View Full Version : General talk Mental visualisation

09-11-2023, 12:06 AM
I wonder if there's people in the forum who have aphantasia - a phenomenon where they just can't create a mental image of anything when their eyes are closed.

Those who talk about wanking after a punt, I'm pretty sure they have a good mastery of creating images in their head as they would remember the girl they had a good time with. For example, I would imagine being with my crush every night having a good time and snuggling together until the morning.

There is a type of meditation that brings about the creation of merits without needing to perform material offerings, although for those with aphantasia or those who can't focus well on a certain thought or image for more than 10 seconds would need a tool to help bring out that imagination and focus.

This type of meditation is quite involved. You would be visualising a paradise filled with celestial beings. For some it can take hours to imagine and hold that image uninterrupted. But the way it brings about merits is that our material clinging gets offered. It's a little different from imagining that we're sitting on a beach with ordinary naked human beings because that arouses our ego. When visualising naked celestial beings instead and imagining showing respect and offering kindness to them, we create merit.

There is also a method of creating merits by imagining having sex with an actual goddess but that requires a secret initiation, because if done wrong may create strong mental imbalances.

If I get to reunite with my crush I have a powerful initiation for her. She can become the great beautiful goddess Vajrayogini and end up helping others with tremendous realisations. Vajrayogini embodies the strongest feminine power known to all the universes.

09-11-2023, 07:06 AM
Do you also recommend mediating about eating a banquet meal, with all the senses involved? I prefer the real thing and not drawing out those experiences virtually

Fantasizing too much in the imagination alone about sex is probably not healthy, unless you are going to relieve your self alone afterwards. That type of meditation can work up your body just as much as having a woman with you

I'm not really into porn or self-relief

I will leave my meditation solely to the task of mind defragmentation at the start or the end of the day

09-11-2023, 07:09 AM
I wonder if there's people in the forum who have aphantasia - a phenomenon where they just can't create a mental image of anything when their eyes are closed.

Those who talk about wanking after a punt, I'm pretty sure they have a good mastery of creating images in their head as they would remember the girl they had a good time with. For example, I would imagine being with my crush every night having a good time and snuggling together until the morning.

There is a type of meditation that brings about the creation of merits without needing to perform material offerings, although for those with aphantasia or those who can't focus well on a certain thought or image for more than 10 seconds would need a tool to help bring out that imagination and focus.

This type of meditation is quite involved. You would be visualising a paradise filled with celestial beings. For some it can take hours to imagine and hold that image uninterrupted. But the way it brings about merits is that our material clinging gets offered. It's a little different from imagining that we're sitting on a beach with ordinary naked human beings because that arouses our ego. When visualising naked celestial beings instead and imagining showing respect and offering kindness to them, we create merit.

There is also a method of creating merits by imagining having sex with an actual goddess but that requires a secret initiation, because if done wrong may create strong mental imbalances.

If I get to reunite with my crush I have a powerful initiation for her. She can become the great beautiful goddess Vajrayogini and end up helping others with tremendous realisations. Vajrayogini embodies the strongest feminine power known to all the universes.

Fuck bro, whatever you're on I want some.

On a serious note though, watch lots of porn, replay the scenes in your mind, and then visualise one of the scenes with your go to chick. That works 100% of the time. if that fails go to a brothel and re-enact one of the scenes with your fav WL.

09-11-2023, 08:17 AM
Hmm... Judging from the responses I can see why many people have karma and are severely attached to material things. Thanks for the responses, it's good to know how some people's minds work compared to others.

The reason I brought this up is in regards to addiction, desires and why people avoid doing the right thing. Many people on drugs often have an addiction because they want to re-experience that very first hit that took them out. Similarly with sex people tend to think more sex or more partners equals to more bliss. And for that reason, doing the right thing seems mundane because it doesn't give them what they are looking for.

Being initiated to deity generation yoga and perfecting yoga changed me over the past few years. I'm not holy as there is no such things as a holy person. I eventually cultivated a non-dual attitude, which is an attitude where we don't see things as good or bad. I still enjoy material pleasures but I don't get too absorbed into it mainly because I practice visualisations even when walking about in daily life.

In the end of the day, how we view our experience of doing anything in the world is relative to what we seek. We can see a chubby WL and still get enjoyment, and we can see a super hot model and get disappointment. I remember seeing one J WL in 42G before COVID, she was super hot yet her attitude turns many people off. Then I saw an average looking WL and she gave me one of the best sex experience.

Visualisations helps us to savour every good experience we have in life. And because I practice visualisations every day I learn to appreciate my crush even when she's not around for almost one month now. I hope I can see her soon though.

09-11-2023, 08:21 AM
Sex is a healthy function of the body. No more, no less. I don't believe in being too attached to sex (the actual act) and like other pleasures, sex does not need to be compulsive if you realise you are alive for a long time. Quality is as good as quantity imho

If I don't punt today, I am not lesser for it. There are multiple opportunities and wonderful women in this great city

Meditation, without a goal in mind apart from centering yourself, is an amazing thing

09-11-2023, 12:10 PM
I just think of my regulars tits and the way she looks at my cock watching her pulling on it in the mirror. That’s enough to get me going

09-11-2023, 09:56 PM
Meditation, without a goal in mind apart from centering yourself, is an amazing thing

Meditation without a goal is like sitting in a boat without oars - you could be plunged towards rocks and icebergs or drowned by strong currents.

Right visualisations during meditation creates tremendous merits. It's like the poor boy who saw the Buddha and offered him sand visualised as gold, and took rebirth as the glorious King Ashoka.

Some punters punt because of an underlying cause - loneliness from lack of intimacy or they haven't found a partner. Punting only fulfills that void of loneliness for several hours before it returns. But if you visualise angels and female deities accompanying you the whole time you would've filled your void without needing any external actions. This would then make you irresistible to women in real life depending on your level of practice.

09-11-2023, 10:07 PM
Meditation without a goal is like sitting in a boat without oars - you could be plunged towards rocks and icebergs or drowned by strong currents.

Totally disagree

The best form of meditation has no solid form, it's often only focus on breathing,
and Zen Buddhist can clear their minds completely for hours

When 100 untrained people are asked to close their eyes, they actually can't stop their thoughts from racing

Visualisations are great, but there is specific advantages of clearing your mind

09-11-2023, 10:26 PM
Totally disagree

The best form of meditation has no solid form, it's often only focus on breathing,
and Zen Buddhist can clear their minds completely for hours

When 100 untrained people are asked to close their eyes, they actually can't stop their thoughts from racing

Visualisations are great, but there is specific advantages of clearing your mind

I'm sorry but you don't sound like you're even adept in Zen to talk about Zen.

Zen is it's own path, different to Tantra which utilises visualisations but it leads to the same goal. Zen's path is enlightenment.

If you ask a Zen monk which meditation form is the best he will not answer you. Only a charlatan would make claims of what form is the best.

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche had a Zen monk as a friend. They both respect each other. No one says bad things about each other's practice.

I have also trained in Zen before to respect the practice, however Tantra took me to another level. With Zen it took me hours wondering why am I even clearing my mind for - the ego will always form some sort of thought to distract us, therefore Zen isn't the "best" form that you claim it to be. It's good for beginners, similar to Lower Tantra practices. Please note that "Lower" doesn't imply inferior.

You can stick to your conclusions but all I can say is that there are many charlatans out there claiming to teach the best forms to gather as many students as they can for $$$. My teacher taught me that even if I were to become a Lama, my goal is not to collect as many students as possible. If people are interested in the practice but are not living close to me, my job is to point them to a centre closest to them regardless of the denomination.

Having too many students takes away your personal freedom. A Mahasiddha is a totally free person, not bound by the world or his students.

09-11-2023, 10:28 PM
Clearing the mind and visualisations are equally valid

I politely disagreed with this statement:

Meditation without a goal is like sitting in a boat without oars - you could be plunged towards rocks and icebergs or drowned by strong currents.

You are misleading those who don't know about meditation. There are no such dangers if you use meditation to calm and quiet a stressed, troubled, overactive mind

09-11-2023, 10:33 PM
Clearing the mind and visualisations are equally valid

I politely disagreed with this statement:

" Ddd

Sorry, you're being cryptic by "politely disagreeing". A disagreement is a disagreement. You can't hide your true intentions.

Like I said, you're just not adept enough to talk about Zen because your understanding is not based on experience but rather from reading articles you found from a simple Google search.

How I know? Because I've practiced Zen for 5 years before going deep into Tantra.

09-11-2023, 10:39 PM
You are misleading those who don't know about meditation. There are no such dangers if you use meditation to calm and quiet a stressed, troubled, overactive mind

Go on, elaborate more on how am I misleading people? I have my sources, both Zen and Tantra paths. What are your sources?

This is how Buddhism dispels charlatans - we always have a source like a PhD thesis. Also in Tantric Buddhism we do often engage in debates to benefit the mind of others and open up simple minds like yours. I call you simple minded just because you are still stuck in the dual-minded illusion of good vs bad.

12-11-2023, 07:28 AM
Go on, elaborate more on how am I misleading people? I have my sources, both Zen and Tantra paths. What are your sources?.

I use the M4, M8 and eastern distributor mostly.

These are the paths I follow to get to a great punt.

12-11-2023, 08:39 AM
I use the M4, M8 and eastern distributor mostly.

These are the paths I follow to get to a great punt.

The toll-free roads would've been better - save money for more punts. Like Parramatta Rd - toll-free, shops available at every km starting from McDonald's Haberfield up until Camperdown.

12-11-2023, 05:03 PM
The toll-free roads would've been better - save money for more punts. Like Parramatta Rd - toll-free, shops available at every km starting from McDonald's Haberfield up until Camperdown.

Save some shrapnel. Yes there are plenty of shops. No doubt about that.