View Full Version : General talk How often you exercise and what sport do you play?

23-04-2023, 03:57 PM
I am is not much of a sport person. I mainly do long walks, shadow boxing and hitting the ball against the wall for tennis.

I'm only 5 minutes walk from Sydney Harbour's water edge in Lower North Shore. Seeing the blue sky and sea always make me feel like I'm on a holiday.

23-04-2023, 04:19 PM
Unfortunately I don't live near such beautiful scenery, and my life/schedule doesn't really allow time for long walks...:cry: gotta squeeze in time for the punt as well :miao:

Exercise about 3-4 times a week, alternating between weights and light cardio, weights I do mostly lower body (squats/deads etc) for health and longevity and also better sex/heathy testosterone, too old for sports I'm afraid...and not a fan of golf either

23-04-2023, 04:37 PM
Gym anywhere from 3 to 6 times a week depending on how the body holds up. Varying the routine every time helps keep things fresh but it is hard to keep the motivation up sometimes.

23-04-2023, 05:52 PM
Didnt you say you clean your fish tank daily? Lol

23-04-2023, 06:54 PM
Have a daily routine where all I need is a weight vest and a pull up bar. Haven't been to a gym in over a decade.

23-04-2023, 07:08 PM
What do you do for legs? Weighted pistol squats?

23-04-2023, 07:19 PM
To old to exercise daily and carrying a lifetime issue following an accident so restricted in some ways

Have restarted playing golf weekly and ensuring I walk it - stopped using the carts

Walk when and where i can

And that is it - nothing special and to old in many ways to start doing to much extra

23-04-2023, 07:34 PM
What do you do for legs? Weighted pistol squats?

I usually do shrimp squats as my mobility is not good anymore.

23-04-2023, 07:34 PM
I train 3-4 times a week, mostly compound barbell lifts for lower body and basic calisthenics movements for upper body.

Walk 10,000 steps a day. If I wasn't so disciplined with my eating I would do cardio, but I find it easier to convince myself not to eat shit than go do cardio.

23-04-2023, 09:09 PM
To old to exercise daily and carrying a lifetime issue following an accident so restricted in some ways

Have restarted playing golf weekly and ensuring I walk it - stopped using the carts

Walk when and where i can

And that is it - nothing special and to old in many ways to start doing to much extra

I feel this. Due for my third knee reco, right hamstring ripped in half from my butt to about 4 inches above my knee, dislocated hip, dislocated left knee 9 times, right knee 12, 18 broken ribs (over 6 separate incidents), 2 dislocated ribs from my spine, 5 fractured vertebrae (3 lumbar and 2 cervical), depressed eye socket, tendon completely ripped off the bone in my neck and hip, every finger broken except my left thumb, 2 metatarsal bones, 9 complete knock outs and probably close to triple figures for concussions.

So walking, swimming and try to get out to play golf. Tried gyms but just feel awkward there as I’m pretty much an introvert and I start dripping sweat the minute I start exercising. I get a bit sick of people being helpful and correcting me when it would just cause either my knee or back to blow out because I need to do modified exercises

23-04-2023, 10:25 PM
Gym 5-6 times a week with 2 runs a week.
Just got into a really nice routine. Love to get on my bike too, but it was stolen a month back.. $800 bucks net loss..
Not getting time these days to play some tennis and golf which I really enjoy.
Staying fit and healthy is important for my confidence and makes me look and feel better.

23-04-2023, 11:21 PM
gym 4 times a week and a run to get that cardio

24-04-2023, 05:04 AM
2 runs a week, approx 5k each. Pullups and pushups at the end of the run in a park .

24-04-2023, 08:03 AM
I swim about 500 mt and use a sauna 3 times a week to keep fit

24-04-2023, 02:18 PM
The only excercise I do is thrusting into wl/ml . My abs get a good workout too

24-04-2023, 05:12 PM
Started exercising again this year after doing nothing during Covid years. Right now gym 3 times per week and thinking of doing martial arts again

24-04-2023, 10:51 PM
whoa so many fit guys here :) but I think it's still a small percentage, most punters I saw in the shops are kinda out of shape, a lot of the times I get comments from WL like "do you work out?" etc, and I'm not even that fit...

24-04-2023, 11:09 PM
The only excercise I do is thrusting into wl/ml . My abs get a good workout too

Sex is a good form of exercise and burns a good amount of calories. It can be good for the muscles too.

25-04-2023, 12:45 AM
Sex is a good form of exercise and burns a good amount of calories. It can be good for the muscles too.

yea missionary is like a pushup/plank variation, works the arms/core pretty good if you last long, try pounding hard in mish non-stop for 15 mins :)

25-04-2023, 12:51 AM
whoa so many fit guys here :) but I think it's still a small percentage, most punters I saw in the shops are kinda out of shape, a lot of the times I get comments from WL like "do you work out?" etc, and I'm not even that fit...

Working out multiple times per week doesn't make people fit though. I workout 4-5 times a week currently but some of the ML I've seen say I'm too "fit" - too much working out... Others love it though. Had a ML downright ask for a baby once cause she wanted a cute half asian baby.... NO TY

25-04-2023, 12:58 AM
Just been trying to take walks although it's mainly industrial where I'm at

25-04-2023, 10:56 AM
Working out multiple times per week doesn't make people fit though. I workout 4-5 times a week currently but some of the ML I've seen say I'm too "fit" - too much working out... Others love it though. Had a ML downright ask for a baby once cause she wanted a cute half asian baby.... NO TY

yea I should've changed my wording, when I say "fit" I meant people who takes good care of their physique, have a solid routine, and training multiple times a week, a guy here mentioned that he weight trains 5 days a week and plays sports on the weekend, have a good diet, if I hear someone says that then I'll probably assume the guy's reasonably fit, and probably not obese etc...

Regarding the "too fit" comment, maybe some WLs just prefer chubbier/softer types, but I think that's rare, also depends on the age/cultural background of the WL, a young/toned WL may prefer fitter guys, an older Asian MILF/GILF may think you workout "too much" if you have a 6 pack and very low bodyfat lol, there are always exceptions...

25-04-2023, 11:32 AM
Several times a week, at least every other day and often five or six times a week. I swim, roller skate, hike, walk on the treadmill, do Zumba, jump rope, dance,

25-04-2023, 04:47 PM
I fuck around 4 times a week and wank around 4 times a week. Sometimes more.
Apart from that, not much. I walk to the brothel and back and the pub and back.
The only reason I am not as fat as Brendan Fraser in The Whale is I fidget a lot.
I found out recently that fidgeting burns a shit load of calories and fat.
So that was a real eye opener for me. I always wondered why I wasn't a fat bastard.
Fidgeting is a real thing. You can Google it. Heaps of scientific literature.
I am pretty sure I am undiagnosed ADHD, but I grew up in a different era when nobody understood this shit.
If I was a young kid today they would probably pump me full of drugs.
So I am really glad I grew up in a different era.
I love my ADHD! It keeps life interesting and active and fun and never boring.
I love life and I love where I am right now. I sleep like a baby and I wake up full of energy. And maybe 1 in 3 days I wake up with boner which is not bad for a 50yo guy.
And every day is a blessing and an adventure.
Life's Good. Enjoy brothers Enjoy!
Each day spent above the ground rather than below the ground is a blessing and a victory.

25-04-2023, 08:54 PM
I'm with you Rooter.
ADHD is a gift not a liability.
I love the trouble the impulsive nature of it gets me into!
Alot of memories I will laugh about on my rocking chair!

25-04-2023, 09:01 PM
As one gets old and the old Prostate gets to the size of a ripe rock melon, getting up for a piss a dozen times a night tends to burn a few calories.....

26-04-2023, 12:24 AM
I get up to take a piss at night too, but that's because I drink too much water before bed lol (should stop doing that), I also do kegals from time to time, seems to help with boner and erection etc.

I still think the key to better sex and health/longevity is working on your lower body (legs, glutes etc), also helps with thrusting power :shout:

26-04-2023, 07:55 AM
Gym (weights) 1 hr 4 times a week, walk dogs daily, generally move around a lot, occasional yoga, tennis, run rarely, in fact cardio rarely (I don't need it, never been over 10% body fat, cholesterol and heart health etc fantastic.)
On the "too fit" point, have had lots of girls comment on my physique, usually very positive, one girl did mention though that because of all the working out it was hard on her hands to massage me properly (she didn't use elbows etc).

26-04-2023, 09:11 AM
Wow most of you guys are doing well with your excercises. I kind of feel I have been lazy and in fact I have been. Using the excuse busy at work and too tired to workout.

I play tennis once a week and try to workout at home. Lately, I have started to go for a walk Saturday mornings and been doing pull-ups as well as dips. I can feel this stretches my spine and I am more upright. Not a big fan of running and only push myself if I get to the tennis court earlier than my group. I have met a young and hot SB this month and been motivated to look better. Leets see how long this lasts.

I have thought about martial arts and had a colleague who used to train 2 hours everyweek. I could start this or take something like latin dancing. I think dancing will also give you a good cardio plus a chance to meet women hahah.

26-04-2023, 10:12 AM
one girl did mention though that because of all the working out it was hard on her hands to massage me properly (she didn't use elbows etc).

I had the same problem with a ML, I'm not a big guy by any means but I do have a decent amount of muscle on my back + relatively low bodyfat, I kept asking her to press harder and use her elbows, she sighed, said it was a hard job massaging me and told me not to expect too much from a massage from a rnt shop.

26-04-2023, 10:34 AM
I had the same problem with a ML, I'm not a big guy by any means but I do have a decent amount of muscle on my back + relatively low bodyfat, I kept asking her to press harder and use her elbows, she sighed, said it was a hard job massaging me and told me not to expect too much from a massage from a rnt shop.

Correct, I learned not to expect brilliant massage in an RnT, when it happens (had 3 BRILLIANT girls but they've all retired) it is an absolute bonus. A girl said to me recently at the start of the session "I'll do my best but remember I'm not professional" and I thought that about sums up all you can ever hope for.

26-04-2023, 11:02 AM
yea that's a fair point, I kind of expected that since most of them are not "professionals", it's mainly for relaxation and pleasure, soft as opposed to remedial, but still I always wanna get my money's worth for part 1 and try my luck :D (I've had a few decent sessions, mostly Thai ladies), lifting weights + tension/stress really makes me feel "tight".

critical brain mass
26-04-2023, 10:50 PM
Subbies rugby, footy training through the week, 5km run 1x week gym 2x week.

I also eat garbage and subscribe to Aussie drinking culture so there’s no athletic build going on here. I just say it evens itself out.

27-04-2023, 12:52 AM
Unfortunately I don't live near such beautiful scenery, and my life/schedule doesn't really allow time for long walks...:cry: gotta squeeze in time for the punt as well :miao:

Exercise about 3-4 times a week, alternating between weights and light cardio, weights I do mostly lower body (squats/deads etc) for health and longevity and also better sex/heathy testosterone, too old for sports I'm afraid...and not a fan of golf either

There is a guy I know. He gets down a train stop earlier and walks home for the exercise.

27-04-2023, 01:03 AM
Im getting old, but still keeping up. Chinups, pushups, cardio, a bit each day, have been doing it since 15.

27-04-2023, 03:19 PM
There is a guy I know. He gets down a train stop earlier and walks home for the exercise.
working from home has ruined that I'm afraid...I still get my cardio in though, cardio = heart health = blood flow = better erection.

29-04-2023, 04:34 PM
Played 1st grade footy back in the 90’s.
Been going to the gym pretty much since I left school! Still go to the gym now and I’m in good condition for my early 50’s!
Regular exercise is a good thing for everyone! But sometimes it’s the motivation to go to the gym that’s the hardest!

06-05-2023, 04:18 PM
Working from home due to post covid lock down really messed up my schedule, the usual lunch walks with work colleagues has just turned into walks around the house, or just a quick errand since it’s so convenient.

06-05-2023, 11:26 PM
I enjoy the outdoors rather than the gym. Swimming and running keeps me healthy

06-11-2023, 04:21 PM
Walking 10-20k steps daily.

Working every day.

That and pumping numerous pussy.

06-11-2023, 04:33 PM
I restarted my P90X routine after going back home from Sydney. That's 6 days a week. On day 7, I usually would do 30 mins of cardio to keep up the fitness level while letting the muscles rest. So far it's been working out pretty well, I lost 25 lbs since I started and now able to do a lot of things that I never could.

06-11-2023, 04:52 PM
I workout 3-4 times weekly but that's just to maintain my muscle strength. Heaviest deadlift so far is 250kgs, and had no problem dragging a 160kgs machinery 100m away on a trolley.

Today I moved around 4 machineries worth 120kgs each.

I don't lift heavy objects at work everyday but sometimes certain projects require that sort of strength. I'm pretty small compared to others of the same strength level, and people often think that the machines I move around are under 50kgs until they tried for themselves.

06-11-2023, 05:50 PM
I've started hitting the gym. Need to lose this dadbod.

06-11-2023, 06:00 PM
I’ve been on a restricted diet to get back the abs. Protein and zero carbs. Another month then I’ll hit the weights. Things are working out very well. I can’t complain.

06-11-2023, 07:56 PM
I am is not much of a sport person. I mainly do long walks, shadow boxing and hitting the ball against the wall for tennis.

I'm only 5 minutes walk from Sydney Harbour's water edge in Lower North Shore. Seeing the blue sky and sea always make me feel like I'm on a holiday.

I play hoops with my homeboys. now playing badminton with my ladies at home

06-11-2023, 10:51 PM
Swimming everyday. Its the best exercise with zero impact. Some days twice, early morning and late night. It works like meditation and quite magical. I don't think about anything while doing it. It also helps with stamina.

06-11-2023, 11:14 PM
Work out every day at home or in the office. Anything from weight training to a day where I’ll do just 150 push-ups and squats. And 2-3x per month o get a good workout in a brothel.

07-11-2023, 01:21 AM
Swimming everyday. It’s the best exercise with zero impact. Some days twice, early morning and late night. It works like meditation and quite magical. I don't think about anything while doing it. It also helps with stamina.

Plus swimmers body shape is good, ya?

07-11-2023, 08:42 AM
Weight and cardio (racquet game mostly) 4 times a week. Is anyone doing yoga regularly and what is the benefit? Is it make you last longer when you have sex?

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07-11-2023, 09:56 AM
I do Muay Thai 2-3 days a week , and 2 days of strength training , usually kettlebells or bodyweight.always stretch after each workout too. I’ve always been quite active , so it’s a habit for me. I need exercise/sports for the body and mind

07-11-2023, 11:15 AM
Weight and cardio (racquet game mostly) 4 times a week. Is anyone doing yoga regularly and what is the benefit? Is it make you last longer when you have sex?

Sent from my ELE-L29 using Tapatalk

I do Ati-Yoga. The benefit is that you will achieve clear light of bliss. In terms of sex it depends - if it's done lotus position only then you can train to last 20 minutes bareback. Otherwise, it makes you appreciative of any sex positions regardless of GFE or PSE actions. And you can live without sex for a long period of time as well.

13-11-2023, 12:24 AM
I work out each other day fantasising that I'm lifting and thrusting a 50 kg weight. That's better than wanking I guess

13-11-2023, 09:34 AM
I tried to go to the gym 3 days per week. And some jogging over the weekend to build my cardio

13-11-2023, 11:27 AM
Did a really intense workout during the weekend:

-Towel pull ups (using a towel over a pull-up bar to work on grip strength)
-Sumo stomps
-Goblet march
-Isometric deadlift (a bar held down with thick elastic bands)
-Around the world (core exercise)

And now I feel like crap. Give it a couple days rest and my energy levels will suddenly skyrocket.

13-11-2023, 11:34 AM
There’s only one muscle I worry about.

Oh I know technically it’s not a muscle but…

13-11-2023, 11:38 AM
There’s only one muscle I worry about.

Oh I know technically it’s not a muscle but…

It's technically not a muscle but there is a muscle next to it you can train for better stamina, better performance - Kegels

13-11-2023, 11:45 AM
I feel the best when at the gym 3 times a week run or swim two and rest two. If i stop exercise I get really low on energy and generally feel like shit. Its so simple and yet I get lazy complacent or injured and its easy to lose the momentum. Best fucks when in peak shape of course! Last longer and feel like the girls appreciate the effort :P

Grissle Piston
13-11-2023, 12:35 PM
It's technically not a muscle but there is a muscle next to it you can train for better stamina, better performance - Kegels

Kegels are the go for sure.
I do them in sets all the time as recommended by my mate a urologist.
Good for that crazy release of the tadpoles.
After a few months i was pelting out a load over a metre, kinda like being 18 again...

13-11-2023, 01:06 PM
6ft 98kg around 11% bodyfat at the moment
By xmas i will be 8 to 9 then by the time i go to bali in mid jan the goal will be 7%

i bulk for 6 momnths and cut for 4 months and have 2 months maintenance to let the body recover

13-11-2023, 06:11 PM
Snooker is a good sport. Best if you play someone better than yourself - more sitting down time.

13-11-2023, 08:13 PM
Cycling is my only sport. Do about 15 hours each week. Leaves me with only enough energy to punt once a week.