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08-07-2023, 08:15 AM
Gents - firstly let me admit, I suck at this and hence asking fellow punters. I treat ML/WL nicely because there’s no reason to be a prick with them. But I struggle to hold an interactive conversation for more than a few minutes at a time.

I read a lot about chatterbox style interactions. What do folks talk about, how do you do it?

08-07-2023, 08:26 AM
Mate practice it. Its also a good skill for the outside world.

Just be curious and show actual interest. Ask about their hobbies, what they like, etc just like a curious kid.

Just dont be too intrusive

08-07-2023, 10:22 AM
I've found the conversation quite limited on most first-up sessions. However if you go back subsequently and the girl remembers you, you'll find a more relaxed feeling and the conversation tends to naturally flow more easily. I'm sometimes surprised what a girl will reveal after a few sessions when she feels comfortable with you.

08-07-2023, 10:24 AM
Like mentioned below, be genuinely curious about the other person and the conversation will flow. Keep asking questions with the genuine interest to know more.
Generally people love talking about themselves

08-07-2023, 11:27 AM
The key is to be relaxed yourself and to get her to relax as well. Some girls clam up because they're strung up and stressed out about you being a customer. They draw a clear line between themselves and you.

So you do everything in your power to make them feel relaxed, then the conversation will flow.

Humour is great, but don't be a smart arse or be sarcastic. Be sharp, pick up on something that you can slide in a flirty remark or joke that also praises her. Let her know you find her attractive. Like one ML said to me she worked part-time as a cleaner when I asked if she did anything else like study. That was the perfect opportunity to make jokes about sexy maid services.

Or you can make self-deprecating jokes. Being able to put down yourself for the sake of a few laughs is a good way to show the girl that you're easy to get along with.

Making a girl laugh in a way that makes them feel good about themselves is the best way to make them loosen up.

You can sprinkle a bit of serious talk like something about current affairs, especially anything that might impact on them. Any news you might have heard from their home country, news that impact on her demographic, etc. Not too much serious talk, though, cos it might make you forget about sex. That actually happened to me a few times with more chatty girls!

08-07-2023, 12:56 PM
The key is to be relaxed yourself and to get her to relax as well. Some girls clam up because they're strung up and stressed out about you being a customer. They draw a clear line between themselves and you.

So you do everything in your power to make them feel relaxed, then the conversation will flow.

Humour is great, but don't be a smart arse or be sarcastic. Be sharp, pick up on something that you can slide in a flirty remark or joke that also praises her. Let her know you find her attractive. Like one ML said to me she worked part-time as a cleaner when I asked if she did anything else like study. That was the perfect opportunity to make jokes about sexy maid services.

Or you can make self-deprecating jokes. Being able to put down yourself for the sake of a few laughs is a good way to show the girl that you're easy to get along with.

Making a girl laugh in a way that makes them feel good about themselves is the best way to make them loosen up.

You can sprinkle a bit of serious talk like something about current affairs, especially anything that might impact on them. Any news you might have heard from their home country, news that impact on her demographic, etc. Not too much serious talk, though, cos it might make you forget about sex. That actually happened to me a few times with more chatty girls!

Some good points here.
Conversation skills go a long way in any situation. Some girls give short answers because of language, mood, being introverts etc so don't flog a dead horse, but as was said the ability to make a girl laugh opens more doors, both in punting and in general. Sometimes language is a big obstacle, so asking which girls speak better English is a good start. Last night I had a rnt on the GC where we went into deep philosophical conversation about relationships, particularly between Caucasian men and Asian women. It went from at the start of the session being a clothed hj only to her stripping off and me cumming all over her milf tits. She contemplated fs for just a second before a "no I don't do" was replied.

If you've been to their country/hometown talk about that, if not, ask where you should go etc. Learn a phrase or two in their language. Japanese girls ALWAYS laugh when I bring out my dumb Japanese pick up lines. One girl slapped me madium-hard square on the arse while laughing then laughed harder while apologising as the slap still echoed around the room. Ice breakers. Ease the tension. Another girl told me her favourite hobby was watching comedy videos on YouTube, so we spent 10mins on the massage bed watching vids, she laughed, session after that was really relaxed and playful.

08-07-2023, 01:32 PM
Me and my current regular ML love to talk about food and places we have eaten at around Sydney that are great.

As she works 12hr days in the shop i see her at she and the other girls normally order uber eats and gets it delivered to the shop but i now msg her on the days i see her after i've made a booking with the shop and ask her what she feels like to eat and buy it for her and bring it along with me to the booking.

Ever since i started doing that i always book a 90 min session so i can give her 30 mins to eat and relax and we can chat then the session starts off. I always grab her a nice dessert too, good way to top off a nice meal

We also chat about general day to day life and other bits and pieces.

08-07-2023, 01:41 PM
Just talk shit bro.

08-07-2023, 01:41 PM
usually just duration and cost. afterwards some awkward, stilted conversation about maybe where each of us lives as we each hurriedly get dressed.

08-07-2023, 01:43 PM
Obviously for those who prefer Asian girls the language barrier can be an issue, but I have found the Google Translate app to be invaluable for communicating specific phrases and ideas that are difficult to simplify.

08-07-2023, 03:45 PM
I always talk to them about 18 century English writer Jonathan Swift and discuss with them his Horatian and Juvenalian styles of satire.

They are a great help to my English Literature exams.

08-07-2023, 03:47 PM
Gents - firstly let me admit, I suck at this and hence asking fellow punters. I treat ML/WL nicely because there’s no reason to be a prick with them. But I struggle to hold an interactive conversation for more than a few minutes at a time.

I read a lot about chatterbox style interactions. What do folks talk about, how do you do it?

I always talk to them about 18 century English writer Jonathan Swift and discuss with them his Horatian and Juvenalian styles of satire.

They are a great help to my English Literature exams.

08-07-2023, 04:50 PM
Me and my current regular ML love to talk about food and places we have eaten at around Sydney that are great.

As she works 12hr days in the shop i see her at she and the other girls normally order uber eats and gets it delivered to the shop but i now msg her on the days i see her after i've made a booking with the shop and ask her what she feels like to eat and buy it for her and bring it along with me to the booking.

Ever since i started doing that i always book a 90 min session so i can give her 30 mins to eat and relax and we can chat then the session starts off. I always grab her a nice dessert too, good way to top off a nice meal

We also chat about general day to day life and other bits and pieces.

Man, you little too much to be honest. Hahahahaha

Single Malt
08-07-2023, 05:00 PM
There’s plenty of girls that are naturally chatty and happy to talk your ear off without much encouragement if you’re into that, just gotta look around.

I have the opposite problem once a girl becomes a regular - they get so talkative it kinda ruins the mood for what I was initially there for

08-07-2023, 05:11 PM
Compliment them or do something funny to make them smile or laugh at the start, that usually breaks the ice and they relax.

08-07-2023, 05:24 PM
When in doubt or you have hit the wall, just talk about food. Everybody loves food :)

08-07-2023, 05:47 PM
I talk to them about the importance of being a shining star, then the topic moves onto galactic bulges and black holes.
There was once a WL that asked what I did for work so I said 'penetration testing' and so I proceeded to educated her on the concepts with a show and tell with an exam.
Then there was a particular nerdy cauc chick and as she was about to go down on me I educated her on the mechanics of jet engines (refer to blueprint below). I ended up getting an amazing out of body bj experience.


08-07-2023, 08:38 PM
Recently had an ML who used a translator. Conversation is difficult with non English speakers - generally a quiet time. 3 pineapples seems to be fruitful.?
I try to find out where they are from, how long here, studies, food likes and hobbies.

08-07-2023, 08:42 PM
Are any of the "students" actually students though?

08-07-2023, 08:51 PM
Can't imagine any punter paying $250 an hour to chat with a WL.

08-07-2023, 10:06 PM
Are any of the "students" actually students though?

Yep, have had many conversations about course content, boys in their courses, why they chose their courses and so on. Sure a good proportion of them it's just a front, but others are actually trying to get something out of their courses too.

08-07-2023, 10:11 PM
I talk about whatever that comes to mind at the time, but only to break the ice or prevent awkwardness, I generally keep the talking to a minimum, I'm not a talkative guy by any means and I prefer quietness, I just let my action do the talking :) just be casual is all I can say.

09-07-2023, 12:15 AM
I’ve paid $200-250 just to chat or at least never end up cumming myself. Although some might think I’m an idiot, I enjoyed those sessions. In the end we’re all paying for their time. In one of those session, conversation led to female orgasm and she asked me, ‘do you want to see me cum?’ Somewhat embarrassed to say, I witnessed real female orgasm for the first time only a few years back lol. Pretty intense! I saw her pussy filling up with pussy juice, then expelling those juice as her muscles contracted and pulsated. I felt her heartbeat pound. Since then I’ve made ML/WL cum a few more times and really started to enjoy it. Anyway, my point is conversation can lead to interesting things!

09-07-2023, 12:37 AM
I used to see an Australian ML who was good fun and good company. One day she made the claim that the only time there was intelligent conversation in a session was when one partner was giving oral sex. I was in no position to reply!

09-07-2023, 01:34 AM
Gents - firstly let me admit, I suck at this and hence asking fellow punters. I treat ML/WL nicely because there’s no reason to be a prick with them. But I struggle to hold an interactive conversation for more than a few minutes at a time.

I read a lot about chatterbox style interactions. What do folks talk about, how do you do it?

You dun have to talk with them all the time though. Some prefer the silence and dun like useless conversation.

But If you meet the chatty type then you dun really have to think of stuff to talk about. Just treat them normal friends no pressure. I mean you are paying them lol. Sometimes it helps if I know their spoken language and I try to be nice always.

09-07-2023, 04:49 AM
Sometimes it helps if I know their spoken language and I try to be nice always.

Yeah. Having a language barrier makes it way more difficult to carry a conversation.

Ender Kekilli
09-07-2023, 07:03 AM
I talk about myself mainly, cars, fragrances, jewelry etc. they are usually impressed

09-07-2023, 10:03 AM
I don't really say much but the girls keep going on and on about range of topics from dating life to getting boob job etc and I'm just laying there..
I think RNT girls have no one to talk to...

09-07-2023, 06:47 PM
Very much making it about them -- how long they've been in AU, what they are doing here, how they got into the industry and the like