View Full Version : General talk Burner Phone

08-07-2023, 10:46 AM
Is there any way to buy phone sim without providing identity?

08-07-2023, 10:01 PM
Unfortunately not, in Australia you always have to provide ID when you register online. Girls won't track your ID though, the chances of these data being stolen is low.

08-07-2023, 10:07 PM
You can certainly buy SIM cards from the supermarket, but if you want to connect them to a network, it is a legal requirement of the network company to identify you.
This is now called KYC (Know Your Client).
Your only other options are if you know a bikie gang member, or buy an active SIM card when overseas (e.g. Thailand or Philippines) and then have payments made for the connection using a VISA gift card. You can buy VISA or MasterCard gift cards from supermarkets without giving an ID (if you use cash to pay).

08-07-2023, 11:23 PM
A second phone should only be a problem if you doing something illegal with it.

The general public wouldn't be able to trace ownership of it.

09-07-2023, 12:05 PM
Keep in mind that telcos are required by law to store all text messages for a minimum of 2 years.
It's why most people use encrypted apps.

09-07-2023, 12:56 PM
There is two part in the equation....
The phone, yes some phone you can change the IMEI but only works on certain phones and need some hacking.

The Sim, if you only need minimum usage then you can get international sims that works in Australia. Depends on country and carrier that issue the sim, some are very loose on the ID. Phone shops in china town use to sell second hand prepaid SIM used by tourist. Ask around and use at you own risk.

09-07-2023, 01:55 PM
Use a public telephone booth?

09-07-2023, 02:03 PM
Use a public telephone booth?

You can't SMS WeChat WhatsApp.... on phone box

Hidden Python
10-07-2023, 07:04 PM
I am in Thailand right now, and even here you need to provide your passport to get a SIM card, even at the 7/11
If you are just trying to hide your punting habits from the wife, don’t bother too much, just delete your phones call and search history daily, before you get home,
Having two phones will only cause more trouble than it is worth,

10-07-2023, 07:37 PM
Yea you need an ID to register your sim, but I wouldn't worry too much...if you're just going to use it for "legal" punting I don't see any issue with it.

A private scammer once threatened to kill me and my family if I don't deposit the amount he requested, said he was going to track me down through my phone etc lol, yea good luck with that...:shout:

Hidden Python
11-07-2023, 04:41 PM
Yea you need an ID to register your sim, but I wouldn't worry too much...if you're just going to use it for "legal" punting I don't see any issue with it.

A private scammer once threatened to kill me and my family if I don't deposit the amount he requested, said he was going to track me down through my phone etc lol, yea good luck with that...:shout:

As soon as you hear that Indian accent with an English name attached to it you know its a scammer, i try not to laugh too much but i always pretend i am a local kebab shop, and that shuts them up

12-07-2023, 11:26 AM
LOL yea I remembered this one had a bit of a South East Asian accent I think, maybe Vietnamese or Pilipino...which was a bit unusual, they pretended to be from a local gang, it was hilarious, I'm sure some people may fall for that, using the fear tactic.

That's one advantage of using a burner phone, the number is not tied with anything, not my social media accounts etc...so unless you are law enforcement it's extremely hard to track someone down, i.e. more privacy.

24-07-2023, 10:57 PM
I totally get your concern about providing identity for a phone sim. It can feel a bit intrusive, right? Well, I did some digging, and while it's essential to follow the rules and regulations, I also came across some discussions about fake IDs being helpful in certain cases. There are also some fake id videos (https://fakeyourdrank.com/fake-id-videos), which you might find helpful.For example, some people use fake IDs when they want to maintain their privacy while still having a phone number. It can come in handy if you're using a secondary phone for work or specific online activities and you don't want to reveal your real identity.

25-07-2023, 02:33 PM
If your neighbours just moved out use their names and address. I'm sure there is a way around it

25-07-2023, 05:01 PM
If you're going to do it, just be sure to get all communications from the plan provider to an anonymous email address. You don't want the routine account statements etc coming to a place where they can be easily seen by curious eyes or by accident.

25-07-2023, 05:26 PM
If your neighbours just moved out use their names and address. I'm sure there is a way around it

You still need visible ID; Licence or passport with photo. Or several documents with your name and address on it.

25-07-2023, 09:36 PM
You could potentially use a secondary esim on the same phone

26-07-2023, 07:42 AM
If your neighbours just moved out use their names and address. I'm sure there is a way around it

That's "identity theft" ie https://www.afp.gov.au/what-we-do/crime-types/fraud/identity-crime

Not that hard for law track you down as the phone's IMEI that you use will have probably been used with one of your legit accounts.

When I set up a SIM for my burner phone(s) :

create a new email address
register using my licence and this email

When I'm done with that number I just throw the sim. I don't see reminders or the telco marketing.