at 3.45pm and could I come later? WTF? I just about lost it. What was I supposed to do? Sit outside wasting my time for 45 mins so that Joey/Tiffany can jack off another walk in customer? She tried to sell me someone else and I basically told her to shove the booking up her ass. Bookings mean nothing to Tiffany. She is obviously so busy, that she doesn’t need anymore business.

I wish I could bill the bitch for my wasted time, fuel and tolls. Such rudeness, disrespect and contempt for customers never works out well in the long run. Mongers will work her out and there’s plenty of other shops. I will never be going there again.

23-02-2023, 11:05 PM
Hi Fred,

I’m so sorry for the inconvenience I caused you today with the booking. It’s no excuse, but today was busy and there’s was a mistake with the scheduling . I apologise for the time you wasted and would like to offer you a complimentary session if you decide to give us another chance.

Once again Fred, I apologise and please don’t let today be a reflection of our business. We try hard to please our customers and take pride in them coming back again and again for the long term.

Please feel free to call me if you’d like to discuss further.


23-02-2023, 11:11 PM
Hi Fred,

I’m so sorry for the inconvenience I caused you today with the booking. It’s no excuse, but today was busy and there’s was a mistake with the scheduling . I apologise for the time you wasted and would like to offer you a complimentary session if you decide to give us another chance.

Once again Fred, I apologise and please don’t let today be a reflection of our business. We try hard to please our customers and take pride in them coming back again and again for the long term.

Please feel free to call me if you’d like to discuss further.


Classy and prompt response from the business owner. Fred, I can relate to how pissed off you must have been. I’ve been frequenting Tiffany’s shops for a while and can vouch that she’s a good and honest operator. That said, shit happens. It’s how you deal with it that counts. Tiffany looks like she’s taking ownership of this error and deserves respect for that. She offers a somewhat unique service in Sydney and I’d hate to see punters being turned off from giving it a go. But again, totally understand your frustration.

23-02-2023, 11:34 PM
Tiffany is a nice lady. She didn’t mean to treat customers like crap. Just sometimes schedule mess up. Should give her shop another chance.

Fred Flintstone
24-02-2023, 06:42 AM
This is actually the second time this type of bait and switch has happened to me at this same shop. Far from being a one off booking mix up, it is part of their standard operating model to get the punter in the door, and hoping his little head will take over. The other mamasan that frequently does this is Marlene in Alexandria.

About 2.5 years ago at Renwick, I booked a particular girl. I stripped off and was waiting on the table and in walks Tiffany and says she will do the service. WTF? It was only when I threatened to put my clothes back on and collect my $170 refund that within five minutes, the originally booked girl mysteriously appears.

The offer made to rectify the situation is fair, but it should have been made when the incident arose. Not after a complaint has been lodged on the board. The point I’m trying to make is that shops need to treat returning customers with a little more respect and not assume they are walking ATMs.

There are only 300 RnT shops in Sydney and it’s a buyers market

24-02-2023, 09:26 AM
I think Fred has a point here that if the compensation offer was made at the time the booking was messed up, it will probably be accepted and we won’t even hear about this.

Afterall, the shop has his number and there were a few conversations already.

On the other hand, making a public apology and a make good offer in the forum is never easy. You can call this all you want, most shop owners won’t even bother or making plenty of excuses. So credit should be given where credit is due.

I’ve only seen Tiffany once for the infamous Dragon Tendon massage and it was wonderfully delivered, she seemed like a pleasant enough lady to deal with.

Like many of you were saying, there are plenty of RnT choices around, especially in that nearby area of Stanmore and Leichhardt. Shops should always cherish and value advance bookings over walk ins. It’s the basic courtesy and code of conduct for any businesses especially in the service industry.

Good luck to us all

Happy punting


24-02-2023, 09:52 AM
maybe they really had a really busy day.. but they shouldn’t do that.. but usually tiffany is a good owner.. so yeah maybe just having a hard day..

Fred Flintstone
24-02-2023, 12:49 PM
maybe they really had a really busy day.. but they shouldn’t do that.. but usually tiffany is a good owner.. so yeah maybe just having a hard day..

I appreciate your support of this shop, but you’re defending the indefensible. Double and triple booking is the usual MO at this place and I’ve been had twice now by the owner. Never again.

The fact that they’re busy is not my concern. If they can’t manage a simple fuckin’ diary, then maybe they shouldn’t be in business in the first place. Don’t treat us like stupid mugs. They work on the principle that the monger will accept anyone at the last minute since they’ve made the effort to get there and are probably thinking with their dicks at that stage. It’s just pure greed - nothing more than that

24-02-2023, 01:49 PM
It's both how you deal with it, but more importantly how the shop deals with it. Reneging on a formal booking is not cool. Shops, after you cancel a customers booking, please always ask your customer how far he drives to get to you. I'm sure there will be a good resolution for everyone
Couldn’t agree more
Working on solutions

24-02-2023, 02:10 PM
I appreciate your support of this shop, but you’re defending the indefensible. Double and triple booking is the usual MO at this place and I’ve been had twice now by the owner. Never again

Mate they aren’t the only place like this. I’ve had 5 visits to the Nightshade now and the only time I wasn’t delayed by at least 20 minutes was the walk in and even then he tried to let a later walk-in pick his girl before me. The only reason it didn’t happen was because I messaged the girl I know and she had to fight with the boss to see me instead of the guy who came in after me.

Every time it happens I swear never again but then decide to give them another chance

Fred Flintstone
24-02-2023, 02:39 PM
Every time it happens I swear never again but then decide to give them another chance

Mate, you’ve got to walk and not return. There are new girls arriving every day and hundreds of shops to try. It’s not as if you’re gonna miss out on anything.

If we book ahead with the doctor, dentist or a restaurant, we know our booking is usually safe. People here are civic minded and follow basic rules. But why is it that Asian brothel and RnT owners behave like savages?

24-02-2023, 04:15 PM
Mate, you’ve got to walk and not return.

Didn't you say it's happened to you twice at this shop now?

24-02-2023, 05:02 PM
Boss hag at 533 got me many times. Last straw was going to see the famous Ada I was a regular of. Drove an hour and a half to get there only to be told she’s not in. Less than a minute later another guy comes in for his booking with ada. Obviously the highest bidder got her. Boss hag face was red but didn’t faze her in the slightest. That was the last time I ever went there.

Fred Flintstone
24-02-2023, 05:29 PM
Didn't you say it's happened to you twice at this shop now?
Einstein once said:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

24-02-2023, 05:36 PM
Mate, you’ve got to walk and not return. There are new girls arriving every day and hundreds of shops to try. It’s not as if you’re gonna miss out on anything.

If we book ahead with the doctor, dentist or a restaurant, we know our booking is usually safe. People here are civic minded and follow basic rules. But why is it that Asian brothel and RnT owners behave like savages?

It goes to their heads. Another factor is many have no peoples' skills in running such businesses. Look at pimps and drug dealers. They act cocky and don't show any empathy because they have the goods and the customers want them. As a result, they feel they're in a position of importance and demand.

If a shop screws you badly then they don't deserve your business. Sometimes you may forgive them if it occurs once but if it occurs a few times then time to move on. Many other shops out there with wonderful girls. Don't understand why some guys keep returning but maybe they're getting special service i.e. BBFS from the girls.

24-02-2023, 05:51 PM
A similar thing happened to me with another shop and the manager offered me $5 off my next booking, this small gesture went a long way and gave me a good impression (it was in chinatown where i dont need to pay for parking/tolls)

24-02-2023, 06:16 PM
It goes to their heads. Another factor is many have no peoples' skills in running such businesses. Look at pimps and drug dealers. They act cocky and don't show any empathy because they have the goods and the customers want them. As a result, they feel they're in a position of importance and demand.

If a shop screws you badly then they don't deserve your business. Sometimes you may forgive them if it occurs once but if it occurs a few times then time to move on. Many other shops out there with wonderful girls. Don't understand why some guys keep returning but maybe they're getting special service i.e. BBFS from the girls.

You need to find another drug dealer dude.

24-02-2023, 06:19 PM
You should not have to ask for compensation for your wasted time with these booking failures
We should be expecting some sort of compensation, this is accepted business practice in every other industry
Hell, I have boarded planes with flights costing less than $100, to rural NSW, and if they stuff up my flight I get another for free

Why do punters get treated so inconsiderately?

This case sounds like no care or compensation was offered to the man.
Also sounds like the owner was not informed about this booking shambles until she read your post

Pretty sure the op has been offered a complimentary session by the shop on this thread.

200 + posts and Warwick hasn't said a word about you.....lol.

24-02-2023, 06:27 PM
Mistake in the scheduling sounds like a communication breakdown in that someone didn't tell someone else about the previously rescheduled booking.

24-02-2023, 07:13 PM
Don’t want to offend fellow punters, but let’s all calm down and realise we’re just blokes looking to get our rocks off. The shops and the girls think this much of us.

That’s the sum of the “relationship”, boys!

It’s why I often smile when I read reviews that gloat about how the girls enjoyed the encounter and had an orgasm!!! Boys, some of these girls are seeing 10 different men every day and sexual enjoyment is far from their minds.

A bit of a reality check will calm the mind. It’s a financial arrangement for a specific time period. I’m return, we get our rocks off. Period.

24-02-2023, 08:49 PM
Don’t want to offend fellow punters, but let’s all calm down and realise we’re just blokes looking to get our rocks off. The shops and the girls think this much of us.

That’s the sum of the “relationship”, boys!

It’s why I often smile when I read reviews that gloat about how the girls enjoyed the encounter and had an orgasm!!! Boys, some of these girls are seeing 10 different men every day and sexual enjoyment is far from their minds.

A bit of a reality check will calm the mind. It’s a financial arrangement for a specific time period. I’m return, we get our rocks off. Period.

Exactly! I recall Julia from Roseville Rose saying it's so far from the truth comments about making her/girls cum, it's an act, totally, 100%, she laughs at such comments about making her cum..

24-02-2023, 08:52 PM
Mate, you’ve got to walk and not return. There are new girls arriving every day and hundreds of shops to try. It’s not as if you’re gonna miss out on anything.

If we book ahead with the doctor, dentist or a restaurant, we know our booking is usually safe. People here are civic minded and follow basic rules. But why is it that Asian brothel and RnT owners behave like savages?
I usually have to wait at least 15 mins even though I come on time for booking with my GP, specialists. Worst time is 3,5 hours as they kept pushing my appointment to late. Not be able to complain though

24-02-2023, 08:59 PM
I usually have to wait at least 15 mins even though I come on time for booking with my GP, specialists. Worst time is 3,5 hours as they kept pushing my appointment to late. Not be able to complain though

Booking with GP is never on time, booking with specialist doctors are more manageable.

25-02-2023, 11:13 AM
I had a big cum load to release. Trying to work out where to go, I decided to give Renwick another shot as it’s been about two years since the last visit.

Rang and tried to make an appointment for 2.00pm. Joey was available at 2.30 pm so I agreed. Tiffany then calls back a minute later and asks if I can come at 3.00pm. Yeah sure, no problem. I hadn’t set out yet.

So I left at about 2.15 pm to get to Renwick on time. As I’m looking for a place to park in Leichhardt, Tiffany calls again at 2.50pm and says that Joey is now only available at 3.45pm and could I come later? WTF? I just about lost it. What was I supposed to do? Sit outside wasting my time for 45 mins so that Joey/Tiffany can jack off another walk in customer? She tried to sell me someone else and I basically told her to shove the booking up her ass. Bookings mean nothing to Tiffany. She is obviously so busy, that she doesn’t need anymore business.

I wish I could bill the bitch for my wasted time, fuel and tolls. Such rudeness, disrespect and contempt for customers never works out well in the long run. Mongers will work her out and there’s plenty of other shops. I will never be going there again.

While I sympathise that your time was wasted, it's a bit of an overreaction isn't it?
Imagine being a manager with angry, frustrated, sexually charged up blokes at your door constantly. I'd hate her shit job.
So many shops in Sydney, just go down the road and get your cock sorted. It's no real drama.

Fred Flintstone
25-02-2023, 01:12 PM
While I sympathise that your time was wasted, it's a bit of an overreaction isn't it?
Imagine being a manager with angry, frustrated, sexually charged up blokes at your door constantly. I'd hate her shit job.
So many shops in Sydney, just go down the road and get your cock sorted. It's no real drama.

Yes, there are 300 other massage parlours and brothels where we can go to empty a cum load, so that’s not the issue here. I’m perfectly capable of doing that.

My post was not an overreaction at all and I will explain the issue here again. Imagine you ordered a Toyota HiLux in blue and the dealer said yes, come and collect it. Upon arriving at the dealership, he says “sorry, the HiLux has just been sold, but you can buy a red Nissan Navarro instead.” Would you take it? By your logic, you would just go down the road and buy a Ford Ranger without objecting. It’s still a ute after all.

What I mainly object to is the deceitful, dishonest and thoroughly reprehensible behaviour of Tiffany and other mamasans when they take bookings. The girls and shop owners expect us mongers to be clean, respectful and punctual. So they should stop treating regular, loyal customers like dumb, walking ATMs who just say yes every time.

It was not a case of “Oh poor Tiffany had a busy day, so there was a mix up” or “it was just a scheduling error”. This deliberate double and triple booking of popular girls at Renwick and at Marlene’s is part of their standard operating procedure to get as many mongers through the door as possible and needs to stop. The owners know that horny mongers will just accept the backup girl if they are told there has been a mixup with bookings. I mean, they’ve already driven for 45 minutes, paid $15 in tolls and used $20 in petrol, so are they really going back home with blue balls?

Now Joey is one of the most popular girls at Renwick. I confirmed the booking with her at 3.00pm after a couple of phone discussions with the owner. Obviously, Joey had already been promised to some other more favored monger at the same time. The owner could have told me beforehand that Joey was booked out and could have offered a less popular girl. Rather than risk me saying no, she agreed to the booking with Joey.

She then waits till 2.50pm (10 minutes before the booking) to tell me Joey is not available and could I come later? How could she not have known this beforehand as there were a couple of calls beforehand to confirm? She knows I am a reliable monger and I would literally be a few minutes away from the shop. After I express disappointment, she then says that another less popular girl is available at 3.00pm. You can see that there was no walk-in customer who just turned up, otherwise he would have been offered the less popular girl. It was a deliberate double booking and I get shafted.

25-02-2023, 03:29 PM
Yes, there are 300 other massage parlours and brothels where we can go to empty a cum load, so that’s not the issue here. I’m perfectly capable of doing that.

My post was not an overreaction at all and I will explain the issue here again. Imagine you ordered a Toyota HiLux in blue and the dealer said yes, come and collect it. Upon arriving at the dealership, he says “sorry, the HiLux has just been sold, but you can buy a red Nissan Navarro instead.” Would you take it? By your logic, you would just go down the road and buy a Ford Ranger without objecting. It’s still a ute after all.

What I mainly object to is the deceitful, dishonest and thoroughly reprehensible behaviour of Tiffany and other mamasans when they take bookings. The girls and shop owners expect us mongers to be clean, respectful and punctual. So they should stop treating regular, loyal customers like dumb, walking ATMs who just say yes every time.

It was not a case of “Oh poor Tiffany had a busy day, so there was a mix up” or “it was just a scheduling error”. This deliberate double and triple booking of popular girls at Renwick and at Marlene’s is part of their standard operating procedure to get as many mongers through the door as possible and needs to stop. The owners know that horny mongers will just accept the backup girl if they are told there has been a mixup with bookings. I mean, they’ve already driven for 45 minutes, paid $15 in tolls and used $20 in petrol, so are they really going back home with blue balls?

Now Joey is one of the most popular girls at Renwick. I confirmed the booking with her at 3.00pm after a couple of phone discussions with the owner. Obviously, Joey had already been promised to some other more favored monger at the same time. The owner could have told me beforehand that Joey was booked out and could have offered a less popular girl. Rather than risk me saying no, she agreed to the booking with Joey.

She then waits till 2.50pm (10 minutes before the booking) to tell me Joey is not available and could I come later? How could she not have known this beforehand as there were a couple of calls beforehand to confirm? She knows I am a reliable monger and I would literally be a few minutes away from the shop. After I express disappointment, she then says that another less popular girl is available at 3.00pm. You can see that there was no walk-in customer who just turned up, otherwise he would have been offered the less popular girl. It was a deliberate double booking and I get shafted.
Completely agree with you mate. Shop owners need to respect us punter's time & dime.

25-02-2023, 04:45 PM
Just got back from my local legit Thai massage place. Seen the same masseuse there atleast 12 times. She's the best. One of those massages that leaves you weak at the knees. Was thinking to myself that for the past year and over atleast 20 bookings there, they have never stuffed my booking up once. Worse case, have had my appointment delayed by 5 mins.

Was thinking Fred, maybe you should take it up with the office of NSW Fair Trading. I'm sure they will be happy to hear your complaint. If this is not an option, it might be an idea to have a good chat with family and friends about your bad punting experience and get some advice from them on how to handle your complaint. It Would make a great dinner conversation.

I can't believe this thread is still ongoing

25-02-2023, 05:15 PM
Pretty sure the op has been offered a complimentary session by the shop on this thread.

200 + posts and Warwick hasn't said a word about you.....lol.

Hmmmm … I’ve been wondering about the same thing myself. It can’t be… can it??

I guess our troll radars are all a bit rusty if it really is.

25-02-2023, 05:29 PM
Pretty sure the op has been offered a complimentary session by the shop on this thread.

200 + posts and Warwick hasn't said a word about you.....lol.
I actually thought he is a mixture of Fifita, Beergut, Sibon, Zoo, Double_Adaptor and many other clones...............

25-02-2023, 06:57 PM
Don’t want to offend fellow punters, but let’s all calm down and realise we’re just blokes looking to get our rocks off. The shops and the girls think this much of us.

That’s the sum of the “relationship”, boys!

It’s why I often smile when I read reviews that gloat about how the girls enjoyed the encounter and had an orgasm!!! Boys, some of these girls are seeing 10 different men every day and sexual enjoyment is far from their minds.

A bit of a reality check will calm the mind. It’s a financial arrangement for a specific time period. I’m return, we get our rocks off. Period.

They sure do orgasm, but depends on many factors. A few of top my head…
If you can make them comfy and relaxed
If they are horny and wet
Connection/rapport helps,
If u have finger lickin’ good skills
If girl is multi orgasmic and enjoys getting off / wanna keep you as regular so will herself go further.

25-02-2023, 07:17 PM
Hmmmm … I’ve been wondering about the same thing myself. It can’t be… can it??

I guess our troll radars are all a bit rusty if it really is.

Harmless enough, just random comments on a lot of threads and even a couple started. I don't really have any gripes with guys joining in on the conversation, just a bit of genuine Intel or feedback on punts would be nice.

18-04-2023, 06:50 PM
I agree and being public lets everyone know what they are entitled to. Big call made by Tiffany.

19-04-2023, 11:05 AM
It's unfortunate what happened however Tiffany has offered a very reasonable and fair compensation for the error

19-04-2023, 11:49 AM
Booking with GP is never on time, booking with specialist doctors are more manageable.

You're right here. How many times have you had a GP appointment that was on time? Very rare these days. Most GPs are in medical clinics or centres that are running as businesses for profit. They will book many patients and many doctors are under pressure to see as many patients as possible. However, you just need one sick patient to come up with many problems to cause a real delay for later patients.