View Full Version : General talk Reducing the punt

05-11-2023, 06:48 PM
Just wondering how many other punters out there have started to reduce their punts during the cost of living onslaught!?
I must have reduced by at leat 50%

05-11-2023, 07:37 PM
i have reduced my fun times due to the lack of decent ladies at a reasonable price !!! so many think that they have golden p---y

05-11-2023, 11:15 PM
I have reduced it by 99%. The mortgage payments have made a person with low sex drive

06-11-2023, 12:02 AM
i have also reduced it by about 90%. but i've still been out and about hunting. just i've been walking more when faced with fakes and low quality trash.

06-11-2023, 10:31 AM
I've become very selective. Like many of you I can't afford to punt as often so looking for quality with a decent attitude

Bed Wrecker
06-11-2023, 01:58 PM
Yet all you guys still come on here.

06-11-2023, 03:26 PM
I reduced shop visits and replaced with older freebies. age range currently 40-51 where as shop visits 25-probably 55 anyway

made a visit to the lovely Hot Amy whom is great value.

06-11-2023, 04:53 PM
I reduced shop visits and replaced with older freebies. age range currently 40-51 where as shop visits 25-probably 55 anyway

made a visit to the lovely Hot Amy whom is great value.

always good punt that one

06-11-2023, 06:35 PM
Seems to be the concensus that most punters are patronising shops at a reduced rate, me included.
So why do we see new shops opening up? and why don't we see shops closing down??? Hmmmm

06-11-2023, 07:58 PM
Hmmm. I could start by explaining the difference between observations and data, and the risks posed by the imposition of confirmational bias on conclusions based on limited, context free or context ambiguous observations. The simplest explanation is that sufficient punters are not reducing their spend as they have types of income, levels of income or freedom from debt that protects them from the current economic pressures. Of course this is speculation that no doubt reflects my confirmational bias.

Who Killed Tangerine
06-11-2023, 08:08 PM
Hmmm. I could start by explaining the difference between observations and data, and the risks posed by the imposition of confirmational bias on conclusions based on limited, context free or context ambiguous observations. The simplest explanation is that sufficient punters are not reducing their spend as they have types of income, levels of income or freedom from debt that protects them from the current economic pressures. Of course this is speculation that no doubt reflects my confirmational bias.
Check out the big brain on Brett Fred

I have spoken to several punters who are dropping $400 on fs on mls. They ask and guys are paying.
cant blame the ladies.

06-11-2023, 10:40 PM
I've reduced after I got back from Vietnam in September.

Mortgage payments biting hard and I'm going to save to spend overseas. Probably go once a month to see ML now

The Professor
06-11-2023, 11:33 PM
Hmmm. I could start by explaining the difference between observations and data, and the risks posed by the imposition of confirmational bias on conclusions based on limited, context free or context ambiguous observations. The simplest explanation is that sufficient punters are not reducing their spend as they have types of income, levels of income or freedom from debt that protects them from the current economic pressures. Of course this is speculation that no doubt reflects my confirmational bias.

That may be so but your statement acknowledges the potential for confirmation bias and speculation, and it's important to address the concerns you raise in order to form a well-rounded perspective.
Data Versus Observations:Data and observations are not interchangeable terms. Data refers to factual and quantifiable information, while observations are subjective perceptions and interpretations of events. It's crucial to rely on data when making conclusions rather than purely personal observations.
Confirmation Bias: Recognizing the existence of confirmation bias is a positive step. To mitigate this bias, it's important to seek out a diverse range of information sources and perspectives. Consider information that challenges your initial assumptions to arrive at more objective conclusions.
Economic Factors: Your statement suggests that some individuals are not reducing their spending due to certain income types, income levels, or freedom from debt. To address this, one must consider various economic factors that influence consumer behavior:
Income Types: While some individuals may have stable income sources, many others have experienced job loss, reduced hours, or financial insecurity during economic downturns. It's important to account for this diversity in income types.
Income Levels: Economic pressures affect people across different income brackets. High earners may also reduce spending during times of uncertainty, and low-income individuals may find creative ways to maintain their spending, but this varies widely among individuals.
Debt: While debt can provide a temporary buffer, it doesn't necessarily protect individuals from the long-term impacts of an economic crisis. Many are still concerned about their financial future and may adjust their spending habits accordingly.
Context Matters: Economic behavior is deeply contextual. It depends on factors like geographic location, industry, government policies, and market conditions. A broad, context-free observation can't fully capture the complexity of individual financial decisions.
In conclusion, it's essential to acknowledge the potential for confirmation bias and the limitations of subjective observations. To arrive at more informed conclusions about economic behavior, it's advisable to rely on data and consider a wide range of economic factors. Additionally, recognizing the significance of context and seeking diverse perspectives can help create a more well-rounded understanding of the situation.

PS I've got a big dick too.

the gelding
07-11-2023, 06:15 AM
chat gpt is in the house

07-11-2023, 08:23 AM
That may be so but your statement acknowledges the potential for confirmation bias and speculation, and it's important to address the concerns you raise in order to form a well-rounded perspective.
Data Versus Observations:Data and observations are not interchangeable terms. Data refers to factual and quantifiable information, while observations are subjective perceptions and interpretations of events. It's crucial to rely on data when making conclusions rather than purely personal observations.
Confirmation Bias: Recognizing the existence of confirmation bias is a positive step. To mitigate this bias, it's important to seek out a diverse range of information sources and perspectives. Consider information that challenges your initial assumptions to arrive at more objective conclusions.
Economic Factors: Your statement suggests that some individuals are not reducing their spending due to certain income types, income levels, or freedom from debt. To address this, one must consider various economic factors that influence consumer behavior:
Income Types: While some individuals may have stable income sources, many others have experienced job loss, reduced hours, or financial insecurity during economic downturns. It's important to account for this diversity in income types.
Income Levels: Economic pressures affect people across different income brackets. High earners may also reduce spending during times of uncertainty, and low-income individuals may find creative ways to maintain their spending, but this varies widely among individuals.
Debt: While debt can provide a temporary buffer, it doesn't necessarily protect individuals from the long-term impacts of an economic crisis. Many are still concerned about their financial future and may adjust their spending habits accordingly.
Context Matters: Economic behavior is deeply contextual. It depends on factors like geographic location, industry, government policies, and market conditions. A broad, context-free observation can't fully capture the complexity of individual financial decisions.
In conclusion, it's essential to acknowledge the potential for confirmation bias and the limitations of subjective observations. To arrive at more informed conclusions about economic behavior, it's advisable to rely on data and consider a wide range of economic factors. Additionally, recognizing the significance of context and seeking diverse perspectives can help create a more well-rounded understanding of the situation.

PS I've got a big dick too.
This made me laugh , someone in QA or someone reads Wikipedia.

07-11-2023, 08:44 AM
Seems to be the concensus that most punters are patronising shops at a reduced rate, me included.
So why do we see new shops opening up? and why don't we see shops closing down??? Hmmmm

It's definitely way quieter at massage shops. Legit or not. The legit thai place I go to used to be fully booked 2-3 days in advance. Now can get in with a booking an hour beforehand.

07-11-2023, 10:52 AM
most massage shops and MLs are definitely it difficult, my regular told me she used to see 5-7/day, now she sees 2-3/day?

However shops like 5s and TT are still going strong based on their higher quality MLs and Asian clientile, but reality will hit soon enough

to answer the question, yes reduced by 50% and mostly just going to my regulars now

The Professor
07-11-2023, 03:31 PM
chat gpt is in the house
its not hard is it .........can't wait for the AI sexbots.....maybe a little time off now.

07-11-2023, 04:13 PM
Girls need bring the extra rate down in line with Sydney , but punters here keep throwing stupid money at them for shit service so things won’t change until punters stand there ground .

07-11-2023, 04:58 PM
I'm not really reducing but the ability to waste a punt is going down.

I didn't mind going somewhere and going with someone new and having a shit session.

But now you wanna make sure it's worth while. Getting through 30 mins of a shitty Massage only to be told you're only getting a NHJ is just annoying now.

Dr Grafton Everest
07-11-2023, 05:26 PM
I've always suspected that July-August is busy, and November-January dead quiet.
You might even start to get unsolicited messages from WL's "havn't seen you in ages" at this time of year.

My punting has reduced, because I'm starting to get vey rigid with rules:

No WL's without solid, consistent reviews, from seasoned punters whose comments I trust.
ALMOST No to all Australians... way too much golden puss
No Blondes... way too much golden puss
No WL's describing themselves as 'Euro' ... way too much golden puss.. most would be considered a potato in Europe
No skinny chicks.. too many on meth.
No chicks that even remotely look like men... if you are questioning the gender, it's 90% likely a catfish.
No to any advert with the word 'tantra' or 'shakti'... defo boring, expensive golden puss
No to any advert with the acronym 'CIP' or the word 'natural' .. ad is placed by a meth addict or foreign scammer
No to any advert with 'outcall only' .. too likely to get robbed
No to any advert with the acronym 'MILF' .. 90% likely the WL will be unbearably fat
No to anything South American, or pretending to be South American
No deposits
No Locanto's, even if they have good reviews.
Suburban/Regional brothels only, and only weekdays, and always pick the girl you think is "cute for you, and not cute for everyone"
ML only at shops with showers

And once you apply the above ruleset, you probably only have 20 suitable ML's/WL's in greater Brisbane on any given day.. and seen half of them already

Scotty from Marketing
07-11-2023, 05:38 PM
Given those rules, you actually include a lot of mls. But exclude a lot of w/l privates

Plenty of asian mls at massage shops which seemed to be your only criteria for mls.
Would skinny asians count for meth addicts?

Dr Grafton Everest
07-11-2023, 06:02 PM
slim Asians are usually ok..

was referring to the super skinny (but not fitness orientated), and usually spotty (often staph sores that never heal), WL's.
once you've seen a few up close, they are easy to pick.. always run away

there are maybe a few WL's that i'd make exceptions for:
Ashley Zeta Jones got a few good reviews.. haven't seen recent reviews.. but I'm tempted
Corporate Kara has many good reviews.. tempted
Piper Jackson, and few touring WL's like her get consistent good reviews.. curiosity raised

The more you bend your rules though, the chance of walking (or a dud punt) increases exponentially

To me, my list is analogous to WL's that ' wont see Indians '... sure there must be decent Indian punters.. but enough have been bad, that WL's wont go there again

07-11-2023, 07:09 PM
A good general guide!

07-11-2023, 09:55 PM
I've always suspected that July-August is busy, and November-January dead quiet.
You might even start to get unsolicited messages from WL's "havn't seen you in ages" at this time of year.

My punting has reduced, because I'm starting to get vey rigid with rules:

No WL's without solid, consistent reviews, from seasoned punters whose comments I trust.
ALMOST No to all Australians... way too much golden puss
No Blondes... way too much golden puss
No WL's describing themselves as 'Euro' ... way too much golden puss.. most would be considered a potato in Europe
No skinny chicks.. too many on meth.
No chicks that even remotely look like men... if you are questioning the gender, it's 90% likely a catfish.
No to any advert with the word 'tantra' or 'shakti'... defo boring, expensive golden puss
No to any advert with the acronym 'CIP' or the word 'natural' .. ad is placed by a meth addict or foreign scammer
No to any advert with 'outcall only' .. too likely to get robbed
No to any advert with the acronym 'MILF' .. 90% likely the WL will be unbearably fat
No to anything South American, or pretending to be South American
No deposits
No Locanto's, even if they have good reviews.
Suburban/Regional brothels only, and only weekdays, and always pick the girl you think is "cute for you, and not cute for everyone"
ML only at shops with showers

And once you apply the above ruleset, you probably only have 20 suitable ML's/WL's in greater Brisbane on any given day.. and seen half of them already

that's a good guideline and I hope beginner punters could see it

07-11-2023, 09:57 PM
Who's corporate kara?

07-11-2023, 10:00 PM
Who's corporate kara?

the woman who claimed she had cancer during covid because she was looking for an excuse of not to see me

08-11-2023, 12:52 AM
used to punt twice a week, now once a week as normal. So yes, dropped 50%.

08-11-2023, 09:20 AM
No WL's without solid, consistent reviews, from seasoned punters whose comments I trust.

I like the rules based order but for this one, "consistent reviews, from seasoned punters whose comments I trust." how are you going to find the hidden gems? just rely on others to have the fossicking for gems?

definitely exclude the poor review girls but I still want to have some fossicking adventure on the just in case

08-11-2023, 09:33 AM
I've always suspected that July-August is busy, and November-January dead quiet.
You might even start to get unsolicited messages from WL's "havn't seen you in ages" at this time of year.

My punting has reduced, because I'm starting to get vey rigid with rules:

No WL's without solid, consistent reviews, from seasoned punters whose comments I trust.
ALMOST No to all Australians... way too much golden puss
No Blondes... way too much golden puss
No WL's describing themselves as 'Euro' ... way too much golden puss.. most would be considered a potato in Europe
No skinny chicks.. too many on meth.
No chicks that even remotely look like men... if you are questioning the gender, it's 90% likely a catfish.
No to any advert with the word 'tantra' or 'shakti'... defo boring, expensive golden puss
No to any advert with the acronym 'CIP' or the word 'natural' .. ad is placed by a meth addict or foreign scammer
No to any advert with 'outcall only' .. too likely to get robbed
No to any advert with the acronym 'MILF' .. 90% likely the WL will be unbearably fat
No to anything South American, or pretending to be South American
No deposits
No Locanto's, even if they have good reviews.
Suburban/Regional brothels only, and only weekdays, and always pick the girl you think is "cute for you, and not cute for everyone"
ML only at shops with showers

And once you apply the above ruleset, you probably only have 20 suitable ML's/WL's in greater Brisbane on any given day.. and seen half of them already

Kara defo worth a look. really good BBBJ with CIM

08-11-2023, 09:35 AM

08-11-2023, 11:20 AM
I assume kara is


08-11-2023, 02:06 PM
Kara defo worth a look. really good BBBJ with CIM

no, she does not do CIM

09-11-2023, 10:30 AM
no, she does not do CIM

as always...YMMV

09-11-2023, 01:22 PM
Corporate Kara is not 39 - i say she is at least 10 years older and more likely up to 20years older - the pictures are taken I say 10to 20 years earlier. If you can get past her looks, I suppose at least her services are not bad

09-11-2023, 11:38 PM
Corporate Kara is not 39 - i say she is at least 10 years older and more likely up to 20years older - the pictures are taken I say 10to 20 years earlier. If you can get past her looks, I suppose at least her services are not bad

does she do CIM?

No Pay
09-11-2023, 11:46 PM
some say yes, some say no. maybe it depends on the person. maybe the person who said yes did not get it and is trying to get others to demand it from her. who really knows ? only way is to go find out for yourself.

10-11-2023, 11:16 AM
some say yes, some say no. maybe it depends on the person. maybe the person who said yes did not get it and is trying to get others to demand it from her. who really knows ? only way is to go find out for yourself.

This is the way. Maybe I got lucky? we had somethings in common, professionally. but as always YMMV.
feel free to PM me but there is nothing out of the ordinary to report

10-11-2023, 03:17 PM
well i prefer to spray all over - so i guess I dont know for sure (I only saw her once)- but the fact she didnt ask me to pull out probably indicate she is open to the idea- i think you find many will be happy for CIM but not CIMWS.

11-11-2023, 08:44 PM
And so, the unsolicited text messages from shops seem to have started!

12-11-2023, 03:52 PM
everything going downhill from here

12-11-2023, 08:31 PM
yes, my MS activities have reduced drastically.

14-11-2023, 08:08 PM
And so, the unsolicited text messages from shops seem to have started!
I received a text today from a shop I visited a week ago with their full roster for the week plus their sister shop too. Message said "hey guy, come see us again" lol

15-11-2023, 02:45 PM
i got a similar text

15-11-2023, 04:03 PM
i got a similar text I got an identical text.

15-11-2023, 05:01 PM
I'm sure the shops are hurting so its time to play hard ball. About time they realized that the economic downturn hits us as well as them so improve your game or starve.
Rang up an independent today and was going to pay $250 for an hour but she was out shopping. Said could I come later. I said don't worry.
We need a system more equally weighted between punter and provider. Now it seems too heavily favoured in the providers favour. I don't accept the excuse that some punters leave without paying, some might but the majority don't I think.

No Pay
15-11-2023, 05:10 PM
I got an identical text.

I got a comparable text.

15-11-2023, 05:48 PM
I got an identical text.Is this a shop with twins?

Sent from my SM-S901E using Tapatalk

15-11-2023, 09:27 PM
Is this a shop with twins?

Sent from my SM-S901E using Tapatalk

It was, but I had trouble telling which was the identical one because they looked so much alike.

16-11-2023, 08:56 AM
Is this a shop with twins?

Sent from my SM-S901E using Tapatalk

yes, right about that

16-11-2023, 10:02 AM
I'm sure the shops are hurting so its time to play hard ball. About time they realized that the economic downturn hits us as well as them so improve your game or starve.
Rang up an independent today and was going to pay $250 for an hour but she was out shopping. Said could I come later. I said don't worry.
We need a system more equally weighted between punter and provider. Now it seems too heavily favoured in the providers favour. I don't accept the excuse that some punters leave without paying, some might but the majority don't I think.

I would like to think that many of these punters would walk. I am more than happy to if I don't like what I'm seeing

16-11-2023, 10:48 AM
I'm sure the shops are hurting so its time to play hard ball. About time they realized that the economic downturn hits us as well as them so improve your game or starve.
Rang up an independent today and was going to pay $250 for an hour but she was out shopping. Said could I come later. I said don't worry.
We need a system more equally weighted between punter and provider. Now it seems too heavily favoured in the providers favour. I don't accept the excuse that some punters leave without paying, some might but the majority don't I think.

i had a similar experience. texted an independent for an appointment. she asked for how long. i said one hour ( which was going to cost me $400 ). she told me to go over in 30 minutes. then something came up on my end and i texted her to tell her i could only do 30 minutes as i was pressed for time. ( 30 minutes was $250 ). she then replied to say she was having dinner and that she would only be back at her place after about 2 hours.

would you go see this person ? i've blacklisted her.

16-11-2023, 11:51 AM
$400\1h and $250\30 mins 😱
What kind of service costs that much from a ML!?

No Pay
16-11-2023, 12:57 PM
$400\1h and $250\30 mins ��
What kind of service costs that much from a ML!?


16-11-2023, 11:20 PM
$400\1h and $250\30 mins ��
What kind of service costs that much from a ML!?

I'm in agreeance. I have always thought the cost of providing services to clients exhorborant bordering on pure rip off.
I have a ceiling of $250 a session but rarely hand over that sort of money. I refuse to pay anything higher. This $400 an hour and higher is pure BS.
Some will argue that having to service ugly fat smelly and sometimes obnoxious men dictates a large and generous compensation and I would argue rightfully so BUT what if you are not?
What if you are a reasonably ok looking respectful gent who thinks about personal hygiene and the feelings and treatment of the ladies you see?
Given many ML are in the 6 to 8 out of 10 range we are hardly talking about models slumming it with the average man.

As I argue its about time punters woke up to the fact that they are being scewed in the worst way possible.

If you haven't already I suggest one day when a female is offerring you sex you say NO and I'm talking about unpaid sex.
It will be one of the most empowering things you will do in life and change your whole outlook on the transactional exchange of sex, especially for money.

17-11-2023, 01:00 AM
if you won't pay, others will, just like the property market. if you are better looking than others, can you buy the property for cheaper ?

for them ML/WL, they work for the money not out of the goodness of their heart. so who do you expect they go to ? the handsome guy or the loaded guy ?

if you look at the younger generation, the hot girls hang around with the seemingly cool guys, get fucked and then get dumped, with nothing to show for it. the smarter ones hang around loaded men, get fucked anyways but at least they get expensive gifts etc etc etc

so, who is smarter ?

27-11-2023, 12:58 PM
if you won't pay, others will, just like the property market. if you are better looking than others, can you buy the property for cheaper ?

for them ML/WL, they work for the money not out of the goodness of their heart. so who do you expect they go to ? the handsome guy or the loaded guy ?

if you look at the younger generation, the hot girls hang around with the seemingly cool guys, get fucked and then get dumped, with nothing to show for it. the smarter ones hang around loaded men, get fucked anyways but at least they get expensive gifts etc etc etc

so, who is smarter ?
Flawed theory in my opinion.
In order for it to work that way, there needs to be an almost endless supply of loaded guys willing to pay big$.
Remove that quantity and what happens....!
I hear of guys paying big money on here all the time, i dont spend anywhere near the prices being talked about.
I fairly stubborn and walk a lot though.
I aint no Don Johnson either!
The free market does what it does, even in this game!

27-11-2023, 03:39 PM
I aint no Don Johnson either!

LOL....that guy is well in his 70s now. I doubt he'd get a lot of freebies these days ;)

27-11-2023, 06:06 PM
I bet he pulling more girls than us even at his age hahaha

27-11-2023, 10:41 PM
LOL....that guy is well in his 70s now. I doubt he'd get a lot of freebies these days ;)
You'd be surprised my friend. Wg's love older guys - its easier money, they are more respectful, know how to reciprocate and won't leave them sore from a constant and exhaustive hammering.
True story - my last session, Wg couldn't speak English so google translated and showed me after session " I hang out with you?" I laughed and said No. She countered with "next time only $100 all up".
Now I'm nearly 62. Don't discount age and experience.

28-11-2023, 11:12 AM
You'd be surprised my friend. Wg's love older guys - its easier money, they are more respectful, know how to reciprocate and won't leave them sore from a constant and exhaustive hammering.
True story - my last session, Wg couldn't speak English so google translated and showed me after session " I hang out with you?" I laughed and said No. She countered with "next time only $100 all up".
Now I'm nearly 62. Don't discount age and experience.

I don't disagree with you....same boat....similar age.
I just found it funny that Selecta came up with Don Johnson as a prime example for a top-handsome womanizer type of guy....someone who was in his prime, when most of our MLs had not even been conceived...
Also giving away his considerable vintage ;)

28-11-2023, 01:33 PM
I don't disagree with you....same boat....similar age.
I just found it funny that Selecta came up with Don Johnson as a prime example for a top-handsome womanizer type of guy....someone who was in his prime, when most of our MLs had not even been conceived...
Also giving away his considerable vintage ;)
Who said Forums cant be fun 😂

29-11-2023, 04:54 AM
if you can get the age and the face, Alice in Nundah is the best. no need to be reducing anything as her price range suits all.

24-01-2024, 07:32 PM
My expenses are down 40%, that's for sure. However, it's still not the same without a girl)))). Except for watching movies). By the way, I was recently recommended to watch https://stripprofiles.com/model/AkiShina, adult content. Perhaps those who are into this kind of video will find this information useful.