View Full Version : Question Punting bad service

29-08-2023, 10:59 PM
Often times, when the girl doesn't live up to the price you paid, it is very disheartening and puts me in a bad mood as I have wasted my money on a bad experience. How do you guys deal with this?

30-08-2023, 01:20 PM
Usually when bad experience try to pass the day doing what I enjoy most. After cool off visit my solid regular(s) who I know guaranteed for great session. Slowly heals internally after a good session.

30-08-2023, 01:28 PM
I used to go on punting tilt after a bad session. Sometimes ended up doing 3 lots of 1hr sessions a night shop hopping just to get the right result! These days i'm a regular at a lot of shops so the ratio of bad punts has dropped significantly.

30-08-2023, 01:55 PM
I have not been punting long enough to have had a really bad experience yet - I have opted for pretty safe shops pretty close to my area and every single girl I have seen has at least tried hard to please me even if one or two fell far short in the looks department. Therefore, if I do eventually encounter a really bad service, I doubt it will stop me from trying others, as I already know there are good ones around, and I keep reminding myself that I am punting...therefore I am taking a bit of a gamble and there are no guarantees as to what I will encounter.

30-08-2023, 02:41 PM
If it were always great it wouldn't be called punting! Just move on, and choose better next time.... :)

30-08-2023, 02:49 PM
Rub some dirt on it and move on. No point in dwelling on it

Hidden Python
30-08-2023, 04:05 PM
A bad punt only happens because you let it happen in the first place,
When you rock up to a shop and you want to try a new girl ask to see the line up, if a girl looks down or away from you, don’t choose her, no matter how beautiful she thinks she is,
Choose the girl that’s happy and excited to see you, the one who wants to rip your clothes off straight away, because you know you are going to have a good time with her,
And if you don’t see that girl in the shop walk away, plenty of other shops and girls to choose from,
Don’t forget the girls do judge you and even if you are paying, if they don’t like you, they are going to do minimum and start complaining, so they will just wank you off and find an excuse to get out of there even if there is plenty of time left on the clock,

30-08-2023, 08:39 PM
A bad punt only happens because you let it happen in the first place,
When you rock up to a shop and you want to try a new girl ask to see the line up, if a girl looks down or away from you, don’t choose her, no matter how beautiful she thinks she is,
Choose the girl that’s happy and excited to see you, the one who wants to rip your clothes off straight away, because you know you are going to have a good time with her,
And if you don’t see that girl in the shop walk away, plenty of other shops and girls to choose from,
Don’t forget the girls do judge you and even if you are paying, if they don’t like you, they are going to do minimum and start complaining, so they will just wank you off and find an excuse to get out of there even if there is plenty of time left on the clock,

I've done this - went with the poor eye-contact young thing with the great rack. It wasn't great.... Paid for GFE extras even, then she asked me not to touch her on the side..... Christ! She has reappeared on the roster at times since with a name change, I'd think about going back for a basic service, just to gawk at her boobs!
Always (maybe not ALWAYS) go for the one with the biggest smile - great advice....

30-08-2023, 08:45 PM
Often times, when the girl doesn't live up to the price you paid, it is very disheartening and puts me in a bad mood as I have wasted my money on a bad experience. How do you guys deal with this?Let me get this straight: she didn't live up to YOUR expectations, so you're disappointed. Hmmmm. I wonder if you lived up to hers? (rhetorical question). She sitting in the shop, longing for your return?

How old are you anyway? (another rhetorical question).

No sympathy here. You lost some money. Earn it back. You lost some time. Can't get that back, but methinks it wasn't that long; an hour, maybe. You probably spend that long surfing the net, or on your mobile watching videos every day. REALLY NOT a big deal in the overall scheme of life. You don't want to lose money? Don't gamble, don't punt. Work hard, save. If you do punt, remember what the old knight said in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, "Choose wisely". As others have said, is she smiling at you, making eye contact? In the room, is she friendly, trying to make conversation with you? If not, that's a no-brainer pass.

For me, it's education: NOW YOU KNOW what HER experience is like with YOU that day. The search for knowledge... not cheap. But who knows, the next time, you might find a winner. And if she got you off, isn't that the bottom line? Everything else is just icing on the cake. You weren't planning to white knight and carry her away with you, were you? Take it for what it is, a business transaction. Sure, some are more pleasant than others, but, regardless, why didn't you just enjoy the moment? For me, the only question is repeat/no repeat.

A very wise man once told me MANY DECADES ago: Disappointment - just the difference between YOUR fantasy and reality.

Have never forgotten that.

30-08-2023, 10:06 PM
Often times, when the girl doesn't live up to the price you paid, it is very disheartening and puts me in a bad mood as I have wasted my money on a bad experience. How do you guys deal with this?

This is where having a regular girl you see that your happy with pays off. At least you know what to expect and get your monies worth.

30-08-2023, 10:07 PM
A very wise man once told me MANY DECADES ago: Disappointment - just the difference between YOUR fantasy and reality.

Have never forgotten that.

Good quote 11Bravo

30-08-2023, 10:28 PM
This is where having a regular girl you see that your happy with pays off. At least you know what to expect and get your monies worth.

For sure.... I'm bracing for heartache when she disappears though.....

30-08-2023, 11:04 PM
For sure.... I'm bracing for heartache when she disappears though.....

so even better have two or three regular girls that do a proper service and forget new ones that may disappoint.

30-08-2023, 11:25 PM
Often times, when the girl doesn't live up to the price you paid, it is very disheartening and puts me in a bad mood as I have wasted my money on a bad experience. How do you guys deal with this?

Accumulatively over a 2 years period during which I punt it has made me wanting to punt less and less. Thank God I only started two years ago. I have no idea of massage parlours before that and none of my friends and colleagues are into punting.

These days very time I go to a massage parlour I harbour great fear that I'm going to waste another $200 for a dud punt.

I think there is no human activity as unreliable, unpredictable, unsatisfactory, frustrating and unrewarding (We pay heaps for pussies which we often can't touch, can't smell, can't eat, can't lick and can't suck) as punting.

I'm counting the days that I would stop punting. I have had enough bullshit from WLs.

31-08-2023, 12:20 AM
so even better have two or three regular girls that do a proper service and forget new ones that may disappoint.

Yes. Except they aren’t easy to find. To find them first, you gotta take a few hits and weed out the impostors. Then each has a lifespan on its own. Some change, others take a break and may or may not return. And then you’re back to the punting scene again. Ain’t easy in this current market I tell ya.

31-08-2023, 12:32 AM
Accumulatively over a 2 years period during which I punt it has made me wanting to punt less and less. Thank God I only started two years ago. I have no idea of massage parlours before that and none of my friends and colleagues are into punting.

These days very time I go to a massage parlour I harbour great fear that I'm going to waste another $200 for a dud punt.

I think there is no human activity as unreliable, unpredictable, unsatisfactory, frustrating and unrewarding (We pay heaps for pussies which we often can't touch, can't smell, can't eat, can't lick and can't suck) as punting.

I'm counting the days that I would stop punting. I have had enough bullshit from WLs.

Oh yes. I certainly share your frustration my fellow Jedi knight. It’s just the current market we’re in. You gotta be a tough ruthless cunt out there. Polite but firm as ever. Otherwise you risk eating shit, and paying for it. Yessir, it’s enough to put any punter off at lest a few weeks from punting. Get hit like that a few times in a row and it makes you seriously want to quit.

Is there a solution? I’ve meditated on it, usually in my car after a midnight punt that has left me less than satisfied.
And the only solution is like a bull, you need to find fresh turf to graze on. It may mean going overseas.

Myself I’m still in this scene, without a regular now since June. Got a couple of WLs MiLfs I can see that are just ok. I walk out satisfied, but nothing like after sessions with my former regulars. So I’m still punting and always prepared to walk if I smell the slightest bullshit during the intro.

31-08-2023, 07:33 AM
Accumulatively over a 2 years period during which I punt it has made me wanting to punt less and less. Thank God I only started two years ago. I have no idea of massage parlours before that and none of my friends and colleagues are into punting.

These days very time I go to a massage parlour I harbour great fear that I'm going to waste another $200 for a dud punt.

$200 is a pretty low price point, so I think you'll have to be lucky to find gold nuggets there..... Saying that they are out there - my best punt was my second - $150 for 1/2 hr, the young girl asked for $70 for GFE extras. Gave her $100 instead, with a nice compliment about how gorgeous she was, and had the best time - I thought I was fucking a young Mena Suvari from American Pie....

01-09-2023, 04:51 PM
A bad punt only happens because you let it happen in the first place,
When you rock up to a shop and you want to try a new girl ask to see the line up, if a girl looks down or away from you, don’t choose her, no matter how beautiful she thinks she is,
Choose the girl that’s happy and excited to see you, the one who wants to rip your clothes off straight away, because you know you are going to have a good time with her,
And if you don’t see that girl in the shop walk away, plenty of other shops and girls to choose from

definitely agree we should walk away when no suitable girl is available.

not too sure about picking girls purely based on if they look happy and excited to see you. I've had both good and bad experiences with such girls.
my strategy is to avoid those that look like a pro, seasoned sex worker.

01-09-2023, 07:53 PM
my strategy is to avoid those that look like a pro, seasoned sex worker.

Yup.... I booked a girl on photos a while back. Come morning she had vanished from the roster.... Midday booking, shop opens at midday.... bugger! So I went it, phoned from the street - the manager on had no idea about the disappearing girl. She was nowhere to be seen. I was walking past the shop as I hung up the phone, and this haggard looking woman dragging down a cigarette in a single draw came towards me, and went in.... Fuck me I thought - the manager was going to call back in a few minutes. When she phoned, the girl hadn't surfaced, so I cancelled, I already had an excuse ready if that were her though! She never re-appeared.... I tried pot luck at another place, and found a gem of a girl.... have been back since.... try and try again!

02-09-2023, 10:05 AM
Happened to me twice at Summerville. First time, the girl I'd booked (had taken her once but not impressed, but figured I'd give her another shot (ha ha)), had recently changed her start time due to classes. The receptionist hadn't caught the problem when I booked. Didn't care to wait 3 hours for her to arrive. Summer apologized, suggested an alternate. I accepted as I recognized the name and wanted to try anyway. Turned out to be a much better experience.

The 2nd time, new girl. I arrived, she didn't. She hadn't turned up for work, and the desk's attempts to reach her were not answered. Not the shop's fault when a provider decides that the job is not for her. She never did show up on future rosters. I didn't bother with an alternate there as I already had a known secondary target in mind, and off I went.

Always best to have a Plan B...