View Full Version : General talk Save the Industry

19-09-2023, 11:48 AM
How much do you pay in petrol per month, gentlemen, in $$$?
Hold that thought

Well well well
More and more Intel coming in, showing just how unrealistic the prices being quoted are getting, for services during this 2023 recession

Such unrealistic quotes are called "bold gambits". They are ridiculously high quotes demanding you make a lower offer OR YOU WALK.

AWAYS NEGOTIATE AT THE START with your big brain

Dont discuss extras halfway through the punt when your clothes are off and WL is negotiating with your dick (little brain)

Pay for extras with 1-3 pineapples at most. This is a massage shop. There isn't a bed, there is barely any oxygen, and it's stinking hot

Some punters seem to be paying in gold bullion this year, not in pineapples. Don't support this silly behavior

Remember that anything paid for at a hot humid stall in a massage shop, is half as comfortable than in a FS brothel
One service provider in a humid massage shop stall, was asking for $280 in total, for 30 minutes of service

Which is $560 per hour of service
In a hot narrow room

$560 is a months worth of petrol for most people

Can we make it any clearer how expensive this offer is?

Stand your ground and always offer what you can afford
We set the market price. Don't let the vendor set the price
This industry will devour itself broke if the staff are pushing expensive bold gambits. One staff member will tell another staff member about successes with high quotes and naive punters, and the circus begins

Tell the business owners what is going on, before these staff turn away their customer base

Tell the working person, that their bold gambit is unrealistic. Offer them a realistic price, and show them you are happy to walk. Plenty of other options just down the road

19-09-2023, 12:00 PM
I take public transport, so 50$ week on the opal card.

For me, she can ask anything she wants. Never hurts to ask. I just KNOW the going rates and what I'm willing to pay. Most every price quote I've received has been reasonable, and for the "up to you", well, then it is, and it's probably $30, no more than $50. Every one has taken my next booking, with a smile, so it seems it was acceptable. The only REAL question for me is if I'll repeat with her.

PS: Every forum I've been in, every place I've punted, there have been horror stories about outrageous price increases, visitors ruining it for residents, etc., etc. I have no doubt that some do happen, but, MY experience, no. And when I do receive an OTT quote, that just tells me she really doesn't want my business. I just say "no thank you" and move on.

19-09-2023, 12:04 PM
Its not just brothels its everywhere. What gets me is the supermarket giants raising the prices like crazy then boasting they made a three billion in profit. Its getting harder to justify prices like $280 for 30 mins I won't pay that anytime soon or $600 an hour for outcall. Before covid you could get an hour full service escort home delivered for $250. I remember 30 years ago from pizza hut delivered 3 large pizzas (and they were much bigger back then) for $25. Now the pizzas are smaller in size and about $60 for two. Try paying $35 for a hamburger and fries these days, there is no end in sight. So if you see $560 for an hour in call in a hot room simply don't go there. Business across the board are passing on fuel prizes to customers. You have to be smart these days work for yourself and invest. Just to get ahead. If you own your own place like me then you can still cope. But I have limits where I would just turn down punting where the prices are to high. OP your correct stand your ground don't over pay and get a standard service for the higher cost. instant noodles are still cheap.

19-09-2023, 12:11 PM
If you're referring to me frisson then I'll let you know it's a one off. Never going to a RnT again.

Hidden Python
19-09-2023, 12:13 PM
I have always been a strong abdicate for telling punters don’t be a Simp, don’t over tip, don’t give any bonus and don’t give them any gifts and don’t fall in love with them.
As than it becomes an expectation and when they don’t get that expectation they start demanding it and raise prices,
So be firm and stick to the tipping scale
1 pineapple for NhJ, 1pinapple 1 apple 1 blue berry for NBJ, 2 pineapples for FS

19-09-2023, 12:16 PM
If you're referring to me frisson then I'll let you know it's a one off. Never going to a RnT again.

This topic refers to another thread is from this week, and you were not involved. So tell us more about the bold gambit you were offered !

Your story is one of many and I don't name people or shops

It's not a person thing. It's a recession theme

19-09-2023, 12:20 PM
I have always been a strong abdicate for telling punters don’t be a Simp, don’t over tip, don’t give any bonus and don’t give them any gifts and don’t fall in love with them.
As than it becomes an expectation and when they don’t get that expectation they start demanding it and raise prices,
So be firm and stick to the tipping scale
1 pineapple for NhJ, 1pinapple 1 apple 1 blue berry for NBJ, 2 pineapples for FS

You and me both bro. You are on the same page

Most of the gullible punters out there, unfortunately, do not read our forum

19-09-2023, 12:23 PM
Its not just brothels its everywhere. What gets me is the supermarket giants raising the prices like crazy then boasting they made a three billion in profit

So true. I find it bizarre to see that Coles now has these long counters, where you literally have to check out your full trolley of groceries without help. They sack service staff and make you do their work. And they make more profits
So how can they justify prices rises on top of that? Anyway that's capitalism for you

19-09-2023, 12:31 PM
I don't mind RnT. But I won't forget a time in a legit massage shop, where in the last 5 minutes the lady was very pushy asking me for $45 for a chicken choke.
She wanted me to get dressed, go to a ATM, and withdraw money. Im not a fan of chicken chokes, so declined. True story.

Didn't like the hard sell and bold gambit
And I couldn't walk out as the session was just about over

19-09-2023, 12:47 PM
You and me both bro. You are on the same page

Most of the gullible punters out there, unfortunately, do not read our forum
I've punted in a number of places, always found a forum to gather intel (anyone remember alt.news.sex.prostitution before gui sites?) BEFORE jumping in the game. Here, I stumbled across a "user's guide". Yes, several years old, but worth its weight in geld, as I've used its info, adhered to those prices (basically), and have been successful in my sorties. Many don't read the forum, or if they do, their reading comprehension is close to zero; they're only interested in adding to their post counts, then freeload on the intel. Oh well, the way of the world.


19-09-2023, 01:13 PM
So true. I find it bizarre to see that Coles now has these long counters, where you literally have to check out your full trolley of groceries without help. They sack service staff and make you do their work. And they make more profits
So how can they justify prices rises on top of that? Anyway that's capitalism for you

Yeh and the sizes of everything you buy seem so much smaller these days. I don't know how the heck they justify 3 billion profit and all us regular people have to pay more for less and less service. And the level of service in many places has fallen to shit these days. More reason for me to stick with my SB I just hope she don't start raising prices. Punting in some places the prices are out of control.

19-09-2023, 01:56 PM
I've punted in a number of places, always found a forum to gather intel (anyone remember alt.news.sex.prostitution before gui sites?) BEFORE jumping in the game. Here, I stumbled across a "user's guide". Yes, several years old, but worth its weight in geld, as I've used its info, adhered to those prices (basically), and have been successful in my sorties. Many don't read the forum, or if they do, their reading comprehension is close to zero; they're only interested in adding to their post counts, then freeload on the intel. Oh well, the way of the world.


What a great post you linked here. Appreciate the effort the punter put into it. I would also say that most aspects on apply to brothels as well.

19-09-2023, 01:59 PM
More reason for me to stick with my SB I just hope she don't start raising prices.

Good luck with that

19-09-2023, 02:07 PM
About $580 a month.

I think that punting as often as some of us do, including myself here, skews our views of the value of money. Why is it that I am ok to pay $250 to spend 45 minutes with a girl to get 2 shots, blow jobs, kiss and sex. Yes she is ok looking and 20 years younger than me, without the money she wouldn’t look at me but is that sufficient value?

On the weekend I begrudgingly spent s few hundred bucks at Bunnings, I whinged to myself how absurd the prices are but ultimately that money with help to increase the value of my house and I will benefit from what I bought for a long time. That punt thought, that experience finished in 45 minutes.

The bottom line is that I will continue to pay for the punt, whinge about the cost of living and accept that I am either a hypocrite, idiot or I think that the benefit of having that girl all to myself for that period of time is value for money, however value for money is relative. I think these days the brothel is more value for money thAn the massage shops but that’s my opinion only. Relatively speaking and comparing it to the fs shops, I think massage shops are significantly over priced.

Just my humble opinion

19-09-2023, 02:35 PM
A couple of hundred on a full tank per month.

As I’ve repeatedly said here, I’ve my prices and limits and adhere to them with military discipline.
FS only, max $170/hr. 2-3x per month. That’s it.

I honestly don’t like paying women for sex. The less the better, and nothing preferably,

19-09-2023, 04:15 PM
Bro ditchtheboss said it very well in another thread that I can't be arsed to dig up. He compared the price of our punts to everything else. How we stinge and save on things like groceries, clothes, a new TV set, new phone, etc. But when you put all that against the price we pay for punts, it all pales in comparison.

This was exactly how I felt when I went almost completely dry for 6 months earlier this year. I started to see the value of punts in everyday expenditure. A 1 hour punt was the equivalent value to 1 quarter electricity bill, gas bill (with change), 1 month petrol because I seldom drive, about 2 weeks of groceries, lots of toys for my kid, etc. 5 - 8 of them, I could buy a new iPhone Pro Max.

When you start thinking in this way.... it becomes harder and harder to justify the high cost of punting.

19-09-2023, 04:54 PM
50 to 100 per month.
As for prices, had fs with an ML today for 220 for an hour, inclusive of shop fee. I reckon that is pretty OK...sure, not as cheap as before, but nothing like the daylight robbery level prices that some punters have mentioned.

19-09-2023, 05:39 PM
About $580 a month.

I think that punting as often as some of us do, including myself here, skews our views of the value of money. Why is it that I am ok to pay $250 to spend 45 minutes with a girl to get 2 shots, blow jobs, kiss and sex. Yes she is ok looking and 20 years younger than me, without the money she wouldn’t look at me but is that sufficient value?

On the weekend I begrudgingly spent s few hundred bucks at Bunnings, I whinged to myself how absurd the prices are but ultimately that money with help to increase the value of my house and I will benefit from what I bought for a long time. That punt thought, that experience finished in 45 minutes.

The bottom line is that I will continue to pay for the punt, whinge about the cost of living and accept that I am either a hypocrite, idiot or I think that the benefit of having that girl all to myself for that period of time is value for money, however value for money is relative. I think these days the brothel is more value for money thAn the massage shops but that’s my opinion only. Relatively speaking and comparing it to the fs shops, I think massage shops are significantly over priced.

Just my humble opinion

It may only last 45 mins, but look at the bright side. Memories are forever

19-09-2023, 09:00 PM
With my rent going up by $200, i cut down my punting habit by $200. now its usually $160 per month