View Full Version : Question Standard Operating Procedure - New Shop

15-07-2023, 04:46 PM
Anyone in tech, yeah. It's a SOP.

Not sure if I've actually posted this before in another thread, but I am keen to see everyone else's views on this.

Situation: walk into a new shop, never been before. Totally left field for you. Did absolutely no reconnaissance prior.

You walk in, no mamasan, just whoever is first available for the massage. Absolutely gorgeous - think 8/10 and onwards. She leads you into the room and you negotiate the hour price for a massage. At this point - no mention of part 2.

ML isn't wearing anything too revealing and/or provocative. You are in the room by yourself now ... You've paid. She has told you to get ready and she will be back in 5 minutes. In your mind you are telling yourself that you want this to lead to a part 2.

What are you doing at this point to convert that into a part 2?

I'll start off;

Look for a box of tissues near or under the table. If I find one, then I go full monty and face down on the table hoping that she will at one point tell me to turn over and there is no towel to cover.
Go full monty anyway regardless of tissues present or not. Face down on the table and see where this leads.
Go full monty, lay on the table on my back with half a rager and see what the ML's reaction is when they walk in lol <-- just to clarify, I have never done this

15-07-2023, 06:31 PM
You just ask about part 2 when you're handing over your money. Why does it need to be more complicated than that?

15-07-2023, 09:31 PM
The give up is the lighting. Overhead it is legit. Lamp in the corner you are usually home 👍

15-07-2023, 11:35 PM
Most Thai massage shops are legit massage only. There are some that offer R&T and more and you can quickly pick up the vibe.
Most Chinese massage shops are R&T and sometimes more.
With Chinese shops, unless it is a dude with a white lab coat on then chances are it’s R&T with extras on offer.

15-07-2023, 11:46 PM
You just ask about part 2 when you're handing over your money. Why does it need to be more complicated than that?

Get adventurous

16-07-2023, 08:45 AM
option 3 :D (you can always play it off as a joke, yet who knows, it might just pique her interest!)

16-07-2023, 09:26 AM
One of the things I'd do is I'd leave my wallet on the little table under the lamp and make sure I have a pineapple visibly sticking out of it.
Who would take their wallet out of their pockets during a massage if it was all legit right? Lol!

16-07-2023, 09:49 AM
Most Thai massage shops are legit massage only. There are some that offer R&T and more and you can quickly pick up the vibe.
Most Chinese massage shops are R&T and sometimes more.
With Chinese shops, unless it is a dude with a white lab coat on then chances are it’s R&T with extras on offer.

Dudes in white lab coats give me the fucken chills! In some dark corners of the world these lab'ies will sedate you and harvest your body parts for auctioning on the DW. A cock, and depending on size can fetch a couple of grand.

16-07-2023, 11:18 AM
Hi Wolfman88,

Appreciated your SOP, this is basically to find out, explore or ID if a massage shop is legit or RnT , right ?

I think master rooter’s comments have 90%+ accuracy and most newbies can follow.

There was a very good and detailed thread , could be in the Brisbane section which pointed out closed to a 100+ signs to tell if a massage shop, yours truly had posted quite a few there as well.

To make things simple, here are a few sure tell signs:

1. Stay away from any shop in a shopping centre.

2. Stay away from any shop where they have male staff working.

3. Stay away from any shop which have health funds rebates.

4 Stay away from any shop that closed at 6pm

5 Stay away from any shop where you can see through into the shop from the street.

6 Stay away from any shop within 100 metres from schools or churches.

7 Stay away from any shop which advertised heavily for services targeting female clients such as laser clinics etc.

The rest, you have a pretty good chances of a very happy endings.

Good luck


16-07-2023, 02:11 PM
That is excellent advice Ahl. Accurate and concise.

16-07-2023, 03:32 PM
Funny to think that most Thai places here are legit yet when in Thailand, I struggled to find a legit place just wanting a massage.

16-07-2023, 03:49 PM
Funny to think that most Thai places here are legit yet when in Thailand, I struggled to find a legit place just wanting a massage.

In Sydney most Thai shops are legit massage only.
If they have male and female staff, if the girls are a mix of young and mature, skinny and chubby, are dressed in traditional Thai outfit or modest uniform that covers whole body then it's 99% certain it is legit massage only.
If you see young slim girls in short shorts or mini skirts and tight tank tops then its probably game on :)

16-07-2023, 09:19 PM
In Sydney most Thai shops are legit massage only.
If they have male and female staff, if the girls are a mix of young and mature, skinny and chubby, are dressed in traditional Thai outfit or modest uniform that covers whole body then it's 99% certain it is legit massage only.
If you see young slim girls in short shorts or mini skirts and tight tank tops then its probably game on :)

Master rooter,

I just bumped up that secret signs of a RnT shop thread in Brisbane general talk .

Let’s discuss…… haha


16-07-2023, 10:00 PM
One of the biggest signs is the unmissable neon open sign

16-07-2023, 10:28 PM
The dodgey looking open sign with the dotted circle is all you need. Come on...we all know the one and laugh our heads off when we see a cheap local pizza shop use the same one.... don't tell me u didn't have a private chuckle at the said pizza shop. Usually red text with blue green border. Sometimes blue text red border...i think that's all the variations.

16-07-2023, 11:18 PM
Every possible secret signs of a could be RnT shop under the sun had been exposed and disclosed in the revived thread at the Brisbane General Talk session right now.

Yours truly had made some contributions , things I won’t be able to write about these days, enjoy ! ( lack of enough inspirations from actual MLs and Mamasans interactive sessions nowadays is to blame !)

Those were my very good old days

Ps. Forum discussion and feedbacks are most welcome.
