View Full Version : General talk If you ever received poor service from a young WL

25-06-2023, 10:50 PM
If you ever received sub-par, mechanical or unenthusiastic service from a young WL (seems the culprit is often super young short-stay J girls), it's probably because the girl was simply not attracted to you. This is most likely to happen with the very young ones, like around 18-22 years old. This youngest group of asian girls grew up seeing the hottest idols on social media apps like Instagram and TikTok all the time and can have rather high standards when it comes to "good looks" for guys.

I'm specifically calling out the very young age group, because I know 20 years old and 25 years old in today's world is so vastly different in terms of social media consumption that they might as well be two separate generations (that's how much social media has evolved in recent years). I know it's a bit of a generalisation, but just putting in my 2 cents from personal experience with Gen Z asian girls.

Source: am asian and in my 20s.

Hidden Python
26-06-2023, 03:50 PM
As a 51 year old bald stallion, i know not all women are going to be attracted to me, and a lot of it is to do with age, persona, mentality, culture and preference,
as a guy i wouldn't want to fuck a fat ugly woman who probably smells like rotten fish too, so the girls probably have the same mentality,
so when it comes to meeting the girls in the line up, watch for their reaction when you meet them, if its a heads down not interested look don't choose her, as its going to be a bad punt, instead look for the girl who smiles and is excited to see you,
if you feel you don't get any reaction at all, maybe its time to look in the mirror and ask yourself what can i do to improve myself, like smiling and being friendly, change the way you look and dress,

26-06-2023, 04:55 PM
I'm 25 and I only look for WLs aged 50 years or older.

Never have a problem in service.


26-06-2023, 06:17 PM
Its like this everywhere now. Here in Aus too. Social media has girls thinking they are a 10/10 & have unrealistic expectations from guys

Same thing if u go overseas. Philippines or Thailand. Unless u look like JungKook from BTS or another K-pop idol, the younger girls wont even bother with u

Being a white guy doesn't even mean much there anymore either unless u look like Leonardo DiCaprio in his prime LOLOL

26-06-2023, 07:23 PM
Source: am asian and in my 20s.

You're in the the worst race and age group.

If you're a filthy rich 70 years old sugardaddy that's another story.

The young girls would love you for what expensive handbags you could buy for them.

26-06-2023, 08:26 PM
I'm 25 and I only look for WLs aged 50 years or older.

Never have a problem in service.


Sibon, you are jackpot for them 😆😆

26-06-2023, 08:41 PM
I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the number with. Prefer older ladies as young ladies are generally crap with an older peron like me.

26-06-2023, 08:46 PM
You're in the the worst race and age group.

If you're a filthy rich 70 years old sugardaddy that's another story.

The young girls would love you for what expensive handbags you could buy for them.

I'd like to think I'm in the most attractive race and freshest age group, but to each their own. :p

26-06-2023, 10:59 PM
Younger punts are hit or miss

Hidden Python
26-06-2023, 11:47 PM
If you are sick and tired of wasting your time and money with the bullshit, than go to Lalabells at South Granville, the whole place is a 10/10 the management, the girls, the venue, the website updated daily,
I just pay $75 for the standard hour to Jenny the manager, than arrange the tip privately with the girls before we start,
I might plug this shop a lot but once you become a regular you will understand that there is zero bullshit going on here, each room has its own private bathroom and there is no clock watching and all the girls have the best attitude,

27-06-2023, 02:13 AM
If you ever received sub-par, mechanical or unenthusiastic service from a young WL (seems the culprit is often super young short-stay J girls), it's probably because the girl was simply not attracted to you. This is most likely to happen with the very young ones, like around 18-22 years old. This youngest group of asian girls grew up seeing the hottest idols on social media apps like Instagram and TikTok all the time and can have rather high standards when it comes to "good looks" for guys.

I'm specifically calling out the very young age group, because I know 20 years old and 25 years old in today's world is so vastly different in terms of social media consumption that they might as well be two separate generations (that's how much social media has evolved in recent years). I know it's a bit of a generalisation, but just putting in my 2 cents from personal experience with Gen Z asian girls.

Source: am asian and in my 20s.

If you want to be receiving service, you're better off with older service girls. Surely not the young and hot ones. You go to them when you want to dish it out. I consider paying a few hundred bucks to have carte blanche on her hot young body to be a fair trade. She can starfish all she wants, I don't care.

27-06-2023, 08:13 AM
You're in the the worst race and age group.

If you're a filthy rich 70 years old sugardaddy that's another story.

The young girls would love you for what expensive handbags you could buy for them.

LOL unless he's looks like a K-Pop idol.
But no matter how filthy rich a guy is, it cant buy a girls genuine attraction towards him.

Girls will always be geuinely attracted to handsome guys with 6 pack abs, regardless of whether he has money or not. Same way we are attracted to hot, young pretty girls.

This is the mistake rich guys make. They try to lead with money.....

27-06-2023, 02:58 PM
Girls will always be geuinely attracted to handsome guys with 6 pack abs, regardless of whether he has money or not. Same way we are attracted to hot, young pretty girls.

I think that you are wrong. Us guys are definitely attracted by young pretty girls but we should not assume that females think the same way. I have punted from young through middle age to borderline ancient and I think that the two most important assessments a wl/ml makes are: 'Will I be safe with this guy?' and 'Is he nice/considerate/courteous?' A smile a friendly greeting, maybe a compliment can discount the handsome guy with a six pack in a second.

Having said that, I generally prefer the girls in the 25 to 40 range, because I find the very young girls hit and miss and even a bit boring.

And I'm enough of a realist to know that you can never say 'whether he has money or not.'

But sometimes, if you just want to root a hot young bod, Goldfishman has a point, and you don't need to worry so much about the niceties.

27-06-2023, 03:01 PM
Trust me, a girl (whether shes ML/WL or not) will overlook everything if the guy is extremely attractive/looks like Brad Pitt.

Even if he is a criminal. She will feel safe with him because he is attractive. Just look up Jeremy Meeks " the worlds hottest felon"

Normal rules dont apply to hot people lol

The way girls see things,
Ugly men = creepy, unsafe.
Its the ugly truth unfortunately

27-06-2023, 05:39 PM
Trust me, a girl (whether shes ML/WL or not) will overlook everything if the guy is extremely attractive/looks like Brad Pitt.

Even if he is a criminal. She will feel safe with him because he is attractive. Just look up Jeremy Meeks " the worlds hottest felon"

Normal rules dont apply to hot people lol

The way girls see things,
Ugly men = creepy, unsafe.
Its the ugly truth unfortunately

Sorry bruv,

Dead wrong. She will not overlook everything if you are physically attractive. Only us dumb guys would do that. Lol.

First off Meeks gets hotties not necessarily because he himself good looking, it's because he has a sense of "danger" about him. Women love a guy who seems dangerous. Think James Bond. Meeks is probably quite calm under threat because he's already been in jail for stuff like that.

Second off, If you are a weak minded bloke who needs his mum to find his underpants I guaran-fucken-tee you no woman will look your way more than once even if you look like the homo love child of Meeks and Clooney, UNLESS you can wipe your ass with the amount of money you have, but then Its obvious she isn't there because of your looks.

I've seen MANY a dropkick looking bloke with some of the hottest chicks around.

I remember many moons ago, I used to work briefly in market research as a pass through job while I was studying.

There was ridiculously hot Viet girl there with the most boner inducing voice as well. Really feminine and sweet, and she was also the nicest chick too. Her boyfriend when I finally met him, was this stick figure boy, like I'm talking his upper arm couldn't have been thicker than a broom handle. Face wise plain, Asian. Very quiet or out another way, zero personality. Wonder where she is now....

My 2nd (of many) experience (also at MR maybe I should go back to work there lol lots of young chicks working MR) was a Mary Elizabeth Winstead look alike. Again really nice chick. Boyfriend? Looked like drug dealer. Thin, bald, somewhat dumb looking face. He was a decent guy though tbh.

So don't ever believe it's just based on looks for Women.

Do what you can with what you have, then work on yourself and inner game.


27-06-2023, 09:07 PM
While I do agree with bro F0x, I think looks still do make a difference to a certain degree. You should at least not be repulsive to look at to begin with. Then all the other qualities can shine through.

28-06-2023, 09:50 AM
Yeh looks is what gets your foot in the door. Then u can let other qualities shine once you're in

28-06-2023, 09:51 AM
Sorry bruv,

Dead wrong. She will not overlook everything if you are physically attractive. Only us dumb guys would do that. Lol.

First off Meeks gets hotties not necessarily because he himself good looking, it's because he has a sense of "danger" about him. Women love a guy who seems dangerous. Think James Bond. Meeks is probably quite calm under threat because he's already been in jail for stuff like that.

Second off, If you are a weak minded bloke who needs his mum to find his underpants I guaran-fucken-tee you no woman will look your way more than once even if you look like the homo love child of Meeks and Clooney, UNLESS you can wipe your ass with the amount of money you have, but then Its obvious she isn't there because of your looks.

I've seen MANY a dropkick looking bloke with some of the hottest chicks around.

I remember many moons ago, I used to work briefly in market research as a pass through job while I was studying.

There was ridiculously hot Viet girl there with the most boner inducing voice as well. Really feminine and sweet, and she was also the nicest chick too. Her boyfriend when I finally met him, was this stick figure boy, like I'm talking his upper arm couldn't have been thicker than a broom handle. Face wise plain, Asian. Very quiet or out another way, zero personality. Wonder where she is now....

My 2nd (of many) experience (also at MR maybe I should go back to work there lol lots of young chicks working MR) was a Mary Elizabeth Winstead look alike. Again really nice chick. Boyfriend? Looked like drug dealer. Thin, bald, somewhat dumb looking face. He was a decent guy though tbh.

So don't ever believe it's just based on looks for Women.

Do what you can with what you have, then work on yourself and inner game.

Maybe these girls u saw are approaching 30, abit older and looking to settle down. As usually they are willing to be with less attractive guys when looking for a serious relationship/marriage, or as long as he has a good job (i.e good provider)

But if were talking about a hot 18-20 year old girl in her prime, has thousands of guys after her, there is no way she will settle with a guy less attractive than her. Unless the guy was a celebrity, very famous or a guy with a very high social value.

28-06-2023, 10:00 AM
the way i think of it is your physical appearance is like a window to everything else of value in you. being ugly makes the window dirty, so it will be harder to see thru. doesn't mean they can't see any quality behind a dirty window, but significantly harder the worse you look.

money, power, or fame can clean the window as they are also material value outside of yourself. but if you have a shit personality behind that window, the girl will eventually realise as you clean that window with your money, fame and power.

28-06-2023, 10:55 AM
It's all correct, though if you can't look after yourself how can you can look after her, she will always see whether you can provide and take care of her and your sense of humour and adventure , looks aren't so much a factor

28-06-2023, 01:08 PM
The judging goes both ways. If you got poor/rushed service, avoid in the future and better luck next time.

28-06-2023, 01:54 PM
Maybe these girls u saw are approaching 30, abit older and looking to settle down. As usually they are willing to be with less attractive guys when looking for a serious relationship/marriage, or as long as he has a good job (i.e good provider)

But if were talking about a hot 18-20 year old girl in her prime, has thousands of guys after her, there is no way she will settle with a guy less attractive than her. Unless the guy was a celebrity, very famous or a guy with a very high social value.

You got the part about high social value right, but I still disagree and am repeating to you that women don't care half as much about what you look like over HOW YOU MAKE THEM FEEL. This is absolute key.

I'm trying to help you here btw lol. If you are going to continue to believe its about looks you won't get far unless you have money or social status.

Women are all about "feels". This is why they seem so illogical and dumb to us at times. And why they can hold beliefs (especially the young pretty ones) which directly contradict each other (classic one is: I should be able to dress like a girls gone wild hoe, but ONLY have the guys I LIKE or am attracted to look at me or approach me. Lady that doesn't happen). But they'll "FEEL" like this should be the case. They'll "feel" like it's reasonable that they do no work and get money because they are hot etc even when it's pretty obvious it normally doesn't happen.

It's why girls can be very attracted to comedians, singers. Not all singers and comedians are 10/10s, they don't all necessarily go to the gym and work out but I assure you they don't lack for women.

It's also why you can be doing well with a girl, then say something or do something and it immediately kills it. You killed the feels ha. And it won't have mattered how you look.

You'd be surprised how many women choose dad bods over ripped guys in a pure looks based test. The ideal male physique to a woman is FAR less toned than the average guy thinks they want.

Anyway, wall of text sorry.

TLDR: physical attraction is just a tiny part of women's attraction for men.

28-06-2023, 02:10 PM
You got the part about high social value right, but I still disagree and am repeating to you that women don't care half as much about what you look like over HOW YOU MAKE THEM FEEL. This is absolute key.

I'm trying to help you here btw lol. If you are going to continue to believe its about looks you won't get far unless you have money or social status.

Women are all about "feels". This is why they seem so illogical and dumb to us at times. And why they can hold beliefs (especially the young pretty ones) which directly contradict each other (classic one is: I should be able to dress like a girls gone wild hoe, but ONLY have the guys I LIKE or am attracted to look at me or approach me. Lady that doesn't happen). But they'll "FEEL" like this should be the case. They'll "feel" like it's reasonable that they do no work and get money because they are hot etc even when it's pretty obvious it normally doesn't happen.

It's why girls can be very attracted to comedians, singers. Not all singers and comedians are 10/10s, they don't all necessarily go to the gym and work out but I assure you they don't lack for women.

It's also why you can be doing well with a girl, then say something or do something and it immediately kills it. You killed the feels ha. And it won't have mattered how you look.

You'd be surprised how many women choose dad bods over ripped guys in a pure looks based test. The ideal male physique to a woman is FAR less toned than the average guy thinks they want.

Anyway, wall of text sorry.

TLDR: physical attraction is just a tiny part of women's attraction for men. I'm sure Sir Mick Jagger see's it your way FOx. I know I do.

28-06-2023, 02:15 PM
In the context of a quick session with a WL, where there probably isn't enough time to know each other too well, appearance is obviously a major part of the first impression. And here's where the younger girls can act far more enthusiastic towards a good looking younger guy. (it is what it is, just hormones, little you can do about it really)

Also true that most girls prefer a medium toned body. Like, if other guys at the gym are calling you shredded, then you're probably impressing more guys than girls at that point.

28-06-2023, 02:20 PM
You got the part about high social value right, but I still disagree and am repeating to you that women don't care half as much about what you look like over HOW YOU MAKE THEM FEEL. This is absolute key.

I'm trying to help you here btw lol. If you are going to continue to believe its about looks you won't get far unless you have money or social status.

Women are all about "feels". This is why they seem so illogical and dumb to us at times. And why they can hold beliefs (especially the young pretty ones) which directly contradict each other (classic one is: I should be able to dress like a girls gone wild hoe, but ONLY have the guys I LIKE or am attracted to look at me or approach me. Lady that doesn't happen). But they'll "FEEL" like this should be the case. They'll "feel" like it's reasonable that they do no work and get money because they are hot etc even when it's pretty obvious it normally doesn't happen.

It's why girls can be very attracted to comedians, singers. Not all singers and comedians are 10/10s, they don't all necessarily go to the gym and work out but I assure you they don't lack for women.

It's also why you can be doing well with a girl, then say something or do something and it immediately kills it. You killed the feels ha. And it won't have mattered how you look.

You'd be surprised how many women choose dad bods over ripped guys in a pure looks based test. The ideal male physique to a woman is FAR less toned than the average guy thinks they want.

Anyway, wall of text sorry.

TLDR: physical attraction is just a tiny part of women's attraction for men.

also, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. some people like fat chicks, some people like toned bodies, and the rest are everything in between. someone you find attractive could possibly be absolutely repulsive to someone else. even in just the physical sense.

29-06-2023, 07:31 AM
... no way she will settle with a guy less attractive than her.

How do you even define "more attractive" from one person to another, not to mention that it's across genders?

29-06-2023, 08:16 AM
In the context of a quick session with a WL, where there probably isn't enough time to know each other too well, appearance is obviously a major part of the first impression. And here's where the younger girls can act far more enthusiastic towards a good looking younger guy. (it is what it is, just hormones, little you can do about it really)

Also true that most girls prefer a medium toned body. Like, if other guys at the gym are calling you shredded, then you're probably impressing more guys than girls at that point.

And how long you book her. Not unusual when we go for 30 mins, the service will be more likely bad.

For us time is money, we want go boom boom boom and get out from there. But some WL doesn't like that ( might be because that make them work harder ).

29-06-2023, 11:52 AM
You got the part about high social value right, but I still disagree and am repeating to you that women don't care half as much about what you look like over HOW YOU MAKE THEM FEEL. This is absolute key.

I'm trying to help you here btw lol. If you are going to continue to believe its about looks you won't get far unless you have money or social status.

Women are all about "feels". This is why they seem so illogical and dumb to us at times. And why they can hold beliefs (especially the young pretty ones) which directly contradict each other (classic one is: I should be able to dress like a girls gone wild hoe, but ONLY have the guys I LIKE or am attracted to look at me or approach me. Lady that doesn't happen). But they'll "FEEL" like this should be the case. They'll "feel" like it's reasonable that they do no work and get money because they are hot etc even when it's pretty obvious it normally doesn't happen.

It's why girls can be very attracted to comedians, singers. Not all singers and comedians are 10/10s, they don't all necessarily go to the gym and work out but I assure you they don't lack for women.

It's also why you can be doing well with a girl, then say something or do something and it immediately kills it. You killed the feels ha. And it won't have mattered how you look.

You'd be surprised how many women choose dad bods over ripped guys in a pure looks based test. The ideal male physique to a woman is FAR less toned than the average guy thinks they want.

Anyway, wall of text sorry.

TLDR: physical attraction is just a tiny part of women's attraction for men.

True, esp about the feelings part. its mostly about feelings. And these days, were walking on egg shells especially with alot of Western women who are already easily offended/sensitive. Say one wrong thing or say anything that can "offend" her, then the mood/feeling is killed.

But what comedians/singers have, again is the fame/high social value. Look at Ed Sheeran but he can score supermodels.

I think you are talking about girls choosing guys for long term relationship/marriage. Thats when they will go for a nicer guy. dad bod, good personality.
But if we are talking about a hook up/one night stand (which is what punting is). Then a guy is judged mainly from how he looks. A girl in a club wouldn't even give the time of day to an ugly, fat guy no matter how nice of a gentleman he is.

I'm sure Sir Mick Jagger see's it your way FOx. I know I do.

Mick Jagger is a celebrity. Very high social value, putting him in the top 0.00001% of men

In the context of a quick session with a WL, where there probably isn't enough time to know each other too well, appearance is obviously a major part of the first impression. And here's where the younger girls can act far more enthusiastic towards a good looking younger guy. (it is what it is, just hormones, little you can do about it really)

Also true that most girls prefer a medium toned body. Like, if other guys at the gym are calling you shredded, then you're probably impressing more guys than girls at that point.

You will 100% get a great service if the girl likes you and is attracted to you :)

How do you even define "more attractive" from one person to another, not to mention that it's across genders?

As what @bleekpit said, beauty is in eye of beholder
But what is a un-attractive to every girl that I'm sure is universal across every cultures, is if a guy is old, bald, fat, ugly & smelly + poor/no money

01-07-2023, 12:15 AM
in my early-mid 20s, I was fit and reasonably good looking, young guy dressing style, little to no understanding of manner. I didn't smell good. I had zero success with dating girls. For WLs, MLs I have decent punts cuz it's their job.
in my late 20s to early 30s, I started to get a bit overweight, have no idea how to dress, bad grooming. Suffered hair loss and lost confidence. I looked older than my age. I never thought I'd have any chance with girls.

now in my late 30s I've ticked off all of these:

1 - look after myself, go to gym / exercise. Smell good (no smell = smell good)
2 - eat a healthy diet and stay in good shape. You'll look 10-20 years younger while still having some maturity.
3 - Have some style. Simple: wear slim fit pants if you have normal body, wear skinny pants if you have skinny legs, wear straight pants if you body is on a thicker size. match your jacket or shirt colour with your shoes. Wear a stylish sneakers or shoes and keep it clean. plus good grooming.
4 - Have good and calm manner.

Many guys already fail at (4) which is the easiest.
Out of those, many will fail (2)
Then many guys have no idea how to do (3)
Then most can never do (1)

and I have no problems with girls, from young to 30+ ones.

I've been through different stages of my life with different look & style.
If you can tick off all of these, your confidence will skyrocket and your problem with girls is solved. Notice that none of these involves girls, it's all about working on yourself.

and btw, girls are generally more attracted to guys who look more mature (more manly), so having some grey hair actually can enhance a man's look in girl's eyes. While it's the opposite for us.

01-07-2023, 12:57 AM
True, esp about the feelings part. its mostly about feelings. And these days, were walking on egg shells especially with alot of Western women who are already easily offended/sensitive. Say one wrong thing or say anything that can "offend" her, then the mood/feeling is killed.

But what comedians/singers have, again is the fame/high social value. Look at Ed Sheeran but he can score supermodels.

I think you are talking about girls choosing guys for long term relationship/marriage. Thats when they will go for a nicer guy. dad bod, good personality.
But if we are talking about a hook up/one night stand (which is what punting is). Then a guy is judged mainly from how he looks. A girl in a club wouldn't even give the time of day to an ugly, fat guy no matter how nice of a gentleman he is.

Mick Jagger is a celebrity. Very high social value, putting him in the top 0.00001% of men

You will 100% get a great service if the girl likes you and is attracted to you :)

As what @bleekpit said, beauty is in eye of beholder
But what is a un-attractive to every girl that I'm sure is universal across every cultures, is if a guy is old, bald, fat, ugly & smelly + poor/no money

I reckon you're overthinking it, and you're seriously lacking in self-confidence.

Those are the 2 things that you really need to tackle head on if you're serious about being successful with girls.

01-07-2023, 05:05 AM
I reckon you're overthinking it, and you're seriously lacking in self-confidence.

Those are the 2 things that you really need to tackle head on if you're serious about being successful with girls.

Yeh all good, u can call it what u want & do the whole shaming, "you're lacking self confidence" thing

I'm not overthinking, I'm just spitting simple facts....
A girl either likes u or she doesn't.
If a girl doesn't like u or doesn't find u attractive, no amount of "confidence" or "self esteem" is gonna change her mind.

Ender Kekilli
01-07-2023, 09:22 AM
I had a massage girl in the city she looked like a poor student, he massage was terrible and I felt like an old pervert

01-07-2023, 11:22 AM
Just a thought before we keep criticizing eachother. My guess is that if you receive less than adequate service from any ML/WL under the age of 25 then it is more likely that the problem will lie with the ML/WL. The ability to perform a sexual service is not taught at school, or on Instagram or TikTok. Any there are many who enter this business under the belief that everything is just wham bam and I have done my bit, so pay. Reality bites hard. The ones who become good service providers learn. They learn everyday and they enjoy their work. And the longer they stay the better it is for everyone. Survival of the fittest is not a new term in life. 😎

01-07-2023, 02:45 PM
I get better service from the MLs who have been married.

02-07-2023, 10:27 AM
Just a thought before we keep criticizing eachother. My guess is that if you receive less than adequate service from any ML/WL under the age of 25 then it is more likely that the problem will lie with the ML/WL. The ability to perform a sexual service is not taught at school, or on Instagram or TikTok. Any there are many who enter this business under the belief that everything is just wham bam and I have done my bit, so pay. Reality bites hard. The ones who become good service providers learn. They learn everyday and they enjoy their work. And the longer they stay the better it is for everyone. Survival of the fittest is not a new term in life. 😎

Thats true. Alot seem to think that they just need to make u finish then the jobs done, get paid. But I dont think they understand its more about the journey, rather than the destination.

Regular ML/WL I keep seeing are ones with a good, warm personality who provide the good service. If i wanted to waste my hard earned cash on a soulless robot without any character, I'll just see my wife.

02-07-2023, 01:29 PM
Thats true. Alot seem to think that they just need to make u finish then the jobs done, get paid. But I dont think they understand its more about the journey, rather than the destination.

Regular ML/WL I keep seeing are ones with a good, warm personality who provide the good service. If i wanted to waste my hard earned cash on a soulless robot without any character, I'll just see my wife.

hahhah ouch

let's have some empathy for this man

02-07-2023, 02:04 PM
I had a massage girl in the city she looked like a poor student, he massage was terrible and I felt like an old pervert

LOL lol. If she’s young, she can learn and improve. Attitude is everything, the rest is ‘in the hand’.

I also had a young tall ex model Singaporean few years ago @271 Marrickville. Early 20’s, flawless body and skin. But poor attitude. After she came she lost interest and starfished. I walked out with a full sack and ended up jerking off in my car. Worst ever.

03-07-2023, 06:27 PM
Thats true. Alot seem to think that they just need to make u finish then the jobs done, get paid. But I dont think they understand its more about the journey, rather than the destination.

Regular ML/WL I keep seeing are ones with a good, warm personality who provide the good service. If i wanted to waste my hard earned cash on a soulless robot without any character, I'll just see my wife. I give my wife cash she just fucks off shopping, doesn't even wait for the buzzer.

04-07-2023, 08:25 AM
I give my wife cash she just fucks off shopping, doesn't even wait for the buzzer.

Marriage is the biggest scam ever hahaha. Basically paying the most. Wedding cars, mortgage, school fee's, bills, shopping. But no intimacy from the missus in return. Starfish obligatory marital missionary sex (every few month) at most

04-07-2023, 12:17 PM
I didn’t complain about it because girls were working here need to be more respectful

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-07-2023, 02:48 PM
I didn’t complain about it because girls were working here need to be more respectful

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Holy shit you actually put your email address as your username. Dude...

04-07-2023, 03:43 PM
Thanks I am new here, I don’t know how to edit it

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-07-2023, 04:33 PM

04-07-2023, 11:51 PM
I get better service from the MLs who have been married.

Weird but I get GREAT service from ones that are currently married

05-07-2023, 12:08 AM
Hahahaha unluckkkyyyy

05-07-2023, 06:56 AM
Weird but I get GREAT service from ones that are currently married

I know exactly what you mean... I would go so far as to say ones who are recently married lol

05-07-2023, 05:16 PM
Went to a massage lately on Pyrmont. Got switched to a different girl. I was like fine whatever she’s young at least. Her Eglish was not so good so I spoke in Chinese (she said she was chinese), but somehow she refused to speak chinese as if i was testing her or something. Weird. Anyway paid higher than avg price for a bbbj cos she claimed to be really good at it but really clearly not. Absolutely zero sensation I had to check to see what the fk was going on. Literally 1 minute into bj she’s like ‘too much too much!’ and proceed to finish me with HJ. Needless to say im not going back. The occasional bad punt makes me wanna just stick to my regulars.

Frank Tank
06-07-2023, 01:48 AM
Everything will change if you're enough rich!

06-07-2023, 01:54 PM
Everything will change if you're enough rich!

Lol tell me you're a native Chinese speaker without telling me you're a native Chinese speaker.

05-11-2023, 08:51 AM
I'm 25 and I only look for WLs aged 50 years or older.

Never have a problem in service.


I’m the opposite. Older and have dated numerous girls half my age. Plus only punt younger snatch. I suppose age is a virtue.

05-11-2023, 09:13 AM
Milfs are my regulars.

05-11-2023, 11:26 AM
Lol tell me you're a native Chinese speaker without telling me you're a native Chinese speaker.@GoldfishMan from your name, are you also a Chinese speaker lol?

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05-11-2023, 11:28 AM
The sweet spot for me is the over 30s to 40 category...still fucking hot but know their way around a man's body...

I always find mostly the young ones are good eye candy but not more...

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05-11-2023, 12:22 PM
If you ever received sub-par, mechanical, or unenthusiastic service from a young WL (it seems the culprit is often super young short-stay J girls), it's probably because the girl was simply not attracted to you. This is most likely to happen with the very young ones, like around 18–22 years old. This youngest group of Asian girls grew up seeing the hottest idols on social media apps like Instagram and TikTok all the time and can have rather high standards when it comes to "good looks" for guys.

I'm specifically calling out the very young age group, because I know 20 years old and 25 years old in today's world are so vastly different in terms of social media consumption that they might as well be two separate generations (that's how much social media has evolved in recent years). I know it's a bit of a generalization, but just putting in my two cents from personal experience with Gen Z Asian girls

Source: I am Asian and in my 20s.

It is true that social media has had a huge impact on the standards and expectations of young Asian girls in this age range. For instance, it's much more common now for them to set high standards when it comes to how their potential partners should look, talk, and behave.

05-11-2023, 12:29 PM
Be very polite, very well groomed, clean in the lower regions, fresh breath and clean clothes. Don't look 30-40 years older than the WL

These factors will improve your chances of good service but obviously are no guarantee

Agree with everything else mentioned including the effect of social media. Women may just not be into you, or may just not be into giving great service. Complain very very politely but firmly to the manager. Case closed

05-11-2023, 12:33 PM
If you ever received sub-par, mechanical, or unenthusiastic service from a young WL (it seems the culprit is often super young short-stay J girls), it's probably because the girl was simply not attracted to you. This is most likely to happen with the very young ones, like around 18–22 years old. This youngest group of Asian girls grew up seeing the hottest idols on social media apps like Instagram and TikTok all the time and can have rather high standards when it comes to "good looks" for guys.

I'm specifically calling out the very young age group, because I know 20 years old and 25 years old in today's world are so vastly different in terms of social media consumption that they might as well be two separate generations (that's how much social media has evolved in recent years). I know it's a bit of a generalization, but just putting in my two cents from personal experience with Gen Z Asian girls

Source: I am Asian and in my 20s.

It's true that the younger generation of Asian girls today have grown up immersed in social media, and this can have a profound effect on how they view relationships. They've been exposed to so many images of "perfect" couples and idealized standards for what looks attractive in men. Additionally, since most young people prefer consuming content online rather than offline, they often find it difficult to form meaningful connections with people IRL. It can be a challenge to truly understand the nuances of social interaction and communication when you've grown up in this environment, but it's nonetheless important. It's only by understanding these dynamics that we can bridge the gap between generations and help create strong, healthy relationships for future generations.

05-11-2023, 05:21 PM
I've received poor service from young and not so young. As mentioned by a few others in this thread the 30 plus ladies typically provide better service, I guess they want the repeat business.

Having said that some of the younger Chinese I've met recently are raising the game, especially compared to the Thai massage girls who seem to be overly money hungry at times.

05-11-2023, 05:26 PM
It is true that social media has had a huge impact on the standards and expectations of young Asian girls in this age range. For instance, it's much more common now for them to set high standards when it comes to how their potential partners should look, talk, and behave.

I can understand that because of the social media orchestrated competition. It’s post to show.

05-11-2023, 05:38 PM
@GoldfishMan from your name, are you also a Chinese speaker lol?

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Don't think so. If Chinese he would call himself eelman as eels are a delicacy in China.

05-11-2023, 05:54 PM
It's true that the younger generation of Asian girls today have grown up immersed in social media, and this can have a profound effect on how they view relationships. They've been exposed to so many images of "perfect" couples and idealized standards for what looks attractive in men. Additionally, since most young people prefer consuming content online rather than offline, they often find it difficult to form meaningful connections with people IRL. It can be a challenge to truly understand the nuances of social interaction and communication when you've grown up in this environment, but it's nonetheless important. It's only by understanding these dynamics that we can bridge the gap between generations and help create strong, healthy relationships for future generations.

It's called "fitting in". These youngsters are afraid of losing out if they don't fit into a certain group or trend. I'm pretty sure lots of us have gone through that during our teenage years - we either grow out of it or get stuck in the same mentality as adults.

Had a friend who would change cars every year. Cars not even fully paid off, not a homeowner and has two kids. Borrows his friend's branded clothing to show off to his other friends. All of this comes from the culture of "saving face".

When he saw that I have tons of money saved up, invested and dressing up really well for a party his jaw dropped. Not that I like showing off but I just don't like wearing fashion that doesn't reflect my age.

05-11-2023, 08:37 PM
Some of the most wealthy dress way down low. They’re not paying for a security detail. Their wives can go shopping without any attention. They can go have a beer with the locals. You just wouldn’t know except for their jet sitting on the tarmac.

06-11-2023, 07:45 AM
Don't think so. If Chinese he would call himself eelman as eels are a delicacy in China.I think in Cantonese the term "goldfish man" or "金魚佬" means something else...

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06-11-2023, 09:34 AM
I try to avoid the younger WL and both I and the WL usually feel more comfortable when the WL is more mature and more experienced. Poor service from a younger WL is usually the rule in my experience

06-11-2023, 09:43 AM

Met some super hot WL with AVERAGE, forgettable service & others with outstanding, memorable service

The difference now is that hotties are more expensive. Punt with precision.

Mr Fugly
06-11-2023, 10:07 AM
At my age, nearly all the WL are young... some I didn't enjoy because it felt pedo young (ie Nano)... I find any Asian girl below 40 could pass herself as mid 20's.
Really, the only poor service I have received, like the OP, is from the 2-3 week FIFO Jap girls.
Best are the long stay Korean girls... and there's always at least 1 on roster at both Ginza shops.

06-11-2023, 11:57 AM
Most of the younger WLs I’ve had in Sydney in the past 5 years were certainly sub-par on service and mechanical. But none were 18-22 lol. More like 25-30.

In my opinion the biggest problem is the lack of time. You can’t really expect much in 1/2 hr or 1hr from these less experienced girls. They need more time to warm up. And who the fuck is going to pay for that in Sydney?

That’s why I leave them alone here, and save them for when I’m in Vietnam. There, they only go for about USD100 per night and you got all that time to explore back in your hotel.

It’s a no brained really. 500 bucks airfare. 30 bucks per night hotel. One dollar per generic viagra.
Well you go the rest of the maths.

06-11-2023, 12:38 PM
Most of the younger WLs I’ve had in Sydney in the past 5 years were certainly sub-par on service and mechanical. But none were 18-22 lol. More like 25-30.

In my opinion the biggest problem is the lack of time. You can’t really expect much in 1/2 hr or 1hr from these less experienced girls. They need more time to warm up. And who the fuck is going to pay for that in Sydney?

That’s why I leave them alone here, and save them for when I’m in Vietnam. There, they only go for about USD100 per night and you got all that time to explore back in your hotel.

It’s a no brained really. 500 bucks airfare. 30 bucks per night hotel. One dollar per generic viagra.
Well you go the rest of the maths.

$500 airfare? are you referring to non-peak days and which airline? Direct?

asking cuz I want to go

06-11-2023, 01:02 PM
$500 airfare? are you referring to non-peak days and which airline? Direct?

asking cuz I want to go

Bamboo Airways to HCM.

06-11-2023, 03:17 PM
I think every WL is great at a particular thing and good at the others.

18-11-2023, 07:11 AM
If you ever received sub-par, mechanical or unenthusiastic service from a young WL (seems the culprit is often super young short-stay J girls), it's probably because the girl was simply not attracted to you. This is most likely to happen with the very young ones, like around 18-22 years old. This youngest group of asian girls grew up seeing the hottest idols on social media apps like Instagram and TikTok all the time and can have rather high standards when it comes to "good looks" for guys.

I'm specifically calling out the very young age group, because I know 20 years old and 25 years old in today's world is so vastly different in terms of social media consumption that they might as well be two separate generations (that's how much social media has evolved in recent years). I know it's a bit of a generalisation, but just putting in my 2 cents from personal experience with Gen Z asian girls.

Source: am asian and in my 20s.

Yeah I got the car back and the washer fluid wasn’t topped up. They should do that, right?

18-11-2023, 08:39 AM
Milf mechanics pay more attention to detail. I once saw a young short stay jap mechanic and I said it smells like burnt rubber in here! and she says don't worry it probably needs lube.

18-11-2023, 08:44 AM
If you are sick and tired of wasting your time and money with the bullshit, than go to Lalabells at South Granville, the whole place is a 10/10 the management, the girls, the venue, the website updated daily,
I just pay $75 for the standard hour to Jenny the manager, than arrange the tip privately with the girls before we start,
I might plug this shop a lot but once you become a regular you will understand that there is zero bullshit going on here, each room has its own private bathroom and there is no clock watching and all the girls have the best attitude,

How often you go to Lalabells? I need a lift there. :)

18-11-2023, 01:15 PM
Is there a place that pays the punter to service the girls? You know, to keep them primed and ready to go.

18-11-2023, 04:46 PM
Is there a place that pays the punter to service the girls? You know, to keep them primed and ready to go.[emoji6] u work hard and long hours...that must be your dream role?

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18-11-2023, 04:59 PM
[emoji6] u work hard and long hours...that must be your dream role?

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Someone has to test the waters for all new talent and of course keep their motors warmed up. It could be any punter with experience.

My dream role is to find a nice Thai lady and settle down into a relationship with her and a couple of others. I need three Thai girls.

I’m sure it’s possible. Just have to find three who are able to live together.

That’d keep me happy.

A man of simple needs you see.

18-11-2023, 07:00 PM
You know there really should be a professional reviewer like how there are food reviews for shop owners. A kind of quality review...

I mean many of the mamasans who dont have a papasan would only know second hand info. Thats where we come in...[emoji1787]

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18-11-2023, 08:05 PM
I may have already mentioned that I leave the PYTs for when I’m in Saigon. I can have beautiful girls that are 20-25 for an entire night at my hotel for no more that USD 100. Plenty of time to photoshoot and teach them how to fuck.

In Sydney I just stick to experienced MILFs. Not because that they know how to fuck, but because they are just much more emotionally mature and a better in the short space of time (1hr) I pay for.

For over 25 years now I judge the quality of my punts by the intensity and length of my orgasms. And in Sydney, MILfS excel at giving me the most powerful experience and satisfaction.

18-11-2023, 08:50 PM
I may have already mentioned that I leave the PYTs for when I’m in Saigon. I can have beautiful girls that are 20-25 for an entire night at my hotel for no more that USD 100. Plenty of time to photoshoot and teach them how to fuck.

In Sydney I just stick to experienced MILFs. Not because that they know how to fuck, but because they are just much more emotionally mature and a better in the short space of time (1hr) I pay for.

For over 25 years now I judge the quality of my punts by the intensity and length of my orgasms. And in Sydney, MILfS excel at giving me the most powerful experience and satisfaction.
Do you speak Viet or you can punt in English?