View Full Version : General talk Punting too much - leading to erectile dysfunction / Pussy Tolerance???

14-12-2023, 08:49 AM
Alright - Serious question here guys.

Do you guys suffer from pussy tolerance / erectile dysfunction from punting too much?

I'm going through a very concerning situation where I am now frequently (as in 1 out of every 3 punts) unable to get it up unless I am with a certain type of ML or WL (usually curvy ladies).

If the lady is skinny without curves or has a bad attitude - I practically have zero chance of getting it up now, and that is why I never punt with Chinese ML's or WL's these days. I recently saw a pretty, young ML at Mirage - but she just wasn't my type and it just didn't happen no matter how hard we tried.

I don't think there is anything wrong with my penis - cuz a couple hours after the incident, I visited my side chick and literally had a raging hard on as soon as I saw her and was able to initiate intercourse with no issues, my main chick gives it to me 2-3 times a week. My side gives 1 or 2.

I have tried cutting down punting to only 2-3 times a week now, only on days where I don't get sex from either of them - but it doesn't seem to make much difference.
Have a feeling its psychological - cuz I have zero issues with either of the women I am with - only happens during punting.

14-12-2023, 09:22 AM
Suggest you avoid the scenarios that bring on the problem

If it still remains an issue, first see a doctor to get your physical health checked. Very very important - sugar, blood pressure and full assessment

If it's not a physical issue then ask to be refered to a sexual therapist
There are a few guys working in Sydney with a lot of experience

Good luck

14-12-2023, 09:56 AM
Defo psychological if you don't have a problem with certain women.

Maybe you're just sick of the act of punting.
You said you "cut it down to 2-3 times a week". Bro, that's a bit much. Can't imagine how high that frequency was before you cut it down. No wonder you're burnt out!

If you want to continue enjoying punting, maybe go dry for a month or 2, then give it a try again.

14-12-2023, 10:36 AM
I have been desensitised so much that its hard for me to like a woman at all unless they are fully naked and attractive. There was a period when I struggled to get it up too. I suggest you avoid punting and any pornography for at least a month.

14-12-2023, 10:38 AM
Take 2 weeks off and you will fuck anything that moves.

Also no porn or jerking off.

The little guy will recalibrate quickly

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14-12-2023, 10:53 AM
Dude don't punt with just any women its no good if shes not your type. A turn off for me is to skinny with bones showing just not my taste. There is nothing wrong with your cock its decided it only likes certain WLs. Suggest you narrow down the type of women you see. Suggest trying curvy ladies only if that is your taste. Don't waste the money on a WL that your cock does not react to. Bad attitude WLs is another problem I suggest you need some regular curvy hot Asian women to fix the soft cock problem.

14-12-2023, 11:15 AM
Alright - Serious question here guys.

Do you guys suffer from pussy tolerance / erectile dysfunction from punting too much?

I'm going through a very concerning situation where I am now frequently (as in 1 out of every 3 punts) unable to get it up unless I am with a certain type of ML or WL (usually curvy ladies).

If the lady is skinny without curves or has a bad attitude - I practically have zero chance of getting it up now, and that is why I never punt with Chinese ML's or WL's these days. I recently saw a pretty, young ML at Mirage - but she just wasn't my type and it just didn't happen no matter how hard we tried.

I don't think there is anything wrong with my penis - cuz a couple hours after the incident, I visited my side chick and literally had a raging hard on as soon as I saw her and was able to initiate intercourse with no issues, my main chick gives it to me 2-3 times a week. My side gives 1 or 2.

I have tried cutting down punting to only 2-3 times a week now, only on days where I don't get sex from either of them - but it doesn't seem to make much difference.
Have a feeling its psychological - cuz I have zero issues with either of the women I am with - only happens during punting.
Not sure of your age or health and I hope your problems aren't what happened to me champ. You need to get a full blood works done including your PSA. This scenario was the only symptoms I had in my life and my end result was prostrate cancer. Good luck and I hope all is ok.
In general to all punters over 40 you should keep monitoring your PSA levels. What was once and old man's problem now seems to quite indiscriminate and quite aggressive in the community. And yes, doctors are concerned 🤷*♂️🤷*♂️

14-12-2023, 11:49 AM
Had tried a disgustingly fat chick before from being baited & switched. Couldn't keep it up no matter what she did. It's definitely a mental thing.

14-12-2023, 05:19 PM
No SHIT...it's a fact too frequent ejaculation will reduce your libido and desensitise your cock, this is not magic...it's common sense, doesn't matter if it's sex or masturbation or porn, the more you do it, the lower your libido, if I punt 6-7 times a week or masturbate every day my libido will tank and erection quality will suffer, simple as that.

The best way to avoid this is to take a small break, re-sensitise yourself and recover, there's a balance to everything, gotta find your sweet spot, for me it's twice a week, anymore than that it's a hit-n-miss.

With that being said if you are still in your 20s then this doesn't apply, your testosterone and libido is through the fucking roof, but I think most here are probably well in their 40s to 50s, maybe a few in their 30s...

14-12-2023, 05:28 PM
Alright - Serious question here guys.

Do you guys suffer from pussy tolerance / erectile dysfunction from punting too much?

I'm going through a very concerning situation where I am now frequently (as in 1 out of every 3 punts) unable to get it up unless I am with a certain type of ML or WL (usually curvy ladies).

If the lady is skinny without curves or has a bad attitude - I practically have zero chance of getting it up now, and that is why I never punt with Chinese ML's or WL's these days. I recently saw a pretty, young ML at Mirage - but she just wasn't my type and it just didn't happen no matter how hard we tried.

I don't think there is anything wrong with my penis - cuz a couple hours after the incident, I visited my side chick and literally had a raging hard on as soon as I saw her and was able to initiate intercourse with no issues, my main chick gives it to me 2-3 times a week. My side gives 1 or 2.

I have tried cutting down punting to only 2-3 times a week now, only on days where I don't get sex from either of them - but it doesn't seem to make much difference.
Have a feeling its psychological - cuz I have zero issues with either of the women I am with - only happens during punting.

Monkhood is calling you. Visit a temple and talk to a priest to prepare yourself for a lifetime of celibacy, pureness of mind and chanting.

14-12-2023, 05:30 PM
I take the opposite view. If you don't use it, you lose it.

14-12-2023, 05:41 PM
I take the opposite view. If you don't use it, you lose it.

Nah mate, trust me, you won't lose it :P

My most intense session was after a LONG break from sex/masturbation/porn and it was mind-blowin, my penis was super sensitive and my orgasm was out of this world, just generally hornier than usual, with that being said, I still prefer to do it on a weekly basis because I'm a dirty bastard :)

14-12-2023, 06:05 PM
I wank every day. I fuck around 3 new girls every week and almost always do 2 rounds (if the girl agrees to it).
I am 51yo now so I am pretty old, but I still go to bed every night horny and have to have a wank before I can sleep, and I wake up every morning with a hard on.
I reckon you gotta keep fucking and wanking as much as you can.
If you slacken off or slow down the mind and body will adjust to a new normal of less sex and and so less sex drive needed.

14-12-2023, 09:05 PM
You need to stop watching porn, At least a few weeks it makes a big difference

14-12-2023, 09:08 PM
You need to stop watching porn, At least a few weeks it makes a big difference

I don't watch porn at all but I do look at uncensored photos of hot young OF/Fantia girls promoting themselves on Twitter/X.

Sometimes these girls will post their OF photos on X for free after several months since their contents are time sensitive.

14-12-2023, 09:18 PM
I wank every day. I fuck around 3 new girls every week and almost always do 2 rounds (if the girl agrees to it).
I am 51yo now so I am pretty old, but I still go to bed every night horny and have to have a wank before I can sleep, and I wake up every morning with a hard on.

Hehe I guarantee you most 50yo dudes who follow that routine will have reduced performance in bed, it's the wanking everyday that does it, but everyone's different, there will always be outliers, I envy you indeed lol. A lot of us probably don't have as good a diet and are probably bombarded with external stressors like stress, fatigue etc, you are living the dream sir!

14-12-2023, 09:23 PM
This is the reason I started taking cialis, nothing worse than paying for a punt and it not working, it's not like they are going to refund you your money.

14-12-2023, 09:41 PM
I had the issue too. Even did testosterone check but all ok. I went on a fitness drive and lost a couple of kg's. Now my libido is back.

Fitness is a huge factor.

But I am also more choosey with who I punt with. I go for quality with a trusted regular than qty/shooting in the dark.

Punting with a girl with bad massage and no TT technique and below average looks, i won't get hard either. That's on the girl.

14-12-2023, 09:57 PM
Be very selective in who you see.

14-12-2023, 10:11 PM
More than ED, I feel like I last way too long when I punt frequent or even get massages. I’m keeping it to either 1x I know it’s going to be a solid punt with a regular or 2x solid 8/10 punts a week. Need to help the wallet as well.

14-12-2023, 11:05 PM
Lasting too long is typical result of decreased sensitivity and libido from punting too frequently, totally normal.

15-12-2023, 06:01 AM
Dude don't punt with just any women its no good if shes not your type. A turn off for me is to skinny with bones showing just not my taste. There is nothing wrong with your cock its decided it only likes certain WLs. Suggest you narrow down the type of women you see. Suggest trying curvy ladies only if that is your taste. Don't waste the money on a WL that your cock does not react to. Bad attitude WLs is another problem I suggest you need some regular curvy hot Asian women to fix the soft cock problem.Mate i totally agree. We all have our types and thats what attraction is about. I also like types who have a bit more hips and thighs. A bit of meat. Really petite skinny ones dont do it for me...

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15-12-2023, 06:55 AM
Mate i totally agree. We all have our types and thats what attraction is about. I also like types who have a bit more hips and thighs. A bit of meat. Really petite skinny ones dont do it for me...

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It would be like me trying to get excited about a fat Western chick I think my cock would be limp as well. If I punt I always go for Asian but I don't like the too skinny ones. My regular Asian girl has a bit of hips so I can grab onto her. Boom boom on a stick can be a bit off putting to me. OP should be obvious to him not to punt girls not his type. Its not rocket science.

15-12-2023, 07:03 AM
100% we each have our own types and attractions. This is why line ups and real rosters are important. Nothing worse than a catfish...rock up and the girl is totally different. Not her fault, but in the end sex is what we are after and attraction is a big (if not main) part of sex

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Kiki kong
15-12-2023, 07:39 AM
Lasting too long is typical result of decreased sensitivity and libido from punting too frequently, totally normal.

This is reminds me of my first time loosing virginity. I would bat everyday and when it came my loosing it, I lasted for over an hour, several positions. Fully smashed her good, she couldn't walk properly that afternoon, the next day she had light bruises on her thighs

When I opened up to the girl that it was my first time, she didn't believe me LMAO. She thought I was a player and just saying shit to her to make her belive that she was my first.

The end