View Full Version : Lin - miso honey

07-07-2023, 01:08 PM
Holy fucking shit!

41 but looks way younger (im normally into 20 to 30), absolutely stunning face and body, nice and petite. Very nice C cups, perfect backside.... I'm fresh out the door atm feeling pretty confident that she's second to the best I've had... only second because the best, Jessica, back in the day did bbbj and kissing for $150 30 mins... she was ridiculous vfm.

Lin is also happy to chat but not too chatty. Smiles a lot too and she does have a gorgeous smile. She normally charges to oral on her but I scored a freebie and gave her a couple of orgasms in return....

I'm chuffed with the experience, especially after my last 5 attempts (private and brothel) have been walk aways.

There was another stunner there too, but I missed her name.

Protip.. turn up dressed well. I was fresh from a job interview and I'm sure it made a difference.

07-07-2023, 03:37 PM
Protip.. turn up dressed well. I was fresh from a job interview and I'm sure it made a difference.
did you get the job?

if not, then next time reverse the order. See Lin before your job interview and then walk-in to your prospective workplace giving off those pheromones

07-07-2023, 04:00 PM
any links for this person ?

07-07-2023, 05:45 PM
She normally charges to oral on her but I scored a freebie and gave her a couple of orgasms in return....

Always find it amusing when people think they made sex workers have orgasms....

07-07-2023, 05:46 PM
Alsways find it amusing when people think they made sex workers have orgasms....

not forgetting it wasn't just ONE, but a couple.

08-07-2023, 01:59 AM
Sex workers are just women lads.. it is possible for them to enjoy the experience if YOU put in the effort.... if you just pay your money, stick it in and thrust a few times before groaning like a retarded elephant seal and jizzing on your own cock then I'm not shocked that you've never showed a working girl a good time.. or any woman for that matter.

There is a certain level of leg shakes and a stark increase in the level of vaginal lubrication that kinda gives it away... just a pro tip for your next sad adventure. :)

08-07-2023, 02:00 AM

08-07-2023, 05:14 AM
anything is possible, but in all likelihood, you are only a dollar sign to them and they won't be aroused enough for the big Ö

13-07-2023, 06:29 AM
An average to good looking man in a well made suit is a turn on for all women. I cant tell you the number of married office worker wives that have offered me fun in a hotel across the road from their govt job. the dirty cheating whores.

13-07-2023, 06:44 AM
methinks they just ugly