View Full Version : General talk WeChat Nearby

18-12-2023, 12:04 PM
Pretty certain I’m one of the many punters who frequently keeps an eye out in the WeChat nearby function in and around Sydney.

Curious to know if someone has come across an account going by the name Mandy Who, looks stunning and if she is an WL/ML, I would be visiting her establishment quick smart!! Located in the CBD area.

18-12-2023, 01:13 PM
Is Mandy a hot Asian MILF?

18-12-2023, 01:24 PM
Jean shorts Mandy who. Seen her in my people nearby and looks not bad

18-12-2023, 01:48 PM
Her pic on WeChat, doesn't look like a Milf

18-12-2023, 02:05 PM
Often there but so far haven’t had a reply

18-12-2023, 04:02 PM
I found a private about 3 months ago around Chippendale area, but I didn't end up going to see her. I was too busy with other options. Pretty slim pickings from this function, TBH.

18-12-2023, 04:11 PM
Jean shorts Mandy who. Seen her in my people nearby and looks not bad

That photo looks very familiar...

18-12-2023, 05:17 PM
I found a private about 3 months ago around Chippendale area, but I didn't end up going to see her. I was too busy with other options. Pretty slim pickings from this function, TBH.

I find the function more than useless. Every time I’ve used the function I’ve been contacted by contacted by some hot looking woman who wants to chat first, before meeting. After an hour or so of time wasting the same old same old lines come out: “I left Sydney yesterday for business. Now I’m in Hong Kong….do you trade…want to know how much money I made today…” or, “buy an iTunes card.” I doubt there are many genuine privates using it.

18-12-2023, 06:54 PM
I find the function more than useless. Every time I’ve used the function I’ve been contacted by contacted by some hot looking woman who wants to chat first, before meeting. After an hour or so of time wasting the same old same old lines come out: “I left Sydney yesterday for business. Now I’m in Hong Kong….do you trade…want to know how much money I made today…” or, “buy an iTunes card.” I doubt there are many genuine privates using it.
I use WeChat to get a "keeper's" contact info when in her shop, but keep the nearby function off for the very reason you give. But for keeping in contact with my regulars, it's invaluable. Not worth the hassle.

18-12-2023, 06:59 PM
Wechat used to be good for private’s prior to covid, especially around the city you’d get heaps, even just hooking up was easy

This one is likely not a private, if she was she would’ve replied to you already. If she did work as a ML/WL she obviously doesn’t want to show it over wechat either, as again if she did she would’ve replied

19-12-2023, 12:52 PM
Seen Mandy around a fair bit. Not sure what her story is though. Seems to be on all the time

19-12-2023, 03:20 PM
I find the function more than useless. Every time I’ve used the function I’ve been contacted by contacted by some hot looking woman who wants to chat first, before meeting. After an hour or so of time wasting the same old same old lines come out: “I left Sydney yesterday for business. Now I’m in Hong Kong….do you trade…want to know how much money I made today…” or, “buy an iTunes card.” I doubt there are many genuine privates using it.

I've had a few of those too. Usual line is "I'm staying/living in Sydney". When I ask where, they give some obscure address or just "The Xyz Hotel". Of course, they don't know the location of it, just "how to get there". Now I just ignore greetings from any "too good to be true" girls who just say "Hi/Hello" with no other introduction.

There is an RnT about 100 metres from my home, I know they have WeChat, as do some of the girls; but they rarely come up in people nearby.