View Full Version : General talk Is being too kind to ML/WL a mistake?

25-07-2023, 01:19 PM
Hello, just want to ask opinion since I'm an amateur here. Like, i have experiences where the ML/WL tired or sick, and ended up there not able to finish or even can not do anything at all. But I thought she just human and had the limit too. Saw her few times only to experience the service level slightly decrease overtime every visit. I'm not complaining as she is indeed amazing (review always blistering good), and I don't want her to get into trouble as well from the shop. But sometimes I feel that I am sacrificing myself, to get her rest, and she can do better service for others.. Am I being a fool here? Or should I just treat it like its her job and be professional? Thanks heaps!

25-07-2023, 01:34 PM
There's never a good reason to be rude or disrespectful but you should also get what you pay for and move on quickly if you don't.

25-07-2023, 01:34 PM
Move on and see another WL.

Some WLs are known to be manipulative, opportunistic and exploitative. They will exploit your kindness and weakness when they can sense it.

And they can fake anything.

25-07-2023, 01:57 PM
You should have proper line between kind and pity. Kind is like you treat them gentle etc etc. But pity is like you let them sleep etc etc.

If you got bad service you should give honest feedback. Like girl A not give her best because tired etc etc. If the girl still working long hours and keep doing that, theb what sibon's said is true.

25-07-2023, 02:02 PM
Thanks guys, really appreciate it. Yeah I thought so, I felt super annoyed with myself but the damage has been done. It's not like I want to be rude or disrespectful, I know its not an easy job especially when she become so popular like always fully booked day by day, more like I probably should've reacted better. Learn from the experience and move on. Cheers!

25-07-2023, 02:06 PM
You should have proper line between kind and pity. Kind is like you treat them gentle etc etc. But pity is like you let them sleep etc etc.

If you got bad service you should give hponest feedback. Like girl A not give her best because tired etc etc. If the girl still working long hours and keep doing that, theb what sibon's said is true.

Yeah I told the shop in the end that I experience that, and the shop did well to compensate me as well. So yeah, I should learn to handle it better, draw a line like you said. Thanks!

25-07-2023, 02:09 PM
Always remember the deal is usually transactional. If you allow bad or poor service you are not doing any favours for the next punter. It’s your hard earned money and nothing wrong in expecting a decent experience. Unless she is giving you anything special or extra for being regular a lazy and regular slacking should not be accepted. If we are all humans and once it’s ok but regularly avoiding working is taking advantage of your kindness.

25-07-2023, 02:55 PM
Always remember the deal is usually transactional. If you allow bad or poor service you are not doing any favours for the next punter. It’s your hard earned money and nothing wrong in expecting a decent experience. Unless she is giving you anything special or extra for being regular a lazy and regular slacking should not be accepted. If we are all humans and once it’s ok but regularly avoiding working is taking advantage of your kindness.

Thanks mate for the advice, yeah I have few other regulars and most of them providing better service everytime, even tho she is tired but still try her best because I am her regular.

25-07-2023, 03:23 PM
You need to setup boundaries and standards for yourself or you're going to end up loathing yourself.

25-07-2023, 03:24 PM
Be nice and polite but not a push over. The last ML I had gave me the I’m so tired routine decided it was easier for her to let me fuck her rather than massage

25-07-2023, 03:43 PM
Be nice and polite but not a push over. The last ML I had gave me the I’m so tired routine decided it was easier for her to let me fuck her rather than massage

Haha yeah a little off topic but I had a ML tell me it's easier to fuck than massage!!
She always would do part 3 from the get go 😄

25-07-2023, 03:49 PM
Haha yeah a little off topic but I had a ML tell me it's easier to fuck than massage!!
She always would do part 3 from the get go 😄

Lol I ask 1 ML before, after the part 3, which one is more tiring. She said with part 3 is "good tired" because she feels good as well. So yeah she also prefer part 3 straight.

25-07-2023, 03:53 PM
The default when dealing with a WL is always to be kind and gentle.
Most times this results in a good vibe and good service.
If she is providing poor service or not doing reasonable things you are asking for then politely and clearly let her know this is unacceptable.
Most times this will work. The poor service could be due to inexperience or a girl testing what she can get away with.
If this approach does not work then let management know after the punt and see another girl next time.
There is no point persisting with a girl who has a negative attitude toward you. Just move on.
If you are not happy with management's response then change shops.
But never, ever, ever be aggressive or rude or forceful toward a WL.
There is never any excuse for this. If you behave in this way you are lowlife scum dog.

25-07-2023, 03:56 PM
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25-07-2023, 04:00 PM
The default when dealing with a WL is always to be kind and gentle.
Most times this results in a good vibe and good service.
If she is providing poor service or not doing reasonable things you are asking for then politely and clearly let her know this is unacceptable.
Most times this will work. The poor service could be due to inexperience or a girl testing what she can get away with.
If this approach does not work then let management know after the punt and see another girl next time.
If you are not happy with management's response then change shops.
But never, ever, ever be aggressive or rude or forceful toward a WL.
There is never any excuse for this. If you behave in this way you are lowlife scum dog.

Agree 100%, never ever crossed in my mind to be rude at all, like I always appreciate what they're doing that's why I always try to be nice and understanding no matter how tired or sick they are. :) maybe the correct title is PITY instead of KIND like PKING said

25-07-2023, 04:38 PM
The default when dealing with a WL is always to be kind and gentle.
Most times this results in a good vibe and good service.
If she is providing poor service or not doing reasonable things you are asking for then politely and clearly let her know this is unacceptable.
Most times this will work. The poor service could be due to inexperience or a girl testing what she can get away with.
If this approach does not work then let management know after the punt and see another girl next time.
There is no point persisting with a girl who has a negative attitude toward you. Just move on.
If you are not happy with management's response then change shops.
But never, ever, ever be aggressive or rude or forceful toward a WL.
There is never any excuse for this. If you behave in this way you are lowlife scum dog.

This is a solid basis to start from and is a minimum standard. In addition, remember that the besetting weakness of ML's and WL's is vanity; cultivate it, tell the girl she looks nice, she has a beautiful figure, she does something particularly well, treat her like a lady, ask her name, give her yours (false!) If she feels good about herself she will be more inclined to make you feel good. Small compliments and good manners tend to pay rich dividends, especially when you are seeing an ML/WL for the first time. Her first concern is to establish whether you are a gentleman client, an ignorant pig or an aggressive psychopath so help her out - it's in your own best interests.

25-07-2023, 08:35 PM
Like, i have experiences where the ML/WL tired or sick, and ended up there not able to finish or even can not do anything at all ... But sometimes I feel that I am sacrificing myself, to get her rest, and she can do better service for others.. Am I being a fool here? Or should I just treat it like its her job and be professional? Thanks heaps!

I think we should all treat them like a human being and let them go. If they faked sick, I'd call it my bad day although I probably would never know. This happened to me only once though, I was lucky enough that the shop owner understood and asked another girl to do a part 2 for me.

25-07-2023, 08:50 PM
The question you need to ask yourself “why are you doing this”. The answer may depend on where you are in life, your life experiences and cultural practices and identities. The other questIon does it simply come down to getting your money as a client. After all in a given day they are problem massaging, sucking and fucking six to ten guys. Is that a problem, certainly not an opportunity.?
Currently I have an ML/WL who is in my potential as a “permanent” and it is only because she meets all the requirements I have been searching for in my mind. And that is where a lot of life lives and that is “in our minds” - TRY explaining that reality to someone outside of this forum. Most guys here have all faced the same dilemma and at some point the sense of loss when they realise they have to “drop” the ML from their punting.? If it is a guilt trip bail out now but if oxytocin is lickin’ enjoy the GFE for the fun it can be.

26-07-2023, 02:38 AM
Hello, just want to ask opinion since I'm an amateur here. Like, i have experiences where the ML/WL tired or sick, and ended up there not able to finish or even can not do anything at all. But I thought she just human and had the limit too. Saw her few times only to experience the service level slightly decrease overtime every visit. I'm not complaining as she is indeed amazing (review always blistering good), and I don't want her to get into trouble as well from the shop. But sometimes I feel that I am sacrificing myself, to get her rest, and she can do better service for others.. Am I being a fool here? Or should I just treat it like its her job and be professional? Thanks heaps!

You are no closer to a fool than she is a human.

If she is working long rostered hours, she will probably at some point need rest. Unless you did something to offend her to lower the service quality, try not to take it personally.

26-07-2023, 02:45 AM
If you're always expecting some sort of reward or gratitude for showing kindness, that is not true kindness.

You might as well walk away and never go back if you're expecting good service based on what you have paid. She could be ripping you off because you won't stand up to her excuses.

There's two types of women in the world apparently: those who come from chaotic upbringing, they will not appreciate love and kindness, and will only sabotage their chances of having a good life. Then there's those who were brought up in a stable environment with meaningful connections, they will reciprocate kindness and sometimes even return them twofold. The latter is rare, the former can be found everywhere and may as well be the sex worker OP is venting about.

I've had a few in the past who gave me exceptional service but gradually went downhill. I got to a point where another new girl who was charging cheaper performed better than the seasoned one so I jumped ship and never looked back. It's just reality, you're not there to be ripped off and you're definitely not visiting Karen's brothel or Karen's massage parlour.

26-07-2023, 07:50 AM
Girls learn to deliver the minimum acceptable level of service that stil result sin the same pay. They are here for a short time and have no longer term view of the business. You dropping off her roster quickly gets replaced with the next mug.

26-07-2023, 08:44 AM
The default when dealing with a WL is always to be kind and gentle.
Most times this results in a good vibe and good service.
If she is providing poor service or not doing reasonable things you are asking for then politely and clearly let her know this is unacceptable.
Most times this will work. The poor service could be due to inexperience or a girl testing what she can get away with.
If this approach does not work then let management know after the punt and see another girl next time.
There is no point persisting with a girl who has a negative attitude toward you. Just move on.
If you are not happy with management's response then change shops.
But never, ever, ever be aggressive or rude or forceful toward a WL.
There is never any excuse for this. If you behave in this way you are lowlife scum dog.
This is the way....

26-07-2023, 09:29 AM
You question 'is being too kind to WL/MLs a mistake? Yes

Be kind all the time but you gotta learn how to size up people quickly as some will try and take advantage of your kindness.

If you're too kind, people will think it's strange and take you for a naive chump. Some will manipulate and take advantage of your added kindness - women can smell a 'white knight' a mile away.

Learn how to size up people, know when to turn off the kindness faucet and you'll avoid pain and disappointment.

26-07-2023, 09:38 AM
You question 'is being too kind to WL/MLs a mistake? Yes

Be kind all the time but you gotta learn how to size up people quickly as some will try and take advantage of your kindness.

If you're too kind, people will think it's strange and take you for a naive chump. Some will manipulate and take advantage of your added kindness - women can smell a 'white knight' a mile away.

Learn how to size up people, know when to turn off the kindness faucet and you'll avoid pain and disappointment.

Agreed, and this applies to anyone, not only WGs. Just that it's easier for a WG to do such a thing because they get closer to you than most other people do in your daily life.

26-07-2023, 09:42 AM
Thanks guys for all the responses, really appreciate it and very insightful 😁 Agree that we always need to be kind and respectful, however being overly kind may even scare them instead of make them happy. Do you think so?

26-07-2023, 11:08 AM
Agreed, and this applies to anyone, not only WGs. Just that it's easier for a WG to do such a thing because they get closer to you than most other people do in your daily life.

This is the way...

26-07-2023, 12:15 PM
Remember that "kindness" doesn't always show its face in the form you expect it.

It's "kind" to give a needy person money. it's also "kind" to kill a person quickly and not make them suffer.

Kind to a an ML,/WL is understanding the services they have agreed to give, either by verbal or written(website) and not forcing anything further. You can always ask and see if they agree otherwise leave it at that

For an ML remember that the only thing they are actually supposed to give you is a massage. Anything else is up to them.

If they are bad service don't see them again.

I'd treat a WL the same way. I may try to get a refund or see another girl but don't take anything out on them but conversely don't let them get away with providing much less than what they are supposed to. E.g DFK, if they allow you to kiss but aren't going hard on tongue, you ask but don't force. If you are full on bummed ask for another girl.