View Full Version : Question Why brothel or massage place always hide their girls from punter?

21-05-2023, 07:08 PM
In my experience, most waiting room in a brothel or massage they have a curtain/door to prevent punters seeing girls walking around the hall. I really wonder why do they do that? Its basically hiding their own products to their customers.

I know we can ask for seeing lineup, but lots of times you just want to fill your time looking at girls for your next visit while waiting for your booking to be available. Or maybe you want to see that gorgeous WL that have been fully booked that day walking around and you want it for your next visit.

I've experienced this in Thailand and Indonesia, which is very fun to see dozens of girls walking around for you to choose. Also much better than choosing a girl solely based on photo.

21-05-2023, 07:44 PM
I always thought that it’s for your privacy.

21-05-2023, 07:54 PM
They see you in the security cameras first and make sure you are not family or boyfriend :)

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21-05-2023, 08:07 PM
Be a regular and be nice to the mamasan. I have some access to the rest-rooms of two small shops.

Some punters buy gifts for the WLs. I sometimes bring gifts to the Mamasan and a red packet to the receptionist during Chinese New Year.

21-05-2023, 08:44 PM
So the girl can avoid you after seeing you on cctv

21-05-2023, 09:11 PM
I thought it was for the punter's privacy, so other punters don't see you.

21-05-2023, 09:13 PM
It's for the privacy of the punters.
Most people aren't keen on sitting in a brothel waiting room and seeing their boss/relative/neighbour walking past.

21-05-2023, 10:24 PM
They also have a rotation roster so you dont go choosing another one you like. They'll rather you stick to the roster.

So if they say oh we are busy and we only have 2 girls available then theyre probably next on the rotation.

Ive walked out a few times and then suddenly there are girls who are finishing up or readying themselves so if a wait like a minute or so, there are more girls to choose from

21-05-2023, 10:39 PM
They're businesses, and the managers must ensure every girl rostered on gets her share of punters.

The goal is to ensure not only the satisfaction of punters but for each staff to earn money, else the girls that sit around for 10 hours and only get 2 hours of paid work will move away...

Brothels and massage shops do have big challenges getting and keeping their workers. If there is no product to sell, no revenue comes in the till....

21-05-2023, 11:44 PM
They're businesses, and the managers must ensure every girl rostered on gets her share of punters.

The goal is to ensure not only the satisfaction of punters but for each staff to earn money, else the girls that sit around for 10 hours and only get 2 hours of paid work will move away...

Brothels and massage shops do have big challenges getting and keeping their workers. If there is no product to sell, no revenue comes in the till....
Your post nicely summarises the contrasting interests of shops vs customers
As smarter punters, we need to bypass this tendency of shops to put their needs above the smarter punters needs. Be clear about what you are expect for your $250-350. Be certain that you have booked a ML/WL from a shop that you know has good recruiting. Get the feedback info before you leave home
Do not just turn up and hope the shop will bring you someone for good service.
Your post is a reminder that there are off the street punters, as well as smarter punters.
Don't let yourself be treated like the off the street uninformed punter who willingly takes what is offered them

21-05-2023, 11:45 PM
I thought it was for the punter's privacy, so other punters don't see you.

Exactly. That’s cos it is.

Have you ever tried to go to places like 32 Berry where they have an open large room and you just sit down with anyone else already waiting and the girls come in and introduce themselves. Few years ago I was there and felt self conscious as all fuck. Imagine meeting your boss or business partner, friend or someone that you have mutual respect. That’s a fucked place.

21-05-2023, 11:49 PM
Exactly. That’s cos it is.

Have you ever tried to go to places like 32 Berry where they have an open large room and you just sit down with anyone else already waiting and the girls come in and introduce themselves. Few years ago I was there and felt self conscious as all fuck. Imagine meeting your boss or business partner, friend or someone that you have mutual respect. That’s a fucked place.

I think I have only met a fellow punter once. I actively avoid it as it immediately makes my outing feel more mercenary and less recreational. I also avoid really busy shops unless I avoid peak times (hate the Central station crowds and queues feeling)

22-05-2023, 12:09 AM
Exactly. That’s cos it is.

Have you ever tried to go to places like 32 Berry where they have an open large room and you just sit down with anyone else already waiting and the girls come in and introduce themselves. Few years ago I was there and felt self conscious as all fuck. Imagine meeting your boss or business partner, friend or someone that you have mutual respect. That’s a fucked place.

Nah, I don't think its for punter privacy. For example, Ginza have shared waiting room so you can still meet other punter, but the waiting room itself is designed so that you can't see girls walking around. Or another example is 42G which have their small rooms for punters to wait in private, but the staff will make sure to always close the curtain so you can't see girls walking at the hall. I've tried to open the curtain while waiting at 42G and just a minute after they closed the curtain again. I know for sure that even without the curtain closed you still can't see other punter waiting. So its definitely not for punter privacy

22-05-2023, 12:17 AM
They're businesses, and the managers must ensure every girl rostered on gets her share of punters.

The goal is to ensure not only the satisfaction of punters but for each staff to earn money, else the girls that sit around for 10 hours and only get 2 hours of paid work will move away...

Brothels and massage shops do have big challenges getting and keeping their workers. If there is no product to sell, no revenue comes in the till....

Yeah, that makes sense. Most shops wants all of their girls to get works as equally as possible, which is beneficial for the shops to utilize all of their rooms as effective as possible.

22-05-2023, 12:18 AM
Exactly. That’s cos it is.

Have you ever tried to go to places like 32 Berry where they have an open large room and you just sit down with anyone else already waiting and the girls come in and introduce themselves. Few years ago I was there and felt self conscious as all fuck. Imagine meeting your boss or business partner, friend or someone that you have mutual respect. That’s a fucked place.

Im not judgemental so dont really care if i see my boss or seeing anyone else at the shops. We all want the same thing. Unless theres some sort of jealous issue on who is seeing who and get envious or something.

22-05-2023, 12:32 AM
Your post nicely summarises the contrasting interests of shops vs customers
As smarter punters, we need to bypass this tendency of shops to put their needs above the smarter punters needs. Be clear about what you are expect for your $250-350. Be certain that you have booked a ML/WL from a shop that you know has good recruiting. Get the feedback info before you leave home
Do not just turn up and hope the shop will bring you someone for good service.
Your post is a reminder that there are off the street punters, as well as smarter punters.
Don't let yourself be treated like the off the street uninformed punter who willingly takes what is offered them

That's the problem. Punting in Sydney rely heavily on booking, so you only make decision based on photos and reviews. Photos in most brothels are already heavily touch up so relying on photos will usually end up in disappointment. Also, I think people in general don't like to share their best session in the forum, so relying in reviews usually avoid you from getting a disappointment but will not result in an amazing session. I'm relying on the forum reviews more to see who I should avoid rather than who I should choose.

22-05-2023, 02:17 AM
Shops know punters have fomo and want to try as many girls as possible, which means blind booking. It's not in the shops interest to do intros where punters can quickly write off seeing a whole lot of girls once they realise the girls don't look anything like the pics.

22-05-2023, 07:54 AM
Nah, I don't think its for punter privacy. For example, Ginza have shared waiting room so you can still meet other punter, but the waiting room itself is designed so that you can't see girls walking around. Or another example is 42G which have their small rooms for punters to wait in private, but the staff will make sure to always close the curtain so you can't see girls walking at the hall. I've tried to open the curtain while waiting at 42G and just a minute after they closed the curtain again. I know for sure that even without the curtain closed you still can't see other punter waiting. So its definitely not for punter privacy

That contrasts with my experience, I've had the boys at 42g, both current guys and when Jesse was there, give me quick intros to girls going in to a booking "for future reference", that to me is great marketing because it almost guarantees a return visit, but I guess at the same time could be deemed a risk you wouldnt like the other girls on after seeing the booked girls. Can only speak for myself but not once have I just walked away after that because the booked girl looked "better".

I've seen curtains wide open and dudes sitting there looking rather self conscious, but usually curtains are shut. One night I was there the place was unbelievably busy, there was no avoiding girls in corridors etc, nobody seemed to care.

If you're regular and have good rapport with management they will have no problem giving you a brief introduction to booked girls as they wander by to their next booking. I can think of at least 5 places that have done that with me over the years.

22-05-2023, 11:55 AM
Shops know punters have fomo and want to try as many girls as possible, which means blind booking. It's not in the shops interest to do intros where punters can quickly write off seeing a whole lot of girls once they realise the girls don't look anything like the pics.

I always insist on meeting every girl available before making my choice to stay or walk out. That’s what lineups are for.
If you’re blind booking you’re risking being taken for a sucker and bait-and-switched etc.

22-05-2023, 08:46 PM
I always insist on meeting every girl available before making my choice to stay or walk out. That’s what lineups are for.
If you’re blind booking you’re risking being taken for a sucker and bait-and-switched etc.

The popular girls don't make it to the lineup hence why we blind book, otherwise lineups would always be the safest option.

22-05-2023, 10:05 PM
I’ve had that at 42 also, opened curtain then had closed by manager within a minute, I think it’s for girls privacy.
As others have said you would think it would be good advertising to let customers see what’s on offer for next time as the photos often are so misleading

23-05-2023, 11:09 PM
The popular girls don't make it to the lineup hence why we blind book, otherwise lineups would always be the safest option.

Lineups were the safest options until the last few years.

Nevertheless I never book anyone unless I’ve met them in a waiting room first.

23-05-2023, 11:18 PM
Lineups were fun for me when I started punting
Anyone with experience then learns lineups can be misleading. The friendliest WL may just need the work, but doesn't give you good service. You don't need lineups
The best defence is simple - finding good shops with good managers and good recruiting

23-05-2023, 11:20 PM
I always insist on meeting every girl available before making my choice to stay or walk out. That’s what lineups are for.
If you’re blind booking you’re risking being taken for a sucker and bait-and-switched etc.

You can be pushy, but that doesn't mean the best service WLs are not already busy

Why aren't you booking ahead? Arriving without a booking is destined for failure

24-05-2023, 04:42 PM
You can be pushy, but that doesn't mean the best service WLs are not already busy

Why aren't you booking ahead? Arriving without a booking is destined for failure

I will normally visit up to 5 shops on any given night inside of 2-3 hours before making my selection.
I may fuck the first girl in the first shop, or the last. If all else fails I do have a couple of regulars as backup that I can usually get to see without a booking or on a couple of hours notice.

The main reason I don’t book is because it takes the edge off my punting. I like the rush of the uncertainty and excitement of meeting whichever slut walks in on the dot. I never wait more than 5 minutes. It’s in-out-or I fuck off.

The only time I’ll make a booking is if I just want to see my regular at a particular time. But even that is not free of risk cos she may have had a bad day or is tired etc.

Imho, meeting the girls face to face is the best. You can get a feel of their energy, their enthusiasm and so on.

I not big on service so don’t care much for the popular girls or ‘service queens’. My preference is actually for the ones that aren’t so popular. As long as they can take a good pounding, I service them.

24-05-2023, 07:28 PM
I will normally visit up to 5 shops on any given night inside of 2-3 hours before making my selection.
I may fuck the first girl in the first shop, or the last. If all else fails I do have a couple of regulars as backup that I can usually get to see without a booking or on a couple of hours notice.

The main reason I don’t book is because it takes the edge off my punting. I like the rush of the uncertainty and excitement of meeting whichever slut walks in on the dot. I never wait more than 5 minutes. It’s in-out-or I fuck off.

The only time I’ll make a booking is if I just want to see my regular at a particular time. But even that is not free of risk cos she may have had a bad day or is tired etc. Also the energy and enthusiasm that you find during line up intro can be just an act so she get works.

Imho, meeting the girls face to face is the best. You can get a feel of their energy, their enthusiasm and so on.

I not big on service so don’t care much for the popular girls or ‘service queens’. My preference is actually for the ones that aren’t so popular. As long as they can take a good pounding, I service them.

I thought shop like Ginza usually charge you $20 or something if you've already see lots of girls from lineup but still decide to cancel.

Anyway, like everyone already mentioned here without a booking you'll never see girls who are really popular as they usually booked the day before.

Even if you don't care much about service so say you are okay with a starfish, but sometimes a punt can be much worse than a starfish. Once or twice in my life there are WLs who forbid me to touch their body.