View Full Version : Question DATY STD

15-05-2023, 11:28 PM
Thinking of going for my first punt. Slightly worried about getting a STD from DATY. Should I avoid DATY?

16-05-2023, 11:42 AM
Yup, you can catch an STD from DATY. Why not bring your own dental dam to use for DATY?

16-05-2023, 01:54 PM
The older the lady the more risk of prolonged DATY

The major worry is human papilloma virus which causes throat cancer in men (particularly if you are a heavy smoker or heavy drinker) and causes cervical cancer in women

Less worry if you don't have most of the risk factors for throat cancer - smoker, heavy drinker (more than 2-3 drinks per day), infrequent dental checkups, bad gum disease. Even Asian race is a risk factor for men. Can give you the evidence as a link if you need

The problem is so well known that the Australian government pays millions for all school aged students to be vaccinated against this virus. Unfortunately older women already finished school, and overseas women, don't get the protection

A few famous people acknowledge that they contracted throat cancer from the combination of smoking, drinking and DATY

My advice, take or leave it, regarding punting, not girls you meet socially:
Keep DATY to a minimum with any WL older than 25, or a busy sex worker
Avoid prolonged DATY entirely with older WL especially those who may allow BBFS

No research done to test if mouth wash really helps.
Keeping DATY brief with WLs and washing mouth out with mouth wash asap is the best policy

Throat cancer and cervical cancer (related conditions) are not rare diseases. Ask any lady. Regular formal checks (pap smears) ARE recommended for all women

16-05-2023, 02:08 PM
when i went and got tested at WSLHD in Parramatta, i got for free Sheer Glyde Dams these ones are designed for Daty
i take them with me when i punt and show the girls, they are very interested in this product too, which also changes their mind to allow you to growl them out

16-05-2023, 02:11 PM
The older the lady the more risk of prolonged DATY

The major worry is human papilloma virus which causes throat cancer in men (particularly if you are a heavy smoker or heavy drinker) and causes cervical cancer in women

Less worry if you don't have most of the risk factors for throat cancer - smoker, heavy drinker (more than 2-3 drinks per day), infrequent dental checkups, bad gum disease. Even Asian race is a risk factor for men. Can give you the evidence as a link if you need

The problem is so well known that the Australian government pays millions for all school aged students to be vaccinated against this virus. Unfortunately older women already finished school, and overseas women, don't get the protection

A few famous people acknowledge that they contracted throat cancer from the combination of smoking, drinking and DATY

My advice, take or leave it, regarding punting, not girls you meet socially:
Keep DATY to a minimum with any WL older than 25, or a busy sex worker
Avoid prolonged DATY entirely with older WL especially those who may allow BBFS

No research done to test if mouth wash really helps keeping DATY brief with WLs and washing mouth out with mouth wash asap is the best policy

Throat cancer and cervical cancer (related conditions) are not rare diseases. Ask any lady. Regular formal checks (pap smears) ARE recommended for all women

Pretty much most things yo can catch from DATY are treatable by antibiotics.
The main concern I am aware of from friends who have contracted an oral STD is diagnosis.

Most STD testing doesn't include a throat swab, so it can go incorrectly diagnosed for a while.
When you have an oral STD in the throat, it can look similar to, and be diagnosed as many other non STD throat ailments.
If in doubt, check it out with a throat based STD swab...

16-05-2023, 02:24 PM
Keep things factual
There is no antibiotics that work for human papilloma virus (HPV)
The only protection is condoms for your dick, and keeping DATY brief with high risk sex workers as explained above, especially if you are a heavy smoker or heavy drinker. Women can get vaccinated

You are talking about oral gonorrhoea or Chlamydia

16-05-2023, 04:52 PM
Keep things factual
There is no antibiotics that work for human papilloma virus (HPV)
The only protection is condoms for your dick, and keeping DATY brief with high risk sex workers as explained above, especially if you are a heavy smoker or heavy drinker. Women can get vaccinated

You are talking about oral gonorrhoea or Chlamydia

I used the word most.
But I guess you were already in rebuttal mode, formulating your reply in your mind, and hence unable to read my comment fully or correctly.

I won't even bother baiting you about the risks of oral or vaginal bareback.
Like, why throw a dog a bone...

16-05-2023, 08:51 PM
Tried to find dental dams at chemist, never could find them, where can you buy them

16-05-2023, 08:58 PM
Herpes is incurable but that why they call it punting I guess. You take your chances

17-05-2023, 12:07 AM
Thinking of going for my first punt. Slightly worried about getting a STD from DATY. Should I avoid DATY?

I knew a man who died of throat cancer, so I would never DATY on any woman. This poor guy had a miserable ending to his life. He had to get surgery to remove big parts inside his mouth to save his life, but after two years of this he still died. No pleasure in life is worth dying for. Huge risk.

17-05-2023, 04:22 AM
I knew a man who died of throat cancer, so I would never DATY on any woman. This poor guy had a miserable ending to his life. He had to get surgery to remove big parts inside his mouth to save his life, but after two years of this he still died. No pleasure in life is worth dying for. Huge risk.

Here ye, here ye...
The wrapped in cotton wool brigade has got a new recruit...

So andrewv
Do you still drive a car?
Do you cross the street?
Do you play sport or exercise?
I am sure you know many people that do one or other of those and have died to.
So have you stopped all of those things?

17-05-2023, 07:17 AM
Here ye, here ye...
The wrapped in cotton wool brigade has got a new recruit...

So andrewv
Do you still drive a car?
Do you cross the street?
Do you play sport or exercise?
I am sure you know many people that do one or other of those and have died to.
So have you stopped all of those things?

Isn’t survivor bias fun. People are shit with numbers unless you break it down to very simple terms like a few or a lot.

These same guys will drive an hour out of their way to save $0.02/L on petrol and think it’s great despite their time being worth more than the money saved.

So go have fun and growl out the ladies so they have fun too. You’ll get a better service if both of you are enjoying it.

17-05-2023, 08:33 AM
Do it with dental dam like mentioned above. I made a mistake of not using it and a few days later got this tiny dots on my inner lip, similiar to ulcer. Went to the GP and I was diagnosed with oral thrush. Got antifungal medication and back to normal after a week.

17-05-2023, 11:51 AM
Public Health (cotton wool brigade) have recently protected tradesmen getting severe lung disease by recommending appropriate work based airway protection when they install stone kitchen benchtops

I am very grateful for mandatory seat belts, banning unsafe children's toys, and other public health measures

The anti-science anti-public health based opinion, that abounds on antisocial media like the Facebook echo chamber, is just that, opinion, and takes us all back to the dark ages

Facts are king. Most internet clever people rarely back up their opinions with facts, and opinions alone can significantly mislead people

Fact: Bob James won the US election
Opinion: But the election was rigged (with no facts)

17-05-2023, 02:41 PM
Here ye, here ye...
The wrapped in cotton wool brigade has got a new recruit...

So andrewv
Do you still drive a car?
Do you cross the street?
Do you play sport or exercise?
I am sure you know many people that do one or other of those and have died to.
So have you stopped all of those things?

Have to agree, there are a whole lot of people in this forum who shouldn't punt at all, the paranoia is ridiculous.... But how do they know the throat cancer was from DATY, what about smoking, drinking, pollution or genetic factors which could have been the possible cause...

17-05-2023, 07:15 PM
Have to agree, there are a whole lot of people in this forum who shouldn't punt at all, the paranoia is ridiculous.... But how do they know the throat cancer was from DATY, what about smoking, drinking, pollution or genetic factors which could have been the possible cause...

I wouldn't judge anyone for doing what they do, but I personally cannot imagine myself engaging in this activity if I was really that afraid of catching something. It just doesn't make any sense at all.

17-05-2023, 09:00 PM
I get nervous every time I gat a sore throat.

17-05-2023, 09:02 PM
I get nervous every time I gat a sore throat.

User name & sport u follow says it all :-) - sorry couldn't resist

17-05-2023, 09:21 PM
I get nervous every time I gat a sore throat.

Stop punting, no more sore throat, or you still get a sore throat but you don't have to worry about it because it's probably nothing serious. Problem solved.

18-05-2023, 12:15 AM
Here ye, here ye...
The wrapped in cotton wool brigade has got a new recruit...

So andrewv
Do you still drive a car?
Do you cross the street?
Do you play sport or exercise?
I am sure you know many people that do one or other of those and have died to.
So have you stopped all of those things?

Yes, I drive a car but never without my seatbelt on.
I cross the street but never when cars are coming.
The rate of getting throat and mouth cancer is higher than death by car accidents.

Please go ahead and lick as many dirty cunts as you want, buddy. Yes, they’re dirty indeed.

Also note that cervical cancer is directly related to the number of different sexual partners a woman has. Connect the dots and keep licking.

18-05-2023, 02:47 PM
Its all relative to the amount of risk each individual wants to take to get the most pleasure from their punt. 15 months ago there was no way I was gonna do DATY with a WL, let alone BBFS. Over the past 12 months or so I have done DATY so many times I can't even recall. I love it when you have that control with your tongue and feel the WL moaning and squirming and sometimes cumming while you perform. Its not with every WL that I would but if we click and I have a strong urge to do daty then Its a major turn on for me.

Having said that, would I still punt if I wasnt going to perform DATY anymore! and yes I would. Same goes for BBFS. But if I had to abstain from DFK and BBBJ for fear of contracting a disease then more than likely I would probably not punt any more. Would prefer to masturbate to porn.

18-05-2023, 06:21 PM
Your BBFS isn't your concern obviously

But its definitely a concern to the nonworking women you have relationships with, and increasing THEIR risk of cervical cancer, an awful disease usually detected late. Second is Chlamydia & gonorrhea related female infertility
Sleeping around with unprotected nonworking girls is fine
When you add to the mix BBFS with WL the equation changes considerably

Go for it. I'm just stating facts

18-05-2023, 06:45 PM
Your BBFS isn't your concern obviously

But its definitely a concern to the nonworking women you have relationships with, and increasing THEIR risk of cervical cancer, an awful disease usually detected late. Second is Chlamydia & gonorrhea related female infertility
Sleeping around with unprotected nonworking girls is fine
When you add to the mix BBFS with WL the equation changes considerably

Go for it. I'm just stating facts

I apologise...maybe I didn't explain myself properly. Its sometimes hard to condense your thoughts into a post, especially when you're at work.

I'm not for BBFS with WLs at all. And in the future will try to avoid it as the risks are high. I'm willing to stop DATY as well, but at the moment the risks for myself do not out weigh the amount of pleasure I get from it. But as far as BBBJ AND DFK goes, no I don't want it to stop and if tomorrow I decide that the risks are too high practising these 2 things, then I will stop punting all together as I won't feel as fulfilled in a session.

If your so paranoid that you are at a high risk of getting an STD when you punt, well there isn't much enjoyment in punting so maybe you should stop. As I said, each individual needs to evaluate the risk over enjoyment for themselves. Some of us are more risk takers and some of us not so much.

18-05-2023, 07:02 PM
We are all having discussion so all good. It is harder online to have a nuanced conversation

I'm not paranoid. It's a fact. DATY is a delicacy and it's fantastic. Stating the risk doesn't mean paranoia. I've just outlined which WL not to DATY for too long
I don't mean don't DATY
Just not for long, especially with an older WL. No age discrimination, but the risk level
Still working out whether to be bothered bringing mouth wash and if that makes any difference (no research available)

19-05-2023, 01:01 AM
Did someone say paranoid?

I'm a low risk guy. 6 months ago I was debating whether to even do FS or not. Here I am doing it now. Only the safe stuff though. That's the level of risk I'm taking. Even only doing this I may eventually catch something if I keep doing it.

I might die tomorrow in a car crash, making all this worry meaningless. I might not, and have to live with incurable STDs.

I now think of it as taking more risk as I get older. Getting something young has more of an effect than getting something later in life, where I'll have less to lose.

Maybe I'll DATY a WL when I'm 50. For now I'm happy with just the basics.

24-05-2023, 07:46 AM
Thinking of going for my first punt. Slightly worried about getting a STD from DATY. Should I avoid DATY?
Why anyone would want to stick their tongue in the working area of an WL really is mind boggling

24-05-2023, 09:26 AM
Why anyone would want to stick their tongue in the working area of an WL really is mind boggling

Its not so bad, maybe you should try it.

Last week with 30 bucks in my wallet went to see what I could get for it. A GILF WL in a not to reputable shop said for $30 all I could get was DATY. Done deal so I proceeded working my tongue on her either though there was a strange smell, when I felt something in my mouth. A bit of carrot I spat it out and kept going. Then a pea. WTF! I asked the GILF "are you sick?"
And she replied "No! But the punter before you was"

24-05-2023, 09:14 PM
Its not so bad, maybe you should try it.

Last week with 30 bucks in my wallet went to see what I could get for it. A GILF WL in a not to reputable shop said for $30 all I could get was DATY. Done deal so I proceeded working my tongue on her either though there was a strange smell, when I felt something in my mouth. A bit of carrot I spat it out and kept going. Then a pea. WTF! I asked the GILF "are you sick?"
And she replied "No! But the punter before you was"Funny as fuck CharlieM !! Pissing myself laughing!!

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

24-05-2023, 09:56 PM
Its not so bad, maybe you should try it.

Last week with 30 bucks in my wallet went to see what I could get for it. A GILF WL in a not to reputable shop said for $30 all I could get was DATY. Done deal so I proceeded working my tongue on her either though there was a strange smell, when I felt something in my mouth. A bit of carrot I spat it out and kept going. Then a pea. WTF! I asked the GILF "are you sick?"
And she replied "No! But the punter before you was"

Sounds like the ingredients you'd find in a chiko roll.

24-05-2023, 11:14 PM
Your BBFS isn't your concern obviously

But its definitely a concern to the nonworking women you have relationships with, and increasing THEIR risk of cervical cancer, an awful disease usually detected late. Second is Chlamydia & gonorrhea related female infertility
Sleeping around with unprotected nonworking girls is fine
When you add to the mix BBFS with WL the equation changes considerably

Go for it. I'm just stating facts

Facts, what a laugh.
They're not even close.
They are just opinions of yours.

Facts have numbers, research, published results.
"Sleeping around with unprotected nonworking girls is fine"
Is that a fact?
As I'm pretty sure if I searched I would find that the rates of STD's in sexually promiscuous nonworking girls is very fucking high.
But then again, that is my unsupported non factual opinion...

"When you add to the mix BBFS with WL the equation changes considerably"
Probably true, tho many might answer that the risk actually goes down, not up.
So where's the facts the numbers?

Show us the numbers!!!
Show us the numbers!!!
Show us the numbers!!!

Show us the facts... hahahaha

24-05-2023, 11:59 PM
Why anyone would want to stick their tongue in the working area of an WL really is mind boggling

Well for one thing, you don't actually stick your tongue IN there for DATY. That's a tongue fuck. I personally like to attack their clit and the area around the "hood".

The labia and inside, nah, not my thing. Hard to get any impact using your tongue on those areas.

25-05-2023, 12:27 AM
Well for one thing, you don't actually stick your tongue IN there for DATY. That's a tongue fuck. I personally like to attack their clit and the area around the "hood".

The labia and inside, nah, not my thing. Hard to get any impact using your tongue on those areas.

Master Mantak Chia says before entering a woman and giving her that out-of-body orgasmic experience, 3 gates must be opened or attacked in sequential order. Once you unlock the padlocks she'll be like putty in your hands.

25-05-2023, 12:45 AM
As I'm pretty sure if I searched I would find that the rates of STD's in sexually promiscuous nonworking girls is very fucking high.

The last thorough research of the incidence of STD's in NSW was done by the Uni of NSW in 2016 and funded by the NSW State government. Among their many findings they determined that the incidence of STD's among WL's and the general female population was almost identical. However, they also found that it appeared that the incidence of STD's in promiscuous younger female amateurs was slightly higher than either the general female population or professional WL's.

They put this down to the fact that at the time the WL's were particularly well informed about both prevention and treatment services
Of course those numbers are 7/8 years old but no broad study has been published since.

25-05-2023, 02:04 PM
The last thorough research of the incidence of STD's in NSW was done by the Uni of NSW in 2016 and funded by the NSW State government. Among their many findings they determined that the incidence of STD's among WL's and the general female population was almost identical. However, they also found that it appeared that the incidence of STD's in promiscuous younger female amateurs was slightly higher than either the general female population or professional WL's.

They put this down to the fact that at the time the WL's were particularly well informed about both prevention and treatment services
Of course those numbers are 7/8 years old but no broad study has been published since.

And there we have some facts.
Dates, sources, results.

I tips me hat to ya priapuss

25-05-2023, 10:50 PM
I’ve fucked 150 girls, mostly escorts and SBs and never had an STI from DATY.

25-05-2023, 10:56 PM
I’ve fucked 150 girls, mostly escorts and SBs and never had an STI from DATY.

An STI is an STI, what's this stupid talk about which sex act done to get it. It's absurd. Maybe someone stuck is finger in his arse and sucked on it to get the STI. Oh but he did DATY before that, must've got it from DATY.

Fucking stupidest idea I've ever heard.

25-05-2023, 11:06 PM
Indeed - it’s ridiculous. If you don’t want an STI then don’t fuck

26-05-2023, 05:10 PM
An STI is an STI, what's this stupid talk about which sex act done to get it. It's absurd. Maybe someone stuck is finger in his arse and sucked on it to get the STI. Oh but he did DATY before that, must've got it from DATY.

Fucking stupidest idea I've ever heard.

You know......back in day people would be proud to say they had an STI, whilst others would be jumping for joy if they received an unexpected STD. Unfortunately fucken EVs, smartphones and the internet changed all that! And what do we have to show for it? A society full of fucken soft cocks and PC simps, underpinned by a growing number beta's with manginas that are needy, clingy, desperate, and thirsty. Bring back the good old days when kids got the cane, you could say what was on your mind without being cancelled, you could smoke a giggle in an aeroplane, you could have posters of naked bimbos in the office, work piss ups was mandatory, you could leave your push bike out front or leave the front door open without a worry, and you could even smoke a bong in the can during smoko. I digress but you get the point.

26-05-2023, 09:22 PM
I ran the gauntlet for so long bbfs daty and many more but today I got informed I have chlamydia in the eye. Have had pink eye for around a month now and it just wasn't responding to treatment from drs optomertrist etc. Finally got sent to an opthomologist (eye specialist) who took the swab from my eye. The results came back positive and was given a single 1 off dose of antibiotics which hopefully should clear it up. ����
I can pinpoint the incident to where I caught this. Not exactly sure how it happened but was performing DATY she was really wet , a lot of body fluid and somehow got it in my eye! 2 days later I awoke with a red swollen eye. Feeling a little gunshy about DATY but sure I will get back on the horse.
I was always pretty confident that DATY was relatively safe but not so sure anymore. Be careful Bros!!

27-05-2023, 04:02 AM
Well for one thing, you don't actually stick your tongue IN there for DATY. That's a tongue fuck. I personally like to attack their clit and the area around the "hood".

The labia and inside, nah, not my thing. Hard to get any impact using your tongue on those areas.

Still mind boggling to put your mouth and face down there. Each to their own I guess

27-05-2023, 10:11 AM
Was reading on another forum that this punter who was at a reputable FS shop, that I also frequent, whilst starting to get into it with the WL, tasted a strange salty taste whilst sucking and licking the WLs boobs. It turned him off but he tried putting it to the back of his mind and continued but whilst banging her she told him to pull out when he's ready and cum on her titts as it turns her on, which confirmed his thoughts of what he was tasting.

Now my dilemma is this. Can you catch an STI from this? Because there're a heap of punters here who frown on us pussy lickers and only go to RnT shops thinking they are safe from infection. Oh yeh! Sucking those titts that the previous punter was sucking and coming on, in shops with no showers. Fingering that pussy and not cleaning your hands properly.

27-05-2023, 10:39 AM
I ran the gauntlet for so long bbfs daty and many more but today I got informed I have chlamydia in the eye. Have had pink eye for around a month now and it just wasn't responding to treatment from drs optomertrist etc. Finally got sent to an opthomologist (eye specialist) who took the swab from my eye. The results came back positive and was given a single 1 off dose of antibiotics which hopefully should clear it up. ����
I can pinpoint the incident to where I caught this. Not exactly sure how it happened but was performing DATY she was really wet , a lot of body fluid and somehow got it in my eye! 2 days later I awoke with a red swollen eye. Feeling a little gunshy about DATY but sure I will get back on the horse.
I was always pretty confident that DATY was relatively safe but not so sure anymore. Be careful Bros!!

In the punting realm anything is possible, however in your case it could be more likely that you rubbed/touched your eye with the suspect juices still on your finger.

The big question? Did you FIV her then rub/touch your eye, or did did you take a piss and rub your eye prior to washing your hands?
The other question is who has the Chlamy?

Thanks for sharing.

27-05-2023, 11:05 AM
In the punting realm anything is possible, however in your case it could be more likely that you rubbed/touched your eye with the suspect juices still on your finger.

The big question? Did you FIV her then rub/touch your eye, or did did you take a piss and rub your eye prior to washing your hands?
The other question is who has the Chlamy?

Thanks for sharing.

A few habits maybe punters need to cut down on. Hope you get better soon and glad they got a diagnosis. The majority of Chlamydia goes undiagnosed

27-05-2023, 12:55 PM
Thanks men!
Not really sure how the incident happened but do remember when doing DATY feeling something in the affected eye. 99.9% sure this was the moment I got affected.
The eye is a little better today so hopefully onward and upward from here!!
And just for everyone's info the infected girl is in Gosford on the Central Coast.

27-05-2023, 01:27 PM

I can pinpoint the incident to where I caught this. Not exactly sure how it happened but was performing DATY she was really wet , a lot of body fluid and somehow got it in my eye! 2 days later I awoke with a red swollen eye. Feeling a little gunshy about DATY but sure I will get back on the horse.
I was always pretty confident that DATY was relatively safe but not so sure anymore. Be careful Bros!!

Did you let the girl know that you caught it from her and make a formal notification? Treatment would prevent her from infecting more Bros.

27-05-2023, 02:40 PM
I sure did mate!
She didn't offer any excuses other than she knew nothing about it. She's currently on leave from massage and said she will go get herself sorted out.
Won't be seeing her in a hurry!!

27-05-2023, 03:33 PM
Was reading on another forum that this punter who was at a reputable FS shop, that I also frequent, whilst starting to get into it with the WL, tasted a strange salty taste whilst sucking and licking the WLs boobs. It turned him off but he tried putting it to the back of his mind and continued but whilst banging her she told him to pull out when he's ready and cum on her titts as it turns her on, which confirmed his thoughts of what he was tasting.

Now my dilemma is this. Can you catch an STI from this? Because there're a heap of punters here who frown on us pussy lickers and only go to RnT shops thinking they are safe from infection. Oh yeh! Sucking those titts that the previous punter was sucking and coming on, in shops with no showers. Fingering that pussy and not cleaning your hands properly.

Short answer: Yes.
Details: Google “viral infections sex” or similar search words.

02-06-2023, 04:08 PM
I have never had STD with DATY 18 years of punting history. But had 20% of time when I had BBFS with a WL.

02-06-2023, 04:41 PM
I ran the gauntlet for so long bbfs daty and many more but today I got informed I have chlamydia in the eye. Have had pink eye for around a month now and it just wasn't responding to treatment from drs optomertrist etc. Finally got sent to an opthomologist (eye specialist) who took the swab from my eye. The results came back positive and was given a single 1 off dose of antibiotics which hopefully should clear it up. ����
I can pinpoint the incident to where I caught this. Not exactly sure how it happened but was performing DATY she was really wet , a lot of body fluid and somehow got it in my eye! 2 days later I awoke with a red swollen eye. Feeling a little gunshy about DATY but sure I will get back on the horse.
I was always pretty confident that DATY was relatively safe but not so sure anymore. Be careful Bros!!

Be careful of conjunctivitis, or pink eye which is an irritation or inflammation of the conjunctiva, which covers the white part of the eyeball. It can be caused by allergies or a bacterial or viral infection. Conjunctivitis can be extremely contagious and is spread by contact with eye secretions from someone who is infected.

For example, sticking your face into a massage hole is not always a good idea if the previous customer had an eye infection.

02-06-2023, 05:08 PM
Be careful of conjunctivitis, or pink eye which is an irritation or inflammation of the conjunctiva, which covers the white part of the eyeball. It can be caused by allergies or a bacterial or viral infection. Conjunctivitis can be extremely contagious and is spread by contact with eye secretions from someone who is infected.

For example, sticking your face into a massage hole is not always a good idea if the previous customer had an eye infection.

people with eye infections would be the last thing you have to worry about. Punters have been known to stick their genitals, and rest their fat hairy arses on those table holes.

02-06-2023, 07:31 PM
Here we go. He's starting to sound like an AI again. Lol!

03-06-2023, 08:28 AM
I remember few years ago there was a trend in Japan. Licking eyeballs. Have you guys did that? https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/health/health-headlines/eyeball-licking-trend-in-japan-leads-to-spike-in-infections-1.1326219?cache=

Anyway the worst i got from DATY was losing my voice and another time throat infection, swollen lymph nodes.
After that I'm cautious with DATY.
At the time I never tasted anything out of the ordinary, perhaps abit of salt but nothing foul or extreme fishy smell. Possible just BO.

03-06-2023, 10:20 AM
I remember few years ago there was a trend in Japan. Licking eyeballs. Have you guys did that? https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/health/health-headlines/eyeball-licking-trend-in-japan-leads-to-spike-in-infections-1.1326219?cache=

Anyway the worst i got from DATY was losing my voice and another time throat infection, swollen lymph nodes.
After that I'm cautious with DATY.
At the time I never tasted anything out of the ordinary, perhaps abit of salt but nothing foul or extreme fishy smell. Possible just BO.

Lucky you, the worst I got from DATY ? A son, his mum got so turned on pushed me away and jumped on for a bareback ride.

03-06-2023, 09:54 PM
Lucky you, the worst I got from DATY ? A son, his mum got so turned on pushed me away and jumped on for a bareback ride.

Love it youngheart.
As I have loved it when that happens to me.
The jumping on that is, thankfully a vasectomy puts paid to the forever after consequence... lol....

20-05-2024, 11:20 PM
Thanks men!
Not really sure how the incident happened but do remember when doing DATY feeling something in the affected eye. 99.9% sure this was the moment I got affected.
The eye is a little better today so hopefully onward and upward from here!!
And just for everyone's info the infected girl is in Gosford on the Central Coast.

Yikes, looking through Gosford threads right now and not much encouraging up that way hey... high prices, grannies, and infected girls. I reckon I'll avoid.