View Full Version : General talk racing

12-08-2023, 09:18 PM
anyone here enjoy punting on horses or do really well with it?

12-08-2023, 09:26 PM
like real horses? sorry, my family said we are too poor to buy me a pony for my birthday... lol

12-08-2023, 09:29 PM
haha yeah real horses , should of asked for a donkey still good enough :shout:

Hidden Python
12-08-2023, 09:38 PM
Last time I seen a horse race was when two drag queens where racing down oxford st for a cab, and one of them blew a heel, and their hand bag contents went flying everywhere,

12-08-2023, 10:06 PM
anyone here enjoy punting on horses or do really well with it?

No money left for horses I blew all the $$ at the brothel doing horsie position boom boom yeehaw

13-08-2023, 09:26 AM
I like to punt on the young fillies and avoid the nags. If I ride I prefer bareback with a racy young filly to get past the finishing post.

14-08-2023, 11:26 AM
Love the punt, I can send tips each week to your DM if you want. They are markets movers and form horses each Wednesday. By Thursday I usually have the winner for each race amongst them. Not always but mostly, I'll try and attach if I can't I won't be writing them out.