View Full Version : General talk Cost paid for punting

13-07-2023, 10:57 AM
As much as I have enjoyed Punting , it also had led to my beautiful wife walking out of the door and filing for divorce.
I thought I was being discreet and very careful but she added 2 and 2 together and was able to figure out .
She saw my Thailand stamps and instagram account messages and figured it out. I just didn’t have it me to lie to her again after lying for 5 straight years..
It’s really sad that it has come down to this.
I will be taking a break and perhaps will need therapy.
In the end I think it wasn’t worth it for twice a week relief that would only take 8-10 hours in a month ..
Be careful all of you and hope you all are smarter than me and make the right decisions.

13-07-2023, 11:54 AM
Sorry to hear that but we're you doing regular trips to Thailand by yourself when you're married?

I think anyone would of been suspicious if their man goes to Thailand by themselves.

13-07-2023, 12:27 PM
Id say 89% of punters do the same thing. I don't understand why use do it to be honest,, ,if you have such a beautiful wife than wat propels you to do the worst thing you could ever do, don't get me wrong each to there own but as you said you do pay the ultimate price.

13-07-2023, 01:35 PM
I guess we are all at the mercy of our weakest link - and probably the worst is a “how did you get it” STI.
Punting = high risk hobby. = financial investment with no tangible assets obtained.
All are on a tightrope with a tenuous safety net.
Last three punts same ML - she volunteered during session she was tested as part of being a sex worker, at Liverpool Clinic.
I guess as she is still on roster she is “clear” but note only as good as her services that day, between testing and customers services in between before my session.
I guess we are gamblers.

13-07-2023, 01:48 PM
It's always sad when marriages/long-term relationships break down. At the same time, keeping the commitment to monogamy is difficult.

On the 'keeping it secret' front, it's vital to:
-- stay away from social media,
-- only deal in cash and VISA gift cards when paying,
-- clear browser history after every use (like visiting this website/forum),
-- delete all messages, be they text or whatsapp or anything on your phone,
-- don't establish any pattern of visiting massage and brothel shops,
-- avoid BBFS because you could pick STI and infect your wife/partner before you know it,

There are many more "do not do this"... perhaps other punters can add to the above list.

13-07-2023, 02:07 PM
A nice tight 20yo Thai girl would be good therapy.

13-07-2023, 02:16 PM
A nice tight 20yo Thai girl would be good therapy.

I guess that’s a perspective where you can reflect with different views and positions - OMG.

13-07-2023, 02:19 PM
God I hope for your sake mat you didn't have kids. Heavy burden to carry that one.

13-07-2023, 02:47 PM
Sorry to hear mate - things will get better... eventually...

13-07-2023, 04:28 PM
It's ok mate take a trip back to Thailand and you'll find a beautiful young girl bring her back here and start a new chapter in your life.

13-07-2023, 04:33 PM
As much as I have enjoyed Punting , it also had led to my beautiful wife walking out of the door and filing for divorce.
I thought I was being discreet and very careful but she added 2 and 2 together and was able to figure out .
She saw my Thailand stamps and instagram account messages and figured it out. I just didn’t have it me to lie to her again after lying for 5 straight years..
It’s really sad that it has come down to this.
I will be taking a break and perhaps will need therapy.
In the end I think it wasn’t worth it for twice a week relief that would only take 8-10 hours in a month ..
Be careful all of you and hope you all are smarter than me and make the right decisions.

Is that you, Twiggy?


Hidden Python
13-07-2023, 04:43 PM
We all pay a price for punting behind our wives back, its call Guilt, and when it catches up with you there is no escape,
When my wife passed away, my guilt was so heavy that I didn’t want to live any more, and after having a heart attack and having a stem put in place, I started changing my life around,
I started exercising and dieting to look and feel better about myself, and I am in Thailand right now dating my old flame, who has become very successful in her banking career
So even if life seems short and has no future, just be patient and work on your self first,

13-07-2023, 04:46 PM
Nothing in life is for free. Everything comes at a price.
Pay up and enjoy :)
You might have to pay a financial cost or a mental cost or an emotional cost but that's what you sign up to when you start punting.
"Agree to the conditions. Accept the terms"

rubit moore
13-07-2023, 06:18 PM
Nothing in life is for free. Everything comes at a price.
Pay up and enjoy :)
You might have to pay a financial cost or a mental cost or an emotional cost but that's what you sign up to when you start punting.
"Agree to the conditions. Accept the terms"

Amen. Live by the sword, die by the sword.

13-07-2023, 08:52 PM
As much as I have enjoyed Punting , it also had led to my beautiful wife walking out of the door and filing for divorce.
I thought I was being discreet and very careful but she added 2 and 2 together and was able to figure out .
She saw my Thailand stamps and instagram account messages and figured it out. I just didn’t have it me to lie to her again after lying for 5 straight years..
It’s really sad that it has come down to this.
I will be taking a break and perhaps will need therapy.
In the end I think it wasn’t worth it for twice a week relief that would only take 8-10 hours in a month ..
Be careful all of you and hope you all are smarter than me and make the right decisions.

Sorry to hear that and thanks for the warning.

13-07-2023, 09:54 PM
It's ok mate take a trip back to Thailand and you'll find a beautiful young girl bring her back here and start a new chapter in your life.

the chapter that leads to divorce number 2 after she gets citizenship.

16-07-2023, 11:06 AM
That's not the cost of punting. More the cost of being dumb and getting caught. Mind you, as discussed how the hell did you get away with all the trips to Thailand solo and why post incriminating Instagram posts?

16-07-2023, 11:28 AM
I always find it a bit sad when people lie in their relationships. It’s hard to be honest (everyone lies to themselves) but if you can be open you might just have more luck and be happier

16-07-2023, 11:38 AM
Sorry to hear that mate, but honestly you should've been more careful when you were married, I know you've been getting away with it for a long time and you probably thought you were invincible with the "nah I'll be fine it's never gonna happen to me" mentality, but sooner or later you will get caught if you get carried away...a hard lesson indeed.

I'm single atm and that's one of the advantage of not having a spouse, don't have to worry about none of that shit, I always wondered how many punters here are actually happily married with kids lol...

16-07-2023, 11:51 AM
I almost feel like OP "wanted" to get caught... On some subconscious level.

Like a guilty criminal who, out of pride couldn't turn themselves in, but wanted to stop so left big clues to get caught.

I don't think taking holidays anywhere without a SO would go down well. I say it again from another post I did, "Only guys are dumb enough to do that". Trying to be all justifying it as "hey I'm not a controlling obsessive dude" when really, it's got nothing to do with that but with the basic right to be concerned that your partner doesn't have your protection.

You say your wife was beautiful I take that to mean more than simply being physically attractive, so it really begs the question why.

Anyways tough lesson learnt

16-07-2023, 03:21 PM
There is a price for everything.

16-07-2023, 08:30 PM
Feel sorry for you mate, but you violated a puting101 rule - don't ever leave any electronic trace. Travelling to Thailand solo and Instagram...that's very obvious giveaway. Even if it's not through a stamp on your passport, it's there on your entry/exit record forever electronically. Just like bank statements - even if the wide doesn't find out, bank statements can be requested at any time and there is the risk. That's why no one punts with a burner bank card.

I know you will rethink about punting and your next phase of life, but make sure you stick with this rule of not leaving any traces in the future.

16-07-2023, 10:26 PM
Mmm! How came wife didn't know where you are going. So you tell her you go to some where in Australia. So she found out you in Thailand. You must be on an open marriage.

17-07-2023, 01:57 AM
The day I get married I will stop punting. Or when I go bankrupt. Whichever earliest lol

17-07-2023, 04:00 AM
I almost feel like OP "wanted" to get caught... On some subconscious level.

Like a guilty criminal who, out of pride couldn't turn themselves in, but wanted to stop so left big clues to get caught.

I don't think taking holidays anywhere without a SO would go down well. I say it again from another post I did, "Only guys are dumb enough to do that". Trying to be all justifying it as "hey I'm not a controlling obsessive dude" when really, it's got nothing to do with that but with the basic right to be concerned that your partner doesn't have your protection.

You say your wife was beautiful I take that to mean more than simply being physically attractive, so it really begs the question why.

Anyways tough lesson learnt

I think you hit the nail on the head there, bro. I don't think anyone is careless or dumb enough to make the obvious mistakes OP did. There's an element of "wanting" to be caught in this story.

That being said, to OP, you need to see it as what it truly is. There's no sense in wallowing in your past "sins" when they are really a part of you. You are who you are. I hope you do not go into a spiral of self-destruction just because you cannot accept yourself.

17-07-2023, 11:11 AM
Yea what's done is done, no point dwelling in the past, we all did stupid shit in the past that we regretted and paid the price for, some bigger than others.

Look at the "bright" side dude, you can now punt whenever you want without worries or restriction or any moral dilemma, it's what you've always wanted all along...right? :D

17-07-2023, 11:15 AM
There is a price for everything.

Is the price? Or it it the cost - Zig Ziglar.

17-07-2023, 11:29 AM
You'll be right Matt ....if you don't expect a pay by the hour hooker to love U like your beautiful wife!!!

17-07-2023, 12:28 PM
You'll be right Matt ....if you don't expect a pay by the hour hooker to love U like your beautiful wife!!!

You always pay one way or another. Punting is just more honest about it than buying that hottie in the bar drinks all night

17-07-2023, 12:28 PM
I have a thing for Jap girls, I got caught because of google translate. I didn't realise they have history. My wife cried for 3days straight and it took her months before she forgave me. Now I'm very careful. All the best for you brother..

17-07-2023, 12:39 PM
You always pay one way or another. Punting is just more honest about it than buying that hottie in the bar drinks all night Oh for sure. I'm paying with my sanity. I came to the conclusion years ago as to what my destiny was. Now Axe, just shut up n get on with it.

18-07-2023, 12:16 AM
I have a thing for Jap girls, I got caught because of google translate. I didn't realise they have history. My wife cried for 3days straight and it took her months before she forgave me. Now I'm very careful. All the best for you brother..

Wow you got caught and forgiven, and you’re still going?

18-07-2023, 12:56 AM
Wow you got caught and forgiven, and you’re still going?

I read this sort of thing and wonder why people like this stay married. I’m guessing it has to be some sort of power or image thing. It’s pretty much just treating your partner as a possession or trophy at this point rather than as an actual human being.

18-07-2023, 01:04 AM
I read this sort of thing and wonder why people like this stay married. I’m guessing it has to be some sort of power or image thing. It’s pretty much just treating your partner as a possession or trophy at this point rather than as an actual human being.

Lol, how could you pass judgement on someone simply from a few sentences posted on a forum? Live and let live, bro.

18-07-2023, 01:34 AM
Lol, how could you pass judgement on someone simply from a few sentences posted on a forum? Live and let live, bro.

The cost of punting can be the ultimate price. During 2015-16 when I mongered heavy in Cambodia and Vietnam, I’ve met sex tourists and expats alike from all over the world. There’s those that after a week or two come and go, and then those that stay and get carried away by the scene. One guy would spend 30k per month on orgies. Another wanted by Interpol would round up a dozen Taxigirls and we’d take them back to his penthouse for drug fuelled nights of fucking. I fucked myself almost dead by the third week and headed back home. Another guy I later found out tied his own rope off a ceiling beam. Be careful how far you go.

18-07-2023, 01:39 AM
Lol, how could you pass judgement on someone simply from a few sentences posted on a forum? Live and let live, bro.

That did sound a bit judgemental there.

I guess it comes from me being pretty open and honest in my relationships. I don’t ever cheat when I’m in a relationship because I’ve been on the other side of it.

I’ve fucked other people but it’s always been open and upfront about it. And if it’s good for the goose, it’s good for the gander.

16-11-2023, 07:54 AM
There’s a cost to crossing the road and if you don’t look you’ll get hit by a car.

16-11-2023, 09:39 AM
That did sound a bit judgemental there.

I guess it comes from me being pretty open and honest in my relationships. I don’t ever cheat when I’m in a relationship because I’ve been on the other side of it.

I’ve fucked other people but it’s always been open and upfront about it. And if it’s good for the goose, it’s good for the gander.

Each relationship you are in, do you stay in these because she could be the one? I was in some relationships but really there was no interest on my behalf, but it's comforting having that regular company going to restaurants etc

16-11-2023, 01:54 PM
A lot to unpack on this topic, but for now I'll say sorry to hear OP. Some guys get caught and some don't and unfortunately you did and you have to live with the consequences. I'm sure you didn't intend for life to turn out this way but it is what it is. Just take some time out for yourself and then when you're ready you can pick yourself up and start again.

I'm surprised she's decided to leave you because I know of many couples where the man was caught cheating and although there were huge argument, there was never a divorce. This is especially so for punting, because a lot of women think it's not as bad given there are no emotions involved, i.e. it's not like you fell in love and had an affair with the girl in the office.

24-11-2023, 08:20 PM
Amen. Live by the sword, die by the sword.


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25-11-2023, 09:45 AM
That did sound a bit judgemental there.

I guess it comes from me being pretty open and honest in my relationships. I don’t ever cheat when I’m in a relationship because I’ve been on the other side of it.

I’ve fucked other people but it’s always been open and upfront about it. And if it’s good for the goose, it’s good for the gander.

Respect your viewpoint. It also depends on how regularly you are able to meet women of your selected age group who are true relationship material

Would be nice to be with a lady who ticks all the boxes. Well done if you are in that situation

The ideal for me is focus on my career, as a man be comfortable being single (you have no biological clock and can easily marry someone 15 years younger, happens all the time), being totally faithful to a girlfriend, but cutting the relationship after 3 months if I know it is going nowhere, and punting when I'm single

The 3 month rule is the hardest part

25-11-2023, 10:33 AM
Everyone knows it’s a calculated risk.

Getting caught can be a release from a stifled marriage or relationship.

There are so many people cheating, men and women. I regularly meet this hot looking milf who is cheating on her partner of 8 years. We discuss everything. She hasn’t been caught out yet.

Our chats are very frank.

I think because we don’t move in the same social circles it’s easy to be very open about things. Who we fuck and why etc.