View Full Version : General talk Shops paying for reviews

11-11-2023, 11:49 AM
Was at Ginza last week and as I was walking to reception the receptionist said to the guy in front of me “Thanks for the review on X, do you want to use your $X discount today or next time?” I had always suspected shops paid certain punters for reviews but it’s nice to have confirmation.

Not going to name the girl here because there is only one review on her and it would be obvious to figure out who the reviewer is. I am also not necessarily against shops paying for reviews because it makes perfect commercial sense for them. A raving review here will get thousands of views and even one percent of punters take a chance based on the review they will get dozens of customers. Especially for the short term J girls, even if none of the punters become repeat customers, the one great review would have netted them dozens of customers enough to fill their short stay.

Also not against punters writing reviews for money if they can get the deal. As long as they are not completely fabricating facts. Just thought I would share this interesting experience with fellow punters as a small warning to always be aware of glowing reviews from certain writers. I know I have seen girls based on 10/10 reviews only to leave disappointed and questioning the vast difference between the review and reality.

11-11-2023, 01:07 PM
A mamasan told me she would give me a discount if I write a AR on her girl.

But I could write about a poem in 15 minutes and find it impossible to write about having sex. There is nothing mystical, inspirational or spiritually uplifting about a punt.

"Unfiltered sunlight hits at you
with long shadows
following you, walking with you.
Birds thirst for a drink
Every tree shelter is a home
welcoming the snakes and the snails
perhaps a paperback reader
or a thinker?"

All written in 10 minutes. I've told you so. :)

11-11-2023, 01:15 PM
A mamasan told me she would give me a discount if I write a AR on her girl.

But I could write about a poem in 15 minutes and find it impossible to write about having sex. There is nothing mystical, inspirational or spiritually uplifting about a punt.

"Unfiltered sunlight hits at you
with long shadows
following you, walking with you.
Birds thirst for a drink
Every tree shelter is a home
welcoming the snakes and the snails
perhaps a paperback reader
or a thinker?"

All written in 10 minutes. I've told you so. :)
Your ChatGP works well

Hidden Python
11-11-2023, 01:50 PM
100% you should receive a discount for writing a good honest review, especially the amount of money shops are now charging for services,
So its a win win situation for everyone, its just part of business,
But remember this while reading the reviews take everything with a pinch of salt, as not everybody is the same, so don’t expect the same service as someone else, so go in and have a look at the girls for yourself, as the one with the best reviews might be the worse punting choice for you.
Plus we already know which members receive discounts from Ginza and other shops by the amount of reviews and posts they do on the place, the way they defend it and the way they attack others when they write something good about another business,
And we know they write reviews under new accounts, you can change the name but you can’t change the style of writing and gramma,

11-11-2023, 02:11 PM
100% you should receive a discount for writing a good honest review, especially the amount of money shops are now charging for services,
So its a win win situation for everyone, its just part of business,
But remember this while reading the reviews take everything with a pinch of salt, as not everybody is the same, so don’t expect the same service as someone else, so go in and have a look at the girls for yourself, as the one with the best reviews might be the worse punting choice for you
So brothels and massage shops act like auxxx.com
Reward punters for their reviews?
As long as they don't keep increasing prices, then everyone is happy

11-11-2023, 02:39 PM
There are a couple of reviewers in this forum who are over the top and are not to be believed
Do reviews and get compensated that's fine
Just ensure the reviews are accurate
Or credibility goes to zero and the reviewer becomes persona non grata

11-11-2023, 02:42 PM
There are a couple of reviewers in this forum who are over the top and are not to be believed
Do reviews and get compensated that's fine
Just ensure the reviews are accurate
Or credibility goes to zero and the reviewer becomes persona non grata
I don't trust either reviews or photos. The most reliable info from an AR is how much that shop is charging per 30/60 minutes, and how young the recruiting is. Read between the lines otherwise

Also, a review is essentially worthless if it doesn't state the cost
auxxx insisted you include the price, which is a good principle. The other information on a review is YMMV and potentially fiction

Of course a trustworthy reviewer is worth following

11-11-2023, 02:49 PM
I started writing reviews due to reading 11Bravo bagging guys that post only and didn’t write AR’s.

I was initially concerned as I thought the WL’s mightn’t like it? But since they’ve been great sessions why not write?

As regards punters getting paid or incentivised for a review. I think they shouldn’t be paid.

Let those punters pay for sex like we all do.

We pay to play and they should also.

Hidden Python
11-11-2023, 03:03 PM
So brothels and massage shops act like auxxx.com
Reward punters for their reviews?
As long as they don't keep increasing prices, then everyone is happy

Little too late for that, those idiots who keep on writing about their punting budget and how much they pay per week and the ones who respond are giving the shops the market research to increase the prices,
They are creating the market ideology that it’s ok to pay X amount of $$$ for an over priced product.
It’s like paying Mercedes prices for a Kia

11-11-2023, 03:04 PM
I don't trust either reviews or photos. The most reliable info from an AR is how much that shop is charging per 30/60 minutes, and how young the recruiting is. Read between the lines otherwise

Also, a review is essentially worthless if it doesn't state the cost
auxxx insisted you include the price, which is a good principle. The other information on a review is YMMV and potentially fiction

Of course a trustworthy reviewer is worth following

I’m very cautious of templated reviews.

11-11-2023, 03:09 PM
Little too late for that, those idiots who keep on writing about their punting budget and how much they pay per week and the ones who respond are giving the shops the market research to increase the prices,
They are creating the market ideology that it’s ok to pay X amount of $$$ for an over priced product.
It’s like paying Mercedes prices for a Kia

Ah yes, the yacht owners on the forum. Why on earth do you say "I spend $100 000 on punting a year"
The average Joe in the suburbs is actually being crushed by increasing rents, and are battling with new immigrants to even find somewhere to live

Anyway, massage shops and brothels, when your business fails, you will know that you didn't look at the recession around you

11-11-2023, 03:12 PM
Little too late for that, those idiots who keep on writing about their punting budget and how much they pay per week and the ones who respond are giving the shops the market research to increase the prices,
They are creating the market ideology that it’s ok to pay X amount of $$$ for an over priced product.
It’s like paying Mercedes prices for a Kia

Punting budget hypothetical:

Let’s start at $150 per week. That’s one hour.

That’s one guys budget.

How is a business going to extract $200 if he only spends $150?

They’ll only ever get $150.

Reduce the hour to 45 minutes?

He’ll go elsewhere and they’ve lost him.

11-11-2023, 05:14 PM
Punting budget hypothetical:

Let’s start at $150 per week. That’s one hour.

That’s one guys budget.

How is a business going to extract $200 if he only spends $150?

They’ll only ever get $150.

Reduce the hour to 45 minutes?

He’ll go elsewhere and they’ve lost him.

Many shop reviews are written based on their niche offerings the girls are providing to attract more business.

For example, C Queen from N5M. Many reviews from different websites all point to her giving out free "extra" service. Some even say outright she offers BBFS without extra tips. For people willing to spend only $280/hr it's a steal since many WLs would've charged starting from $100 extra for BBFS, meaning they'll be paying $380 and above.

The only problem is, I haven't been to N5M for a very long time so I can't confirm if this girl actually offers BBFS for free to all customers. And I'm very cautious when it comes to reviews that can be viewed by non-members as it can be fake or overhyped.

Punting budget is also something that draws punters away from certain shops. I've heard that many punters stopped visiting brothels and changing to massage shops ever since every cheap brothel started jumping onto the "diamond service" wagon, although realistically the service provided is more like "standard service". Some just don't care if it's NHJ, CBJ, BBBJ or FS as long as they get off in the end.

11-11-2023, 05:21 PM
Many shop reviews are written based on their niche offerings the girls are providing to attract more business.

For example, C Queen from N5M. Many reviews from different websites all point to her giving out free "extra" service. Some even say outright she offers BBFS without extra tips. For people willing to spend only $280/hr it's a steal since many WLs would've charged starting from $100 extra for BBFS, meaning they'll be paying $380 and above.

The only problem is, I haven't been to N5M for a very long time so I can't confirm if this girl actually offers BBFS for free to all customers. And I'm very cautious when it comes to reviews that can be viewed by non-members as it can be fake or overhyped.

Punting budget is also something that draws punters away from certain shops. I've heard that many punters stopped visiting brothels and changing to massage shops ever since every cheap brothel started jumping onto the "diamond service" wagon, although realistically the service provided is more like "standard service". Some just don't care if it's NHJ, CBJ, BBBJ or FS as long as they get off in the end.
Suggesting a ML or WL offers specific additional services in an open public forum puts that lady in jeopardy. She may not have offered that service at all

A review this week made that very error, and put that lady at risk of customers expecting special services.

If you have that type of Intel, then PM it so that lady isn't subjected to a widespread expectation when it may only have been offered to a certain person

If a review includes a price, how the booking went, and the estimated age and body size of the lady, that's really all that is necessary

11-11-2023, 05:30 PM
It's very easy to identify who is writing fake reviews. Check their history, you can't find a single negative or average ARs and they are all on one or two specific shops. Nothing wrong with that, good on them extracting money from shops who charge a premium for their very ordinary talent. The blame is on others who believe all the BS posted as honest reviews!!

11-11-2023, 05:36 PM
It's very easy to identify who is writing fake reviews. Check their history, you can't find a single negative or average ARs and they are all on one or two specific shops. Nothing wrong with that, good on them extracting money from shops who charge a premium for their very ordinary talent. The blame is on others who believe all the BS posted as honest reviews!!

Sorry. What is wrong with someone who regularly visits the same shop close to them several times a month and reviews their visits? Many people have a favorite shop, given the price rises at other shops, and particularly given how hard it is to commute in Sydney

11-11-2023, 05:37 PM
Suggesting a ML or WL offers specific additional services in an open public forum puts that lady in jeopardy. She may not have offered that service at all

A review this week made that very error, and put that lady at risk of customers expecting special services.

If you have that type of Intel, then PM it so that lady isn't subjected to a widespread expectation when it may only have been offered to a certain person

It's not complicated

I'm pretty sure the lady could've rejected the extra offer and be at risk of the customer not returning because they've been lied to. If the customer gets angry and violent or tries to be persuasive she could ring the intercom and stop the session immediately.

There was a WL who was charging the highest money in shop. My first few sessions with her was quite extraordinary as she loves playing with toys and does a signature CIM finish. Somehow things went downhill as she won't DFK, no nipple play and was making customers (not just me apparently as there was reviews written of her multiple times) finger her for almost 30 mins, expects them to finish within the next 15 mins, shower and would quickly show them the door when there's 5-10 mins left on the clock. Definitely not worth the money she's asking (roughly $350/hr)

I stopped relying on reviews these days. And I haven't punted for almost one month now, the money I saved from abstaining is incredible. I'm thinking that if I stopped punting altogether I might have enough to buy a small apartment overseas soon.

11-11-2023, 05:40 PM
Your ChatGP works well

I have read all major English literature works more than an average student in my younger days.

If you have a literary brain you don't need ChatGP and all that shit.

11-11-2023, 06:01 PM
I have read all major English literature works more than an average student in my younger days.

If you have a literary brain you don't need ChatGP and all that shit.
I believe you. But publishers are going to cut back on releasing fiction publications, as AI can now write pretty good stories when you indicate what genre, style and details you would like

11-11-2023, 06:04 PM
It's very easy to identify who is writing fake reviews. Check their history, you can't find a single negative or average ARs and they are all on one or two specific shops. Nothing wrong with that, good on them extracting money from shops who charge a premium for their very ordinary talent. The blame is on others who believe all the BS posted as honest reviews!!

I have a favourite shop. You guys would know that.

My experience there has been great. I lucked on after a multiple massage shop failure.

I’ve also been to quite a lot of massage shops and if I were to write after reviews some places wouldn’t get a nice once.

Consequently I just don’t write any bad reviews.

I refuse to put anyone’s income in jeopardy.

Let other punters do that if they feel justified.

11-11-2023, 06:11 PM
It’s interesting that the poster most infamous for this sort of behaviour has been noticeably quiet lately. Makes me wonder if the beneficiary shop is ‘diversifying’ its strategy to maintain BAU.

11-11-2023, 06:13 PM
I have a favourite shop. You guys would know that.

My experience there has been great. I lucked on after a multiple massage shop failure.

I’ve also been to quite a lot of massage shops and if I were to write after reviews some places wouldn’t get a nice once.

Consequently I just don’t write any bad reviews.

I refuse to put anyone’s income in jeopardy.

Let other punters do that if they feel justified.

I like in this forum that people have just appreciated your reviews without accusing you of being a representative of that shop. That's a forum rule I think, if you don't like a review, then post your own

11-11-2023, 07:44 PM
Nothing wrong, what I explained could be considered as one of the factors. Each person has to sus out what to believe or not.

11-11-2023, 08:07 PM
A couple of girls told me who the guys were on here that had offered them favourable reviews in return for discounts, and when they refused the offer the guys cancelled the bookings. I won't name and shame, but yeah I don't read a single review from any of them any more.
You take what you read with a grain of salt obviously, of course shops want positive reviews, we've all seen the effect a few positive reviews can have on a girl/shops traffic.
On the flip side occasionally you can get it wrong, I was sceptical of all the positive reviews for a private, then when I saw her I realised they were absolutely 100% spot on. I guess that's why it's called punting. It's a gamble. Learn who to trust and who to ignore, and if you have a handful of shops that know what you like and can give you honest girl advice it's worth it's weight in gold.

11-11-2023, 08:48 PM
I like in this forum that people have just appreciated your reviews without accusing you of being a representative of that shop. That's a forum rule I think, if you don't like a review, then post your own

I really don’t care what anyone thinks of me.

Like I said previously, I tame everything down.

I think I could slam half a dozen massage shops for poor everything….

I just have to remember each event.

From taking the money upfront and then making me wait 45 mins, substituting girls, fake profiles, girls overcharging on parts two and three, girls with bad attitude, girls with last nights dinner on their breath, girls pretending it’s that time of the month when it isn’t after I’ve paid for part 3 , to girls doing BBFS when their shop forbids it, to girls off their dial.

To massage shops not giving the correct change, to massage shops having a putrid shit stained bathroom and the same standard in shower facilities. To massage shops reusing the disposable sheets on massage tables.

I could go on and on.

Consequently now I stick with a brothel that doesn’t have any customer related issues as far as I’m concerned.

11-11-2023, 09:01 PM
substituting girls

Never happened to me in a massage shop or higher end brothel but did happen to me many times in cheaper brothels that did $150/hr pre-COVID.

Either the mamasan takes your money and makes you wait 20-30 mins for a random MILF to appear or they ask you "Have you met C/J/V (insert name) before?

When they pull out such scripts I take that as a red flag and try to leave the establishment, because I know they're trying to push an unpopular or new girl and claiming it's the girl I booked for.

11-11-2023, 09:33 PM
Never happened to me in a massage shop or higher end brothel but did happen to me many times in cheaper brothels that did $150/hr pre-COVID.

Either the mamasan takes your money and makes you wait 20-30 mins for a random MILF to appear or they ask you "Have you met C/J/V (insert name) before?

When they pull out such scripts I take that as a red flag and try to leave the establishment, because I know they're trying to push an unpopular or new girl and claiming it's the girl I booked for.

Very good advice.

Never hand over money if you haven't met the lady

Need to be ready to walk out.

I like the idea of picking red flags that suggest sh_t recruiting. Walk out cash with cash in wallet, and and try your luck elsewhere

Hidden Python
12-11-2023, 12:25 AM
I have been to quite a few cheaper massage shops, where the girls offer excellent service, the only thing I disliked was the rooms and the lack of shower facilities.
So that’s why I now punt at a shop that has those facilities, there has also been days where I have checked the roster of this shop and I have had no interest in any of the girls rostered on that day, and had decided to save my load and wad for another day,

12-11-2023, 01:31 AM
Consequently I just don’t write any bad reviews.

I refuse to put anyone’s income in jeopardy.

Let other punters do that if they feel justified.

I really don’t care what anyone thinks of me.

Like I said previously, I tame everything down.

I think I could slam half a dozen massage shops for poor everything….

I just have to remember each event.

From taking the money upfront and then making me wait 45 mins, substituting girls, fake profiles, girls overcharging on parts two and three, girls with bad attitude, girls with last nights dinner on their breath, girls pretending it’s that time of the month when it isn’t after I’ve paid for part 3 , to girls doing BBFS when their shop forbids it, to girls off their dial.

To massage shops not giving the correct change, to massage shops having a putrid shit stained bathroom and the same standard in shower facilities. To massage shops reusing the disposable sheets on massage tables.

I could go on and on.
Myself, I call them like I see them. That's what a review is. If it was a good massage, I'll say so. Good service, same. If parts were bad or not offered, I'll also say that. I don't want to break anybody's rice bowl, BUT in my opinion, it's unfair to the girls who DO provide good service not to report bad. We both agree that the girls talk, share info. If one girl is getting away with bad service but still keeping up with the girls that do offer good service, there MIGHT be an incentive for others to follow suit.

Now, I've been around long enough to differentiate the case where we just didn't click from outright scams. I don't pay that much attention to posted prices; I know what I'm willing to pay. And I understand if a girl really isn't all that interested in providing a punter a service, she just might quote an OTT price. IF he's willing to pay, then she'll put up with the discomfort. Likewise, I never assume I will receive the same services, as I say, YMMV.

I also differentiate between an individual girl and a shop. Bad actions of the shop shouldn't reflect on the girl, she might prefer not to work there but not have the choice at that point in time. But I'd still report a shop's bad actions just as a head's up to other punters ("make sure you count your change", watch out for "substitutions", etc.). The advantage of forums like this one is you learn from others experiences, BOTH good and BAD, giving an indication of what you MIGHT experience. I understand a bad review is subjective (just as a good one is). A punter wants xyz, she doesn't, so he writes a burn review, neglecting to mention the REAL cause. Or the jealous punter trying to protect his interests so he has more of her to himself. I just treat AR's like shop photos, things that go into a try/skip decision. Because the only review pertinent to me is mine.

In a perfect world, a reviewer would disclose that he is being compensated in some form for the review. But I know that WON'T happen. Just sayin...

And yes, there is NO requirement to write AR's. I can understand the reasons for not. But, for me, those that do write have more cred and more weight than those that don't. Those that don't are fluff...

12-11-2023, 01:42 AM
Suggesting a ML or WL offers specific additional services in an open public forum puts that lady in jeopardy. She may not have offered that service at all

A review this week made that very error, and put that lady at risk of customers expecting special services.

If you have that type of Intel, then PM it so that lady isn't subjected to a widespread expectation when it may only have been offered to a certain person

If a review includes a price, how the booking went, and the estimated age and body size of the lady, that's really all that is necessary
AGREED. If she's giving you a special service, regardless of how many others are being offered the same, for me, that should stay between the two of you. Because there are ALWAYS some who don't understand she might not provide xyz to them (her decision) and insist otherwise, and a subset who think it SHOULD be offered at a LOWER price because they never pay retail... Not discrimination, free choice.

I'm pretty sure the lady could've rejected the extra offer and be at risk of the customer not returning because they've been lied to. If the customer gets angry and violent or tries to be persuasive she could ring the intercom and stop the session immediately.But they weren't lied to. Her decision, and if you read the small legalese at any brothel, there's the small print that services provided are totally up to the provider. That seems to be a difficult concept to grasp for some.

And while she might be protected by pressing the panic button, it's no protection when the disappointed punter trashes her and the shop, never explaining the exact reason. It shouldn't be HER problem...

12-11-2023, 07:13 AM
How many ML’s do a great number 1?

Some just wave their hands over you like a magician as they try to conjure a massage.

12-11-2023, 12:42 PM
How many ML’s do a great number 1?

Some just wave their hands over you like a magician as they try to conjure a massage.And that's where reviews, good AND bad, plus experience come into play...

12-11-2023, 12:58 PM
I'm pretty sure the lady could've rejected the extra offer and be at risk of the customer not returning because they've been lied to. If the customer gets angry and violent or tries to be persuasive she could ring the intercom and stop the session immediately.

But why should the WL have to face those kind of experiences in her work ??? Plus nobody should be subjected to anger or violence at work so saying she can use the intercom imho misses the whole point

12-11-2023, 01:21 PM
But why should the WL have to face those kind of experiences in her work ??? Plus nobody should be subjected to anger or violence at work so saying she can use the intercom imho misses the whole point

It's like you're trying to say that the private WLs who pretend to be a young girl or even Japanese but in reality is actually a Chinese granny shouldn't be subjected to customers walking away when they find out who she really is.

Karma is karma. If she has the karma, even if there was zero "extra services" advertised under her name there would still be rough customers trying to thrash her. I've seen it in massage shops where a customer in the next room was strongly trying to persuade this girl who had zero forum reviews and clearly wasn't offering FS to perform FS for extra money. The girl had several options - reject firmly, take the money and do what he wants or kick him out + ban.

Even a Woolies checkout chick would be subjected to abuse when she is the nicest worker in the whole store. In the end of the day it comes down to how you carry yourself in difficult situations - if you can stand up for yourself no one will try to take advantage of you. Even a Prince have to show bravery if he wants to be respected by the royal court.

12-11-2023, 05:27 PM
But why should the WL have to face those kind of experiences in her work ??? Plus nobody should be subjected to anger or violence at work so saying she can use the intercom imho misses the whole point
It's like you're trying to say that the private WLs who pretend to be a young girl or even Japanese but in reality is actually a Chinese granny shouldn't be subjected to customers walking away when they find out who she really is.

Karma is karma. If she has the karma, even if there was zero "extra services" advertised under her name there would still be rough customers trying to thrash her. I've seen it in massage shops where a customer in the next room was strongly trying to persuade this girl who had zero forum reviews and clearly wasn't offering FS to perform FS for extra money. The girl had several options - reject firmly, take the money and do what he wants or kick him out + ban. Walking away is one thing, "trying to thrash her" is TOTALLY different. The former certainly acceptable, the latter NEVER. jaquedm1307's point is that violence is unacceptable, and throwing a temper tantrum when you don't get your way is just childish. Why should she have to resort to using the intercom to avoid being thrashed? And Karma cuts both ways...

12-11-2023, 05:56 PM
It's like you're trying to say that the private WLs who pretend to be a young girl or even Japanese but in reality is actually a Chinese granny shouldn't be subjected to customers walking away when they find out who she really is.

Karma is karma. If she has the karma, even if there was zero "extra services" advertised under her name there would still be rough customers trying to thrash her. I've seen it in massage shops where a customer in the next room was strongly trying to persuade this girl who had zero forum reviews and clearly wasn't offering FS to perform FS for extra money. The girl had several options - reject firmly, take the money and do what he wants or kick him out + ban.

Even a Woolies checkout chick would be subjected to abuse when she is the nicest worker in the whole store. In the end of the day it comes down to how you carry yourself in difficult situations - if you can stand up for yourself no one will try to take advantage of you. Even a Prince have to show bravery if he wants to be respected by the royal court.

False advertising totally legit to walk - I've done it myself
'Thrash' 'strongly trying' intimidation abuse - sorry but absolutely no tolerance or justification under any circumstances

12-11-2023, 06:01 PM
False advertising totally legit to walk - I've done it myself
'Thrash' 'strongly trying' intimidation abuse - sorry but absolutely no tolerance or justification under any circumstances Really a no-brainer (and why some nationalities are less welcome than others; certainly a small subset, but it just takes a few, and why risk it...)

13-11-2023, 11:39 AM
Was at Ginza last week and as I was walking to reception the receptionist said to the guy in front of me “Thanks for the review on X, do you want to use your $X discount today or next time?” I had always suspected shops paid certain punters for reviews but it’s nice to have confirmation.

Yeah, you can always tell the shop shills *cough* rooter *cough* by all the positive reviews, generally only of just one shop.

13-11-2023, 02:21 PM
Yeah, you can always tell the shop shills *cough* rooter *cough* by all the positive reviews, generally only of just one shop.

Don't get me wrong. I love rooter but surely these ARs would be doing the opposite of promoting these girls?

Everytime I see those alternating caps lock words I don't click.

13-11-2023, 07:00 PM
Yeah, nothing against him personally. He's a funny guy. But maybe his reviews should come with a disclaimer at the end similar to political ads.... "Sponsored by by the Ginza Party of Australia" :)

13-11-2023, 07:02 PM
Don't get me wrong. I love rooter but surely these ARs would be doing the opposite of promoting these girls?

Everytime I see those alternating caps lock words I don't click.
So you suggest Ginza does not meet the standards that Rooter suggests?

13-11-2023, 07:04 PM
Don't get me wrong. I love rooter but surely these ARs would be doing the opposite of promoting these girls?

Everytime I see those alternating caps lock words I don't click.

Rooter is never unkind to any of the WL's he reviews but he is an entertaining writer and if read with care you can pick the differences between good, very good, and outstanding. I am usually an RnT punter but patronised Ginza a couple of times when I first returned from overseas and I found that in comparative terms Rooter was pretty accurate.

13-11-2023, 07:06 PM
Rooter is never unkind to any of the WL's he reviews but he is an entertaining writer and if read with care you can pick the differences between good, very good, and outstanding. I am usually an RnT punter but patronised Ginza a couple of times when I first returned from overseas and I found that in comparative terms Rooter was pretty accurate.
If people can find something to complain about with his ARs, praising a consistently good shop over many years, then how about about posting your own ARs about your own favorite shop and do it for many years?

Because this is the
point. Rooter doesn't exaggerate, and his reviews remind us what good consistent recruiting, by a good brothel, over many years, actually means

14-11-2023, 09:41 AM
So you suggest Ginza does not meet the standards that Rooter suggests?

Not really. I've been to Ginza several times and they were all great. I even tried a girl rooter wrote a AR on. It was quite nice. As you can see from my recent ARs.

But you'd obviously build up a reputation writing constant ARs for the same shop. A reputation that I think a lot of forum members on here know.

Not saying it's wrong to go to one shop constantly as you could live close to the shop. I mean I live super close to 42G hence I frequent it a lot.

Just gotta realise you'll build a reputation. Also no way going to the same shop that many times you won't be recognised by the mamasan or papasan.

It's like if you're a restaurant owner trying to get a Michelin star. If you know a Michelin judge is sitting at table 2, most places would make sure they get the VIP treatment.

14-11-2023, 09:46 AM
I don't know Rooter, but one thing her definitely does not do is give bland template reviews with inaccurate details

Mate if we had 10 rooters, each giving weekly and fair reviews (and not saying a size 10 girl is a slim size 6 like a real spam review does) this forum would be absolutely brilliant

A very regular correspondent from Ginza
A very regular correspondent from from 42 G
A very regular correspondent from N5M

etc etc

14-11-2023, 09:56 AM
I don't know Rooter, but one thing her definitely does not do is give bland template reviews with inaccurate details

He literally has a template/style of writing his ARs. Title has alternating caps locked words. Body broken down into sub headings about "tasting", "main event", "second shot" etc.

14-11-2023, 09:56 AM
Not really. I've been to Ginza several times and they were all great. I even tried a girl rooter wrote a AR on. It was quite nice. As you can see from my recent ARs.

But you'd obviously build up a reputation writing constant ARs for the same shop. A reputation that I think a lot of forum members on here know.

Not saying it's wrong to go to one shop constantly as you could live close to the shop. I mean I live super close to 42G hence I frequent it a lot.

Just gotta realise you'll build a reputation. Also no way going to the same shop that many times you won't be recognised by the mamasan or papasan.

It's like if you're a restaurant owner trying to get a Michelin star. If you know a Michelin judge is sitting at table 2, most places would make sure they get the VIP treatment.

We all have our favourite places and shouldn’t be judged on number of written reviews if we frequent them and rarely other places.

I find where I go very convenient. I know how long it takes to get there. Where to park. Where the shops are close by etc.

Why change? If the brothel changes the WL’s frequently then there’s no reason to go looking for variety.

Yes I speculate on other places on a whim or even privates but they’re one off adventures. Not repeats.

14-11-2023, 10:02 AM
He literally has a template/style of writing his ARs. Title has alternating caps locked words. Body broken down into sub headings about "tasting", "main event", "second shot" etc.

You mean to say template layout, where a frequent reviewer uses the same layout to help the writing. If you write weekly reviews, you would be silly not to use the same layout

In contrast, a template review is when you write a review with a common style but it's vague and there are no details. These are written by shops

"Emma was a beautiful lady. She beautiful size 6 from China (actually size 8). Good for service . She made me cum many times. Come to see for yourself"

Rooters reviews aren't vague, and his details aren't exaggerated.

Btw, you don't have to read anyone's reviews. I have never been to Ginza, but I trust his reviews. They have stood the test of time

14-11-2023, 10:14 AM
You mean to say template layout, where a frequent reviewer uses the same layout to help the writing. If you write weekly reviews, you would be silly not to use the same layout

In contrast, a template review is when you write a review with a common style but it's vague and there are no details. These are written by shops

"Emma was a beautiful lady. She beautiful size 6 from China (actually size 8). Good for service . She made me cum many times. Come to see for yourself"

Rooters reviews aren't vague, and his details aren't exaggerated.

Btw, you don't have to read anyone's reviews. I have never been to Ginza, but I trust his reviews. They have stood the test of time

If you've never been to Ginza or seen the girls how do you know it stood the test of time?

I literally read in another thread you said no doubt Rebecca is great. Have you seen her before? If so then you've been to Ginza.

No doubt she's great
Do you find it uncommon or rare to meet a WL with connection and good service? Just asking. We have a lot of options

14-11-2023, 10:24 AM
My 5c worth...

If a punter can get a discount or freebie by reviewing or having some commercial agreement, then good luck to them.

BUT just like Pollies, they should declare there is some agreement in place.

Most punters can and should be able to make up their own mind. Or worst case, see the girl themselves...

I have over the years taken Rooster's reviews and been pleasantly surprised and also felt been dubbed too on occasions.

I'm sure we have all felt the same about reviews in general at different times.

14-11-2023, 10:33 AM
If you've never been to Ginza or seen the girls how do you know it stood the test of time?

I literally read in another thread you said no doubt Rebecca is great. Have you seen her before? If so then you've been to Ginza.

I have never been to Ginza or the other Ginza. From the content of a review, you can see the good service provided

14-11-2023, 03:02 PM
I have never been to Ginza or the other Ginza. From the content of a review, you can see the good service provided

Neither have I.

There was a tattooed girl I read about on a review a couple of weeks ago I’d like to try out.

Cami I think is her rostered profile name.

It says Asian only, I’ll message and check.

I’ll make a booking if she’s there.

I called.

No luck, Asian only.

14-11-2023, 04:42 PM
7 Cowper stated this month that punters get massive discounts for writing google reviews.

14-11-2023, 11:57 PM
There's always going to be a conflict of interest between the shops, the punters and the reviewers.

Disclosure laws should be in place so that if the punter has been paid for the review, he needs to disclose this at the end of his review.

I have prepared one here for fellow punters to use.

Use of [insert your name] review is at your own risk. In no event should [insert your name] or any affiliated party be liable for any direct or indirect punting losses caused by any information in this review. You further agree to do your own research and due diligence, consult your own punting advisors before making any punting decision with respect to transacting in any sexual activities covered herein. You should assume that as of the publication date [insert your name] stands to realize significant gains from the shop in question. Following publication of any review, [insert name] intend to continue transacting in the sexual services covered herein, and may be engaging in intercourse at any time hereafter regardless of his initial recommendation, conclusions, or opinions. This is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any sexual services from [insert WL name].

Past sexual service satisfaction is not an indication of future sexual service satisfaction.


Lawyers, please fix.

17-11-2023, 10:31 AM
Rooters idea of beauty and sensuality are his own
Early on I followed his recommendations
Out of ten 4 were accurate
He's entertaining but his reviews get him a discount and an early introduction to new girls
Nice gig for him,but leads to exaggeration

17-11-2023, 10:58 AM
Rooters idea of beauty and sensuality are his own
Early on I followed his recommendations
Out of ten 4 were accurate
He's entertaining but his reviews get him a discount and an early introduction to new girls
Nice gig for him,but leads to exaggeration

Your reviews are great. You commented "I've lowered my expectations and also keep away from FIFO Japanese girls"

Ginza must have a lot of FIFO Japanese WL. What are the things you are cautioning punters about regarding FIFO ladies ?

17-11-2023, 02:07 PM
Never got offered monetary compensation for the feedback/reviews.

But i usually get preferential treatment from the mamasan.
Getting informed about new girls.
Being able to be the first one to book and see new girls.
Even uncensored, but still edited photos.
Being able to have the luxury of deciding last minute if i wanna extend with the girl. The next booking slot is saved till i let them know or the window closes.

Of course i give them my honest opinion/feedback of the girl and the session.

Of course i know they might use it for advertisement and such.

Sometimes, if i feel that the honest feedback wouldnt be as good for the girl and the shop.
So i then make a versions that has the bad parts removed.
Which they can use to advertise

Sent from my ASUS_I001DC using Tapatalk

17-11-2023, 02:51 PM
No one should get any incentive to write a review. You either write a review because you want to or not at all.

17-11-2023, 02:56 PM
I’m very cautious of templated reviews.

On the contrary, ever since I became a member at Auxxx, all my reviews were done using a template. It’s information sharing so why not including all the vital statistics?

Especially when I came across one of those lesser know shop, without the template, you wont even know the location and phone number of the place. So the review is almost useless.

Just my two cents


17-11-2023, 03:05 PM
Never got offered monetary compensation for the feedback/reviews.


Over the years, have received plenty of offers via PM to visit shops and write reviews and receive a discount on return, never took up those offers.

Never got one from Ginza though I must clarify. And then two of my most frequented and popular RnT shops in SL and SF had never offered me any, that is if you don’t count the free meals my two friendly Mamasans had treated me .


Ps. And I usually returned the favours by taking them out to lunches in some nice places …… haha

17-11-2023, 03:25 PM
On the contrary, ever since I became a member at Auxxx, all my reviews were done using a template. It’s information sharing so why not including all the vital statistics?

Especially when I came across one of those lesser know shop, without the template, you wont even know the location and phone number of the place. So the review is almost useless.

Just my two cents


I put a comment out there and I received your feedback and welcome it.

Now I see what you’re saying but surely a punter can Google the contact details? It seems like extra work filling in all the boxes. I suppose a template keeps things short and concise. But how short do you go?

Any shop worth its salt must be searchable surely.

17-11-2023, 04:50 PM

It's annoying when you read reviews, and there is no mention of the cost!

I no longer visit auxxx but the template layout ensured the review included the price

17-11-2023, 05:20 PM

It's annoying when you read reviews, and there is no mention of the cost!

I no longer visit auxxx but the template layout ensured the review included the price

The cost is what’s listed on the places website or on here. It’s only another one or two search pages and you’re onto it.

The cost is the price of punting.

Everything has a price.

Marriage, Divorce, Punting.

Buying flowers for your girlfriend.

Just accept and move on.

17-11-2023, 06:13 PM
No one should get any incentive to write a review. You either write a review because you want to or not at all.Well, we never talked about the incentive as is.

I just feel and realized that they gave me more of a leeway of the things that i asked about.

And technically its not reviews like those in forums.
I just give them feedback. It started when they asked for feedback about a new girl that i saw.

And i thought it was normal, as they would want to know how the girl is.

And it just became the norm.

Sent from my ASUS_I001DC using Tapatalk

18-11-2023, 07:04 AM
I wonder how a job interview for a sex worker rolls out?

18-11-2023, 08:55 AM
I wonder how a job interview for a sex worker rolls out?

Interviewer: you've applied for a 'blow' job, tell me a little bit more about your experience in this area?

18-11-2023, 12:24 PM
No one should get any incentive to write a review. You either write a review because you want to or not at all.

Agree but still, wouldn’t you do it if pussy if offered at half-price?

18-11-2023, 02:31 PM
Agree but still, wouldn’t you do it if pussy if offered at half-price?

100% not.

I buy my way everywhere.

Don’t need credit from anyone.

It’s either black or white, there is no in between.

18-11-2023, 05:59 PM
100% not.

I buy my way everywhere.

Don’t need credit from anyone.

It’s either black or white, there is no in between.

Yeah cool. I know some shops do approach their regulars on this. One only has to read the garbage being spruiked about WLs in the paid advertisers section on another forum whose name we won’t mention.

18-11-2023, 06:51 PM
Yeah cool. I know some shops do approach their regulars on this. One only has to read the garbage being spruiked about WLs in the paid advertisers section on another forum whose name we won’t mention.

This forum is great. I have a post and a punt. I have learnt a few things being here. There’s no need to go looking elsewhere.

As regards being a regular, I am to one shop but that’s because it fulfils all my needs. It was a totally random choice after reading a review on this forum about T Paula. I thought, “I could smash that piece of hot Thai arse very easily”. The fact she offered anal was the clincher.

I was a walk in. Not a booking. Didn’t have that part sorted. She wasn’t available and Cindy was. The rest is history.

So getting back to my regular place.

It’s close.
I know all the parking spots.
Shops close by.
Staff are friendly.
Place is clean and tidy.
Rooms have ensuites.
Beds are big.
Air con and music.
Big selection of girls.
Girls give great service.

It’s nice when girls wave at you as you’re walking down the hallway to meet someone. By coincidence yesterday it was Paula that called out and waved as I walked past her on the way to someone else.

A nice vibe.

Yes I write reviews and I have more to write.

Last week was busy. Eight girls in six days.

I was tempted to go again today but I need to rest the bit that does all the action.

No use firing off blanks.

Monday should be a great day methinks.

18-11-2023, 10:14 PM
This forum is great

So you use your credit card in the brothels? Don't use cash?

18-11-2023, 11:13 PM
So you use your credit card in the brothels? Don't use cash?

Use a card only once over 40 years ago. It was called a bankcard. Don’t know if they’re still around?

The first use of it was for myself and shout one other at a brothel in QLD

19-11-2023, 09:08 AM
Yes, there are defo those around here that are being rewarded for things they do here. What that reward may be is anyone's guess.

I personally look for the biggest red flag which is the amount of effort they put in to "share". Not just ARs but other things on the forum. Know what I mean?

That said, these guys have a reputation to protect. How "followed" they are on the forum is how they make their dough. Think of it like a mini social media thing here.

Therefore it is in their interest that they keep their touting of duds to a minimum. They need to protect their rep here, right? That's something to keep in mind. It's not as bad as a lot of people here think, that's all.

19-11-2023, 09:29 AM
Yes, there are defo those around here that are being rewarded for things they do here. What that reward may be is anyone's guess.

I personally look for the biggest red flag which is the amount of effort they put in to "share". Not just ARs but other things on the forum. Know what I mean?

That said, these guys have a reputation to protect. How "followed" they are on the forum is how they make their dough. Think of it like a mini social media thing here.

Therefore it is in their interest that they keep their touting of duds to a minimum. They need to protect their rep here, right? That's something to keep in mind. It's not as bad as a lot of people here think, that's all.

Pretty much agree.

I utilise these such 'reviews' by extracting the objective info, the value so to speak (yep, it is there) and by recognising reviewer's approach, motivation, history etc and eliminating the crap and noise.

I apply the same approach on the forum generally and how I use it, so know what you mean .....

19-11-2023, 09:44 AM
Yes, there are defo those around here that are being rewarded for things they do here. What that reward may be is anyone's guess.

I personally look for the biggest red flag which is the amount of effort they put in to "share". Not just ARs but other things on the forum. Know what I mean?

That said, these guys have a reputation to protect. How "followed" they are on the forum is how they make their dough. Think of it like a mini social media thing here.

Therefore it is in their interest that they keep their touting of duds to a minimum. They need to protect their rep here, right? That's something to keep in mind. It's not as bad as a lot of people here think, that's all.

Making money?

Making money from here is infinitesimal I’m guessing. It’s not a large scale site with 15M uploaded videos is it? With mega traffic and referrals.

19-11-2023, 10:26 AM
Making money?

Making money from here is infinitesimal I’m guessing. It’s not a large scale site with 15M uploaded videos is it? With mega traffic and referrals.

Videos? Bro, we're not discussing steak knives here, bless your cotton socks. Who needed videos to be convinced to go see a WL?

19-11-2023, 10:34 AM
Videos? Bro, we're not discussing steak knives here, bless your cotton socks. Who needed videos to be convinced to go see a WL?

My point being this site isn’t a huge money maker, it doesn’t source revenue from other places. There is no pot of gold to pay a team of people to post forum goodness.

I’d like to hear of any possible motivation that a business could give a punter for reviews.

1) Discounted sex.
2) ?

19-11-2023, 10:37 AM
My point being this site isn’t a huge money maker, it doesn’t source revenue from other places. There is no pot of gold to pay a team of people to post forum goodness.

I’d like to hear of any possible motivation that a business could give a punter for reviews.

1) Discounted sex.
2) ?

One of the biggest turnoffs for posting a review is how quick your AR then gets blanketed so it's never seen again. I can't find. Ahlungors review from last week for example on my smartphone

And the fact that if you review the same shop a few times, people accuse you of playing favourites

19-11-2023, 11:01 AM
On a free forum you have to expect paid reviews. Easy to spot. No biggie.

19-11-2023, 11:19 AM
One of the biggest turnoffs for posting a review is how quick your AR then gets blanketed so it's never seen again. I can't find. Ahlungors review from last week for example on my smartphone

And the fact that if you review the same shop a few times, people accuse you of playing favourites

The blanketing.

That’s normal on a lot of sites. If I were to slam a forum or a member on other sites my thread gets very quickly put back onto second or third page. Unless I bring it back up.

That’s to be expected.

Here businesses or others push their reviews to the front page. I’m guessing they’re allowed to do it a certain number of times a day if they advertise here? Just my two cents. They hope it’ll bring in another punter? It could. It could not. That’s business.

Same shop reviews.

If you only go to one shop then what do other punters expect? I have a fav petrol station, a fav mechanic, fav hair dresser, fav restaurants, fav girls etc I like to support those places and get a good experience in return.

19-11-2023, 12:50 PM
On a free forum you have to expect paid reviews. Easy to spot. No biggie.

I pay no attention to any AR that’s under a paid advertiser shop.

19-11-2023, 03:16 PM
On a free forum you have to expect paid reviews. Easy to spot. No biggie.

It’s strange how many people don’t realise this. When the product is free, you are the product. This forum is funded by the shops, therefore they largely control the narrative, and paid shills are one of the tools used to do it. If you want reviews without shop influence, try user pay forums like TNT or PP and put up with their BS rules. Everything is a compromise.

19-11-2023, 03:23 PM
It’s strange how many people don’t realise this. When the product is free, you are the product. This forum is funded by the shops, therefore they largely control the narrative, and paid shills are one of the tools used to do it. If you want reviews without shop influence, try user pay forums like TNT or PP and put up with their BS rules. Everything is a compromise.
100%. One of the forum rules is if you don't like a review, you should post your own review, instead of criticizing

19-11-2023, 03:59 PM
100%. One of the forum rules is if you don't like a review, you should post your own review, instead of criticizing

I got my BBFS membership revoked on TNT for calling out a fake BBFS review. They're obviously taking payments from the usual mob who themselves are also taking payments from shops to post doctored reviews. It's usually the same bunch of usernames reviewing the same girls from all the different shops.

This was months ago. My TNT account is probably deactivated by now for inactivity. They're making it look like customers are getting quality reviews in exchange for membership subscription. Also the admins are based in Melbourne so they won't have a clue if any of the Sydney reviews are fake or not.

19-11-2023, 11:49 PM
Was at Ginza last week and as I was walking to reception the receptionist said to the guy in front of me “Thanks for the review on X, do you want to use your $X discount today or next time?” I had always suspected shops paid certain punters for reviews but it’s nice to have confirmation.

Not going to name the girl here because there is only one review on her and it would be obvious to figure out who the reviewer is. I am also not necessarily against shops paying for reviews because it makes perfect commercial sense for them. A raving review here will get thousands of views and even one percent of punters take a chance based on the review they will get dozens of customers. Especially for the short term J girls, even if none of the punters become repeat customers, the one great review would have netted them dozens of customers enough to fill their short stay.

Also not against punters writing reviews for money if they can get the deal. As long as they are not completely fabricating facts. Just thought I would share this interesting experience with fellow punters as a small warning to always be aware of glowing reviews from certain writers. I know I have seen girls based on 10/10 reviews only to leave disappointed and questioning the vast difference between the review and reality.

which site was the review on lol

20-11-2023, 12:35 AM
nope never once happned, their just in it for the money and greedy, i once got $10 off for being double booked. thats about it. lol

20-11-2023, 05:12 PM
I’m still against punters writing reviews for incentives. We all pay money for a service. Why should a punter get a benefit for a few a paragraphs of text?

20-11-2023, 05:25 PM
I’m still against punters writing reviews for incentives. We all pay money for a service. Why should a punter get a benefit for a few a paragraphs of text?

Who said he was a punter?

20-11-2023, 05:26 PM
" Why should a punter get a benefit for a few a paragraphs of text?"
And why should they not?

20-11-2023, 09:16 PM
Who said he was a punter?

It was a generalisation not aimed at anyone.

20-11-2023, 09:24 PM
The only time I was given an incentive is when a shop was about to lose me as a customer years ago because the receptionist forgot to respond to my text for almost 1 hour. He literally asked me to come over, gave me a $20 discount on whoever I chose in the lineup. Unfortunately this was a time when quality control on girls were starting to dwindle and the shop was starting to lose customers.

Funny enough the shop's popularity returned after COVID-19, even though there's reports of hit and miss with girls charging $300 and above.

20-11-2023, 09:38 PM
" Why should a punter get a benefit for a few a paragraphs of text?"
And why should they not?

In reference to reviews:

1) Any benefit given could sway the direction of the paragraph. For example, I’ll pay you $500 per month not to write any bad reviews of my business. If you write a good review then that’s your volition. Just don’t write any bad reviews as per our agreement.

2) A benefit given could orchestrate a fictitious review. The punter may never have been to the establishment. Yet he’s writing reviews.

3) A punter once started on this journey could possibly hold workers and businesses to a potential stand over tactic and demand a benefit on this situation by threatening to spill the beans.

4) A punter once on the payroll might be instructed to write negative reviews on the opposition’s business.


20-11-2023, 09:58 PM
In reference to reviews

Ethics can be tricky when it comes to reviews. Brothels aren't regulated by the ACCC so it's a matter of walking away if you don't like what's on offer. Even paid review forums are still susceptible to fake or biased reviews.

Don't ask me how I know if a sex worker is worth seeing on the first visit, I am on a different level of perception. All I can say is that if a girl refrains from performing as advertised and paid for - cut your session short, get refunded for the remainder and leave.

Back in the days I remember frequenting Hornsby 142 - this was around 2014-2015 before my first marriage. There were so many good choices for $160/hr - young Taiwanese, Hong Kongers, Japanese and even a girl from Inner Mongolia, China. It was advertised as standard service but YMMV - some girls did offer BBBJ for free and one even offer BBFS but I was pretty scared of contracting STIs at the time so I stick to BBBJ only. After a good session the girls would ask me to do them a favour and post a review. No incentives were offered although one offered to be my GF and I subtly declined by leaving her hanging - I wasn't into dating WLs at the time.

20-11-2023, 10:35 PM
4) A punter once on the payroll might be instructed to write negative reviews on the opposition’s business.

I've seen a few reviews with that sort of description. They not only wrote bad reviews of the WL but also added crazy claims that the receptionist was racist and rude. It's easy to tell that the writer is possibly from a competitor business and is trying really hard to make his copywriting skills worth the money he's paid for.

Authentic negative reviews are normally subjective - pointing out not just the faults but also leaving suggestions on what can be improved upon.

23-11-2023, 12:41 AM
I think you just need to find the right reviewer to trust, and not just any random dude,

also when the review doesn't line up to your experience its a bit of a "hang on wtf", moment, and the credibility drops there was on guy posting too many reviews too quick all good, and even if he wasn't chilling, which i think he was as he was seeing girls not even advertised, but they would have been telling him he's a reviewer/vip and to go above an beyond at the very least wich fked things up.

23-11-2023, 01:47 AM
I think most guys are going to pump
Pussy and not write a review. A review takes time.
In the meantime they’re pumping more Pussy.


Who wants to write a review? It could get shot down for being fake or questioned.

First it was you’ve gotta write a review to be kosher. Then it’s “he’s writing too many good reviews”.

Another thing…

Some people enjoy life and see everything through rose coloured glasses. A punt is a wonderful thing. Other people complain about the price of a litre of milk at the local shop. That’s their nature.

Who’s review is the correct one?

23-11-2023, 06:40 AM
Who wants to write a review? It could get shot down for being fake or questioned.

First it was you’ve gotta write a review to be kosher. Then it’s “he’s writing too many good reviews”.

Another thing…

Some people enjoy life and see everything through rose coloured glasses. A punt is a wonderful thing. Other people complain about the price of a litre of milk at the local shop. That’s their nature.

Who’s review is the correct one?
100% true
Would be much better if everyone just stayed in their own lanes
As the forum rules state, if you don't like a review, ffs post your own

There is no ACCC, or Department of Fair Trading ensuring high standards, so get over yourself

This is the f_kn sex industry, so wake up

Unless you started punting yesterday, just like with photos, you learn to judge a review as just a rough guide. The best reviewers are those that stand the test of time, and the best reviews accurately tell you the value of the punt and the quality of management and recruiting

Don't overread things on a public forum

27-11-2023, 10:08 PM
100% you should receive a discount for writing a g̶o̶o̶d̶ h̶o̶n̶e̶s̶t̶ review, especially the amount of money shops are now charging for services,
So its a win win situation for everyone, its just part of business,
Plus we already know which members receive discounts from Ginza and other shops by the amount of reviews and posts they do on the place, the way they defend it and the way they attack others when they write something good about another business,

♪♫ LaLaBullsh#t ♪♫

28-11-2023, 02:59 AM
100% true
Would be much better if everyone just stayed in their own lanes
As the forum rules state, if you don't like a review, ffs post your own

There is no ACCC, or Department of Fair Trading ensuring high standards, so get over yourself

This is the f_kn sex industry, so wake up

Unless you started punting yesterday, just like with photos, you learn to judge a review as just a rough guide. The best reviewers are those that stand the test of time, and the best reviews accurately tell you the value of the punt and the quality of management and recruiting

Don't overread things on a public forum

Three or four times you’ve told people to stay in their own lanes. Do you get upset driving?

28-11-2023, 03:01 AM
I think you just need to find the right reviewer to trust, and not just any random dude,

also when the review doesn't line up to your experience its a bit of a "hang on wtf", moment, and the credibility drops there was on guy posting too many reviews too quick all good, and even if he wasn't chilling, which i think he was as he was seeing girls not even advertised, but they would have been telling him he's a reviewer/vip and to go above an beyond at the very least wich fked things up.

Choice Magazine do reviews.

Just a serious question.

What is the definition of a worn out pussy?

05-12-2023, 07:56 AM
I think that if someone on this forum was getting some kind of compensation from a shop for a review, it should be declared up front. Probably not realistic though.

You can definitely tell the biased reviewers as they only review just one shop and only provide reviews that are POSITIVE and AMAZING :D