View Full Version : Question To date or not date a ML

29-06-2023, 02:05 PM
Ok I have been thinking about this for a week now! Last week I seen one of my regular ML's I haven't seen for a while, and she asked if I have ever dated a Asian girl before! I was surprised by her asking if I wanted to see her and if it works out to do the whole bf/gf thing! Is this genuine?

I don't know, didn't think I'll ever go down this path though or want too, she is gorgeous has a great personality though, and always really playful when I have seen her!

I need advice? Help? Haha do I or don't I!

29-06-2023, 02:19 PM

Can we sticky a thread that specifically deals with and shuts down this topic?


Short answer - no.
Medium answer - no
Long answer - it's your life, be a man and make decision yourself. But also, no.

Not your fault directly, I know I'm coming off abrasive, but we get this topic like it's groundhog Day.

29-06-2023, 02:43 PM
Let them flex
It's good for the ego

29-06-2023, 02:54 PM
All good sorry, didn't mean to get on anyones nerves!

29-06-2023, 03:12 PM
Oh boy, here we go.

Let me save everyone's time and effort, although it's always an entertaining topic.

Do. Not. Date. ML or WL.

They're lovely, fun, amazing bodies, great on a massage table and terrible in real life. Not intentionally, just that they've had too many cocks to count and it fucks YOU up, unless you're a psycho robot. You will not handle it, unless you can afford to take her completely out of the industry. And even then... good luck.

Just some of the problems:
1. She's had cocks all day, she won't want yours at night.
2. She hears male bullshit all day, doesn't want and sees through yours at night.
3. She's addicted to the money. You better be rich
4. Your head won't handle it
5. Some of her customers will be absolute c$#ts, you'll deal with the fallout.

Don't do it. Pay your money, enjoy her company, keep it light, live your life without major additional drama.

Punting is a great hobby. Cheaper than a boat, healthier than drugs. Keep it at hobby status, not life status.

29-06-2023, 03:29 PM
Ok I have been thinking about this for a week now! Last week I seen one of my regular ML's I haven't seen for a while, and she asked if I have ever dated a Asian girl before! I was surprised by her asking if I wanted to see her and if it works out to do the whole bf/gf thing! Is this genuine?

I don't know, didn't think I'll ever go down this path though or want too, she is gorgeous has a great personality though, and always really playful when I have seen her!

I need advice? Help? Haha do I or don't I!

You will end up spending every hour of every day trying to convince yourself that what she does with other men is OK with you, but emotionally it will never be.

29-06-2023, 03:40 PM
Summed it up perfectly thank you for helping clear that up! Makes total sense!

29-06-2023, 03:41 PM
Oh boy, here we go.

Let me save everyone's time and effort, although it's always an entertaining topic.

Do. Not. Date. ML or WL.

They're lovely, fun, amazing bodies, great on a massage table and terrible in real life. Not intentionally, just that they've had too many cocks to count and it fucks YOU up, unless you're a psycho robot. You will not handle it, unless you can afford to take her completely out of the industry. And even then... good luck.

Just some of the problems:
1. She's had cocks all day, she won't want yours at night.
2. She hears male bullshit all day, doesn't want and sees through yours at night.
3. She's addicted to the money. You better be rich
4. Your head won't handle it
5. Some of her customers will be absolute c$#ts, you'll deal with the fallout.

Don't do it. Pay your money, enjoy her company, keep it light, live your life without major additional drama.

Punting is a great hobby. Cheaper than a boat, healthier than drugs. Keep it at hobby status, not life status.That last paragraph make me laugh, good... No... Great advice here!!!

Sent from my ELE-L29 using Tapatalk

29-06-2023, 03:45 PM
As someone who has done it a couple of times, all I can say is do what you want to do mate. It’s an absolute head fuck to be in those relationships as others have said and you need to have a bit of moral flexibility if she is staying in the industry.

The worst thing you can do is expect her to quit for you, so if that’s what you have in mind just walk away.

But life is too short to be perfect so go make mistakes, just try to learn from them.

29-06-2023, 04:07 PM
Ok I have been thinking about this for a week now! Last week I seen one of my regular ML's I haven't seen for a while, and she asked if I have ever dated a Asian girl before! I was surprised by her asking if I wanted to see her and if it works out to do the whole bf/gf thing! Is this genuine?

I don't know, didn't think I'll ever go down this path though or want too, she is gorgeous has a great personality though, and always really playful when I have seen her!

I need advice? Help? Haha do I or don't I!

To give you advice I would need to know who she is....send some details haha

29-06-2023, 04:24 PM
Oh boy, here we go.

Let me save everyone's time and effort, although it's always an entertaining topic.

Do. Not. Date. ML or WL.

They're lovely, fun, amazing bodies, great on a massage table and terrible in real life. Not intentionally, just that they've had too many cocks to count and it fucks YOU up, unless you're a psycho robot. You will not handle it, unless you can afford to take her completely out of the industry. And even then... good luck.

Just some of the problems:
1. She's had cocks all day, she won't want yours at night.
2. She hears male bullshit all day, doesn't want and sees through yours at night.
3. She's addicted to the money. You better be rich
4. Your head won't handle it
5. Some of her customers will be absolute c$#ts, you'll deal with the fallout.

Don't do it. Pay your money, enjoy her company, keep it light, live your life without major additional drama.

Punting is a great hobby. Cheaper than a boat, healthier than drugs. Keep it at hobby status, not life status.

Point 1 is probably the most valid of all of them

29-06-2023, 04:31 PM
But that face and body!!!

29-06-2023, 05:20 PM
She asked if U ever "dated" an Asian. Probably curious 'bout anal.

29-06-2023, 05:46 PM
Some girls say shit just to fuck with you.
Some say shit because they think you might be an easy target.
Some say shit because they're bored and in the cold light of day back out.
You get the drift.
Take every word uttered in the room with a good dose of salt.

Some of these girls are genuinely lovely souls that, under different circumstances, would be wonderful partners. But there aren't different circumstances, keep it professional and get on with your day.

29-06-2023, 06:14 PM
Contrary to the general consensus I say just go for it. Just think about the potential benefits of dating an Asian WL/ML
- Sexually liberated
- Open to kinky sex and fetishes
- Massage on tap
- Sex on tap
- No insecurities with doing doubles, triples etc
- Home cooked Chinese/Thai/Japanese/Korean meals
- Age better than Caucasian's
- Arguments is limited to their mastery of the English language
- You can be old, fat, out of shape, bald, ugly, smelly, a cheater, lazy, and wear brown sandals, and she'll still think you're Brad Pitt (as long as you have money though)

The pros outweigh the cons.
All the other shit quoted above is just emotional and psychological baggage and you just gotta learn how to travel lightly.

29-06-2023, 06:35 PM
Yes, I did it twice but there is s trick to it.
Pm if you like

29-06-2023, 07:02 PM
I had an ml relationship she was a lovely person just her friend an owner of the shops keeps spying on me at all means.

Hidden Python
29-06-2023, 08:07 PM
i dated a Thai massage girl back in 2005, she was working in the massage shop on Bathurst St, while she was doing her masters degree here in Sydney, she was a lovely girl, while in Sydney i just paid for dinner and drove her to different places like the Blue mountains etc, the key factor is control your money and what you spend on her, otherwise you will become an ATM, and be careful of crocodile tears,

29-06-2023, 09:11 PM
Pay. Fuck. Leave.
I know I have posted this 100 times, but as long as guys will start these threads I fell obliged to give this answer just for some perspective, and for the newbie punters.

29-06-2023, 09:44 PM
Don’t do it or try it. It didn’t work and if it does is that the type of person u wona be having a relationship with ? I think not. Briefly tried it before coming to my sense.

29-06-2023, 09:56 PM
Why would anyone want to “date” a cum dumpster???

They see $$$ signs when they look at ya just as you see tits and pussy.

Don’t upset the balance.
Pay pump and move on.

29-06-2023, 10:04 PM
Rarely works out ...

29-06-2023, 11:26 PM
Maybe take a different approach. By all means go on dates with the ml/wl but keep it platonic if that's what your craving/missing. Then pay to fuck other pros

30-06-2023, 01:46 AM
"Karate Yes.
Date ML No!"

- Miyagi Sensei.

30-06-2023, 11:28 AM
Lay the cards out , ask if ur serious than would U leave the industry and get a every day normal job and be happy wife bf/gf . Etc but if she doesn't answer with haste 8d be cautious.

30-06-2023, 11:41 AM
Lol this topic [emoji1787]

Hahaha sticky [emoji1787]

Straight from a WLs mouth. The man has to be strong and extremely understanding. Especially if she remains in the business.

Some advice; don't read the reviews of the girl you're dating. It's a total mind fuck.

If you're a jealous guy, forget about it.

Imagine walking down the street hand in hand then one of her customers sees her. I bet she'll walk around with a cap, sunglasses and mask [emoji40]

I reckon there's a 2% success rate.

I know some cases where the girls go back to being WLs even after marriage because the money runs out. The husbands or BFs have no idea most of the time.

Once they do this job, it's just too easy for them to go back to it when there's money issues.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

30-06-2023, 12:02 PM
Earlier this year I started a post titled " The one" which mysteriously went missing. Anyway, thought long and hard about it and decided to keep it on a business level even though there is chemistry. She now also does private work aswell as working in shop. Last time I saw her was in an apartment. Stayed about 2 hours. Upon leaving I offered her money but she refused and I insisted and left her money all the same.

If you're prepared to date, just remember that her work is of an intimate nature and there will allways be a chance that the next punter can;

A. Be better looking and have better physique
B. Be younger
C. Drive a more expensive car
D. Earn more money
E. Have a bigger dick and know how to use it
F. Form a closer connection

Than yourself.

30-06-2023, 12:06 PM
All that is true but if a ML/ WL even asks that question than there's something there because most of time it's us asking them if they will date. It doesn't happen very often a ML) WL will even want to date a customer.

30-06-2023, 12:41 PM
Threads on variations of this theme keep coming up again and again and veterans of this Forum find them tiresome, boring, and annoying and that's perfectly understandable, they have seen them 100 times before.
But the fact is every time they appear they get lots of views and lots of replies, so clearly it's an issue that is of interest to many punters, and there are always new punters arriving dealing with or thinking about these issues for the first time.
So just let it be. Let it roll.
if it doesn't interest you just read another thread. Nobody is forcing you to read this one.

30-06-2023, 12:54 PM
Ok I have been thinking about this for a week now! Last week I seen one of my regular ML's I haven't seen for a while, and she asked if I have ever dated a Asian girl before! I was surprised by her asking if I wanted to see her and if it works out to do the whole bf/gf thing! Is this genuine?

I don't know, didn't think I'll ever go down this path though or want too, she is gorgeous has a great personality though, and always really playful when I have seen her!

I need advice? Help? Haha do I or don't I!

We keep seeing this question asked in many forms...

It comes down to: what is your end game ?

marriage, kids, life partner ?

or are you just after a quick fuck or maybe just a regular.

think about it, nothing here really to discuss which hasn't been said before.

30-06-2023, 01:03 PM
All that is true but if a ML/ WL even asks that question than there's something there because most of time it's us asking them if they will date. It doesn't happen very often a ML) WL will even want to date a customer.

That actually happened to me. Chemistry from the first meeting. Very private and mistrustful girl in a popular shop. She became my regular and after a while she actually asked for my number, I gave it to her. Then she invited me to go to a restaurant of her background as I had never been. Of course I went along. Then it went on from there.

I believe it is rare but it does happen.

At the beginning she asked me to send her a photo. I posted about this as it did my head in. I now know that all she wanted to do was show my photo around to the other girls to see if I was going out with someone else as well. I wasn’t and that created a lot of trust with her.

Was she doing that with others? Perhaps, but I didn’t let feelings get in the way and I had a lot of fun while it lasted. I always knew it wasn’t for the long term and I think she knew it as well. In my two experiences I think they needed companionship, someone to trust and share their real thoughts and feelings. They don’t need sex but they do enjoy sex with someone they trust when they don’t have to perform their routine. Sex with them outside the shop was something else, not the routine.

I changed my views on dating these girls, if you asked me 6 months ago I would say a straight no, pay fuck and leave. Now I think you should give it a go as long as you know what you are getting into.

30-06-2023, 01:35 PM
I agree ��, if there's chemistry from that very first meeting, there's a high chance of something if you can control your thoughts and wat you say. I myself have a lovely regular and our chemistry from get go was wow, and I don't over think things, and she's asked me questions before I did, out of the blue msgs asking how I am, so I'm taking it slow to see if it can blossom further or keep it as is . Some ML do say things to keep U coming we're some say things because they genuinely mean it especially the more mature ML.

30-06-2023, 01:45 PM
If you're the non-jealous type the beauty of having a WL as a girlfriend is Free Sex.

30-06-2023, 01:49 PM
I agree ��, if there's chemistry from that very first meeting, there's a high chance of something if you can control your thoughts and wat you say. I myself have a lovely regular and our chemistry from get go was wow, and I don't over think things, and she's asked me questions before I did, out of the blue msgs asking how I am, so I'm taking it slow to see if it can blossom further or keep it as is . Some ML do say things to keep U coming were the some say things because they genuinely mean it especially the more mature ML.

Exactly the same for me. Be a good human, connect with her and let it flow

30-06-2023, 01:56 PM
Threads on variations of this theme keep coming up again and again and veterans of this Forum find them tiresome, boring, and annoying and that's perfectly understandable, they have seen them 100 times before.
But the fact is every time they appear they get lots of views and lots of replies, so clearly it's an issue that is of interest to many punters, and there are always new punters arriving dealing with or thinking about these issues for the first time.
So just let it be. Let it roll.
if it doesn't interest you just read another thread. Nobody is forcing you to read this one.

Good one Rooter! I agree!

30-06-2023, 02:05 PM
If it happens it happens, if not than a regular for life

30-06-2023, 02:06 PM
I buy mine presents and all, why not 8f she's good to you

30-06-2023, 02:28 PM
I buy mine presents and all, why not 8f she's good to youI think you're looking for a wife in the wrong places.

Try Seeking.com

Not exactly good for wives but a few girls are looking as well.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

30-06-2023, 02:32 PM
All that is true but if a ML/ WL even asks that question than there's something there because most of time it's us asking them if they will date. It doesn't happen very often a ML) WL will even want to date a customer.This happens a lot more than you think. Especially if the girls are tired and are looking for a way out.

Again, once she knows how to get this much money. It'll will always be an option for her.

Just like any relationship, sex is fantastic in the beginning but then it gets boring for one or both parties. Many WLs perform different in relationships than what they get paid for.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

30-06-2023, 05:01 PM
Gee that's about much, wife searching woah way not after my last few relationships . I'm very particular now, learnt alot from cunning strong minded women

30-06-2023, 05:04 PM
This happens a lot more than you think. Especially if the girls are tired and are looking for a way out.

Again, once she knows how to get this much money. It'll will always be an option for her.

Just like any relationship, sex is fantastic in the beginning but then it gets boring for one or both parties. Many WLs perform different in relationships than what they get paid for.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

I'm hearing you... But if it's something that puts that marker over the edge who knows wat a ML will do. It's a really risky head fukk game so unless your to trust her word, just say for example she says your the 9bly one I fs with and there's room for trust , all U can do is trust and have faith as you do in any relationship

30-06-2023, 05:22 PM
Gee that's about much, wife searching woah way not after my last few relationships . I'm very particular now, learnt alot from cunning strong minded womenLol I'm only going by your bio bro. Looking for my Asian wife.

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

30-06-2023, 05:47 PM
I agree ��, if there's chemistry from that very first meeting, there's a high chance of something if you can control your thoughts and wat you say. I myself have a lovely regular and our chemistry from get go was wow, and I don't over think things, and she's asked me questions before I did, out of the blue msgs asking how I am, so I'm taking it slow to see if it can blossom further or keep it as is . Some ML do say things to keep U coming we're some say things because they genuinely mean it especially the more mature ML.

GTFOH. .and I presume you still believe in fucken Santa Claus.
The type of work, the lifestyle, the environment and friendships they form is all based on lies and unfortunately this is hard to shake off and continues long after they've left the industry.

30-06-2023, 07:30 PM
[QUOTE=Double_Adapter;2717529]GTFOH. .and I presume you still believe in fucken Santa Claus.
The type of work, the lifestyle, the environment and friendships they form is all based on lies and unfortunately this is hard to shake off and continues long after they've left the industry.[/QUOTE

Calm down turbo, lol obviously they see you as an easy target if U have a mindset like that your going nowhere fast.
Some of them do probably lie but I'm pretty sure9st ML/ WL have no reason to lie, maybe to U with that attitude.

30-06-2023, 08:51 PM
Pm me and I'll tell you my sad story you'll benefit from it

30-06-2023, 09:10 PM
[QUOTE=Double_Adapter;2717529]GTFOH. .and I presume you still believe in fucken Santa Claus.
The type of work, the lifestyle, the environment and friendships they form is all based on lies and unfortunately this is hard to shake off and continues long after they've left the industry.[/QUOTE

Calm down turbo, lol obviously they see you as an easy target if U have a mindset like that your going nowhere fast.
Some of them do probably lie but I'm pretty sure9st ML/ WL have no reason to lie, maybe to U with that attitude.

Yeah they probly see me as a hardened black knight and prefer the easy white knights like yourself....but cest la vie

30-06-2023, 10:06 PM

Yeah they probly see me as a hardened black knight and prefer the easy white knights like yourself....but cest la vie

Wat makes U think I'm white,

01-07-2023, 12:24 AM
Threads on variations of this theme keep coming up again and again and veterans of this Forum find them tiresome, boring, and annoying and that's perfectly understandable, they have seen them 100 times before.
But the fact is every time they appear they get lots of views and lots of replies, so clearly it's an issue that is of interest to many punters, and there are always new punters arriving dealing with or thinking about these issues for the first time.
So just let it be. Let it roll.
if it doesn't interest you just read another thread. Nobody is forcing you to read this one.
B-b-but what about my right to feel outraged or offended that this topic has come up yet again? How am I supposed to feel superior if I can’t respond condescendingly to such total noob questions?? 🙂

01-07-2023, 12:54 AM
Personally i wouldn't do it. I used to see a regular and she constantly kept asking my dating life and that she wants PR. She keeps bring it up when i see her. I have a feeling she wants PR but i stand my ground that im here to get my cock sucked and drained and im out. In saying that she seem like a genuine girl and hope her all the best.

Despite everyone here saying no, i'll be the other guy.
Yeah why not, do it, go out with her, have fun, try not to think about it too much and see where things go. I guess what would bother you is probably her history so if you could look passed that and don't think shes stringing you along for other things then do it.
If it doesn't work out then oh well, at least you have fun? But got to be smart about it. If she starts wanting things like money and rushing things like baby/PR etc what do you think??

01-07-2023, 01:23 AM
Are you looking for somebody to love you, or somebody to love?

If answer is the latter, sure go for it if you can afford it. Otherwise, please don't be a fool.

Ender Kekilli
01-07-2023, 09:25 AM
Dating a lady of the night is stupid your wife will disagree and leave you! Just pay and go young men!

01-07-2023, 11:13 AM
Spend a few hours in a massage parlour and see for yourself the men your favorite ML goes in and out of the room with.

If that doesn't turn you off what would?

01-07-2023, 03:19 PM
I want to fuck m/l's & w/l's. Not date them.

01-07-2023, 04:33 PM
If the ladies are of the ilk where they can sell themselves, provide debauched extras for more $$$ multiple times daily they'd have no qualms about destroying the sad n lonely.

01-07-2023, 05:08 PM
The real problem is women's current attitudes towards men. Social media and feminism have made Western women believe they hold the power when it comes to dating and that men should bow to them even when they own nothing or very little or are single mums with baggage.

Some men fear rejection or are too intimidated by aggressive and liberal thinking women that they feel approaching a massage or working girl may be a safer way that gives them what they want.

You gotta get with the times bro.

The main problem I see for the older punters (veterans, baby boomers, gen-x) is that they are looking for a 1980's type love/relationship in a 2020's incel-narcissistic hookup culture. The times, society, people, women, and relationships have changed. It's all fucked and we just gotta roll with the slaps.


01-07-2023, 05:21 PM
Ok I have been thinking about this for a week now! Last week I seen one of my regular ML's I haven't seen for a while, and she asked if I have ever dated a Asian girl before! I was surprised by her asking if I wanted to see her and if it works out to do the whole bf/gf thing! Is this genuine?

I don't know, didn't think I'll ever go down this path though or want too, she is gorgeous has a great personality though, and always really playful when I have seen her!

I need advice? Help? Haha do I or don't I!

let's keep it simple and clear ...
any girl who is active ml or wl cannot be in real relationship. can be a good friend or a great lover but not girlfriend ... real relationship with active ml / wl doesn't exist, anyone who believe the opposite 'on this specific topic' living a lie.
but if she stops this work and change her life completely then yes can be even your wife if you 'really' like her.

if is just for a date [ as lover / sponsor / sugar daddy / papa ], have fun, go out, traveling together and nothing else ... then for sure can happen and enjoy it in full.

01-07-2023, 06:46 PM
We should ask Violet in to do her Phd thesis on "Long Term Relationship Between Punters and WLs".

If you don't know who is Violet don't ask.

01-07-2023, 08:52 PM
We should ask Violet in to do her Phd thesis on "Long Term Relationship Between Punters and WLs".

If you don't know who is Violet don't ask.

I'll pay this comment.

02-07-2023, 12:07 AM
Spend a few hours in a massage parlour and see for yourself the men your favorite ML goes in and out of the room with.

If that doesn't turn you off what would?
So true. I was in a waiting room and the sight of seeing all kinda men coming and going, was quite an experience ( for a second I thought the girl whom I wanted to see was just fucking this guy who hasn't shaved for two weeks, didn't even bother to wear shoes and let me keep the rest to my self as don't want to seen as targeting one particular ethnicity) In fact, I couldn't get myself into it and I walked out.

02-07-2023, 12:28 AM
So true. I was in a waiting room and the sight of seeing all kinda men coming and going, was quite an experience ( for a second I thought the girl whom I wanted to see was just fucking this guy who hasn't shaved for two weeks, didn't even bother to wear shoes and let me keep the rest to my self as don't want to seen as targeting one particular ethnicity) In fact, I couldn't get myself into it and I walked out.

It’s disgusting isn’t it. Worst part is it takes its toll on these ladies. And then these slobs complain about the service. Fucken sandal wearing grots, I can’t stand seeing these losers.

02-07-2023, 09:09 AM
So true. I was in a waiting room and the sight of seeing all kinda men coming and going, was quite an experience ( for a second I thought the girl whom I wanted to see was just fucking this guy who hasn't shaved for two weeks, didn't even bother to wear shoes and let me keep the rest to my self as don't want to seen as targeting one particular ethnicity) In fact, I couldn't get myself into it and I walked out.

This is why I prefer morning's or early to see wl/ml.
They'll be fresh at least or no waiting to see them. However where were few occasions despite bookings I have to wait and at the massage parlour there isn't much privacy, there's a gap at the ceiling and even with load music you can still hear conversations or their moans.
So the ml I was seeing I hear her moans while I waited outside.

02-07-2023, 10:23 AM
It’s disgusting isn’t it. Worst part is it takes its toll on these ladies. And then these slobs complain about the service. Fucken sandal wearing grots, I can’t stand seeing these losers.

It's a shame isn't it, half of the ladies are stunners and have to put up with duds and losers.

02-07-2023, 03:17 PM
I was always thinking that a WL pockets way above most people per day and they should give a good service! but that day when I saw a guy walking out with Sandals and probably unshaved for 2-3 weeks, I just told myself they should do get more money to share an intimate moment even for 30 minutes. It is not easy at all. No way. I know myself that I do present myself reasonably well and I am sure many of you do the same but there are plenty out there who believe their money should buy everything regardless of the way they present themselves

02-07-2023, 03:31 PM
I was always thinking that a WL pockets way above most people per day and they should give a good service! but that day when I saw a guy walking out with Sandals and probably unshaved for 2-3 weeks, I just told myself they should do get more money to share an intimate moment even for 30 minutes. It is not easy at all. No way. I know myself that I do present myself reasonably well and I am sure many of you do the same but there are plenty out there who believe their money should buy everything regardless of the way they present themselves

Couldn’t agree more. I am not Brad Pitt but I look after myself and present very well. I treat them well and don’t expect anything unusual or extreme.

I was once leaving the brothel after a great time with my regular and I heard the customer for xxx go to room whatever. I made the mistake of looking back and I saw possibly the biggest person I had ever seen , huge beard, sandals totally unkept. I am not exaggerating. I left the brothel shocked and upset for her.

To add to it I also see her outside the brothel frequently which creates a certain friendship like bond. She told me that night via text that these guys are ok because they just lay down and expect her to do all the work. She just makes sure to give them a good clean in the shower.

Not easy nevertheless

02-07-2023, 06:41 PM
I was always thinking that a WL pockets way above most people per day and they should give a good service! but that day when I saw a guy walking out with Sandals and probably unshaved for 2-3 weeks, I just told myself they should do get more money to share an intimate moment even for 30 minutes. It is not easy at all. No way. I know myself that I do present myself reasonably well and I am sure many of you do the same but there are plenty out there who believe their money should buy everything regardless of the way they present themselves

Some of these ladies especially the managersorore booked girls would take home minimum 800 a day so yeah these slobs don't give 2 fcks which is pathetic if U low standard of self worth. There will come a day that of you look chat and no shoes unclean there will be no entry just like no there's no indian signs on shops,there never used to be.

02-07-2023, 06:45 PM
I was always thinking that a WL pockets way above most people per day and they should give a good service! but that day when I saw a guy walking out with Sandals and probably unshaved for 2-3 weeks, I just told myself they should do get more money to share an intimate moment even for 30 minutes. It is not easy at all. No way. I know myself that I do present myself reasonably well and I am sure many of you do the same but there are plenty out there who believe their money should buy everything regardless of the way they present themselves

These fucken surfie and Nordic dudes are giving all other sandal wearing ethnic groups a bad name!

02-07-2023, 07:19 PM
Hahaha, that was Gold Double_Adapter!

07-07-2023, 02:25 PM
Thank you for the feedback and enlightenment! Cleared up for me! But I have decided the yeah....... nah! Don't need the hassle and drama! If it was a fwb kind of arrangement then yeah, nothing serious!

07-07-2023, 02:49 PM
These threads were every man and his dog has a dig a blokes that wear brown sandals is completely fucked. Give the poor guys a fair go! Next thing you know chicks will start complaining and refuse to see blokes riding scooters!

07-07-2023, 09:59 PM
I always wear brown sandals. no need to do up the laces on the way out.Sometimes I keep them on.

08-07-2023, 05:33 PM
I would just say yes and get the freebies but don't take it seriously just think of it as punting outside the shop with freebies.

24-09-2023, 12:42 PM
There’s studies, There’s literally statistics that show That promiscuous women are not good long-term partners for marriage.

That’s all I’m saying, so they are not the best bet to commit to. I’m not saying don’t hook up with them, I’m not saying Don’t show them Attention, I’m not saying don’t spend time with them.. But when it comes to marriage or something very serious They are just not the best candidates unfortunately, And that’s a statistical fact that is not my opinion, it is not misogynistic, that is realistic.

24-09-2023, 02:58 PM
There’s studies, There’s literally statistics that show That promiscuous women are not good long-term partners for marriage.

That’s all I’m saying, so they are not the best bet to commit to. I’m not saying don’t hook up with them, I’m not saying Don’t show them Attention, I’m not saying don’t spend time with them.. But when it comes to marriage or something very serious They are just not the best candidates unfortunately, And that’s a statistical fact that is not my opinion, it is not misogynistic, that is realistic.

Given that 50%-60% of 'normal' marriages end up in divorce I'm not sure if the alternative picture you are painting is any better...

24-09-2023, 03:03 PM
Given that 50%-60% of 'normal' marriages end up in divorce I'm not sure if the alternative picture you are painting is any better... How many of those marriages ended because Hubby got caught paying for it.

24-09-2023, 03:06 PM
i think its just best not to have feelings for MLs or WLs.

24-09-2023, 03:09 PM
I'm dating a WL right now.

Don't have any expectations on anything serious or getting her out of the life. It's for the thrill, taking it realllllllllllll slow.

The problem is, there's always your gut instinct at the back of your mind thinking "Is this really her? Or, all for show?"

My genuine advice would be only do it if you have the mental fortitude with no expectations.

Edit - Extra info

24-09-2023, 03:40 PM
I'm dating a WL right now.

Don't have any expectations on anything serious or getting her out of the life. It's for the thrill, taking it realllllllllllll slow.

The problem is, there's always your gut instinct at the back of your mind thinking "Is this really her? Or, all for show?"

My genuine advice would be only do it if you have the mental fortitude with no expectations.

Edit - Extra info

I would say not everyone has the mental fortitude that you are talking about. I hope everything works out for you guys, bro.

24-09-2023, 03:43 PM
I'm dating a WL right now.

Don't have any expectations on anything serious or getting her out of the life. It's for the thrill, taking it realllllllllllll slow.

The problem is, there's always your gut instinct at the back of your mind thinking "Is this really her? Or, all for show?"

My genuine advice would be only do it if you have the mental fortitude with no expectations.

Edit - Extra info Please with all due respect but I'd like to ask does your post tell me that maybe you don't socialize in other circles where a healthy relationship can develop naturally?

24-09-2023, 03:46 PM
Fucken sandal wearing grots, I can’t stand seeing these losers.

Anyone who wear sandals & Crocs in public are low quality humans.

24-09-2023, 04:37 PM
Please with all due respect but I'd like to ask does your post tell me that maybe you don't socialize in other circles where a healthy relationship can develop naturally?

It's all good my bro.
I'm single & have a few social circles. Dated around but nothing serious.
Focusing on career right now, but if one comes along, one comes along.

At the end of the day, we're all human. Don't put anyone on a pedestal.

24-09-2023, 04:38 PM
I'm dating a WL right now.

Don't have any expectations on anything serious or getting her out of the life. It's for the thrill, taking it realllllllllllll slow.

The problem is, there's always your gut instinct at the back of your mind thinking "Is this really her? Or, all for show?"

My genuine advice would be only do it if you have the mental fortitude with no expectations.

Edit - Extra info

The problem is, you'll probably find out the hard way whether or not you had the mental fortitude for it.

25-09-2023, 08:49 AM
The problem is, you'll probably find out the hard way whether or not you had the mental fortitude for it.

It would 100% depend on the nature of the relationship.
If it was a bit of a fling, fun, nothing serious - I might cope....
If I had feelings for the girl - I doubt I'd make it through her first shift at work without losing it.....

I think I'd be OK (and the I think is huge) dating an ex-WG (say, as an ex-client).... but it would still be doing my head in to some degree....

25-09-2023, 08:51 AM
It would 100% depend on the nature of the relationship.
If it was a bit of a fling, fun, nothing serious - I might cope....
If I had feelings for the girl - I doubt I'd make it through her first shift at work without losing it.....

I think I'd be OK (and the I think is huge) dating an ex-WG (say, as an ex-client).... but it would still be doing my head in to some degree....

Sorry mate but you are in for a surprise and rude shock, unless you are a psychopath or suffers from other mental health diseases that suppresses feelings and compassion towards others. Compassion is not the right word but I am in the gym and can’t think of another now. But I would avoid. Speaking from experience. Find a psychologist now

25-09-2023, 09:36 AM
Sorry mate but you are in for a surprise and rude shock, unless you are a psychopath or suffers from other mental health diseases that suppresses feelings and compassion towards others. Compassion is not the right word but I am in the gym and can’t think of another now. But I would avoid. Speaking from experience. Find a psychologist now

I'm not at all sure if you read my reply properly?
I just said I doubt I would cope in any circumstance. If I were single and had feelings for a WG and the prospect to date her came up, I know what my heart would make me do, and I would be hurt badly I'm sure.... that is what I was saying. I'm not a psychopath.... I'm not sure where you would get that from?

25-09-2023, 10:12 AM
I'm not at all sure if you read my reply properly?
I just said I doubt I would cope in any circumstance. If I were single and had feelings for a WG and the prospect to date her came up, I know what my heart would make me do, and I would be hurt badly I'm sure.... that is what I was saying. I'm not a psychopath.... I'm not sure where you would get that from?

Dont take me wrong mate, by psychopath I mean someone with the inability to have empathy towards others, not what the media makes of psychopaths, not a murderer, but what actually psychopathy which is more like impaired empathy.

25-09-2023, 10:33 AM
It’s one of those things where you hear the advice of ppl who went thru these experiences but it kinda goes out the other ear. Unfortunately as much as some ppl are trying to be helpful and look out for other bros here with reasons and logics, ones who are tempted for such will have to go thru it themselves to realise it. It’s true that unless you are a psychopath, there’s no getting around the mental impact it will have on you.

25-09-2023, 10:38 AM
Dont take me wrong mate, by psychopath I mean someone with the inability to have empathy towards others, not what the media makes of psychopaths, not a murderer, but what actually psychopathy which is more like impaired empathy.

I know what psychopathy means, I think my post was pretty measured and an honest appraisal of how I think I would go in the situation - most likely pretty badly... I've never done it, so I don't know for sure, will I ever - highly unlikely... its all hypothetical...

25-09-2023, 10:41 AM
It’s one of those things where you hear the advice of ppl who went thru these experiences but it kinda goes out the other ear. Unfortunately as much as some ppl are trying to be helpful and look out for other bros here with reasons and logics, ones who are tempted for such will have to go thru it themselves to realise it. It’s true that unless you are a psychopath, there’s no getting around the mental impact it will have on you.

I know what my heart is like.... given the chance it would drag me down, on that off-chance something great could happen, irrespective of well-meant advice from others.... it's just how it is, and not only for me I'm sure. It isn't about thinking with the big brain or the little brain either, it is just how it is. I know myself too well after a bunch of years.

Juice Newton said it well:
'Playin' with the Queen of Hearts
Knowin' it ain't really smart'

25-09-2023, 10:50 AM
It’s one of those things where you hear the advice of ppl who went thru these experiences but it kinda goes out the other ear. Unfortunately as much as some ppl are trying to be helpful and look out for other bros here with reasons and logics, ones who are tempted for such will have to go thru it themselves to realise it. It’s true that unless you are a psychopath, there’s no getting around the mental impact it will have on you.

You are right mate, bros here warned me and I went through with it twice. Never again and the scars will be with me forever. Enough of that

25-09-2023, 12:57 PM
I hear these stories and it’s definitely helpful and appreciate many sharing it. For me, I kinda wish a hot ML or WL would date me lol. I’ve come close to a few but never really ended up in a proper relationship. I wouldn’t mind experiencing it without being too serious and enjoy it. I’m intrigued by this industry and I want to find out for myself what WL/ML are really like. I know it’s not all fun and probably comes with a lot of emotional baggage. I think it’s more of a fantasy for me.

25-09-2023, 01:13 PM
I hear these stories and it’s definitely helpful and appreciate many sharing it. For me, I kinda wish a hot ML or WL would date me lol. I’ve come close to a few but never really ended up in a proper relationship. I wouldn’t mind experiencing it without being too serious and enjoy it. I’m intrigued by this industry and I want to find out for myself what WL/ML are really like. I know it’s not all fun and probably comes with a lot of emotional baggage. I think it’s more of a fantasy for me. Their just women who are prepared to fuck for the right price. Nothing special about that.

25-09-2023, 01:17 PM
Ok I have been thinking about this for a week now! Last week I seen one of my regular ML's I haven't seen for a while, and she asked if I have ever dated a Asian girl before! I was surprised by her asking if I wanted to see her and if it works out to do the whole bf/gf thing! Is this genuine?

I don't know, didn't think I'll ever go down this path though or want too, she is gorgeous has a great personality though, and always really playful when I have seen her!

I need advice? Help? Haha do I or don't I!

To date or be in real relationship with the active ml or wl doesn't exist. You can be only real friends, lovers / sex partners or you can be a papa/ sponsor/ sugar daddy.
If she stops working in this industry and change her life then yes 'maybe' is possible to date or be in real relationship with her, if you really like her a lot.
Any man who think that can date or be in real relationship with active ml or wl, lives an illusion, is desperate / has low self esteem or has mental issues.

25-09-2023, 02:03 PM
To date or be in real relationship with the active ml or wl doesn't exist. You can be only real friends, lovers / sex partners or you can be a papa/ sponsor/ sugar daddy.
If she stops working in this industry and change her life then yes 'maybe' is possible to date or be in real relationship with her, if you really like her a lot.
Any man who think that can date or be in real relationship with active ml or wl, lives an illusion, is desperate / has low self esteem or has mental issues. Or confuses a need for love and belonging with sex.

25-09-2023, 10:14 PM
Whether or not you would date a WL is a personal decision that depends on your own values, beliefs, and comfort levels.
People have different attitudes and opinions on this matter, and there is no right or wrong answer.

It's important to approach any potential relationship with open and honest communication.
If you find yourself in a situation where you are considering dating someone who is or has been a WL,
it's essential to have conversations about both of your expectations, boundaries, and any concerns you may have.
Ultimately, the success of any relationship depends on mutual respect, trust, and understanding between the individuals involved.

26-09-2023, 08:37 PM
Before you date a M/L-W/L I want you to consider firstly that when dating a civive woman is that all love to talk about work, a woman for example asks a man "How was work? " & he'll just say something like " It was Ok or work is work". Now a part of being in a civvie relationship is the ability to listen when you ask that question to a woman & she can talk non stop about how her day was & she'll appreciate you listening to her.

Now when you ask that question to a W/L-M/L you need to ask yourself, do you really want to her about her day? No matter how much you can detach that the work sex she is having is different to both of you making love you're going to have that thought in your head about the men she slept with that day & do you want to her about it? Really? Do you? Let's just say that perhaps she recognises that her sex work is just work & is probably better emotionally equipped to deal with that you need to ask yourself, are you emotionally equipped? Can you deal with it? Are you strong enough? Because my friend you're going to need to be no matter how much you may feel for her, how much you love her, how much you love the other aspects of her personality.

Take that into consideration.

If by "dating" you mean a FWB type situation without that much of a connection & expectations about the whole thing then you're fine however anything beyond that then see the above because it will become an issue & fester over time.

Good luck.

26-09-2023, 09:39 PM
Ok I have been thinking about this for a week now! Last week I seen one of my regular ML's I haven't seen for a while, and she asked if I have ever dated a Asian girl before! I was surprised by her asking if I wanted to see her and if it works out to do the whole bf/gf thing! Is this genuine?

I don't know, didn't think I'll ever go down this path though or want too, she is gorgeous has a great personality though, and always really playful when I have seen her!

I need advice? Help? Haha do I or don't I!

Well, mate, that's a bit of a sticky wicket, isn't it? When it comes to matters of the heart, it's essential to think things through. Now, there's no one-size-fits-all answer to this, but here's what I reckon:

If you're considerin' a relationship with a person who's worked as a sex worker, the most important thing is to communicate and understand each other's pasts and feelings. Everyone's got a history, and what matters most is how you both feel about each other now.

Trust and respect are the cornerstones of any good relationship. So, if you're comfortable with each other's pasts and have trust and respect in your relationship, then go ahead and give it a fair go. Love can bloom in unexpected places.

But remember, mate, it's not about judgin' someone for their past; it's about how you both feel in the present and whether you can build a future together. So, take your time, have those honest conversations, and make your decision from there. Love's a complicated thing, no doubt about it.

28-09-2023, 12:17 AM
If she's asking such questions than there is potential for something special, you need to talk with her and feel were she is at , 1.is she serious.2. Is she willing to leave the industry behind.3. If your thinking about it start off with dinner and lunch , spend some time with her. 4. Leave the past in the past , we all have our demons.. If a ml asks such questions it's a good sign especially if use click.

28-09-2023, 07:47 AM
If she's asking such questions than there is potential for something special, you need to talk with her and feel were she is at , 1.is she serious.2. Is she willing to leave the industry behind.3. If your thinking about it start off with dinner and lunch , spend some time with her. 4. Leave the past in the past , we all have our demons.. If a ml asks such questions it's a good sign especially if use click.

There is a question to ask yourself in there too.... Are you willing to leave the industry behind?

28-09-2023, 09:10 AM
There is a question to ask yourself in there too.... Are you willing to leave the industry behind?

Good point, it is not fair if she leaves the industry but you don’t

28-09-2023, 05:12 PM
Unless you want to live in the world of liar this will start as soon as you date them Lol

02-10-2023, 05:41 PM
There is a question to ask yourself in there too.... Are you willing to leave the industry behind?

Obviously if you start dating it's the right thing to do .. but so many on here are Unloyal , dishonest and just lie flat out.to the partners , it's pathetic if you ask me.