View Full Version : 41 Epping Massage Yoshimi - Disappointing

21-08-2023, 08:26 PM
Long time punter (well... about a year or so now), first time reviewer. Go easy on me, ha.

Person's Name : Yoshimi
Establishment : 41 Epping
Rates : $45 (Part 1 - 30 mins) + $50 (Part 2)
Age : Claimed 25. Looked late 20s - Early 30s
Size/shape : Chubby body, more fat on legs/ butt than expected from roster photos. Decent bust.
Nationality or Ethnicity : Taiwanese
Services Provided : NHJ
Value for money/recommend? : No

Have been visiting 41 Epping for the past couple months sporadically. I'd say around 6-7 visits so far. Had great experiences with all ML's except my most recent with Yoshimi this past week. This was the first time I'd gone to 41 without a booking, and likely my last. Yoshimi was just quite bland in every regard. Part 1 was dry and boring - no oils or anything funky besides her hands on your back putting down pressure for 15 mins. Think of a CPR happening on your back for 15 mins straight, nothing else... Her English wasn't terrible though and had somewhat of a bubbly personality, so I guess that's a bonus.

What I thought could (hopefully) be redeemed with Part 2 left me further disappointed. She just seemed like she didn't want to be there and kept insisting I finish as time's running out. I'm sure we're all on the same page here that that's a massive turn-off. Paired with the fact that her face and body was mediocre at best (quite a bit of excess fat around thighs/ butt), I basically had to just to just close my eyes and imagine I was with any of the other ML's at 41 Epping I've previously visited (MeeMee, Poey, Venus, Saki to name a few) until my semi-flaccid cock finally came.

All in all, not the greatest experience - I'd rate it a solid 3/10. Won't stop me from going back though as 41 still has been one of my fav R&T shops in the area, and consistently good with the other MLs. Just one bad apple unfortunately.

25-08-2023, 05:17 PM
Sorry to hear your experience with her. Where are the other good stories?:slobber:

06-09-2023, 03:46 PM
I don't know why I typed in the wrong name in the title, but I also reviewed Yoshimi. I agree her arms and legs are chubbier than in the photos, but I had a different experience as I coached her massage. I was also 1st in the day, so maybe she was more attentive and she gave great TT.


I personally wouldn't go back to see her, but some guys may not mind her looks so much e.g. I read about Thai Soda and the differences of opinion there. Some may like a good TT and big boobies.

Hope the moderators fix up my post title!