View Full Version : General talk AuXXX hacked ?

07-11-2023, 08:41 PM
Has anyone else heard about AuXXX?

I saw it on a Reddit Sydney thread tonight.


I always assumed that what was on the net was on forever. But they appear to have lost all reviews and are rebuilding the site from scratch

"NOTE: At 10pm on 29/10/2023 the forum host suffered a catastrophic failure resulting in huge damage to our forum structure and content.
Please be patient whilst we rebuild the forum. Please do not email us during this time. With over 400 emails already we can't process all of them.
New paid Silver memberships have been put on hold until the rebuild is completed."


07-11-2023, 08:44 PM
A data leak too perhaps?

07-11-2023, 08:53 PM
A cyberhack and removal of material would barely be noticed

That site hid the reviews so comprehensively from general view, that cyberhackers stripping content will barely be noticed by vast majority of visitors

What is more important is the question, have members identification and financial details also been compromised?
Let's not be naive, hackers steal content to find valuable information to sell on the dark web. People paying for silver memberships may now wish they had paid in cash

I only just recently warned in this forum, that punters should not share financial details with any punting site. I was correct. I wonder how much personal identification and financial information was harvested

Sincerely best wishes to all members involved there. Let's see if reports follow regarding the dark web wanting to publish member details

Now we know the site was not safe from hackers. The irony is that you probably needed to be a hacker, to access any info from that site

Another point. I would have assumed that a competent site manager (web master) would have backed up the site. Maybe not. We will see. Not that I need to visit that site, no useful information is accessible. Can you back up a website that has more barriers and walls than a high security prison? We shall see

There is no way I am giving a punting forum my name or financial details

Dont users of that forum know about the Ashley Madison website hacking scandal? The website with thousands of members personal records released on the dark web, and members threatened that their details would be released to the public


07-11-2023, 08:58 PM
Didn't they get they reviews from here ?

07-11-2023, 09:13 PM
Couldn't have happened to a nicer bunch. :D

07-11-2023, 09:16 PM
Aus99 needs a new section

'auxxx past members'
Post your reviews here, where they can actually be read and not be hidden in a maze of barriers and restrictions

08-11-2023, 12:01 AM
Didn't they get they reviews from here ?

Yeah probably. They sure were a bunch of unappreciative back-door weasels. Fuck em, got what they deserved.

08-11-2023, 02:35 AM
Reddit post has been removed.
Is there any proof it was a hack or was it just their idea? Could have been technical issue that caused it and if it was hacked, I would have expected different results. Another website had similar issues around the exact same time as auxxx, and lost all posts after April. Maybe same server.

08-11-2023, 03:26 AM
Yeah probably. They sure were a bunch of unappreciative back-door weasels. Fuck em, got what they deserved.

Couldn’t agree more, an absolute headfuck of platform designed to squeeze a dollar out of punters, have written a few reviews that won’t up to standards apparently, almost trying to pretty much give me no choice but to purchase account access rather than earn it with a review.

08-11-2023, 06:28 AM
Couldn’t agree more, an absolute headfuck of platform designed to squeeze a dollar out of punters, have written a few reviews that won’t up to standards apparently, almost trying to pretty much give me no choice but to purchase account access rather than earn it with a review.

Did you give them your financial details?

08-11-2023, 06:50 AM
For fuck's sake, cyber attacks and data breaches have been going on for decades. The list of companies that have been breached, hacked, penetrated, compromised is as long as a fucken roll of toilet paper (and these are companies that have fessed up and reported it). For companies that haven't reported their breaches or are oblivious to the fact they've been breached the list is 100x greater.

Who can you trust? No one

What technology/company can you trust? None!....welcome to the online digital world.

What is a sure and safe bet? Off the grid, cash only, face to face transactions.


08-11-2023, 07:14 AM
No one can live off the grid entirely
But agree, good reason not to upload your full name and financial information with a punting site. I would never trust that site again

08-11-2023, 09:01 AM
good riddance I suspect its a server failure and they lost part of their data which is probably unrecoverable.
bunch of egotistical pricks hopefully this is the end of the site, its been on a downward slope for a few years now.

Hidden Python
08-11-2023, 09:08 AM
100% nothing is safe, so that’s why I minimise the risks and use prepaid cards
Especially for online purchases

08-11-2023, 11:29 AM
What about optus?

08-11-2023, 01:40 PM
Didn't they get they reviews from here ?
I found some guy literally copy and paste my review of Leena on there.

08-11-2023, 03:12 PM
What about optus?

Fuck them also with passion! Been down the whole morning.

08-11-2023, 03:17 PM
I found some guy literally copy and paste my review of Leena on there.

Those auxxx mods clearly spent more time jerking off to other peoples reviews. They were quite biased towards their own paid advertisers.

08-11-2023, 03:38 PM
I found some guy literally copy and paste my review of Leena on there.

Wow. That's plagiarism?

08-11-2023, 03:40 PM
good riddance I suspect its a server failure and they lost part of their data which is probably unrecoverable.
bunch of egotistical pricks hopefully this is the end of the site, its been on a downward slope for a few years now.
Server failure? But surely they have server backups

It's not complicated. A server is just a big hard drive. Seriously

08-11-2023, 03:46 PM
Everybody steals and plagiarises its been happening forever. Many years ago hookerlooker copied and pasted my review of midas when it first opened, all trash could say was sorry.

08-11-2023, 04:08 PM
Fuck them also with passion! Been down the whole morning.

Yep. Now on Telstra. Did that at 9:00am this morning.

08-11-2023, 04:13 PM
Can't wait for Artificial Intelligence to be running things this decade

October 2023-
Q: Optus, what was the cause of the system failure today? (5 hours at least since it started)
Optus: We don't know, maybe software, maybe electrical, maybe technical

October 2030-
Q: Sydney Airport, what was the cause of the system failure today? Two planes crashed.

Sydney Airport: We don't know, maybe software, maybe electrical, maybe technical

08-11-2023, 05:05 PM
Great list of Australian data breaches. Thank you. Very concerning

08-11-2023, 07:44 PM
I have been posting reviews on Aux but gonna take my talents to aus99

08-11-2023, 08:43 PM
I have been posting reviews on Aux but gonna take my talents to aus99

You are speaking for a lot of people

09-11-2023, 09:16 AM
Did you give them your financial details?

Never, glad I didn’t.

09-11-2023, 01:39 PM
Server failure? But surely they have server backups

It's not complicated. A server is just a big hard drive. Seriously

Yeah but I have a feeling they were running on barebones infrastructure, minimal costs while trying to get as much as they can from advertisers.

The way they treat their own reviewers is appalling if you treat them like shit no one is going to post anymore and that’s what happened was good 10 years ago and it’s a shadow of itself.

10-11-2023, 11:40 AM
I was on there. Put up over 100 reviews, all detailed and as per their guidelines. So, I politely enquired about gold membership, which I think you are entitled to after 50 reviews.
Some twat replies with a rant about it's "not a badge of honour" and "we don't give it to just anyone" "you need to be of good character". That last one set me off. FFS it's a website for mongers.
IMO, the cheap, deluded cunts got what they deserved.

10-11-2023, 11:44 AM
I was on there. Put up over 100 reviews, all detailed and as per their guidelines. So, I politely enquired about gold membership, which I think you are entitled to after 50 reviews.
Some twat replies with a rant about it's "not a badge of honour" and "we don't give it to just anyone" "you need to be of good character". That last one set me off. FFS it's a website for mongers.
IMO, the cheap, deluded cunts got what they deserved.
Avoid this website if they continue with such draconian admin
I found the site too hostile
Probably works like this - there are a select few who hoard all the reviews and don't allow general access. Milk the general public into paying for a subscription. Not a bad business model really but an open forum is just as good

11-11-2023, 01:47 AM
I know for a fact that the mods @auxxx watch every thread and post here like hawks. In particular “Nextlife” and his cohorts such as “Hard” and others. They’re cleaners most of them, used to cleaning shit. Their own particularly.

11-11-2023, 02:15 AM
I was on there. Put up over 100 reviews, all detailed and as per their guidelines. So, I politely enquired about gold membership, which I think you are entitled to after 50 reviews.
Some twat replies with a rant about it's "not a badge of honour" and "we don't give it to just anyone" "you need to be of good character". That last one set me off. FFS it's a website for mongers.
IMO, the cheap, deluded cunts got what they deserved.

Good character. Do you have to recite three “Hail Marys” daily too?

11-11-2023, 09:19 AM
Good character. Do you have to recite three “Hail Marys” daily too?
Good character means you do what you are told, and ideally pay up

11-11-2023, 10:20 AM
Good character means you do what you are told, and ideally pay up

Sounds like a fucken mafia. Do they have a 'train station' like in Yellowstone?

11-11-2023, 10:35 AM
Sounds like a fucken mafia. Do they have a 'train station' like in Yellowstone?

Taken down by the internet underground/ mafia - cyberhack
'There is no honor among thieves'

11-11-2023, 11:25 AM
Avoid this website if they continue with such draconian admin
I found the site too hostile
Probably works like this - there are a select few who hoard all the reviews and don't allow general access. Milk the general public into paying for a subscription. Not a bad business model really but an open forum is just as good

There are definitely good and not so great aspects on various punting forums.

AUS99 is free for all and very successful, financially and popularity wise, but then again, as far as reviews go, it’s not as comprehensive as Auxxx.
And how many times so many of you have complained about the spamming by the advertisers?

On the other hand, Auxxx has always been very tightly moderated, you know the rules, you either comply and contribute or pay up to benefit from the vast information in the forum or you can go somewhere else. So while it is Not free for all, you are still totally free to choose, stay on or get out.

In a perfect world, if the Admin here can have tighter control on certain aspects of the forum, AUS99 could well be the bench mark of all adult forums. No ?


11-11-2023, 12:10 PM
In a perfect world, if the Admin here can have tighter control on certain aspects of the forum, AUS99 could well be the bench mark of all adult forums. No ?

Bro if this forum was perfect there would be no auxxx. End of discussion

Spammers will spam, bro Ahl, and it is the main reason I can't read recent ARs from the last week on this site, on a smartphone

However the recent cyberhack of the competitor's site could be a MASSIVE once in a decade opportunity for this site to take many of those members away. Individual punters giving names and financial details to a punting site so it can then be taken by hackers to the Dark Web? No thanks!

Gentlemen, the strength of this site is the here and now. Up to date news about which brothels just jacked up prices $40 for entry and their recruiting going backwards (punters beware), which shops know how to recruit slim smart ladies, which shops have good management and care about feedback, which shops have failed or are now under new management
Also where Jesse is the manager,
and where Ahlungor punts

I suspect this website's design can't be modified much to meet people requests. I read a new review in syd99 on Monday, which is now long gone on a smartphone screen. Scanning 10 pages on a mobile isn't practical no matter how many instructions are giving how to find info using a small screen

My humble suggestions

1. More and more local intel

2. New businesses being given a six month discount on being posting on here - the more advertising of new massage shops and brothels the more interesting the forum. Business is very very tough at the moment

3. The rival forum has the major competitive advantage that reviews were revered. Reviews were kept nice and quarantined from spam, in dedicated sections

Wish new reviews were kept at top of section like a sticky for 7 days, but probably not feasible. Otherwise much more feasible, as Ahl says they shouldn't be bumped down so quickly by non AR posts. For example an AR posted this Monday. Within 2 days the AR were bumped so far downwards, even a forensic IT technician on the bus or train couldn't easily find this recent AR on a smartphone screen

4. Less aggro and confrontation
Call out the testosterone overloaded miniMods that have to stalk and respond aggressively to other contributor with each post. Used to be a guy on here trying to be the local detective. Gets tedious real quickly, your posts aren't interesting. Post your opinion on something, then stay in your own lane
Also ignore the hormone-heads who post 'This thread is dull'. Ignore their posts and they realise they are irrelevant

5. Syd99 harbour cruise every December
The last suggestion was a joke

carmen farquis
11-11-2023, 04:05 PM
I was on there. Put up over 100 reviews, all detailed and as per their guidelines. So, I politely enquired about gold membership, which I think you are entitled to after 50 reviews.
Some twat replies with a rant about it's "not a badge of honour" and "we don't give it to just anyone" "you need to be of good character". That last one set me off. FFS it's a website for mongers.
IMO, the cheap, deluded cunts got what they deserved.

At least they replied to you.
A few times I sent messages about gold about a month apart and never even got a reply so I sent one to I think his name was bad Aussie boy and he upgrade me straight away.
Maybe my ass licking skills weren't good enough.

11-11-2023, 04:19 PM
At least they replied to you.
A few times I sent messages about gold about a month apart and never even got a reply so I sent one to I think his name was bad Aussie boy and he upgrade me straight away.
Maybe my ass licking skills weren't good enough.

lol why would any post reviews anymore after being treated like that, they act as if they wrote everything themselves and that we must bow down to them for the pleasure of them making money off our content.

left many years ago, same experience never got a replied then when i did got the same, posts are not enough you need to be of good character. stopped posting after that and haven't logged in since.

11-11-2023, 05:33 PM
This forum is excellent for the reasons already given, but where it really lacks is discussion of Western girls generally, and especially the high-end ones, both at parlours and private. That is one big reason why the other forums are used. This forum leans heavily to the low cost options. That is not a criticism, just an observation.

13-11-2023, 12:31 AM
This forum is excellent for the reasons already given, but where it really lacks is discussion of Western girls generally, and especially the high-end ones, both at parlours and private. That is one big reason why the other forums are used. This forum leans heavily to the low cost options. That is not a criticism, just an observation.

what’s a high-end girl?

14-11-2023, 09:56 PM
what’s a high-end girl?

More specifically, high priced ie parlours like bodyrotic, nirvana and places like Stilettos, and expensive privates. This forum skews heavily towards relatively low cost encounters, and with Asian SWs. Just different preferences amongst the forums.