View Full Version : General talk Do your wives know suspect somethings going on when your punting other girls?

13-07-2023, 09:05 AM
For those of you guys who are married and see other girls for sex often do you think your wife already knows your doing it behind their back? Does your wife know and just does not want to confront you with it? Or she just doesn't care as long as you keep her happy? Or have you just been lucky and gotten away with it so far? How do you hide the cash from the mrs you need to see those sex girls? Assuming you see at least one a week or how many do you see in a month?

Ender Kekilli
13-07-2023, 10:33 PM
I make sure to only go for fucking the ladies when my wife is at her hair appointments so she not know!

13-07-2023, 10:51 PM
You must have a straight poker face when she asks you what were you doing during her appointments and you reply window shopping lol.

13-07-2023, 11:50 PM
Does your wife/gf know what you do? How do you handle it?

Hidden Python
14-07-2023, 03:57 AM
When I was married I had an agreement with my wife that each pay week, we both where aloud to spend $150 each on what ever we like and than the rest of the money went into savings and general cost of living, so I would play $50 on the pokies and sometimes walk away with $0 or a big win, than spend that money on a high quality girl,
Also its good to have a job where you can get paid cash or cash tips,

14-07-2023, 08:48 AM
Mine has no clue really but I have had the same mistress for years and we really have a safe system so she won't find out.

14-07-2023, 11:06 AM
I had a de facto who was suspicious, but she thought I was having an affair rather than just going to a massage shop. She obviously had some sense I was having sex with another person, but I don't think she would have known anything about the world of massage and FS shops, so her suspicion went straight to an affair. I would come home from punting and she would ask me whether I had been out with another woman, asking all the wrong questions at all the right times lol

14-07-2023, 11:14 AM
I had a de facto who was suspicious, but she thought I was having an affair rather than just going to a massage shop. She obviously had some sense I was having sex with another person, but I don't think she would have known anything about the world of massage and FS shops, so her suspicion went straight to an affair. I would come home from punting and she would ask me whether I had been out with another woman, asking all the wrong questions at all the right times lol

What did you tell her when she asked if you had been with another women?

14-07-2023, 04:12 PM
If mine did I wouldn't be here now.

14-07-2023, 04:25 PM
For those of you guys who are married and see other girls for sex often do you think your wife already knows your doing it behind their back? Does your wife know and just does not want to confront you with it? Or she just doesn't care as long as you keep her happy? Or have you just been lucky and gotten away with it so far? How do you hide the cash from the mrs you need to see those sex girls? Assuming you see at least one a week or how many do you see in a month?

go home tonight and tell her exactly like this:

"If I come home late a day, be assured that I didn't go to brothels or massage with happy ending, got my cock sucked, I DATY the girl then fucked her brains out. There is no chance that this would happen and ruin our relationship. No chance. It's purely business trips."

guaranteed work

14-07-2023, 06:51 PM
For those of you guys who are married and see other girls for sex often do you think your wife already knows your doing it behind their back? Does your wife know and just does not want to confront you with it? Or she just doesn't care as long as you keep her happy? Or have you just been lucky and gotten away with it so far? How do you hide the cash from the mrs you need to see those sex girls? Assuming you see at least one a week or how many do you see in a month?

I pretend that I go fishing whenever I go to visit a massage parlour.

I always carry a fishing rod with me.

I never bring any fish back as my wife knows I'm a lousy fisherman.

But the mamasan and the WL always laugh at me seeing me with my fishing rod.

14-07-2023, 09:08 PM
They know…………….

14-07-2023, 09:46 PM
They know…………….

That's what I think they know your doing it punting but they don't want to bring it up and confront, causing problems. Business as usual.

14-07-2023, 10:47 PM
Wise man once said “they know, they just don’t want you rubbing their face in it”.

Keep them happy enough and put in time and effort with them. And they’ll turn a blind eye to where you spend your extra time and effort

14-07-2023, 11:00 PM
I reckon they also think you are when you aren't! Im sure mine suspected long before I ever started.

massage addict
15-07-2023, 12:37 AM
If they didn't stop putting out so often once the kids were born we wouldn't do it.
Now we just out source the sex in the same way we out source looking after our kids so we can work!

15-07-2023, 01:04 PM
lol how the hell would we know what they know

what you are essentially saying is - do you know how women think and act

trick question - no one does! not even them!

15-07-2023, 01:19 PM
If I was to go home every night n there's no food on the table it wouldn't be long before I stopped for a burger on the way. That's how I justify it. A Man's gotta eat.

26-09-2023, 08:04 AM
I don't think mine suspects, I've wondered if she'd even say anything if she did - she isn't very confrontational..... She'd be pissed about the money more than anything I suspect!

26-09-2023, 10:58 AM
I reckon they also think you are when you aren't! Im sure mine suspected long before I ever started.

This is accurate.

Any small change in routine, they assume the worst.

Mine was absolutely paranoid about this - when I wasn't doing anything. She's now more relaxed and I have an occasional massage.

26-09-2023, 08:25 PM
For those of you guys who are married and see other girls for sex often do you think your wife already knows your doing it behind their back? Does your wife know and just does not want to confront you with it? Or she just doesn't care as long as you keep her happy? Or have you just been lucky and gotten away with it so far? How do you hide the cash from the mrs you need to see those sex girls? Assuming you see at least one a week or how many do you see in a month?

Well, mate, if you're running around like a kangaroo on the sly, you might think you're being as stealthy as a platypus in a riverbed. But let's be fair dinkum here – secrets have a way of creeping into the room like a drop bear in the night.

26-09-2023, 08:26 PM
I don't think mine suspects, I've wondered if she'd even say anything if she did - she isn't very confrontational..... She'd be pissed about the money more than anything I suspect!

Well, mate, if you're playing hide-and-seek with your extracurricular activities, just remember, the missus might have a nose for trouble sharper than a koala's claws. She could be onto you faster than a 'roo on a trampoline!

And when it comes to the money, well, you know what they say, "In a marriage, it's not just your wallet, it's our wallet!" So, if you're dishing out more than you should, she might give you a good old-fashioned Aussie earful. But hey, it's all part of the marriage adventure, right?

26-09-2023, 08:27 PM
Be very careful & be very discreet & be a good actor.

26-09-2023, 08:31 PM
Be very careful & be very discreet & be a good actor.

I reckon that's some sage advice there, mate! Being careful, discreet, and a good actor can come in handy in all sorts of situations. Whether it's keeping a secret, handling a delicate matter.

26-09-2023, 09:57 PM
Ah, relationships, eh? Well, back in my day, we blokes aimed to be honest and upfront with our partners. If you're punting someone else behind your wife's back, that's not the right way to go about things, mate.

27-09-2023, 04:03 PM
If I was to go home every night n there's no food on the table it wouldn't be long before I stopped for a burger on the way. That's how I justify it. A Man's gotta eat.

Lolz.. feels the same..

27-09-2023, 04:31 PM
go home tonight and tell her exactly like this:

"If I come home late a day, be assured that I didn't go to brothels or massage with happy ending, got my cock sucked, I DATY the girl then fucked her brains out. There is no chance that this would happen and ruin our relationship. No chance. It's purely business trips."

guaranteed work

Hey, love, I want to talk to you about my business trips. I know they sometimes make me come home late, but I want you to be absolutely assured that during these trips, I'm focused entirely on work. There's no chance of me going anywhere else or engaging in any activities that could harm our relationship. You mean the world to me, and I just want you to know that my commitment to us is unwavering.

28-09-2023, 08:19 AM
Hey, love, I want to talk to you about my business trips. I know they sometimes make me come home late, but I want you to be absolutely assured that during these trips, I'm focused entirely on work. There's no chance of me going anywhere else or engaging in any activities that could harm our relationship. You mean the world to me, and I just want you to know that my commitment to us is unwavering.

Yeah right! lol
Any woman would be up you like a rat up a drain pipe with this.... :)

28-09-2023, 08:35 AM
If I was to go home every night n there's no food on the table it wouldn't be long before I stopped for a burger on the way. That's how I justify it. A Man's gotta eat.

A burger? Go for a three course meal! :)
Hey - even if the food on the table is great... sometimes a different restaurant is nice for a change?!

28-09-2023, 11:59 AM
One of my ex's smelt something a different soap to the one used at home, let's just say that's why she's now an E X.

28-09-2023, 02:16 PM
One of my ex's smelt something a different soap to the one used at home, let's just say that's why she's now an E X.

Yep.... you should practice BYO soap....

28-09-2023, 10:38 PM
Be very careful & be very discreet & be a good actor.

Fair enough, mate. Discretion is key, but remember, honesty is like a boomerang – it'll come back to you one way or another!

27-10-2023, 11:48 PM
For those of you guys who are married and see other girls for sex often, do you think your wife already knows you are doing it behind their back? Does your wife know about it and just does not want to confront you with it? Or she just doesn't care as long as you keep her happy? Or have you just been lucky and gotten away with it so far? How do you hide the cash from the Mrs. you need to see those sex girls? Assuming you see at least one a week or how many do you see in a month?

I can certainly relate to the dilemma of wanting to keep a mistress while still keeping your wife in the dark. I have been in a similar situation, and it is not easy. In my experience, I had to be extremely careful with how I handled finances related to seeing other women. I often had to find creative ways to hide money or keep receipts out of sight so

28-10-2023, 02:14 AM
My mother told me always keep bank accounts seperate from a partner. That being said, I followed through whenever in a relationship.

It’s no one’s business except yours what you do with your money. Or, how much you may or may not have. It’s none of their friggin’ business.

Why do you guys share bank accounts with your partners?


28-10-2023, 06:27 AM
My mother told me always keep bank accounts seperate from a partner. That being said, I followed through whenever in a relationship.

It’s no one’s business except yours what you do with your money. Or, how much you may or may not have. It’s none of their friggin’ business.

Why do you guys share bank accounts with your partners?

Why?Never been married, and also never ever shared a bank account with any ex before. As you say, I earned the money, I use it how I want

Sent from my SM-S901E using Tapatalk

28-10-2023, 08:14 AM
Never been married, and also never ever shared a bank account with any ex before. As you say, I earned the money, I use it how I want

Sent from my SM-S901E using Tapatalk

I’ve had numerous live in relationships and have never shared a bank account. Oh I’ll give them one of my credit cards to go shopping for things but that’s just a convenience for them if I’m not around. They still have access to nothing important.

28-10-2023, 09:12 AM
I can certainly relate to the dilemma of wanting to keep a mistress while still keeping your wife in the dark. I have been in a similar situation, and it is not easy. In my experience, I had to be extremely careful with how I handled finances related to seeing other women. I often had to find creative ways to hide money or keep receipts out of sight so

I'm in a good position work for myself so I can use my business money for my regular lady and easily get cash for punting and the missus won't ever suspect. Keep being very careful with your finances.