View Full Version : General talk A Question on a trending concept of Discretion

17-04-2023, 05:57 PM
I noticed a significant amount of girls in Ginza, No.5 and 42G are having a statement on their profile about their preferences. One doesn't see Westerners, the other one only sees Asians, the other doesn't want to see Koreans, the other one wants to avoid Indians, the other one doesn't wanna see any Japanese....Seems it has become quite a norm so instead of the client choosing, the girls chooses their client! On one hand I understand and I believe it's their right to decide whom they prefer to provide their services but on the other hand this is a brothel!! A sugarbabe can be clearly selective and by all means but for someone working in a shop, I find it quite difficult to comprehend. Once again. I do understand their point of view. One might have had a bad experience with certain ethnicities but it seems this has become a game!! Very few girls had this before Covid. I remember Hailey at No.5 had Asian only but despite this I managed to see her as a white guy and she was amazing. However these days every second girl has this statement! I would like to know what do you think about this trend?

the big Z
17-04-2023, 06:18 PM
Many girls are doing this secretly and don't want to be found out as some communities such as Korean and Japanese can be small. Quite understandable I think.

17-04-2023, 06:20 PM
If it was a restaurant the anti race discrimination on top of the shop.

17-04-2023, 06:35 PM
Personally I have absolutely no issue with it and find it no different to my walking in to a shop and choosing girl B because she (to me) looks better than girl A and girl C is an ethnicity that I do not find that interesting (based on experiences, else you never know).

In terms of the shops you reference, I have no experience but it could well be based on any manner of things.

i do know that for me, ability to converse is important and is why I prefer girls comfortable with english (not perfect speaking, but those that can converse) and I will not hang around where I may visit a shop and the girl shows me all on her phone using a translating app. May sound wrong but is about preferences and just as punters have them, I feel the ladies should be able to as well as they are a service provider and can choose to whom they providet he service

17-04-2023, 06:40 PM
It's their body, their choice end of story..........

17-04-2023, 06:40 PM
If it was a restaurant the anti race discrimination on top of the shop.

Except it's not a restaurant.

17-04-2023, 06:46 PM
I think it's more than fair. I definitely don't feel any ill feelings or take offence if she's Asian only. None whatsoever. She has her reasons. Besides I know at 42g the Ladies see you on camera so you can be refused and you don't even know about it. Still understandable n acceptable. Ever been refused a dance....I have.

17-04-2023, 07:05 PM
Thanks guys, interesting observations. Now thinking about it again, I think its actually better compared to spending your cash on someone who doesn't feel like providing a good service!! It saves you some $$.

17-04-2023, 08:20 PM
It is up to each girl. I knew one Japanese who wanted to meet Japanese men only because they understood the culture (imagine, there is a cultural component to getting laid) and were generous (expat Japanese business guys here get a lot of money) but another Japanese girl recently didn't want to end up meeting a Japanese guy who knew her small network of friends in Sydney.

On the other hand, our Indian brothers are often rejected not only as punters but many get rejected on Tinder and other dating sites! You also see many of them get rejected by street girls at Bangkok and Pattaya.

17-04-2023, 08:51 PM
I'd say a lot has to do with NOT wanting to meet a like nationality because of the risk of her occupation becoming known to that nationality's network here. I know I tend to shy away from a certain nationality because I don't want to risk bumping into a "friend of a civilian friend", given my description would be a dead giveaway.

And I can also see the idea of common language and culture.

But as others have said, her choice, just as it's my choice as to who I prefer.

It's not like there are limited options around...

17-04-2023, 09:21 PM
I've never thought too much as to their reasoning for certain restrictions or how it is perceived,
but simply acceptd it as their fundamental right given the nature of the service they provide.

17-04-2023, 09:51 PM
Feels like playing roulette, if it ends up that the girl doesn't want to see your ethnicity due to personal reasons which could range from bad experiences, hiding from their community, etc then all I can really do is accept it and move on.
If they were locking out hairstyles or if we had to be screened by them, then I'd be much more "what the fuck". We got options and so do they.

18-04-2023, 05:05 AM
Isn't this typical? You can't book without seeing a girl first and they'll screen you out using the camera and you won't ever meet anyone that doesn't like who you are .

19-04-2023, 09:31 AM
All fair and good. The same way a punter might have preferences for certain girl ethnicities, so too can a girl have her preferences.

19-04-2023, 09:56 AM
Looking at it from a different perspective, its good in one way. If the WL has preferences and criteria, then her service quality will be good. Or think it this way, if she is forced into going with certain customers type who she doesn't want to meet, it won't be value for money for him as the quality won't be the same.

19-04-2023, 10:27 AM
The positive side to this is that it brings the choice down to 19 from 20.

20-04-2023, 08:40 AM
Oh much prefer to be refused by girl from the outset than have a poor experience with someone who really doesn’t want it with me. That is the pits.

20-04-2023, 10:01 AM
Totally agree with GoldfishMan. It’s their choice as mush as it is ours who we prefer to see. Damn wish Russian Anita at GC wasn’t Asian only. I feel that I’d get on with her rather swimmingly. Any of you lucky gentlemen have had to pleasure?

Fred Flintstone
20-04-2023, 09:20 PM
There’s one Thai girl that says “no Thais”. TBH, I don’t think there are that many Thai mongers here in Australia, so the prospect of one slipping in to see is very remote. They get if free

Fred Flintstone
20-04-2023, 09:24 PM
If this was any other business that had these racist policies, they’d be prosecuted, shut down and it would be all over the media. I guess no one sympathizes with mongers…. LOL

I sort of object to the owners allowing this sort of behavior. It’s not the Australia I know and foreigners need to fit in with our culture of a fair go for everyone. I bet they don’t discriminate when it comes to peddling their drugs. As someone mentioned above, it’s a brothel for fuck sakes.

20-04-2023, 10:13 PM
Any talk of discrimination in this industry is all rubbish, if a girl says no to have sex with anyone, it means no, that’s the law.

Just like punters are discriminating girls for their age, their body shapes etc. Even in some cases, their country of origin.

Just take your money and go elsewhere instead of getting obsessed with a particular girl due to the reviews you’ve read !

20-04-2023, 10:59 PM
Yeah, heaps of other places to goto

22-04-2023, 08:00 AM
Any talk of discrimination in this industry is all rubbish, if a girl says no to have sex with anyone, it means no, that’s the law.

Just like punters are discriminating girls for their age, their body shapes etc. Even in some cases, their country of origin.

Just take your money and go elsewhere instead of getting obsessed with a particular girl due to the reviews you’ve read !

Correct. Its a clear choice and if it's based on discriminatory factors, then given the nature of the services the girls provide, I'm fine with it.
I experienced it very clearly recently but just moved on to a different girl and had a good session.
Plus it undoubtedly works both ways..

23-04-2023, 07:48 PM
We all discriminate all the time in our everyday life decision making process.

Not all discrimination is bad....it is often a choice situation. Agree some is bad which should be called out.

Recently at a premium shop I was in reception after backing out of a session. They suggested an alternative girl just who happened to be nearby and who saw me. Later reception told me she wasn't interested in a session with the words " sorry bro its discrimination but she won't see you" ....

Didnt bother me one iota...chose someone else and had a good time.

24-04-2023, 09:01 AM
Mate that a convenient annecdote, even has the buzz word discrimination in the quotes and it came from reception at a shop admiting to discrimination, why dont you go report them for discrimination? Why dont all you whingers collective go report all these shops for discrimination? Ohhhhh because its a breach of human rights if you dont give the girl a choice of clientelle and service they want to offer?

Go read up on human rights and learn something.

You've missed the point completely, but why does that not surprise me.

Can I suggest you start again, perhaps with a focus on some basic comprehension overlaid by a visit to the Oxford dictionary.

24-04-2023, 09:27 AM
So if a hot stunning young Asian WL refuses to have sex with Indians or Anglos, guys will whinge and carry on like a pork chop and call it discrimination.

But if a 300 pound MILFy Indian scrubber refuses to have sex with any Anglo's, guys will laugh it off and say they dodged a fucken bullet.

Discrimination? Sounds more like people's egos have been hurt.

24-04-2023, 09:33 AM
So if a hot stunning young Asian WL refuses to have sex with Indians or Anglos, guys will whinge and carry on like a pork chop and call it discrimination.

But if a 300 pound MILFy Indian scrubber refuses to have sex with any Anglo's, guys will laugh it off and say they dodged a fucken bullet.

Discrimination? Sounds more like people's egos have been hurt.

Pretty much this, ego bruised/ rejected that can't handle it

24-04-2023, 12:50 PM
I think this has something to do with 1. language barriers; 2. privacy reasons; 3. current market supply.

24-04-2023, 01:16 PM
If this was any other business that had these racist policies, they’d be prosecuted, shut down and it would be all over the media. I guess no one sympathizes with mongers…. LOL

I sort of object to the owners allowing this sort of behavior. It’s not the Australia I know and foreigners need to fit in with our culture of a fair go for everyone. I bet they don’t discriminate when it comes to peddling their drugs. As someone mentioned above, it’s a brothel for fuck sakes.

Discrimination should not be on if one is buying a product or a service that does not include intimacy. However, getting a woman to massage you nude, letting you touch her or fuck her, are all very intimate things and she should be free to choose with whom to do it --- be it your race, age, physical appearance or whatever.

24-04-2023, 03:36 PM
It can't be called discrimination if the alternative is rape.

24-04-2023, 07:25 PM
Pretty much this, ego bruised/ rejected that can't handle it

These Bros better keep punting and not try actual dating then🤣

24-04-2023, 09:11 PM
Ok buddybaka your brain seems a little smooth so ill break it down for you.
Ok you see, working girls have the choice to see women or men or both, now if she chooses to only see men isnt that according to your logic sexual discrimination?
Now lets say you are a jiggalo and you decide youre willing to suck some dick but not take it up the ass. Now as a human being it is your right to reject anal sex, no one can force that onto you.
If they do that its rape. If you choose to not see men AN ENTIRE GENDER WHICH IS MORE OF THE POPULATION THAN A NATION, that is also your human right and a choice not discrimination. And if a man fucks you up the ass its rape, how is this hard to understand.

This is the 2nd time now im explaining this to you. your response was ad hominem so most likely you dont have much of a point, other then you dont see WL as human so they dont have rights to choose and if they have a choice its discrimination.

Mate i just metamorphically shoved my dick down your throat with my reply, i look forward to your highly intelligent well thought out ad rem response.

PS. i read the dictionary 10 times a day already, it makes me super smart hurrrr durrrr deeerrrpppp

"Mate" .. there is more to being an authority on a topic than the juvenile approach of posting in capital letters.

You appear to lack the intellect or fundamental comprehension skills to understand from my previous posts that I unequivocally support the position that choice and henceforth, consent lies with the provider and no one else without question.

Nor do you understand the meaning of discrimination beyond the populist notion ....the Oxford dictionary with its 3 explanations of the word will educate you.....or maybe that will be a bridge too far for you.

Your ludicrous position that consent is based on human rights provisions when none if the 30 UN articles mention consent nor do any of the numerous human right conventions and treaties that Australia is signatory to illustrates your lack of understanding of the matter.

There is a reason it is not in such charters and its because such consent protection and rights are clearly represented in our criminal legislation as is the case with many countries.

Jarryd Hayne wasn't convicted of a human rights violation but a criminal offence.

If you want to appear as an authority on something beyond that of a pseudo intellectual you need to do some research...

In essence you need to start again...again...again...

25-04-2023, 09:31 AM
If you look at the employment section of some Brothel websites it sometimes says that the girls can view their prospective customer on CCTV. Just because they work in a brothel doesn’t make them public property.

27-04-2023, 10:13 AM
All good, but would love to have a go of new Chinese Fiona at 42g. Alas, Asian only.


27-04-2023, 04:14 PM
If that photo is real and I was Asian, I'd race you there Aussie

27-04-2023, 04:20 PM
All good, but would love to have a go of new Chinese Fiona at 42g. Alas, Asian only.


There is plenty of fish in the sea. Don't despair....

27-04-2023, 04:24 PM
Just keep an eye out, when they're not making enough money they change their minds and take any nationality.

Its not the size of your dick but the thickness of your wallet that interests them.

28-04-2023, 12:44 AM
It's a shame that such restrictions exist, alot i think is in place because of the whole blind booking system. I imagine punters get blacklisted by wls anyway after a visit even though not officially via ethnicity.
I love the dynamic of lineups especially in some of the larger establishments around Asia. Definitely an ego hit when you see a hot WL make zero eye contact with you and then focus on some super old cunt

28-04-2023, 01:48 AM
It's their body, their choice end of story..........

Fair statement, I tend to agree.

28-04-2023, 02:03 AM
If that photo is real and I was Asian, I'd race you there Aussie

Can anyone share a link for a WL saying Caucasians only? If not, why?

28-04-2023, 03:04 AM
Can anyone share a link for a WL saying Caucasians only? If not, why?
If you were a gigolo you might be Asian only too !

21-10-2023, 12:50 PM
I think it's more than fair. I definitely don't feel any ill feelings or take offence if she's Asian only. None whatsoever. She has her reasons. Besides I know at 42g the Ladies see you on camera so you can be refused and you don't even know about it. Still understandable n acceptable. Ever been refused a dance....I have.


The camera preview is present on quite a few shops. I’ve sat at one place with the mamasan whilst the girls viewed the punter. No one wanted to service him. At the end it was the girl who hadn’t had a client for the day who was asked by the mamasan to go see the punter. He asked “are there any more girls” she said “no”. He took what was offered.