View Full Version : General talk Eastern Suburbs sugarbabe HIV positive

15-06-2023, 10:36 AM
OK, folks, a punters’ public warning.
My close friend who is a GP in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney had a female patient who has tested HIV positive. She admitted to him that she’s been having unprotected sex with guys she met on seeking.
He wouldn’t tell me her exact age other than ‘early 20s’

Watch out if you’re planning on BBFS with girls from the east side.

15-06-2023, 10:51 AM
Wow. There you go fellas!!
BBFS at your peril.

15-06-2023, 12:34 PM
If she continues unprotected while knowing she has HIV, isn’t that a criminal offence ?

15-06-2023, 01:06 PM
If she continues unprotected while knowing she has HIV, isn’t that a criminal offence ?

The guy who gave it to her doesn't appear to have taken precautions either so I'd be expecting some more to test positive.

15-06-2023, 01:21 PM
Thanks for the update

Let's avoid the cliches and generalisations. Sexually transmitted diseases are found in Parramatta, CBD, Eastern suburbs, Sutherland and Hornsby. STIs arent just an Eastern Suburbs thing

Let's not normalise BBFS
It's a dangerous pastime

Get used to condoms, stop the excuses

Be very considerate about the health of those around you, including your wives and girlfriends, when you are also hooking up with women who have sex with multiple men, including sugarbabies, and working ladies

15-06-2023, 01:38 PM
If she continues unprotected while knowing she has HIV, isn’t that a criminal offence ?

Wouldn't the GP be obligated to report aswell ?

15-06-2023, 02:11 PM
Reality check right there. Scary stuff.

15-06-2023, 02:54 PM
Sounds like a scare. Any hard data apart from the rumour?

15-06-2023, 03:06 PM
The GP will inform public health as it's a serious sex related disease

Truth, scare or urban myth, it's good to see some balance in the BBFS threads

Sugarbabies charge $400-1000 for their company
So your natural expectation would be to expect BBFS. Meanwhile in the bathroom she is texting the next guy on her phone contact list
That guy also wants BBFS given the $400-1000 she is asking for and the handbag he bought her. It's an exclusive relationship he thinks. Then she flies to Melbourne to see the old rich guy twice her age, on a flight he has paid for. He uses condoms? Of course not

See the problem?
Brothels are a better option for fuss-free sex

15-06-2023, 03:28 PM
Thank you for your information. HIV is sometimes forgotten.

15-06-2023, 03:45 PM
Before everybody jumps on the 'it's the end of the world' and 'I told you so' bandwagon, we need to have a pragmatic and balanced view of local HIV statistics. This report is quite comprehensive with a lot of shit to ingest and digest but well worth the read for both the saddled and bareback riders.


15-06-2023, 04:11 PM
Thanks for the update

Let's avoid the cliches and generalisations. Sexually transmitted diseases are found in Parramatta, CBD, Eastern suburbs, Sutherland and Hornsby. STIs arent just an Eastern Suburbs thing

Let's not normalise BBFS
It's a dangerous pastime

Get used to condoms, stop the excuses

Be very considerate about the health of those around you, including your wives and girlfriends, when you are also hooking up with women who have sex with multiple men, eg sugarbabies, working ladies

I mentioned the location being Eastern suburbs because that’s the available information, rather than say whole of Sydney. Ditto with her age being early-20s.

But of course she could be meeting sugar daddies all over Sydney and even fly to Melbourne and other places.

15-06-2023, 04:12 PM
Yes, GPs are obliged to inform the health dept.

15-06-2023, 04:14 PM
If she continues unprotected while knowing she has HIV, isn’t that a criminal offence ?

From the very little I was told, the girl is shattered in grief. I guess she isn’t now sleeping around. But before the diagnosis, who knows who was getting her unprotected delights.

15-06-2023, 05:00 PM
From the very little I was told, the girl is shattered in grief. I guess she isn’t now sleeping around. But before the diagnosis, who knows who was getting her unprotected delights.

She can sue the sugar daddy if he knowingly had hiv and gave it to her. Department of Health should be able to track down the source.

15-06-2023, 05:09 PM
No description of the SB at least? E.g. black, white or Asian? Black, blonde hair things like that.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

15-06-2023, 05:50 PM
Honestly never got why guys here do bareback in general.

The risks are high and for what? Do that with a partner etc not a working lady.

15-06-2023, 05:56 PM
Honestly never got why guys here do bareback in general.

The risks are high and for what? Do that with a partner etc not a working lady.

Only a few on here partake in BBBJ but like to start multiple new threads about this reckless behaviour

Keep the BBBJ topic to the main thread so the rest of us can get back to talking about safe punting. Message each other from that thread if you must spread HIV to each other

15-06-2023, 06:18 PM
I have been critized before for being against BBFS and speaking up about it. If it is true this is indeed sad for all parties involved

15-06-2023, 06:19 PM
From my understanding if the person has HIV they must inform the person they're having sex with.

How soon was her diagnose/symptoms?

15-06-2023, 06:32 PM
No description of the SB at least? E.g. black, white or Asian? Black, blonde hair things like that.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

No. That’s all he shared. I guess legal obligations with patient privacy, blah, blah.

It was a comment he made during a dinner with friends. It was not a discussion about punters and sugarbabes!

15-06-2023, 06:42 PM
I have been critized before for being against BBFS and speaking up about it. If it is true this is indeed sad for all parties involved

Who criticised you? They are a moron. Speak up for the public health good
We've made so much fantastic progress over 30 years with the smart sex approach

Don't be silenced by anyone when it comes to safe punting.

15-06-2023, 07:38 PM
Yes, that’s my understanding too. However, I guess it will depend on how responsible that girl is and if she was working through many sugar daddies and kept their contact details!!

The whole thing makes HJ the best option. Also, try out the thin condoms people here talk about. IÂ’m going to find some because they are not at ChemistWarehouse.

15-06-2023, 07:51 PM
I have been critized before for being against BBFS and speaking up about it. If it is true this is indeed sad for all parties involved

I cannot stop laughing reading this lol.

You know the reason

15-06-2023, 08:05 PM
While I'm not someone who partakes in bbfs isn't the risk of HIV transmission very low through vaginal intercourse

15-06-2023, 08:09 PM
You would have more chance of dying in a car accident in Sydney than HIV.

The information put up is no better than any other rumour.

15-06-2023, 08:11 PM
Hopefully neither happens to me but I'm definitely more at risk of dying in a car accident haha

15-06-2023, 09:26 PM
And the reason is pretty good. I agree, I shouldn’t speak up against BBFS in a thread about BBFS. I can understand that.

It doesn’t detract from the fact that BBFS should be discouraged from all parties involved IMHO

15-06-2023, 09:27 PM
You would have more chance of dying in a car accident in Sydney than HIV.

The information put up is no better than any other rumour.

I disagree. If you are having a lot of unprotected sex with sex workers (or other women who have unsafe sex with multiple men for monetary gain), your risk of getting HIV or warts or Chlamydia or herpes, is much higher than the risk of dying in a car crash

You don't drive without a seat belt. You don't have sex with sex workers without a condom unless you want to be reckless

15-06-2023, 09:30 PM
I shouldn’t speak up against BBFS in a thread about BBFS. I can understand that.

It doesn’t detract from the fact that BBFS should be discouraged from all parties involved IMHO

Sorry, you aren't making sense. Why not speak out against BBFS?

15-06-2023, 09:34 PM
In a thread that was specific about BBFS. Meaning for punters that are interested in it.

15-06-2023, 09:38 PM
In a thread that was specific about BBFS. Meaning for punters that are interested in it.

If there was a thread spreading information about drug use in brothels, you would also be justified in arguing against the practice in that thread

Don't let people normalise dangerous behaviour

15-06-2023, 09:47 PM
If there was a thread spreading information about drug use in brothels, you would also be justified in arguing against the practice in that thread

Don't let people normalise dangerous behaviour

I agree with you. There are arguments both ways

15-06-2023, 09:55 PM
Wait a minute:
- girl confesses to GP that she's been having unprotected sex with guys on SEEKING
- then you say this came up in a casual dinner chat among friends and it was not about punters and sugarbabies.

So... He talked about a girl who was on "seeking". Most people who don't punt or do SBs wouldn't even know what is "seeking". You can imagine the comical scene where a guy tries to explain what "seeking" is to an audience, while at the same time trying to pretend he doesn't check this stuff out.

I'll say this though, Andrew. You've always come across as someone who tries to control outcomes by trying to influence public opinion. You've done it before with your persistent calls to SDs on this forum to limit how much they paid their SBs, so that it doesn't spoil the market for all SDs. I'm not arguing against that, but it does say something about your character and the lengths that you will go to in order to impose your influence.

Now we come to this post. You've been similarly trying to influence punters here away from BB sex, now all of a sudden you have the smoking gun. Plus the holes in the story I mentioned above.... Mate, I frankly find it hard to believe!

15-06-2023, 10:27 PM
You would have more chance of dying in a car accident in Sydney than HIV.

The information put up is no better than any other rumour.

Oh, the good-old "more chance of dying in a car accident" critical thinking technique :big_smile::big_smile:. Love it!! Don't let me stop you from BBFS.

15-06-2023, 10:27 PM
Agree with you GoldfishMan.
Further more there are very few punters here that haven’t experienced BBBJ and BBFS for whatever reason with an ML or WL or SB
I’m a fairly regular visitor to various opportunities and BB is very commonly offered and more often than not at no extra charge. Fingers crossed and all that but I’ve never had a problem. And yes I get regular tests. Always go for BBBJ and occasionally BBFS just happens.
Guys that worry about it should tarp up.
I’ll keep enjoying the fun of the punt and all of the variations. Stay happy guys!

15-06-2023, 10:33 PM
Don't get me wrong, I was not trying to attack anyone with my post, it was only my opinion nothing more. Simply cannot imagine how something like this could get out the way it has been described.

15-06-2023, 10:45 PM
Oh, the good-old "more chance of dying in a car accident" critical thinking technique :big_smile::big_smile:. Love it!! Don't let me stop you from BBFS.

Look up any statistical research published on deaths in Australia and my reply is validated.

Do your homework on STIs. AIDS is virtually eradicated in Australia. Most people do not know the difference between HIV and AIDS.

HIV is so remote that even when you factor that in that majority of infections are in gay and drug affected M2M sex you still have a 99.9% chance of NOT getting HIV from sexual intercourse in Australia.

You have a higher risk of getting syphilis WITH a condom than HIV without a condom in Australia.

So spare me the critical thinking comment.

15-06-2023, 11:51 PM
You either agree with condom use or you don't

Internationally there are many countries with HIV /AIDs uncontrolled in the heterosexual community because of less education and lack of safe sex practice

We got HIV under control because of condom use and education
Epidemics return when people get complacent

Genital warts, female infertility, herpes, Chlamydia/gonorrhea, HPV and HIV all rejoice when people avoid condoms and have sex with those who have a lot of unprotected sex

16-06-2023, 08:55 AM
Can’t believe people are taking statistics for Australia as a whole and comparing it to driving. Sure, HIV might be rare in Australia. But BBFS with a sex worker who offers it is more akin to street racing while drunk with no seatbelt. I’d be willing to bet the percentage of Australians regularly having BBFS with sex workers is pretty low, and that they make a decent amount of the .1% of Australians infected (if that’s even correct, I’d bet plenty who aren’t on proper visas or need to keep an income ignore symptoms)

And for those saying it’s just man on man or drug users, you don’t think there’s a decent amount of overlap there? Bi men are a thing. SWs who use iv drugs are a thing. And those willing to engage in risky sex are more likely to engage in risky drug use, too. Throw all of those into the barrel, and it only takes one rotten apple to spoil it.

If you’re having BBFS with a sex worker, you are putting yourself in the riskiest category for the nastiest STIs. You can tell yourselves whatever you want, but don’t try to pretend like your rationalizations are backed up by any of the “statistics” that have been posted here.

I don’t care that much what you all do with your lives, but it’s fucked up to spread anecdotal information to try and make others feel safe doing something that is inherently risky. Almost makes me wonder who has already caught something nasty and doesn’t want to feel alone. Crabs in a fucking bucket.

16-06-2023, 09:33 AM
Crabs in a fucking bucket.
Just curious What does this phrase mean?

Nice comments
I think the motivation is recklessness and a defiance against common sense. And dick mind bigger than brain mind

16-06-2023, 09:49 AM

Basically that if there’s a group of crabs trapped in a bucket and one starts to escape, the others will drag them back down. They prefer for the whole group to face shitty consequences as opposed to them alone.

16-06-2023, 10:02 AM
Crabs in a bucket!!
Learnt a new phrase today. Thank you

16-06-2023, 10:06 AM
What absolutely stupid, shoe size IQ cunts doing bbfs.

There is also the risk of pregnancy.

Think with your brain and not your dick.

16-06-2023, 10:19 AM
What absolutely stupid, shoe size IQ cunts doing bbfs.

There is also the risk of pregnancy.

Think with your brain and not your dick.

Classy and articulate.

I’ve been fucking BB for years. I’ve never had an STI and I test regularly. I’ve also never made a girl pregnant who I wasn’t married to.

It’s not luck.

16-06-2023, 11:49 AM
Classy and articulate.

I’ve been fucking BB for years. I’ve never had an STI and I test regularly. I’ve also never made a girl pregnant who I wasn’t married to.

It’s not luck.

It IS luck, that’s the point. If it’s true that you’ve never contracted anything then I’m happy for you. But your anecdotal story does not mean that others should feel “safe” doing it. I don’t give a shit if everyone decides to do BBFS but I’d hope they are at least aware of the risks.

Out of curiosity, why do you say it is not luck?

16-06-2023, 12:11 PM
Wait a minute:
- girl confesses to GP that she's been having unprotected sex with guys on SEEKING
- then you say this came up in a casual dinner chat among friends and it was not about punters and sugarbabies.

So... He talked about a girl who was on "seeking". Most people who don't punt or do SBs wouldn't even know what is "seeking". You can imagine the comical scene where a guy tries to explain what "seeking" is to an audience, while at the same time trying to pretend he doesn't check this stuff out.

I'll say this though, Andrew. You've always come across as someone who tries to control outcomes by trying to influence public opinion. You've done it before with your persistent calls to SDs on this forum to limit how much they paid their SBs, so that it doesn't spoil the market for all SDs. I'm not arguing against that, but it does say something about your character and the lengths that you will go to in order to impose your influence.

Now we come to this post. You've been similarly trying to influence punters here away from BB sex, now all of a sudden you have the smoking gun. Plus the holes in the story I mentioned above.... Mate, I frankly find it hard to believe!

Well, @goldfishman, guess what, when you have friends who are doctors you discover they often talk about their work, like other professionals do.
The female patient went to see her GP and asked to do a full STI screening. One of the results was positive for HIV.
GP (they all do) counsels his patient by discussing how she might have picked it, if she will tell her partner, and what treatment options are available. This is after she breaks down with grief on hearing the test result.

Patient says she does not have a partner and cannot get hold of some of the men she slept with... and confesses that she has been sugaring with men she met online.

It might surprise you, based on your comments, that patients often make confessions to their doctors.

But I guess you are the sort of guy that will only believe things when you sight a statutory declaration!!!

Oh, by the way, during that dinner with a group of friends which included men and women and two of them are GPs, every one of us knew about sugarbabies and sugardaddies and the trend of so-called sugaring... and every one of us knew there is a website called seeking. It's even written up in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Oh, and one more, I have not been trying to influence anyone towards or away from BB sex or going to brothers, or getting girls from the seeking site(s).

And for the steak knives, you don't have to believe me. So f--k off.

16-06-2023, 12:29 PM
Well, @goldfishman, guess what, when you have friends who are doctors you discover they often talk about their work, like other professionals do.
The female patient went to see her GP and asked to do a full STI screening. One of the results was positive for HIV.
GP (they all do) counsels his patient by discussing how she might have picked it, if she will tell her partner, and what treatment options are available. This is after she breaks down with grief on hearing the test result.

Patient says she does not have a partner and cannot get hold of some of the men she slept with... and confesses that she has been sugaring with men she met online.

It might surprise you, based on your comments, that patients often make confessions to their doctors.

But I guess you are the sort of guy that will only believe things when you sight a statutory declaration!!!

Oh, by the way, during that dinner with a group of friends which included men and women and two of them are GPs, every one of us knew about sugarbabies and sugardaddies and the trend of so-called sugaring... and every one of us knew there is a website called seeking. It's even written up in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Oh, and one more, I have not been trying to influence anyone towards or away from BB sex or going to brothers, or getting girls from the seeking site(s).

And for the steak knives, you don't have to believe me. So f--k off.

Doctors are not supposed to talk about patient’s’ condition, it’s against the law !

16-06-2023, 12:34 PM
It’s also against the law to have sex with someone when you are diagnosed with an STI without telling them. Which do you think is more common?

16-06-2023, 12:37 PM
It’s also against the law to have sex with someone when you are diagnosed with an STI without telling them. Which do you think is more common?

Do you mean you know for sure the girl concerned has done that ?

16-06-2023, 12:46 PM
Wooooahhhhh!!!!! Fuck off???? 😂😂😂😂
He who throws the first punch has lost.
GoldfishMan 1
Andrewv 0

16-06-2023, 12:47 PM
Do you mean you know for sure the girl concerned has done that ?

No, I think I’ve been very clear with my thoughts on this. You seemed to indicate that OPs friend was in the wrong for sharing that someone was diagnosed with an STI.

While that may be true, I’m willing to bet that there are also SWs in the wrong for not getting tested after risky practices. Do you disagree with that? Because that was the only point I was trying to make.

16-06-2023, 01:00 PM
No, I think I’ve been very clear with my thoughts on this. You seemed to indicate that OPs friend was in the wrong for sharing that someone was diagnosed with an STI.

While that may be true, I’m willing to bet that there are also SWs in the wrong for not getting tested after risky practices. Do you disagree with that? Because that was the only point I was trying to make.
This thread is about an incident of a particular girl, not a place for you to do your preaching. If you want to argue for the sake of arguing, you’re not welcome on this forum.

And yes, it’s wrong to post this thread here in this manner, if it’s a true story, for those who know the girl and has read it, they will figure out who the girl is, then it’ll be a big drama for a lot of people.

16-06-2023, 01:09 PM
ok ok I get.

We all have lots of opinions. It comes with being a human in modern society.

Some of them are pretty inconsequential:

What’s the best Marvel movie?
Is RNT better than FS shops better than Privates better than Sugarbabes?

Others can be consequential because they affect your health and the health advice you give other people:

What’s the best diet?
Should the average person take any supplements?
Is getting a BBBJ going to mean you get an STI?
Should you have unprotected sex and when?

Now here’s the part where I either annoy you or give you something to think about. Most of us have at least one “wrong” opinion and are also totally, blissfully unaware that we’re wrong. Worse, when we encounter people or information that might intrude on our bliss, the way we handle these situations can inadvertently lead to harm.

What’s the problem, exactly?

When people hold an unsupported viewpoint, they tend to be resistant to changing it. Especially if they feel strongly about their position, it contains a kernel of truth, and other people are arguing illogically or meanly against them.If you doubt this, just head to Twitter or any other social media platform or even a punting forum (like here). (Or maybe don’t.) Disagreements can get … ugly.

Tweeting about STIs information online can get complicated quickly. Once you have an audience, it doesn’t take long to start posting primarily to show how smart or insightful you are, rather than taking your time to write nuanced and not-as-exciting takes. After all, you have to keep your audience glued to your content, and catchy or blanket statements sell! I know I can be guilty of throwing out rapid fire comments. We all do.

On the finger-crossed assumption that you are a rational and open-minded punter, you’re unlikely to hold many unsupported or wrong viewpoints. But you are almost certainly wrong about at least one opinion. And like a game of telephone, your wrong or even imprecise opinions can spawn even more wrong or imprecise opinions in other people.

So what can we do?

1. Criticize our own viewpoints publically. This may seem counterintuitive, but the strongest arguments aren’t built on one-sided analysis. Pretend that you have a nerdy little angel on your shoulder consistently reminding you: Are you 100% sure? If not, express some uncertainty. Might the other side have a point? And so on.

2. Clearly tag your opinions as opinions. Unless you’re a primary investigator literally restating the conclusions of your study along with its stated (and unstated) limitations, it doesn’t hurt to say “I think that …” rather than implying what you’re saying is an obvious fact.

3. Realize that what’s true for yourself isn’t necessarily true for other people. This applies to BBBJs, BBFS, Anal, kissing and even punting. What works for one person doesn’t always apply as well to someone else due to personal circumstances (married, has sex at home), or other risk factors (immunocompromised, limited access to healthcare, etc)

4. Don’t act like a know-it-all. Phrasing your opinions (or your interpretations of evidence) in a humble way can lead to much more fruitful discussions than flaunting knowledge and looking down on people. It’s okay to not know something! That’s a perfect opportunity to learn.

5. Don’t assume that the available evidence can explain everything. Hypotheses are progressively tested and retested, so a trial or meta-analysis on a topic is useful, but not always the end-all be-all.

If you have read this far, I plagiarised this from a well known science blogger, however I could not have said it better. If you are looking for good food, diet and supplement analysis, go to examine.com.

If you are looking for STI knowledge to protect yourself, educate yourself, go to the source - not a punting site. The best sources include:

- https://www.sshc.org.au
- https://healthequitymatters.org.au/about-hiv/hiv-in-australia/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20it%20was%20estimated,had%2 0an%20undetectable%20viral%20load.
- https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/australia-records-lowest-ever-hiv-numbers
- https://www.hivmediaguide.org.au/hiv-in-australia/hiv-statistics-australia/
- https://www.mshc.org.au/sexual-health/sexual-health-fact-sheets

For your own peace of mind, you should know basic facts like

- What STIs you can get from using a condom
- What the rates of STI acquisition are if you male vs. if you are female. These differ significantly
- How often you should test for STIs
- What kinds of tests you should have conducted even if you do not have symptoms
- What STIs can be prevented, cured and lived with
- What drugs you can take if you are having BBFS and will help you prevent HIV (if you are really worried about that)
- Where you can get tested for free, or confidentially if you don't want to go through your family doctor - www.sshc.org.au and www.stigmahealth.com for example

Just throwing cheap shit out on the Internet may get you more eyeballs on your post but it doesn't actually give anything back to the community you are a part of.

16-06-2023, 01:39 PM
[QUOTE=wilisno;2703351]This thread is about an incident of a particular girl, not a place for you to do your preaching. If you want to argue for the sake of arguing, you’re not welcome on this forum.

Fuck off, ban me then. My comments were very valid about the topic, you just didn’t like them. Again, you’re sounding like crabs in a bucket.

16-06-2023, 01:42 PM
[QUOTE=wilisno;2703351]This thread is about an incident of a particular girl, not a place for you to do your preaching. If you want to argue for the sake of arguing, you’re not welcome on this forum.

Fuck off, ban me then. My comments were very valid about the topic, you just didn’t like them. Again, you’re sounding like crabs in a bucket.

Don’t be a twat.
And yes that is my opinion (not a fact).
Refer above.