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View Full Version : General talk Stereotyping cars and their drivers

Hidden Python
27-09-2023, 11:22 PM
So when i am out driving i like to see who is driving what and stereotype them.
Like a big fat guy in the smallest shit box, he spends too much money on food to care if he just fits in or not.
A little Asian woman driving the biggest 4wd, i might not see over the steering wheel, but at least i crush them in an accident and safely walk away.
A Lebo in a sup up C63 or A4 i think i am a gangster drug dealer, but mummy and daddy Brough me the car.
An Aussie bogan driving a shit box Holden commodore 6 cylinder full of rust and dents, thinking its going to be worth something one day, (Sibons mate)
Tradie in a 4wd duel cab, oh shirt the drugs are wearing off i better go find the lebo in the Audi to get some more.
BMW drivers not using indicators to turn or change lanes, mate you better go to the service centre and get that fixed before the warranty runs out.

You get the picture add your favourite little on road banter, it can even be a dash cam close wet pants moment where you have been cut off in traffic.

27-09-2023, 11:24 PM
I just love to observe me fellow road warriors and give 'em a bit of a cheeky stereotype too, ya know?

27-09-2023, 11:49 PM
I think you covered the lot! Except the ignorant unaware that cruise in the right hand lane with half a dozen cars behind them. Thats why we aren't allowed to carry hand guns.

28-09-2023, 12:30 AM
The Brighton Le Sands fags (no not homosexuals) with extra loud fart cannons on their all-show/no-go bikes being loud and obnoxious farting their way along the esplanades.

28-09-2023, 12:35 AM
Anyone who isn't an Anglo Saxon and is driving a prestige car? Must be a drug dealer
An Anglo Saxon driving a prestige car? Well he's ancestors must have murdered and ripped off a shitload of Aborigines.
An Aborigine with a prestige car? A thief
And that is Australia in a nutshell.
Don't be a woke idiot and don't be a right wing redneck in denial, just accept Australia for what it is and Enjoy! Always Enjoy!

28-09-2023, 07:58 AM
People with any kind of head wear are bad drivers!!!

28-09-2023, 08:54 AM
I once saw a smoking hot Chinese girl behind the wheel of a red Ferrari driving around Chinatown. Looks to be good driving skills too.

Would you feel intimidated if you met a girl who could handle a car very well and was also really hot at the same time?
I personally find it a huge turn on!

28-09-2023, 09:15 AM
I once saw a smoking hot Chinese girl behind the wheel of a red Ferrari driving around Chinatown. Looks to be good driving skills too.

Would you feel intimidated if you met a girl who could handle a car very well and was also really hot at the same time?
I personally find it a huge turn on!

Absolute turn on.

Was driving along Cumberland Hwy next to an absolutely immaculate asian girl in a white M4 with personalised plates, we exchanged the obligatory "I see you drive a performance car" nods. She gave it a little squirt, I replied in kind, she smiled, then she turned off on to the M4 and I was left in lust to continue my journey...

There's a hot, tall Asian girl living near me with a garage consisting of an Evo VIII, an S15 Silvia, and an R32 GTR. She also has a HUGE wolf dog that she can't control properly that she walks wearing her fitness gear showing off her absolutely immaculate body. I would dropkick a kitten for a night with her...

28-09-2023, 11:08 AM
I had been seeing this SB for a while, Asian mid to late 20s I think. She always came across cool and alternative, we always met in the hotel but this time she asked for a ride I said on. She got in my M4 and said cool. After a few minutes she asked if she could drive on the way back. I said can you drive a manual? She just winked and I replied sure but you will have to earn it tonight. Anyway I let her drive and she drove it back to me. She was so sexy driving it that I told her that I came in my pants just from watching her drive 🤣🤣🤣🤣

28-09-2023, 11:22 AM
I had been seeing this SB for a while, Asian mid to late 20s I think. She always came across cool and alternative, we always met in the hotel but this time she asked for a ride I said on. She got in my M4 and said cool. After a few minutes she asked if she could drive on the way back. I said can you drive a manual? She just winked and I replied sure but you will have to earn it tonight. Anyway I let her drive and she drove it back to me. She was so sexy driving it that I told her that I came in my pants just from watching her drive 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Bro, that's hot. Especially when it's a manual car. Something about a sexy girls hand on a knob, really turns me on!

28-09-2023, 11:26 AM
Bro, that's hot. Especially when it's a manual car. Something about a sexy girls hand on a knob, really turns me on!

She can handle the nob really well

28-09-2023, 11:56 AM
Audi Drivers - Tailgaters and mad understeer
BMW Drivers - What's an indicator
Nissan Drivers - Commonly found in a ditch somewhere
Rolls Royce - All money no taste

Some off the top of my head

28-09-2023, 12:14 PM
Luxury cars are a trap, the service fee & replacement for parts is $ that could be spent else where

Rather get a car that'll last for years, years, years...

Driving a Lambo is great though

28-09-2023, 12:19 PM
Luxury cars are a trap, the service fee & replacement for parts is $ that could be spent else where

Rather get a car that'll last for years, years, years...

Driving a Lambo is great though

Did you know that some of the high end luxury cars are classified as investments by the ato and therefore if you manage your own super you can use it to buy one. Worst decision ever but a friend of mine used it to buy a mclaren. He will never need his super given his financial situation so for him not too bad but for others possibly the worst decision someone can make

28-09-2023, 08:15 PM
I once saw a smoking hot Chinese girl behind the wheel of a red Ferrari driving around Chinatown. Looks to be good driving skills too.

Would you feel intimidated if you met a girl who could handle a car very well and was also really hot at the same time?
I personally find it a huge turn on!

plot twist: she used to work at ginza and has now found a rich ccp uncle sugar daddy

28-09-2023, 09:21 PM
plot twist: she used to work at ginza and has now found a rich ccp uncle sugar daddy

Maybe, or maybe the CCP uncle was her real father. I know a few hotties who are from rich families in China. Fark I'd love to tap some of them!

29-09-2023, 07:12 AM
Here's one of my long term favoutites: a Doctor driving a 30 year old Volvo with Victorian number plates and a 'P' plater, whilst wearing a hat...

29-09-2023, 07:17 AM
So when i am out driving i like to see who is driving what and stereotype them.
Like a big fat guy in the smallest shit box, he spends too much money on food to care if he just fits in or not.
A little Asian woman driving the biggest 4wd, i might not see over the steering wheel, but at least i crush them in an accident and safely walk away.
A Lebo in a sup up C63 or A4 i think i am a gangster drug dealer, but mummy and daddy Brough me the car.
An Aussie bogan driving a shit box Holden commodore 6 cylinder full of rust and dents, thinking its going to be worth something one day, (Sibons mate)
Tradie in a 4wd duel cab, oh shirt the drugs are wearing off i better go find the lebo in the Audi to get some more.
BMW drivers not using indicators to turn or change lanes, mate you better go to the service centre and get that fixed before the warranty runs out.

You get the picture add your favourite little on road banter, it can even be a dash cam close wet pants moment where you have been cut off in traffic.

A hidden python slithering across the busy highway is waiting to be crushed to dead by a four wheel drive.

If it values its life stays in a hole.

29-09-2023, 08:48 AM
I'd say the stereotypes are fairly accurate - car brands usually represent lifestyle choices

Hidden Python
29-09-2023, 02:03 PM
A hidden python slithering across the busy highway is waiting to be crushed to dead by a four wheel drive.

If it values its life stays in a hole.

Sibon you just miss your mate who use to give you shit about all the dumb posts and comments you made.

29-09-2023, 03:32 PM
Sibon you just miss your mate who use to give you shit about all the dumb posts and comments you made.

Sounds like you want to replace him

29-09-2023, 05:04 PM
i drive an audi and everyone thinks im rich and i hate it
I actually won it because my local club was giving a car away and i won it by drinking beers everyday to gain extra entries

30-09-2023, 01:08 AM
Any fuckwit that drives a RAM! Every other driver thinks they are cockheads.

30-09-2023, 03:43 AM
Anyone in a black merc SUV with dark tint is in big time organised crime.

Anyone driving Hyundai N hot deleted turn indicators when ordering

+1 anyone driving a massive US truck is a fuckwit.

30-09-2023, 09:15 AM
Any fuckwit that drives a RAM! Every other driver thinks they are cockheads.

I always think they bought a huge car to compensate for the size of something else that they own...

30-09-2023, 09:48 AM
What about those guys that buy expensive flashy cars, and when they go to shopping they park their cars as far as possible and as isolated as they can in order to avoid trolley bumps, door scratches, bumper dents, bird shit etc on their prized possession. A mate of mine has an old shitty rust bucket and he deliberately parks his car as close as possible to these flashy cars.

30-09-2023, 02:00 PM
Imho BMW drivers are the biggest fuckwits with huge egos and narcissistic. Always trying to be flashy and loud with the perfectly trimmed jaw line beard, and you just think "will you just shut the fuck up!"

Seen quite a few in the city who simply dont give way to pedestrians crossing the street they are turning into, when people are halfway walking the street they will but in and force the pedestrian to give way whilst they drive through.

Coming down from an on ramp onto a main road with traffic slowly waiting to merge and they simply refuse to allow you to merge into their lane and drive up and block you, I've had people in merc, Bentley's, Ferraris, roll Royce actually flash and gesture me to allow me to merge infront of them, people with enough money to buy their car outright rather then have finance for the base model M5.

Watched a tourist ask a man jumping into a BMW about which direction circular quay was, literally a excuse me is it left or right? And he palmed her off to me "ask this guy".

Don't know why people hate the big American trucks, they are quite roomy and have a lot of Ute space which is great if you have an outdoor hobby or use it for work as a normal Ute space can only fit so much for work with out pulling stuff out to make room. Great pulling.power if you have a boat. I do get the hate about theu way how they park but that's just the idiot not realising what exactly he is signing up for as I know other people who will not attempt at parking in car parks and will find parking on a street and walk the extra distance

30-09-2023, 09:56 PM
OK, I'll put my head up above the trench!
I drive a Mazda 6 wagon. What does that say about me???

30-09-2023, 10:03 PM
OK, I'll put my head up above the trench!
I drive a Mazda 6 wagon. What does that say about me???

The newer style ones?? I actually like the look of the as they make me think the person who bought it is a sensible person.

30-09-2023, 10:15 PM
Yep, pretty normal

01-10-2023, 01:10 PM
OK, I'll put my head up above the trench!
I drive a Mazda 6 wagon. What does that say about me???

Just a sensible car, really nothing to love or hate about them.

01-10-2023, 01:37 PM
I always let my SBs drive my car, local or international licence of course [emoji12]104240

Sent from my GM1910 using Tapatalk

01-10-2023, 02:47 PM
I walk or catch the train or the bus or a taxi (never Uber or other ride shares).
Don't own a car. One thing less to worry about.

01-10-2023, 07:15 PM
Camry = worst drivers on the road
Dented/scratched Camry = 'worst' driving goes to 'dangerous as hell' driving. I'm talking borderline involuntary manslaughter with how carelessly they drive lol

01-10-2023, 07:36 PM
Camry = worst drivers on the road
Dented/scratched Camry = 'worst' driving goes to 'dangerous as hell' driving. I'm talking borderline involuntary manslaughter with how carelessly they drive lol

I see your camry and raise you a Kluger. Worst drivers in the world. Just today I was nearly taken out at a roundabout by a middle aged woman in a Kluger who totally ignored road rules because she has a big car and wasn't prepared to wait. 5 mins later another Kluger drove the wrong way up a one way street oblivious as to why everyone was tooting her and shouting at her from the street. 10 mjns later ANOTHER Kluger had 7 goes at trying to park in a spot so big the titanic could have docked. That's just today. Every. Fucking. Day I see this shit from Kluger drivers. If I had a date with Jennie from Blackpink, and she arrived driving a Kluger, I would walk away.

02-10-2023, 12:16 AM
Camry = worst drivers on the road
Dented/scratched Camry = 'worst' driving goes to 'dangerous as hell' driving. I'm talking borderline involuntary manslaughter with how carelessly they drive lol
Dont get me started on Camys. Fucking moving road blocks. Whenever you are in a hurry, life throws Camys at you. Shit to drive as well.

Double G
02-10-2023, 07:58 AM
I drive professionally.
I tell all my new drivers to watch out for the Ranger Danger especially if it has a Raptor factor.

02-10-2023, 03:44 PM
Fucking Toyota Camrys! 99% Uber, 100% cannot drive for shit.
MG small SUV looking thing, these seem to be a fairly new thing but every time I get behind 1, we seem to go nowhere.

Also recently got stuck behind a dickhead on a push-bike going down the main drag in Redfern, the fucker was just tooling along at 20 in the middle of the road followed by me and a line of cars. When he stopped at the next red light I gave him a little toot to try and encourage him to move over. He responded by pointing straight down at the cycle painted on the road beneath him to let me know it was a shared road. I had the window down and my head was out in a flash with, "YEAH MATE, THATS THE OUTLINE OF THE LAST FUCKING SMART ARSE THAT GOT IN MY WAY! He moved over.

02-10-2023, 08:56 PM
Toyota Tundra drivers! they thought they own the whole road!

02-10-2023, 11:14 PM
What about dildo deliveroo riders in the CBD.
No rules apply to them and they have zero situational awareness. Deathwish temporary Australians. This thread is getting like old men ringing up AM radio! ( and Im not helping!)

16-10-2023, 05:03 PM
A lot of people own numerous cars and bikes. I don’t honestly see how you can judge on one only.

16-10-2023, 06:20 PM
Ford Falcon G6e turbo, heaps of room front & back, heaps of room in the boot & tows my boat easily. Also got a couple of motorbikes in the garage.

Just a normal bloke, endangered species these days.

16-10-2023, 06:50 PM
Do we have any Tesla drivers here? I used to drive the Infiniti G35 or Nissan Skyline in Japan. But became a Tesla owner a few years back and loved it. Now seriously thinking about getting a Model X with all the price cuts.

17-10-2023, 09:30 AM
Just a normal bloke, endangered species these days.

Exactly. Just keep repping the standard. Things will change back eventually.

17-10-2023, 10:54 AM
The growth of big utes and great blocky American pick ups has made pedestrians' lives a lot more dangerous.

17-10-2023, 03:13 PM
BMW = Big Massive Wanker
Audi = Arrogant Fuck

17-10-2023, 03:23 PM
Do we have any Tesla drivers here? I used to drive the Infiniti G35 or Nissan Skyline in Japan. But became a Tesla owner a few years back and loved it. Now seriously thinking about getting a Model X with all the price cuts.

I've got a Tesla Model 3. The X is only available used until they reintroduce it here.

17-10-2023, 03:40 PM
I've got a Tesla Model 3. The X is only available used until they reintroduce it here.

Nice, I also have a Model 3. First generation Long Range model. I waited for 2 years for that car, but so worth it!

17-10-2023, 03:45 PM
A car is a piece of metal on four wheels.

Depending on the shape it attracts feminine form.

Choose wisely.

17-10-2023, 03:53 PM
My daily is a 1999 corolla, im a conservative old fart. I do have various cars on the side though, a few classic jdm and old euro trash boxes.

17-10-2023, 11:26 PM
My daily is a 1999 corolla, im a conservative old fart. I do have various cars on the side though, a few classic jdm and old euro trash boxes.

Nice. Been to a few JDM events at eastern creek. Old euro also nice, Merc or BMW? Hard to find anything decent without spending a motza. 190 and 3 series are favs