View Full Version : General talk What sugarbabes tell each other [from a U.S. forum for sugarbabes]

15-06-2023, 10:16 PM
To give you an idea of sugarbabes bitch to each other about sugardaddies on one of the many forums where they scheme to extract as much $$ from us:

•Posted by
14 hours ago
Can’t find anyone decent on Seeking
Advice Needed

Hiya (21f) I’m really struggling to find anyone decent on seeking. Does anyone have any advice?

Also concerned that not many people have their profiles verified? Been a while since I’ve been on the site and feel like I had a much better mix


No advice, just offering some solidarity: I’m having the same issue. None of them offer allowance or ppm, avoid the money conversation even when directly asked, won’t reimburse gas money for m&g, pressure sex at the m&g before any arrangement is made etc.. it’s a fucking shit show. I’m right there with you.

Oh god I’m glad I’m not the only one! Best of luck - thanks so much for you comment!!

Yep don't let them coerce you! Call their bullshit immediately. They are accustomed to dangling the carrot in front of women to get what they want and then high tailing it. Show them you know what's up

12 hr. ago

Same here! The quality has vastly diminished…like where are these coming from. It’s gone to the pits of the moldiest toilet bowl in an abandoned gas station kind of vibes lol. I’m not sure it’s because it’s advertised as a regular dating site now but there’s an abundance of Splenda on the crap. Highly frustrating !

12 hr. ago

Sameeeee!! It has gone very very downhill ! Too many Splenda daddies

11 hr. ago

Same experience. Loads of Splendas not enough Sugar lol. Its because most of the legit SDs are off in good long term arrangements and there’s only a short window while they’re in the market before they’re in another arrangement again. Kinda like vanilla dating in that sense.

8 hr. ago

Seeking has gotten so bad that I gave up completely and am now only sugaring if it happens organically in the wild. The last man I met on Seeking fully traumatized me. It’s a shit show

15-06-2023, 10:33 PM
So it’s ok for punters to try and set the price but not ok for the girls to make the most of it?
It’s the usual old story called supply and demand.
Find your price bracket and live with it.
As the Thai girls say, don’t be a cheap Charlie!!!!

15-06-2023, 10:37 PM
Yeah that thread has been around forever. Mostly girls in the major cities. You can still fuck plenty of SBs in the USA outside of NY and LA for 3-400 USD. The US Latino girls are seriously hot.

17-06-2023, 09:41 PM
lol sounds like a bunch of gold digging whores who want a free pass, better off saving your money and go on a punting holiday to Asia,

17-06-2023, 10:44 PM
When you have been on seeking (or similar sugarbabe sites) for a while and have had messages with 40+ sugarbabes, you will find there are several generic questions they will ask or talk about, and most of them are what they share with each other to extract as much as they can from us.
One very common question is they will ask, "What are you looking for?" even though your profile might provide the answer.
Another one is "How much are you offering?"
Another one is "In my last arrangement, he paid me $xxxx", which is the most common reply you will get if you ask what allowance they are after.

My own experience, which goes over 7 years is every one of these girls is only interested in the cash. Nothing else. And she knows that she has to have sex with you to keep the cash flowing in.
Also, every one of them keeps 3 or more sugar daddies running simultaneously. There is no monogamy in sugaring. And they are very good at making you think you're the only daddy they are seeing....

In terms of satisfaction, almost none of them are as good with sex as ML/WL we see in shops. They just don't have the expertise..... how could a 21 year old uni student match!

18-06-2023, 12:52 AM
Same shit if u go Thailand. The Thai girls will try milk everything out of the Farang then off to the next sucker.

No one wants to get ripped off lol still alot cheaper than getting married though.....

18-06-2023, 10:54 AM
Same shit if u go Thailand. The Thai girls will try milk everything out of the Farang then off to the next sucker.

No one wants to get ripped off lol still alot cheaper than getting married though.....

You’re right. Nothing is more expensive than a divorce.

18-06-2023, 06:18 PM
I don’t understand your animosity against SDs.
You want the babe you have to have the sugar.
Get over it 😳