View Full Version : General talk Should shops care about customer health?

01-06-2023, 06:21 PM
I was at Mascot Japanese on Tuesday, seeing a Thai girl. She's was super friendly and offered good though very expensive service. (Like, double the going rate!)
Anyway she was sick as a dog when she walked in the room, coughing and clearly with a bad cold or COVID, and I knew I was in trouble.
I kept my face in the hole as long as possible, washed my hands at the shop and gargled the moment I got home.
But now I am sick in bed, and I've got to fly overseas in two days!
I 100 percent know I got it from her because I've been snowed under with work and not left the house all week, other than to attend Mascot Japanese.
Now, I don't blame a girl for trying to work when she is sick. She needs to eat just like everyone else.
But I do blame the shop if it lets her work, and in particular I'm annoyed at Mascot Japanese because they have been entirely unresponsive to my requests trying to find out if the girl has COVID and I need to cancel my travel plans. (I probably won't show positive myself, if I do, till it's too late to cancel.)
Mascot Japanese does not appear to give a flying fork about customer health, so my question is, should they?
Should shops send girls home who are sick, or should we take responsibility and walk out of the room the moment we know something is wrong?
Hard to do, I know, under the circumstances we all understand too well.

01-06-2023, 06:28 PM
If you had asked this same question last year, the answer would’ve been a thumping Yes, but now, it’s all about financial survival more than anything else I’m afraid.

Most people in Sydney would be under so much cost pressure that they can’t afford to take a sicky, especially people in the gig economy like MLs.

Sorry to hear about your canceled trip, btw. Where were you going if you don’t mind me asking?

01-06-2023, 06:35 PM
It's not cancelled yet! I'm still holding out for a miracle recovery tomorrow!
It's just a work trip to the USA. No biggie. I've done it literally 100 times before, probably more

01-06-2023, 08:27 PM
sorry this is self inflicted and you should of know better to minimise the risk of infection before a flight,
plus most people would of waited to they arrive overseas to punt,
take aspirin this is better than Panadol for covid as it helps keep your airways more open, your vitamin and chicken soup and keep warm in bed,
when you arrive at the airport wear a mask, and use a Vicks stick to keep your nasal passage clear

02-06-2023, 09:17 AM
It's not cancelled yet! I'm still holding out for a miracle recovery tomorrow!
It's just a work trip to the USA. No biggie. I've done it literally 100 times before, probably more

Awesome, hope you still make your trip and safe journey!

02-06-2023, 09:19 AM
sorry this is self inflicted and you should of know better to minimise the risk of infection before a flight,
plus most people would of waited to they arrive overseas to punt,
take aspirin this is better than Panadol for covid as it helps keep your airways more open, your vitamin and chicken soup and keep warm in bed,
when you arrive at the airport wear a mask, and use a Vicks stick to keep your nasal passage clear

Well, it's better for him to get sick here than there, no? You're covered with private health and Medicare here. And I don't particularly trust travel insurance either.

02-06-2023, 09:28 AM
Bro, you say you realised she was sick and with an obviously infectious disease as soon as you walked in.
At that point you should have walked out. You should have asked for another girl or a refund and even if you were not given anything, it's still better to lose some money than to get sick.
We have all learnt from covid if we didn't know already that airborne diseases like colds and flus and covid are highly infectious and you just have to be in same small room to catch it. So the intimacy of a massage is a very high chance you will catch it.
I agree the shop should not allow a WL/ML to work if she is sick, and it is highly irresponsible of them, but ultimately you have to look after yourself.
Good luck with your recovery bro and thanks for posting. There is a lesson here to be learnt by all punters.
End of sermon.

02-06-2023, 12:36 PM
Your little dick kept you in that room

Agree with the others
If a lady has a cold, then walk out and ask for a refund.

And don't settle for another lady unless that business is known for having lots of good choices

Good luck

02-06-2023, 04:09 PM
I think with covid normalising, being sick isn't end of the world. But if the ML has the flu, probably be wise to tell them not to work or it will actually ruin the shops reputation (i.e. customers put off from sick ML)

03-06-2023, 02:43 PM
Yeah part of me knew I should walk out. But it wasn't the part of me that was in control.

In any event, it's awkward and feels a little unkind to walk out and shame a girl like that. It's like you're saying they're unclean.

But in retrospect it's what I should have done. Walked out. Faced my fear of confrontation.

I also believe shops should take responsibility, too. She will have made other punters sick, too, almost certainly, and all of them will know where they got it from.

I for one will not be going back to Mascot Japanese in a hurry. They still haven't replied to numerous messages asking whether the girl had COVID.

Not until the next time there is a pretty girl on their roster, that's for sure.

03-06-2023, 05:18 PM
It's a dog eat dog world and nobody gives a fuck. There's a lot of bad shit going on with the world and society and trying to resolve them in an adult forum is next to fucking useless; everyone here is more interested in threads about brown showers, golden showers and a showdown between Warwick and Sibon.

03-06-2023, 10:45 PM
Shop owners should get their girls to do a RAT test before they start every shift, given the close proximity and intimacy involved.
COVID is everywhere right now -- it is not in the news much because it is not killing many people, but when infected, it is serious.

As on 1 June (2 days ago), there were 1,459 people in hospital and 34 in ICU, and 64 dead in the last 7 days. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/stats-nsw.aspx

Total confirmed cases in the last week 13,480.... most of whom are at home sick...

Add to this the big risk of "long COVID" where it does not kill you but you end up with symptoms that don't go away... like coughing and lung infections.

I would certainly not kiss any ML/WL on the mouth even if it offered free. Especially when she is kissing 10+ men daily, plus all the other risky behaviour.

04-06-2023, 02:00 AM
It's a dog eat dog world and nobody gives a fuck. There's a lot of bad shit going on with the world and society and trying to resolve them in an adult forum is next to fucking useless; everyone here is more interested in threads about brown showers, golden showers and a showdown between Warwick and Sibon.

Brown showers? Wtf. That is sick.

04-06-2023, 03:22 PM
I was at Mascot Japanese on Tuesday, seeing a Thai girl. She's was super friendly and offered good though very expensive service. (Like, double the going rate!)
Anyway she was sick as a dog when she walked in the room, coughing and clearly with a bad cold or COVID, and I knew I was in trouble.
I kept my face in the hole as long as possible, washed my hands at the shop and gargled the moment I got home.
But now I am sick in bed, and I've got to fly overseas in two days!
I 100 percent know I got it from her because I've been snowed under with work and not left the house all week, other than to attend Mascot Japanese.
Now, I don't blame a girl for trying to work when she is sick. She needs to eat just like everyone else.
But I do blame the shop if it lets her work, and in particular I'm annoyed at Mascot Japanese because they have been entirely unresponsive to my requests trying to find out if the girl has COVID and I need to cancel my travel plans. (I probably won't show positive myself, if I do, till it's too late to cancel.)
Mascot Japanese does not appear to give a flying fork about customer health, so my question is, should they?
Should shops send girls home who are sick, or should we take responsibility and walk out of the room the moment we know something is wrong?
Hard to do, I know, under the circumstances we all understand too well.

They don’t have to but they and all of us will read your comments and a downturn in numbers might get them to rethink workplace practices?

04-06-2023, 03:23 PM
It's a dog eat dog world and nobody gives a fuck. There's a lot of bad shit going on with the world and society and trying to resolve them in an adult forum is next to fucking useless; everyone here is more interested in threads about brown showers, golden showers and a showdown between Warwick and Sibon.

It’s a forum to talk about fucking sex workers isn’t it?

04-06-2023, 03:48 PM
Brown showers? Wtf. That is sick.
God forbid someone tells you about a Roman shower 🫣🤮

04-06-2023, 06:37 PM
God forbid someone tells you about a Roman shower 🫣🤮

They call that a rainbow shower these days, presumably for better clarity.