View Full Version : General talk Punting Scene in the early hours of the night/morning

24-06-2023, 01:49 AM
I've put my hand up to help my mates and will be dropping them off the airport in the wee hours of the morning (3-4am).

Anything open at this time of night??? FS, massage or any recommended privates. Preferable locations would be around the airport, city and my drive back home will be back to Western Sydney. So anything in the near vicinity of this route. Willing to travel a little out of my way.

Would be a waste to just go home if I'm already out and about

24-06-2023, 02:09 AM
Try 46 Springhouse (Mimi, Susan or Emma), or 271 Marrickville. Both are FS shops open 24/7 and offer good Asian MILFs service.

24-06-2023, 08:08 AM
Why not go before drop them off? Most FS service open until 2am (M5) ,weekend up to 4am(G42) . Depends on where ur location is.

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24-06-2023, 08:51 AM
Most shops seems to say closing at 2am. Some advertise as until “close” what ever that means. Maybe you can send them a msg and see if any girls willing to wait until 3? But I second the idea of going before the drop off. Girls are more energetic earlier rather than later. Cheers

24-06-2023, 08:55 AM
Ashfield 295 offers 24/7. Budget place don't expect the world especially at those times.

24-06-2023, 12:51 PM
Why not go before drop them off? Most FS service open until 2am (M5) ,weekend up to 4am(G42) . Depends on where ur location is.

Sent from my ELE-L29 using Tapatalk

I did consider that but can't because I will be with my mates before I drop them off and I live like 1+hour from the airport

24-06-2023, 02:52 PM
OP, also if you’re heading towards the city, you can try 647 Waterloo. It’s one of those FS shops that anything goes and they always have 2-3 Chinese MIlFs available on a rotating roster 24/7.

24-06-2023, 03:56 PM
You’re mostly stuck with milf or cbd with cauc shops like stilletos . But at this time it’s not top quality

24-06-2023, 05:34 PM
Punting at that time of the night is like having a kebab. Seems like a good idea...

24-06-2023, 08:27 PM
Supply = demand so at that time of night/day not the best stock.

24-06-2023, 08:37 PM
Also, I recommend trying 65 Carlton. ItÂ’s the other way from the city but from airport itÂ’s no more than 15 min in the early hours of the morning with zero traffic on Princess Hwy.

This is another 24/7 shop with a good variety of WLs, from MILFs to PYTs. IÂ’ve never missed a lineup here and this year itÂ’s been 5+women available every time IÂ’ve walked in, and usually fucked well.

They have a tiered service from Siver @$165/hr which is basically all covered and no kissing which what I normally take.

Actually when it cums to drink off it, the quality and price @65 is the best out of the shops IÂ’ve previously mentioned. This place has a high turnover of women too so if you go there a week or two later youÂ’ll meet new girls.

carmen farquis
24-06-2023, 09:34 PM
Go for a surf have some brekkie then go somewhere when all the shops are opening.

The girls working at 4am would be so wasted.