View Full Version : General talk Another stupid falling for a girl story - advice?

22-12-2023, 09:48 AM
I'm back with another stupid "falling" for a girl story - but this time not with a ML/WL.

I recently ventured into the sugar baby realm and I met this Japanese girl - shes 20, beautiful (literally a 10/10 in my books) and is really interesting. Shes into the clubbing scene and raves but a big weed user.

I have been seeing her for the past 2-3 months and it's been great - besides me catching feels...again. The way she looks at me, the way we kissed, it was like I was making love to her instead of fucking - it felt real? It felt too good.

We talked about our feelings, well mine. She seemed to avoid it a bit and ultimately said she is crap at relationships and wasn't after anything serious (I'm kinda the same). To be honest, I just wanted to spend more time with her and get to know her more. She mentioned she likes me but wants to just keep in the room. She mentioned i'm the only guy paying for her (not sure If I believe that) but she has a few sexual partners. We have been doing it unprotected (another attribution to my feelings) but found out shes been doing it with 3-4 other guys too which kinda drove my head into overdrive.

I find myself watching her Instagram stories constantly and whenever she live streams on TikTok.

Essentially now my feelings are just wrecking my brain and im not sure what to do. I want to keep seeing her because the sex is amazing but the emotional damage is real. Thoughts?

22-12-2023, 10:01 AM
Are you looking for answers that you want to receive? Everyone will tell you to cut it off. Mixing these kinds of emotions with these girls will only send you down a rabbit hole of endless pain.

22-12-2023, 10:15 AM
Mate sad to burst the bubble. But if you pay, then it’s nothing more than a business transaction. This is sadly from personal experience, so you can count on my advice.
Enjoy the fun but don’t get too attached. Ask her if she would fuck you if you don’t pay. If she say no then you get your answer.
My advice is to go to a brothel and empty your nuts a couple of times in a row. You will think clearer when you’re not horny.

22-12-2023, 10:22 AM
So are are you concerned more about catching the feels or the fact that's she's been raw dawg'd by 4 other blokes?

I'd be asking the following - is she on the pill and has she had a recent STI/STDs check up

22-12-2023, 10:23 AM
Probably some people won't like my answer but here goes. These girls are experts at making you fall in love with them and feel like your the only one they are playing a game with your heart, head and emotions. The hard truth is they are likely doing the same thing with at least a dozen regulars in private. They are totally in it for the money. They will avoid getting in a serious relationship with you because they are possibly already in a serious relationship. I've said this to someone else before who wanted to marry his regular. You don't know everything about her you don't know if she already has a partner. These WLs are there for our sexual needs. Whilst you have deep feelings for her I suggest you back off from getting too attached as you will only get heart broken and your mind is already fucked up. If she gets pregnant she may say your the other parent. Then your totally screwed with paying her support money. On the same hand if that was to happen demand a dna test when child is born. Because it could just as easily be one of the other clients who is the real parent. Unprotected sex is very risky esp if you cum in her. I make sure not to come in my lady. Make sure you get yourself checked for sexual infections you have been sharing the same lady with other punters.

I think you should seriously back away from her and go see several other WLs instead. Your head is already spinning because shes playing the game with you and your falling for her when you shouldn't be. Your in to deep. Golden rule for punters is do not fall in love with your regular WL.

22-12-2023, 10:32 AM
Mate sad to burst the bubble. But if you pay, then it’s nothing more than a business transaction. This is sadly from personal experience, so you can count on my advice.
Enjoy the fun but don’t get too attached. Ask her if she would fuck you if you don’t pay. If she say no then you get your answer.
My advice is to go to a brothel and empty your nuts a couple of times in a row. You will think clearer when you’re not horny.

Yeah i asked her if I didn't pay would she continue. She didn't really give an answer but pretty much felt like it was no.
I want to enjoy the fun but i'm finding myself thinking of her alot.

So are are you concerned more about catching the feels or the fact that's she's been raw dawg'd by 4 other blokes?

I'd be asking the following - is she on the pill and has she had a recent STI/STDs check up

I'm concerned about the feels. Im not stupid but I cant help it. I feel like the raw dogging is an issue for health and its surprising for me really. Its probably more then 4 too lmao.
Not sure about the pill. I feel like she should with that many guys no? Re STI/STDs yeah i'm concerned about that and i talked to her about it. Shes like "I know i should be using condoms" but that was it.

Probably some people won't like my answer but here goes. These girls are experts at making you fall in love with them and feel like your the only one they are playing a game with your heart, head and emotions. The hard truth is they are likely doing the same thing with at least a dozen regulars in private. They are totally in it for the money. They will avoid getting in a serious relationship with you because they are possibly already in a serious relationship. I've said this to someone else before who wanted to marry his regular. You don't know everything about her you don't know if she already has a partner. These WLs are there for our sexual needs. Whilst you have deep feelings for her I suggest you back off from getting too attached as you will only get heart broken and your mind is already fucked up. If she gets pregnant she may say your the other parent. Then your totally screwed with paying her support money. On the same hand if that was to happen demand a dna test when child is born. Because it could just as easily be one of the other clients who is the real parent. Unprotected sex is very risky esp if you cum in her. I make sure not to come in my lady. Make sure you get yourself checked for sexual infections you have been sharing the same lady with other punters.

I think you should seriously back away from her and go see several other WLs instead. Your head is already spinning because shes playing the game with you and your falling for her when you shouldn't be. Your in to deep. Golden rule for punters is do not fall in love with your regular WL.

Yeah, she definitely made me feel for her. The way she looks into my eyes and we kiss. She doesnt close her eyes, constantly gazing at me and smiling when we are banging and she seems interested in my looks. I know I should leave but the sex is amazing and as a punter you know how hard its to find someone that clicks with you and is amazing. Thats what is holding me back, I dont want to lose that.

22-12-2023, 10:35 AM
Are you looking for answers that you want to receive? Everyone will tell you to cut it off. Mixing these kinds of emotions with these girls will only send you down a rabbit hole of endless pain.

Just need a reality check really. Can you cut it off when you are having some of the most amazing sex of your life?

22-12-2023, 11:46 AM
It’s a tough situation you’re in brother. I understand that feeling of being charmed and sucked into romance.
One thing that I found helpful was to build a list of things you want to do with this girl in bedroom, kinda like a wish list. Tick each box as you go. And when you finish your list you would have achieved all you want from this girl and cut all contact.

22-12-2023, 11:47 AM
Wait so is she saying you're the only one paying her but she's raw dogging 4 other blokes for free?

Dunno man. Think you might be getting ripped off.

22-12-2023, 11:47 AM
You are paying for sex. No matter how you dress it up or sugar coat it you are paying for sex.
The girl seems like she understands the nature of the relationship perfectly. And it's pretty obvious she has the same arrangement with all the other guys too.
It's you has has lost the plot bro.
If you can't just have the sex without all the feelings and heartache and stress, then there is only one solution. End it.
It will be painful short term, but you will get over it. You will feel relief and you will find another girl soon enough.

22-12-2023, 12:02 PM
Last night was one hell of a crazy fire vortex brought back to life. I'm not sure if it qualifies as banter or not because it seems that many people suddenly went off character.

Anyways, there are many resources for dating guides for sex workers on the web, you really need to find help if you're stuck in a predicament where you're falling in love with a girl you've had access to sex easily.

Everyone to their own lives. Some are happy to date a sex worker, some are disgusted and think they're addicted to the sex. It can also happen with non-SWs; the girl becomes a free booty call, you have the best sex with her but you don't want to commit with her emotionally, and this causes you to be torn between lying to her to have continuous great sex or looking for another booty call.

To me, falling in love is great regardless of the girl's day (night) job. 'M' in my view is worth all my effort in making her my wife. Then again, with all these crazy postings about cutting off an SW yadayadayada, I can only participate in the conversation using words of example because I don't think any attempts at persuading people to understand my point of view is working at all.

Please read this guide below and reconsider how you view your emotional attachment to the SW.


For those slandering my spiritualism, understand this: it is through Buddhistic training of non-biased views that I learned not to judge a person based on their work but to base it on their selflessness. If you're selfless you won't call yourself a victim of your childhood circumstances up until this adult age. 'M' has that selfless attitude of not calling herself a victim of anything, and that's why my feelings for her will never change regardless of whatever dumpster fire threads started in regards to disrespecting an SWs need to have a normal life.

22-12-2023, 12:04 PM
You are paying for sex. No matter how you dress it up or sugar coat it you are paying for sex.
The girl seems like she understands the nature of the relationship perfectly. And it's pretty obvious she has the same arrangement with all the other guys too.
It's you has has lost the plot bro.
If you can't just have the sex without all the feelings and heartache and stress, then there is only one solution. End it.
It will be painful short term, but you will get over it. You will feel relief and you will find another girl soon enough.

You think she has those arrangements with others too? That's what I'm unsure of. Yeah ending it seems like the way. I want to push the feelings down but it's not that easy.

Wait so is she saying you're the only one paying her but she's raw dogging 4 other blokes for free?

Dunno man. Think you might be getting ripped off.

Legit lol. But probably no other way to get with her without paying.

It’s a tough situation you’re in brother. I understand that feeling of being charmed and sucked into romance.
One thing that I found helpful was to build a list of things you want to do with this girl in bedroom, kinda like a wish list. Tick each box as you go. And when you finish your list you would have achieved all you want from this girl and cut all contact.

Yeah that's a good idea. Might think about this one more.

22-12-2023, 12:11 PM
You are paying for sex. No matter how you dress it up or sugar coat it you are paying for sex.
The girl seems like she understands the nature of the relationship perfectly. And it's pretty obvious she has the same arrangement with all the other guys too.
It's you has has lost the plot bro.
If you can't just have the sex without all the feelings and heartache and stress, then there is only one solution. End it.
It will be painful short term, but you will get over it. You will feel relief and you will find another girl soon enough.

Good clear logical sensible pain avoidance advice Rooter..
Pay Fuck Leave ...

99% of the time you follow it and then once in a while that 1%er comes along to challenge you ..

Ever fallen off the Pay Fuck Leave wagon Rooter?

22-12-2023, 12:15 PM
sorry dude, if you are the only one paying for her, out of like 4 people, doesn't that just mean she likes you the least??

22-12-2023, 12:18 PM
sorry dude, if you are the only one paying for her, out of like 4 people, doesn't that just mean she likes you the least??

Well we met initially cause of the arrangement. Otherwise we wouldn't of met. Is it not possible to get feels while I'm paying. She's obviously on tinder and in the club scene meeting people. This is some massive copium on my end though. But just the way she engages me and the look she gives. It's hard

22-12-2023, 12:28 PM
When dating a sex worker, it's you against the world. I'm ready, in fact I've been through that a while now. I know M might be afraid that through all these dumpster fire talks about how shameful it is to date a sex worker that if we were to get married etc., that I would one day regret the decision and leave her for a younger non-SW. Sorry, that kind of thinking is for people who had lived an easy life, in fact for those kind of people they'd have their marriages arranged for by their parents.

If anyone here is a real punter, I pity your trains of thought. There's many Reddit posts out there where people are willing to date sex workers, but with the condition that she is mentally stable and knows how to differentiate her personal sex life and work sex.

In conclusion I think this thread is nonsense. If you think sex workers are shallow, that's probably because you yourselves are shallow.

22-12-2023, 12:33 PM
One last advice start wearing a condom. Bro I break my own advice with mine but better to be safe than sorry when you catch something. Cause shes seeing a dozen other guys how many of them are not wearing doms. If its not on its not on.

22-12-2023, 12:45 PM
You say that she looks at you a certain way when you are together, but if she felt these real emotions for you then she wouldn't still be charging you for sex, and not saying she only wants to keep in the bedroom. It's obvious from an outsiders perspective that you're falling for her but it's not the same for her. It sounds like she is young as is just having fun with life ATM and she's not keen on anything serious.

My advice would be to have one final long session with her, get it out of your system and then cut all ties if you can't handle your emotions.

Either way, look at it in the right light and just be grateful for the great experiences you had with this woman and then move on and see what else is out there in the world.

22-12-2023, 12:59 PM
There is a lot of sage advice here mate. She's keeping you at arms length, which is exactly what she should do as long as its a business relationship. What started as fun is now painful and won't be good for your headspace in the long term.

Cliche but there are hundreds of hot 20y/o Jap girls walking around Sydney. You can always find another.

22-12-2023, 01:11 PM
You say that she looks at you a certain way when you are together, but if she felt these real emotions for you then she wouldn't still be charging you for sex, and not saying she only wants to keep in the bedroom. It's obvious from an outsiders perspective that you're falling for her but it's not the same for her. It sounds like she is young as is just having fun with life ATM and she's not keen on anything serious.

My advice would be to have one final long session with her, get it out of your system and then cut all ties if you can't handle your emotions.

Either way, look at it in the right light and just be grateful for the great experiences you had with this woman and then move on and see what else is out there in the world.

Yeah you're right 100%. My thinking is if it could get out of the feels then its really worth seeing her at what im paying. But the feels I think just fuck me too much. She is definitely young and just doing whatever she wants to.

There is a lot of sage advice here mate. She's keeping you at arms length, which is exactly what she should do as long as its a business relationship. What started as fun is now painful and won't be good for your headspace in the long term.

Cliche but there are hundreds of hot 20y/o Jap girls walking around Sydney. You can always find another.

Thanks man. Yeah it was super fun but I got too close + too into her.

One last advice start wearing a condom. Bro I break my own advice with mine but better to be safe than sorry when you catch something. Cause shes seeing a dozen other guys how many of them are not wearing doms. If its not on its not on.

Yeah, easier said then done lol.

22-12-2023, 01:13 PM
The reason why we catch feelings for others - IT IS OUR TRUE NATURE TO LOVE OTHERS. That is the essence of compassion.

Your "emotional damage" is coming from excess jealousy. It's a mental obscuration that causes all sorts of mental ailments in society.

If you're REALLY into the sex you won't even be talking about catching feels. I know many narcissists out there who readily dump women as soon as they're done with her body.

If you're catching feels for her you need to bring out the courage to talk to her. Ask her if she thinks of you the same way. She may not be direct about her feelings (as many Japanese do) but she will give you hints. If she's not into you she'll keep apologizing while rejecting you softly. The only way to release yourself from the burden of catching feels is rejection - once rejected you will feel the burden leaving you.

True love is fearlessness. If a person is too scared to ask a girl out then it is just lust. Even a liar who lie to women to get regular sex have some fear in him - the fear that he would be lonely forever. In my current state I don't fear loneliness but I do want M to come back into my life. My fearlessness is based on my wishes to see her grow old with me, being constantly showered with affection.

If I was lusting for M, I wouldn't have created new accounts every time I got banned. I could've given up on her and try another new girl in the industry. With all my exes they weren't easy as well - they put me through hell just to see how far am I willing to fight for their heart. But this time M is far different from all my exes or any girls I've met - she has the motherly qualities I've been looking for my whole life.

22-12-2023, 01:20 PM
The reason why we catch feelings for others - IT IS OUR TRUE NATURE TO LOVE OTHERS. That is the essence of compassion.

Your "emotional damage" is coming from excess jealousy. It's a mental obscuration that causes all sorts of mental ailments in society.

If you're REALLY into the sex you won't even be talking about catching feels. I know many narcissists out there who readily dump women as soon as they're done with her body.

If you're catching feels for her you need to bring out the courage to talk to her. Ask her if she thinks of you the same way. She may not be direct about her feelings (as many Japanese do) but she will give you hints. If she's not into you she'll keep apologizing while rejecting you softly. The only way to release yourself from the burden of catching feels is rejection - once rejected you will feel the burden leaving you.

True love is fearlessness. If a person is too scared to ask a girl out then it is just lust. Even a liar who lie to women to get regular sex have some fear in him - the fear that he would be lonely forever. In my current state I don't fear loneliness but I do want M to come back into my life. My fearlessness is based on my wishes to see her grow old with me, being constantly showered with affection.

If I was lusting for M, I wouldn't have created new accounts every time I got banned. I could've given up on her and try another new girl in the industry. With all my exes they weren't easy as well - they put me through hell just to see how far am I willing to fight for their heart. But this time M is far different from all my exes or any girls I've met - she has the motherly qualities I've been looking for my whole life.

Yeah to your point bolded, I did ask her. I said pretty bluntly that I have feelings for her. That I want to get to know her more and spend more time. She said she doesn't do good in relationships and doesn't want anything serious. Im the same I dont want to be her boyfriend. When I asked her how she felt she said she likes me and likes seeing me, but once i said if i stop paying her she didn't respond much and looked distressed when i was asking her if she wants to continue seeing me. She definitely needs the money and has been relying on me (and maybe others?) significantly.

22-12-2023, 01:27 PM
Easiest way I know for a WL to fall in love with you is to cut off the money supply. They'll develop feelings again really quick.

22-12-2023, 01:36 PM
Easiest way I know for a WL to fall in love with you is to cut off the money supply. They'll develop feelings again really quick.

Sounds to me like she has stronger feelings for the ATM than the OP.

22-12-2023, 02:01 PM
Sent private message to you mate.

22-12-2023, 02:12 PM
Yes absolutely if the atm stops dishing out 100 dollar bills the feelings will soon stop lol :) Maybe you should join eharmony and look for a real girlfriend that you don't have to pay, a Japanese one. There must be plenty around Sydney.

22-12-2023, 02:25 PM
Having great sex with a hot young thing repeatedly (paid or not) will create feelings. First anticipation, then missing her etc.
Had a very similar situation, had to stop as she was in my head and she is not someone it made sense to have a relationship with.

22-12-2023, 02:39 PM
Lol, all these "I fell in love with XXX" threads ought to be sub-categorized as some sort of "recovery room" for punting/whoring/SBing, basically any type of paid sex. It feels like you guys are getting burnt out by too much of the good physical action, you're needing some sort of mental or psychological angle to it too.

I can understand how you would crave having a girl be your GF. The feeling of having someone new in your life is maddeningly exciting, arousing, makes you look forward to the next day in great earnest.

But on the other hand, I've been on this rodeo enough times to know that that fresh exciting feeling you're getting is short and fleeting. You will eventually have to confront the nature of both the girl and how you met her.

I'm not trying to tell you not to go for it. It'll probably be very enjoyable for you even if it doesn't last very long. You still get that kick out of it. You just have to be prepared for that day when you have to confront it all. Think you can handle it?

22-12-2023, 03:00 PM
Yeah to your point bolded, I did ask her. I said pretty bluntly that I have feelings for her. That I want to get to know her more and spend more time. She said she doesn't do good in relationships and doesn't want anything serious. Im the same I dont want to be her boyfriend. When I asked her how she felt she said she likes me and likes seeing me, but once i said if i stop paying her she didn't respond much and looked distressed when i was asking her if she wants to continue seeing me. She definitely needs the money and has been relying on me (and maybe others?) significantly.

An "ah-ha" moment for me right there.

Reminds me of my first trip to Japan years ago. Met this cute girl tending the reception at the hostel I was staying in Tokyo. We chat a lot because she had very good English. As I was about to head back to my room for the night she kept on waving at me the same way some J WLs would wave at you until you're out the door.

After I came back to Sydney I found her social media profile. I asked her permission to be in contact with her, she agreed. Every time I sent her messages she'd take ages to reply, claiming she's not good with texts. I confessed my feelings for her, she didn't reply back. After a while I told her I'm giving up wooing her and she immediately blocked me. I thought to myself, how strange. Normally if a girl didn't like me the same way she would've ignored the message and there won't be any further communications.

This reminds me of your bolded serious situation that the girl claimed not wanting to have any of. These girls don't normally say their mind out directly. Keeping you at arm's length indicates one thing in my several past experiences - they like you but not infatuated with you, yet. They want to see what you're built of. The four other guys she claims to be having sex with for free could be a ruse to judge how much you really want to be with her. In Japan, not many men are good at conveying their feelings for a girl and they get tired of being flaked easily, hence the dwindling birth rates and the government using the sex industry and lewd animes to hopefully bring out the desire for its population to increase birth rates.

In my culture, we're not afraid to woo a girl. Our girls are the same like the Japanese - they're taught by their mothers not to be too easy like Westerners. Myself I had no real father figure to teach me all this as my dad told me once, "Figure it out yourself!", only because his money did all the wooing for him, so I'm left in the dark until I started having the courage to talk to as many girls as I can.

That girl is sussing you out. But be careful with how much money she demands out of you each time. I had a cute J ML once who only does part 2, she made me chase her by demanding that I see her 4 times a week. $120 per session, that's pretty much $480 weekly. When I told her I had enough she wanted to beg me to stay - I could tell she sees potential in me but her greed was way overboard. She was already close to 50yo at the time but still look 30. I made my decision leaving her only because she has no intention of getting married, plus she would've already experienced menopause. I wouldn't mind if I was at similar age with her and also not wanting kids.

22-12-2023, 03:00 PM
Goldfish man is right. You can control it. Make sure your big head logically, rationally and unemotionally decides where your little head goes

22-12-2023, 03:06 PM
Banter, keeping guys at arm's length, encouraging them to see her even when there's no promise of a relationship - I've been there MANY times, I know what it means. It's like a trend with girls in their 20s these days.

22-12-2023, 03:53 PM
An "ah-ha" moment for me right there.

Reminds me of my first trip to Japan years ago. Met this cute girl tending the reception at the hostel I was staying in Tokyo. We chat a lot because she had very good English. As I was about to head back to my room for the night she kept on waving at me the same way some J WLs would wave at you until you're out the door.

After I came back to Sydney I found her social media profile. I asked her permission to be in contact with her, she agreed. Every time I sent her messages she'd take ages to reply, claiming she's not good with texts. I confessed my feelings for her, she didn't reply back. After a while I told her I'm giving up wooing her and she immediately blocked me. I thought to myself, how strange. Normally if a girl didn't like me the same way she would've ignored the message and there won't be any further communications.

This reminds me of your bolded serious situation that the girl claimed not wanting to have any of. These girls don't normally say their mind out directly. Keeping you at arm's length indicates one thing in my several past experiences - they like you but not infatuated with you, yet. They want to see what you're built of. The four other guys she claims to be having sex with for free could be a ruse to judge how much you really want to be with her. In Japan, not many men are good at conveying their feelings for a girl and they get tired of being flaked easily, hence the dwindling birth rates and the government using the sex industry and lewd animes to hopefully bring out the desire for its population to increase birth rates.

In my culture, we're not afraid to woo a girl. Our girls are the same like the Japanese - they're taught by their mothers not to be too easy like Westerners. Myself I had no real father figure to teach me all this as my dad told me once, "Figure it out yourself!", only because his money did all the wooing for him, so I'm left in the dark until I started having the courage to talk to as many girls as I can.

That girl is sussing you out. But be careful with how much money she demands out of you each time. I had a cute J ML once who only does part 2, she made me chase her by demanding that I see her 4 times a week. $120 per session, that's pretty much $480 weekly. When I told her I had enough she wanted to beg me to stay - I could tell she sees potential in me but her greed was way overboard. She was already close to 50yo at the time but still look 30. I made my decision leaving her only because she has no intention of getting married, plus she would've already experienced menopause. I wouldn't mind if I was at similar age with her and also not wanting kids.

Appreciate your story mate. It's interesting to hear your point regarding the other guys and seeing if's a test. Not sure if it is but it's hard to tell.

Banter, keeping guys at arm's length, encouraging them to see her even when there's no promise of a relationship - I've been there MANY times, I know what it means. It's like a trend with girls in their 20s these days.

Yeah it must be a generational thing? I must be getting old lol.

Lol, all these "I fell in love with XXX" threads ought to be sub-categorized as some sort of "recovery room" for punting/whoring/SBing, basically any type of paid sex. It feels like you guys are getting burnt out by too much of the good physical action, you're needing some sort of mental or psychological angle to it too.

I can understand how you would crave having a girl be your GF. The feeling of having someone new in your life is maddeningly exciting, arousing, makes you look forward to the next day in great earnest.

But on the other hand, I've been on this rodeo enough times to know that that fresh exciting feeling you're getting is short and fleeting. You will eventually have to confront the nature of both the girl and how you met her.

I'm not trying to tell you not to go for it. It'll probably be very enjoyable for you even if it doesn't last very long. You still get that kick out of it. You just have to be prepared for that day when you have to confront it all. Think you can handle it?

Yeah, I want it to last until I get it out of my system. I just want to minimise the feels abit.

22-12-2023, 03:54 PM
Good clear logical sensible pain avoidance advice Rooter..
Pay Fuck Leave ...

99% of the time you follow it and then once in a while that 1%er comes along to challenge you ..

Ever fallen off the Pay Fuck Leave wagon Rooter?

Nah never bro. But I am probably an outlier.
I switch on, I give it 110%, I have a fantastic passionate intimate time with a girl, I am totally in the moment with her, she is my universe for that brief hour, and then I just switch off go home and totally forget the girl.
I guess I have the same mindset as the very best WLs in that sense.
But yeah, I can appreciate that most guys don't function like that. I am probably borderline psychopathic when it comes to sex :)
I am not saying that's a good thing or a bad thing. It's just the way I am.
Pay Fuck Leave. That's always been my motto. It works for me but I can appreciate its not for everyone.
Enjoy your punting bros, whichever way you do it!
But always remember it's just punting.

22-12-2023, 03:58 PM
Nah never bro. But I am probably an outlier.
I switch on, I give it 110%, I have a fantastic passionate intimate time with a girl, I am totally in the moment with her, she is my universe for that brief hour, and then I just switch off go home and totally forget the girl.
I guess I have the same mindset as the very best WLs in that sense.
But yeah, I can appreciate that most guys don't function like that. I am probably borderline psychopathic when it comes to sex :)
I am not saying that's a good thing or a bad thing. It's just the way I am.
Pay Fuck Leave. That's always been my motto. It works for me but I can appreciate its not for everyone.
Enjoy your punting bros, whichever way you do it!
But always remember it's just punting.

This is a great mindset but you sometimes meet that 1% where it just clicks well. I'm very similar with when I go to the shops to see a ML or WL. Just in that moment thats it, nothing more. With this recent Sugar baby experience though it was closer, more intimate, more time spent together (5-8 hour sessions). It had a different effect. We talked, we vibed, we laughed, we had sex, we watch videos etc. It was just different

22-12-2023, 04:03 PM
This is a great mindset but you sometimes meet that 1% where it just clicks well. I'm very similar with when I go to the shops to see a ML or WL. Just in that moment thats it, nothing more. With this recent Sugar baby experience though it was closer, more intimate, more time spent together (5-8 hour sessions). It had a different effect. We talked, we vibed, we laughed, we had sex, we watch videos etc. It was just different

Snap out of it. LOL!

22-12-2023, 04:08 PM
This is a great mindset but you sometimes meet that 1% where it just clicks well. I'm very similar with when I go to the shops to see a ML or WL. Just in that moment thats it, nothing more. With this recent Sugar baby experience though it was closer, more intimate, more time spent together (5-8 hour sessions). It had a different effect. We talked, we vibed, we laughed, we had sex, we watch videos etc. It was just different


22-12-2023, 04:09 PM


22-12-2023, 04:17 PM

Hahaha! Nice reply bro.
We are clearly very different people and that's cool. All I am saying is follow your heart and your dick and enjoy all the wonders that life brings, but don't get played for a sucker. Don't switch off your brain. Read all the feedback from the collective subconscious of the punting world and then do what you gotta do. I hope it all works out well for you bro. Have a great Xmas and New Year.

22-12-2023, 05:04 PM
One word: BAILOUT, before you crash and burn.

22-12-2023, 05:25 PM
I'm back with another stupid "falling" for a girl story - but this time not with a ML/WL.

I recently ventured into the sugar baby realm and I met this Japanese girl - shes 20, beautiful (literally a 10/10 in my books) and is really interesting. Shes into the clubbing scene and raves but a big weed user.

I have been seeing her for the past 2-3 months and it's been great - besides me catching feels...again. The way she looks at me, the way we kissed, it was like I was making love to her instead of fucking - it felt real? It felt too good.

We talked about our feelings, well mine. She seemed to avoid it a bit and ultimately said she is crap at relationships and wasn't after anything serious (I'm kinda the same). To be honest, I just wanted to spend more time with her and get to know her more. She mentioned she likes me but wants to just keep in the room. She mentioned i'm the only guy paying for her (not sure If I believe that) but she has a few sexual partners. We have been doing it unprotected (another attribution to my feelings) but found out shes been doing it with 3-4 other guys too which kinda drove my head into overdrive.

I find myself watching her Instagram stories constantly and whenever she live streams on TikTok.

Essentially now my feelings are just wrecking my brain and im not sure what to do. I want to keep seeing her because the sex is amazing but the emotional damage is real. Thoughts?

I think your love to her is genuine but misplaced.

You should get a bunch of rose and profess your true feelings to her.

22-12-2023, 07:11 PM
My job is a specialist service. You could say I'm a tradesperson but prefer to be known as an artisan in a specialised field. Its all I've known since a boy and am fortunate in that I get immense satisfaction from my work and from my clients. But at the end of the day I need to be paid for my work.

You get where i'm coming from. Over the past 18 months of serious punting have been thanked by numerous WLs for giving as good as I got. Over 30 of them and only one of them refused money when seeing her in private once and I insisted she take the money and that was the last time I saw her.

Maybe you should ask her if she is keen to see you without you paying a cent and hence your reply to this dilemma

22-12-2023, 07:23 PM
Sounds like you're already in too deep. At this point in time no amount of well meaning advice will work.

Just ride it until the heartbreak comes (and it definitely will) ... When it does, you will have a few sleepless nights and days trying hard not to mope around and being pissed off with yourself for not being able to function ... part and parcel of the party unfortunately

After a few days/weeks you'll think about contacting her because you've convinced yourself that youve got the feels contained and under control and will be able to see her again just for the sex.

This is the first real opportunity to stop. Come back and read all the responses here and other "falling for ml/wl" threads. Take a trip to Ginza C or E or a few sessions with any pretty wl/ml tbh.

Don't look back.

22-12-2023, 09:11 PM
You lost me when you started with
"I recently ventured into the sugar baby realm"

This is code for "I have unprotected sex with a lady who has unprotected sex with many guys"

This sugar baby trend and OnlyFans trend of unwittingly putting women on pedestals has to stop. Woman are goddesses don't get me wrong, but men need to keep their heads screwed on instead of losing them like beta males do

Answer to your question depends on how emotionally mature you are. Women in this "realm" are there to be paid and to be f_cked, and part of the deal is you share other other guys juices and disease for the higher price

This won't end well if you overread the situation. She is not there to be your soulmate. In that line of work, she has no need to commit to a man. Her soul is in a vault, she doesn't need a relationship. Her main focus is fun and to be paid well. Move away from sugar babies if you too can't lock your heart in a vault. This is basic 101 punting bro. Wake up

Get an STI test as well

23-12-2023, 12:13 AM
You lost me when you started with
"I recently ventured into the sugar baby realm"

This is code for "I have unprotected sex with a lady who has unprotected sex with many guys"

This sugar baby trend and OnlyFans trend of unwittingly putting women on pedestals has to stop. Woman are goddesses don't get me wrong, but men need to keep their heads screwed on instead of losing them like beta males do

Answer to your question depends on how emotionally mature you are. Women in this "realm" are there to be paid and to be f_cked, and part of the deal is you share other other guys juices and disease for the higher price

This won't end well if you overread the situation. She is not there to be your soulmate. In that line of work, she has no need to commit to a man. Her soul is in a vault, she doesn't need a relationship. Her main focus is fun and to be paid well. Move away from sugar babies if you too can't lock your heart in a vault. This is basic 101 punting bro. Wake up

Get an STI test as well

Appreciate the honesty and directness. You're right.

Ima get that test.

23-12-2023, 01:05 AM
Psychologically our tendencies is to project our own ideals onto others subconsciously. What we like in others is what we "think" is the right kind of person. Most of the time we're looking for a partner who's as toxic and emotionally abandoning like our own mothers.

A friend of mine can't get enough of Japanese girls and won't date girls of other ethnicities. When I asked why, he mentioned that Japanese girls have "mysterious" personalities. Turns out it's the emotional abandonment type that he's drawn into. Some of my Japanese exes were like that, I was quick to discard them as soon as they show their sour side. Like some bros here have pointed, some J girls can disappear without saying goodbye because they're good at emotional abandonment. They don't initiate "breakups" just because it is their culture to be polite and not cause fights.

This J girl you mention, she's out with you mostly because she knows that you're harmless and won't take advantage of her. At the same time she feels lonely but doesn't want a relationship. Not many J girls are prepared to have relationships with non-Japanese men, the cultural differences are too wide and parents may not approve foreign partners. Also J girls are likely to settle with foreigners only if they are non-confrontational and good at keeping the harmony.

I had seen a Japanese WL outside of her work before, years ago. We went shopping together, had dinner and spent time at her home. We'd lie on the sofa together, hugging but no sex or kissing. She only allowed it during her work not on her day off. And she specifically told me we are not in a relationship - at least "not yet". All kinds of mixed messages came from her so I decided to stop seeing her one day, and told her that I'm only going to see her again if she agrees to make our relationship official. She tells me that she can't do both relationship and WL work at the same time so that's the end of us.

Funny thing you mentioned her giving you "more and more while paying less and less". If she works in a shop then it seems that she might be giving you diamond service at standard price or she's running her own private gig. Or this might be a fantasy fiction. Anyways, can't care less if this story is fiction or real because mine wasn't. And I wouldn't waste time chasing any girl's attention or pussy because how I met my current partner taught me a lot about relationships I missed out in the past few decades - if she likes you, she treats you very well, fucks you really good and says yes immediately after asking her to be your girlfriend - she's a keeper!

I've been dating too many time wasters and I should've known better in the past decades.

Now I know why this thread was started. And I know now who started it other than the obvious username (some people are really good at digging up the past).

I have to admit, I had wrong views in the past. I had no father figure to teach me how to look for a wife - I was told to "figure it out myself". Every relationship I realised that I was easily duped, only because I was trying to avoid becoming like my own father. I didn't want to go through a life of multiple marriages and divorces myself like my father did. Unfortunately I went through my first divorce in early 2019 and luckily no kids involved.

The time I posted the quoted comment I was actually dating a WL, one who was previously quite popular. She accepted my proposal to be her gf almost immediately - I was so happy at that time. She even asked me if I wanted kids. I kept seeing her for more than a year. The dealbreaker was that she purposely forgotten about my birthday which was a traumatic event for me. She didn't even offer any apologies or try to calm me down. I walk out on her.

Weeks after that I saw an opportunity to see M on a regular basis which I couldn't before that because she tends to get booked out in the afternoons. M also announced that she might be quitting by year end. I didn't react to it at first only because I was conflicted between going back to the WL I broke off with or starting anew with M, someone I've been yearning for years. Honestly when M rejected me for the second time I had thoughts of going back to the ex and probably just accepting that I might have to endure the trauma of having my birthday forgotten - I haven't actually celebrated my birthday properly for more than a decade because of a family issue.

Being able to see M regularly and having her convince me to keep seeing her was something that made my connection to her very strong. Something that my 3 other WL exes just didn't have. With the one I saw before M, honestly she's been tormenting me after our sixth month together. I had the strong devotion to stay with her regardless of what was about to happen - I thought that if I had to endure an unhappy marriage and divorce for the second time, so be it. But I felt that something was protecting me - our breakup was purposely caused through that traumatic event. Remembering that traumatic event I didn't even tell M my birthday, hoping that she doesn't do the same to me if we were to continue seeing each other long enough.

So yeah, what I wrote in that old comment was real. The one that I went out with on a shopping date outside was the first ever WL I've dated. That was before I met M.

All I can say now is this - the forum hasn't changed much since then but I wrote that real life experiences just to have a go at the person who "doxxed" me once upon a time ago. I admit that I was still pissed off at her at the time. I wanted to focus on my ex at that time and be the person to make her happy but unfortunately her karma ran out. Right now I don't mind having to experience any karma of leaving my ex. Even if M decides to play me and not come back, I'll accept and move on. All I want is for M to be happy. No point in her making my wish come true if she's going to suffer with thoughts that I might leave her one day, but my dealbreaker is simple - either not celebrate my birthday at all or make the effort to celebrate it even if you can't buy a tiny gift. The ML I dated before my ex also did the same thing by pretending to forget about my birthday after we exchanged our birthdates (and I bought a present for her birthday) but I forgave her at the time. With M, if we were to meet again I don't mind her not celebrating my birthday as long as she doesn't ask for my birthdate. The reason is because it is the issue that causes a rift between myself and my dad before his passing.

23-12-2023, 03:11 AM
Interesting to see people opinion on Japanese girl. I want to add from my experience dealing with Japanese girls. Most guys see Japanese girls as submissive and feminine, which i think is one of the main reason why lots of men like Japanese girls. However, behind those personalities deep down they just don't like frontal confrontation, hence the easiest way to avoid that is to lie or pretend. When things don't go as they wanted they don't tell you rather they play along with it, then they ghosted you.

So when dealing with Japanese girl(WL or non WL), its better to be not 100% invested. When things seems to go well, it might not be.

23-12-2023, 07:05 AM
Her soul is in a vault, she doesn't need a relationship.

That pretty much sums it all for anyone imagining anything with ML/WL/Sugar whatevers

23-12-2023, 07:18 AM
This thing about race, culture, country etc is a load of fucken horseshit and only comes into play if a serious LTR and/or marriage/kids/family is on the horizon. At the end of the day women are women and regardless of race they all bleed, they're all hormonal, they crave romance, they want to be feminine, feel beautiful, be desired, feel safe and secure, and most importantly to feel love and be loved.

But once she has settled down and gets impregnated all that unconditional love and affection is redirected towards her children, and this is when guys start feeling left out, fall out of love, and seek other options to fill the void.

23-12-2023, 07:50 AM
This thing about race, culture, country etc is a load of fucken horseshit and only comes into play if a serious LTR and/or marriage/kids/family is on the horizon. At the end of the day women are women and regardless of race they all bleed, they're all hormonal, they crave romance, they want to be feminine, feel beautiful, be desired, feel safe and secure, and most importantly to feel love and be loved.

But once she has settled down and gets impregnated all that unconditional love and affection is redirected towards her children, and this is when guys start feeling left out, fall out of love, and seek other options to fill the void.
The modern stereotype is that Japanese women switch off from sex after marriage. May be only an unfair stereotype but it's there

23-12-2023, 07:52 AM
Her soul is in a vault, she doesn't need a relationship.

The OP wants more than a business transaction, it's the oldest mistake in punting

The OP wants a relationship but choose the wrong type of woman

I don't mean to be direct or abruot, but these are facts of life that need to be stated for those yet to learn them

Said this many times. When men pay a sugar baby way over market price (compared to the cost at a brothel) for sex, they generally expect unprotected sex as compensation. Unfortunately for you, that means you are riding the town bike, no matter how beautiful she is, and none of you are protected from a group STI

I'm always respectful to women, I'm just making a point, without sugar coating it

23-12-2023, 08:09 AM
....don't get me started frisson!

Some of you blokes sound like pussy whipped castrated betas and you make Prince Harry look like an accomplished alpha male.

Understand the fucken realities of the sexual marketplace:
- if a woman is stunning it's guaranteed that she'll have plenty of suitors, followers, options, including a string of betas vying for her attention, affection, and love.
- She will be pedestalised, proposed to, given money, cars, apartments, luxurious gifts, exotic holidays etc; largely funded by the betas in an attempt to BUY her attention, affection and love.
- Attractive women have rotations of men and they'll string them along for as long as it suits their needs AND, until the the 'right one' comes along.
- Having a string of guys constantly chasing them serves as an ego boost, validates their insecurities, provides them with romantic adventures that help spice up their otherwise bland and monotonous boring lives. This viscous cycle will continue until 'the right one' comes along.
- If the right one doesn't come along, or if she's too picky and hard to please, she'll hit her 40's single, become bitter and twisted, she'll grow old and lonely, and be surrounded by 10 cats.
- A guy will need to tick a whole bunch of boxes for a woman to be truly attracted to him, be swept off her feet, and give herself completely to him (body, mind, pussy and soul). And until that happens you are one of many simps that have been deceived into thinking that you are special and that she only does this with you!
- Looks and money will only go so far, focus on all the other masculine shit if you want real results!
- A woman's love is also based on resources and utility. If you can no longer provide them or someone else provides it better than you.....then, you will be replaced.
- A man on top of his game will also have a rotation and selection of women to chose from. It's just a game and in order to play it you gotta become a player. So don't hate the player, hate the game.

Note: For stunning WLs with aerodynamic lines, all the above points is magnified 25x.
The stigma and life experiences associated with the WL lifestyle is what fucks them up emotionally and psychologically and subsequently disqualifies them from being adequate partners, wives and mothers.

23-12-2023, 08:13 AM
Understand the fucken realities of the sexual marketplace
Brother you are I are in total agreement. And you are as friendly and as direct as I am

Unfortunately most humans don't read or learn from words of wisdom. They are destined to just make the mistakes of past generations lol

Yes, any inexperienced guy who meets the 'stunning WL with aerodynamic lines" it will never end well if they lack emotional intelligence

The tragedy for those ladies is that those aerodynamic lines in 9/10 women eventually convert to the same podgy bodies that 9/10 men end up with

23-12-2023, 09:16 AM
Settling down changes a woman, especially if she is really determined on having kids. The "honeymoon" phase is over once kids enter your life. Everything will be about the kid's wellbeing, there's no time to think about your own enjoyment. Something I will never emulate is how some friends in the past will leave their wives home just so that they can have fun outside with friends while the wife had to do all the housework and taking care of the kids.

I like staying home and only going out a couple hours during the day, probably twice a week. Back when I was a young adult I always took care of my little sister as a baby, feeding her milk and babysitting her. She grew fond of me more than her own mother. Unfortunately her mother was the type who still yearns being in a honeymoon phase even after giving birth so that was a good opportunity for me to learn about kids.

Going back to the topic of cultural upbringing, I understand it is an assumption that all Japanese women are nice, sweet, loyal etc. In my experience some can be quite direct and confrontational. However, my cue in knowing which to stay with and which to avoid is to know if their goals align with yours. Then again there is also the saying that respect is a big thing in all relationships - if both partners can't respect each other the relationship will crumble and this will bring about the worst psychological imbalance in the kids who grow up in such households. That was why the issue with my exes asking about my birthday and pretending to forget was a big deal breaker for me - even my ex-wife didn't put in the effort to celebrate my birthday after we got married because she was too self-centred. And because of that I knew it wouldn't be good for us to have kids, because if a wife neglects her own husband then there will definitely be the tendency for her to neglect her own kids.

People who think they want great sex all the time shouldn't get married, they should make enough money to afford punting until the day they die. Marriage is for people ready to give everything to the next generation. For example, if I want to continue being alive for the next 50 years I have two choices - get married and put 200% effort into fatherhood+husbandhood, or be an ordained monk to be a father figure to adults with childhood traumas.

23-12-2023, 09:33 AM
Unconditional love, if done properly, extends to everyone in the household. Obviously the wife when having the first kid will focus mostly on the kid and may have no time for the husband, but this is a good opportunity for the husband to prove that he's useful in the household. If the husband gets home immediately after work and does the things the wife just didn't have time doing, it brings about a great relief to the wife and he will not fall out of "love" for the wife. A wife with less burden will be happier, she can live a married life with kids as if she's still in a honeymoon phase.

Many people's minds are untrained, unfocused. They're easily distracted hence the reason why they easily fall out of love. Maintaining love requires a strong focus. This is why Buddhistic training puts a lot of emphasis on focus, because if we can focus on one point wholeheartedly, we can focus on other emotions. And that's why after 3 months apart I still feel as if M is physically right next to me, her image is always in my heart through strong focus. That's what my teacher taught me, to hold our loved ones strongly in our heart if we want the relationship to thrive.

I don't regret meeting my 3 WL exes. It is through their lives I learned what M had to go through. Pushing myself to love them while it lasted taught me not to easily give up on M. I know M also saw that in me, that's why she refuses to see me give up all these while. If I still don't hear from her up until the new year's, I wish her a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. My 2024 resolution is to wait for M's return and start a life with her.

23-12-2023, 09:40 AM
....don't get me started frisson!

Some of you blokes sound like pussy whipped castrated betas and you make Prince Harry look like an accomplished alpha male.

Understand the fucken realities of the sexual marketplace:
- if a woman is stunning it's guaranteed that she'll have plenty of suitors, followers, options, including a string of betas vying for her attention, affection, and love.
- She will be pedestalised, proposed to, given money, cars, apartments, luxurious gifts, exotic holidays etc; largely funded by the betas in an attempt to BUY her attention, affection and love.
- Attractive women have rotations of men and they'll string them along for as long as it suits their needs AND, until the the 'right one' comes along.
- Having a string of guys constantly chasing them serves as an ego boost, validates their insecurities, provides them with romantic adventures that help spice up their otherwise bland and monotonous boring lives. This viscous cycle will continue until 'the right one' comes along.
- If the right one doesn't come along, or if she's too picky and hard to please, she'll hit her 40's single, become bitter and twisted, she'll grow old and lonely, and be surrounded by 10 cats.
- A guy will need to tick a whole bunch of boxes for a woman to be truly attracted to him, be swept off her feet, and give herself completely to him (body, mind, pussy and soul). And until that happens you are one of many simps that have been deceived into thinking that you are special and that she only does this with you!
- Looks and money will only go so far, focus on all the other masculine shit if you want real results!
- A woman's love is also based on resources and utility. If you can no longer provide them or someone else provides it better than you.....then, you will be replaced.
- A man on top of his game will also have a rotation and selection of women to chose from. It's just a game and in order to play it you gotta become a player. So don't hate the player, hate the game.

Note: For stunning WLs with aerodynamic lines, all the above points is magnified 25x.
The stigma and life experiences associated with the WL lifestyle is what fucks them up emotionally and psychologically and subsequently disqualifies them from being adequate partners, wives and mothers.

Mate, you really need to stop watching fresh n fit or whatever degenerate red pill “alpha male” crap you’re consuming. Your views are extremely unhealthy and very damaging especially when it comes to your views on women and relationships.

23-12-2023, 10:05 AM
Mate, you really need to stop watching fresh n fit or whatever degenerate red pill “alpha male” crap you’re consuming. Your views are extremely unhealthy and very damaging especially when it comes to your views on women and relationships.

To be fair, i think he's only talking about women on the "sexual marketplace" like he stated in the beginning. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in those Andrew Tate bullshit either. I think the point here is to point out that women who are ML/WL/sugar babes are a little different to deal with.

23-12-2023, 10:39 AM
To be fair, i think he's only talking about women on the "sexual marketplace" like he stated in the beginning. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in those Andrew Tate bullshit either. I think the point here is to point out that women who are ML/WL/sugar babes are a little different to deal with.

Red pillars will describe dating as the “sexual marketplace”, that’s all anyone really needs to know how they view men/women/dating/relationships lol.

23-12-2023, 12:10 PM
Now I know why this thread was started. And I know now who started it other than the obvious username (some people are really good at digging up the past).

I have to admit, I had wrong views in the past. I had no father figure to teach me how to look for a wife - I was told to "figure it out myself". Every relationship I realised that I was easily duped, only because I was trying to avoid becoming like my own father. I didn't want to go through a life of multiple marriages and divorces myself like my father did. Unfortunately I went through my first divorce in early 2019 and luckily no kids involved.

The time I posted the quoted comment I was actually dating a WL, one who was previously quite popular. She accepted my proposal to be her gf almost immediately - I was so happy at that time. She even asked me if I wanted kids. I kept seeing her for more than a year. The dealbreaker was that she purposely forgotten about my birthday which was a traumatic event for me. She didn't even offer any apologies or try to calm me down. I walk out on her.

Weeks after that I saw an opportunity to see M on a regular basis which I couldn't before that because she tends to get booked out in the afternoons. M also announced that she might be quitting by year end. I didn't react to it at first only because I was conflicted between going back to the WL I broke off with or starting anew with M, someone I've been yearning for years. Honestly when M rejected me for the second time I had thoughts of going back to the ex and probably just accepting that I might have to endure the trauma of having my birthday forgotten - I haven't actually celebrated my birthday properly for more than a decade because of a family issue.

Being able to see M regularly and having her convince me to keep seeing her was something that made my connection to her very strong. Something that my 3 other WL exes just didn't have. With the one I saw before M, honestly she's been tormenting me after our sixth month together. I had the strong devotion to stay with her regardless of what was about to happen - I thought that if I had to endure an unhappy marriage and divorce for the second time, so be it. But I felt that something was protecting me - our breakup was purposely caused through that traumatic event. Remembering that traumatic event I didn't even tell M my birthday, hoping that she doesn't do the same to me if we were to continue seeing each other long enough.

So yeah, what I wrote in that old comment was real. The one that I went out with on a shopping date outside was the first ever WL I've dated. That was before I met M.

All I can say now is this - the forum hasn't changed much since then but I wrote that real life experiences just to have a go at the person who "doxxed" me once upon a time ago. I admit that I was still pissed off at her at the time. I wanted to focus on my ex at that time and be the person to make her happy but unfortunately her karma ran out. Right now I don't mind having to experience any karma of leaving my ex. Even if M decides to play me and not come back, I'll accept and move on. All I want is for M to be happy. No point in her making my wish come true if she's going to suffer with thoughts that I might leave her one day, but my dealbreaker is simple - either not celebrate my birthday at all or make the effort to celebrate it even if you can't buy a tiny gift. The ML I dated before my ex also did the same thing by pretending to forget about my birthday after we exchanged our birthdates (and I bought a present for her birthday) but I forgave her at the time. With M, if we were to meet again I don't mind her not celebrating my birthday as long as she doesn't ask for my birthdate. The reason is because it is the issue that causes a rift between myself and my dad before his passing.

Are you telling us you can only find girlfriends among MLs?

23-12-2023, 01:00 PM
Gone with the winds.

23-12-2023, 02:01 PM
Are you telling us you can only find girlfriends among MLs?

No lol.
I have never dated ML/WL before COVID. For some reasons COVID changed my trajectory starting from the first WL I've dated. Even after separating from my ex and waiting for the divorce verdict I was asked by a hot young Taiwanese WL if I was single, and that she's available. I politely rejected by not answering her. Not because I had any prejudice against her job but I just wasn't sure if she's pursuing me because I'm her potential visa ticket.

I think it's because COVID changed the dating landscape a lot. I had zero success on online dating, and trying to meet women IRL was hard because of the many COVID restrictions in place. Nowadays it has normalised, the places I normally frequent (not brothels/MP) have lots of choices I can talk to but M caught my heart, so I feel quite heavy talking to another attractive girl with M in my mind.

I believe in karmic affinity - the reason why I met M and the reason why it took 3 years after that before my chance of pursuing her started opening up. Also the added fact that M decided to announce her retirement to me very early on, and start working an extra day in a new shop where I had no problems booking her weekly.

Regardless of whether M returns or not, she will be the last person in this sort of industry I'll ever date. If she doesn't come back in 5 years then maybe I'll move on and look for a non-SW again. It was her wish as well that I don't pursue other SWs, and I don't normally pursue a relationship with SWs unless they hint that they're looking for a relationship like how my 3 exes did.

23-12-2023, 02:04 PM
For the OP:

1. Block and Delete her number from your contacts
2. Delete all messages
3. Deactivate your Seeking account for a while or block/Delete her.
4. Multiple visits to some shops (If you are into Asians 42G, No5, Ginza). Try any girl you fancy till you find an attractive girl with good service.
5. Explore the shops, try someone else. Don't stick to one you liked. Just to make sure you don't fall for another one
5. In a couple of weeks you will forget about that Girl.

Remember you are just an ATM to her and she is a fantastic liar. It's her job. Get real or you will end up in a very sad place. This is their game, and most of the times we are complete idiots infront of them.

23-12-2023, 02:22 PM
The red pill movement started as a wake-up call to guys constantly used and abused by women abusing the feminist domestic family laws. Every time these kind of "woke" movements arises there's always people trying to monetize the situation by calling themselves "gurus" claiming to help other guys.

Although I do agree with the point that men shouldn't be pushed over by their partners but I don't agree with the misogynistic ideas that "women like to be used as sex slaves". I had unfriended several people in my life who subscribed to Andrew Tate's crazy ideas in the past.

In my opinion relationships have to be equal - both partners can discuss who's sole responsibility is for each household building blocks. If the women happens to earn more then happy days, let the men take up more house chores to make up for it. I think the issue is that people think just because they're the sole breadwinner they're entitled to a partner that does all the housework while they sit on their bums all day.

If I was earning more than my partner, it doesn't change my duties to her. Regardless of whether we have kids or not, if I see a dirty dish in the sink while she's having a nap on the couch I'll wash it. If the laundry started piling up I'll start the washing machine. I'm not gonna wait for her to do it just because it's her "job" as a housewife. Unfortunately I'm a little bit of an OCD myself at home, I like things to be tidy and not messy so I tend to get things done even if I was tired from work.

To me I don't need red pill/blue pill ideologies - common sense and a sense of making your chosen partner happy around the clock is what you need for a stable relationship.

23-12-2023, 05:05 PM
most of the times we are complete idiots infront of them.

sadly that's probably very true. whatever you moves that you think you are putting on her, she's probably seen it from 50 other guys

23-12-2023, 08:03 PM
The red pill movement started as a wake-up call to guys constantly used and abused by women abusing the feminist domestic family laws. Every time these kind of "woke" movements arises there's always people trying to monetize the situation by calling themselves "gurus" claiming to help other guys.

Although I do agree with the point that men shouldn't be pushed over by their partners but I don't agree with the misogynistic ideas that "women like to be used as sex slaves". I had unfriended several people in my life who subscribed to Andrew Tate's crazy ideas in the past.

In my opinion relationships have to be equal - both partners can discuss who's sole responsibility is for each household building blocks. If the women happens to earn more then happy days, let the men take up more house chores to make up for it. I think the issue is that people think just because they're the sole breadwinner they're entitled to a partner that does all the housework while they sit on their bums all day.

If I was earning more than my partner, it doesn't change my duties to her. Regardless of whether we have kids or not, if I see a dirty dish in the sink while she's having a nap on the couch I'll wash it. If the laundry started piling up I'll start the washing machine. I'm not gonna wait for her to do it just because it's her "job" as a housewife. Unfortunately I'm a little bit of an OCD myself at home, I like things to be tidy and not messy so I tend to get things done even if I was tired from work.

To me I don't need red pill/blue pill ideologies - common sense and a sense of making your chosen partner happy around the clock is what you need for a stable relationship.

There are a few pills i think you may need....

23-12-2023, 09:28 PM
There are a few pills i think you may need....


This reminds me of way back. I was listening to the friendlier radio version that they renamed as "Purple Hills", and wondered why it was called that.
Then on Limewire I found the "... Pills" version, read the lyrics and finally figured it out.

23-12-2023, 10:31 PM
Mate, you really need to stop watching fresh n fit or whatever degenerate red pill “alpha male” crap you’re consuming. Your views are extremely unhealthy and very damaging especially when it comes to your views on women and relationships.

Bro, so which part are you most upset about, the truths about female nature or the fact that you might be one of those pussy whipped beta males?

Either way, before you bring up the subject of red pills etc you better first understand the differences between blue, red, purple and black pills. Once you have a grasp of those concepts then we can start to have some form of meaningful dialogue. Until then you can continue on your merry beta ways.

23-12-2023, 10:43 PM
eeeh what the little tiny pink pills do bro?

23-12-2023, 11:02 PM
I don't use the blue pill red pill analogy as it adds an extra meaningless layer of cultural reference

Don't get lost down the rabbit hole of the Matrix, and think on your own. Just because Andrew Tate says it, doesn't mean you have to be his parrot. Some dodgy dating mentors in 2005 were also using the red pill blue pill expression, it's so dated now

State things as they are

As a man realise your vulnerability, if your only contact with women is with a sex worker. Do better

A sex worker is a hard working person. Pay your money for a service, finish, leave. Don't overcomplicate things

If you subscribe to a woman on OnlyFans, wake up to yourself and stop. You are following a cultural trend like a loser. It's the online equivalent of an expensive strip show, where all you get after paying a sh_t load of your hard earned money, is masturbating on your own. True and pathetic

Be original and spend the money on your self instead, or even better, save and invest some money

23-12-2023, 11:43 PM
Though the original post was a repeat of many similar threads but have to admire thoughtful discussions by everyone here. As mentioned by Frisson all this pill terminologies are BS. Get real.

24-12-2023, 12:23 AM
Not just sugar stuff. But that's japanese in general from my own experience. The modern japan and its dating is super fucked.

24-12-2023, 12:58 AM
Not just sugar stuff. But that's japanese in general from my own experience. The modern japan and its dating is super fucked.

They need to learn how to eat more animal innards and drink sour milk. Also learn how to shit in nature - dig a hole, empty your bowels there, clean your backsides, bury your own shit and ride away.

24-12-2023, 05:27 AM
Though the original post was a repeat of many similar threads but have to admire thoughtful discussions by everyone here. As mentioned by Frisson all this pill terminologies are BS. Get real.

Haha, yes, just immature men trying to sound cool and like they know all there is to know about how to live your life. Get real indeed!

24-12-2023, 09:47 AM
In the meanwhile another 'immature' man walks in barefoot and and makes a childish judgement about everyone else to show off. Get off your high horse pal!

Time to invent your pill, You know it all haha

24-12-2023, 12:16 PM
In the meanwhile another 'immature' man walks in barefoot and and makes a childish judgement about everyone else to show off. Get off your high horse pal!

Time to invent your pill mate! You know it all haha

cant agree more.

24-12-2023, 02:08 PM
Not just sugar stuff. But that's japanese in general from my own experience. The modern japan and its dating is super fucked.

Really? It's that common? I thought it might of been her.

Update on me. Thinking i'll try and see her one more time to close it out. She tends to ignore my messages for awhile which is fucking me. Tempted to end it just then and there over it lol.

24-12-2023, 03:25 PM
Really? It's that common? I thought it might of been her.

Update on me. Thinking i'll try and see her one more time to close it out. She tends to ignore my messages for awhile which is fucking me. Tempted to end it just then and there over it lol.

Take your time and ask yourself why are you pursuing this girl. If it's for the sex, any girls in the SB/ML/WL industry can give it to you. If it's because she cares for you, not many in the industry is and it's worth pursuing. Her ignoring your text but not blocking you is her sussing you out. I can't tell you exactly how to tell if she's really into you because some don't even know if they want a relationship until they get to a certain age. Maybe she's interested in FWBs and seeing where it goes, like many young girls these days are doing.

My trick is not to depend on mine for my happiness. That is my way of "letting go" - I let go of my expectations for her but I don't let go of the feeling of wanting to cherish her when she comes back. My happiness comes from my mind training, and my wish is to extend my happiness into her life.

24-12-2023, 03:34 PM
Take your time and ask yourself why are you pursuing this girl. If it's for the sex, any girls in the SB/ML/WL industry can give it to you. If it's because she cares for you, not many in the industry is and it's worth pursuing. Her ignoring your text but not blocking you is her sussing you out. I can't tell you exactly how to tell if she's really into you because some don't even know if they want a relationship until they get to a certain age. Maybe she's interested in FWBs and seeing where it goes, like many young girls these days are doing.

My trick is not to depend on mine for my happiness. That is my way of "letting go" - I let go of my expectations for her but I don't let go of the feeling of wanting to cherish her when she comes back. My happiness comes from my mind training, and my wish is to extend my happiness into her life.

It's definitely the sex, her beauty and feeling when I'm with her. I don't think she likes me more then just a ATM + fun. Shes enjoying her time in AUS, she has other FWBs probably too. I'm attempting to just not get too hooked on emotionally and keep it as "fun".

24-12-2023, 03:45 PM
Good luck dude.

24-12-2023, 03:59 PM
The fact you are paying for it and most of the others are not says it all.

24-12-2023, 04:12 PM
It's definitely the sex, her beauty and feeling when I'm with her. I don't think she likes me more then just a ATM + fun. Shes enjoying her time in AUS, she has other FWBs probably too. I'm attempting to just not get too hooked on emotionally and keep it as "fun".

Good luck then. I stopped thinking of others as if they have the same or similar "predicament" as mine because they all don't. Like I said, if you want sex there's plenty out there. Same goes to beauty and "feeling" (depends on what you mean by this).

Beauty doesn't last but there's also the saying "Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder". I always picture how M might look like with wrinkles and stretch marks in the next 30+ years. Thinking of that strengthens my affection for her.

There's also the saying that "Men and women can't be friends". With friends you can go zero contact for years and catch up later on, or you can break the friendship without having too much emotional attachment. When men and women become friends, especially through FWB situations, at most time they find it really hard to stop the situationship. The girl will disappear and cry her heart out, hoping that the guy would come back and tell her he's willing to wait for her forever to come back.

I've had one FWB situation more than a decade ago. It didn't go well because I was thinking of her as an easy access for sex. She was the one who proposed the FWB situation. Not that I didn't like her but I just wasn't ready to think ahead about having long term serious relationship with her. The communication stopped, she ignored all my texts and social media messages but didn't block/ban me. I ended up removing her from my social media and years later I heard that she cried badly because of that. Haven't heard from her for a long time but she's moved on and I'm not interested in pursuing her.

From what I know is that when a woman says she wants to be FWBs, she means that she wants to take things slow. Some may have several FWBs at the same time but the game is played by her stopping all FWB contact to see who would eventually beg her to come back. At this point again I'd say good luck - if you think you're not up for the challenge, better withdraw now before it's too late. Myself I was ready at the start with M.

25-12-2023, 11:47 PM
My 5 cents worth, if it’s of any help.
I can look back at 16 years of “sugaring” probably 30+ girls who were all beautiful 19 to 35 year old.
Some lasted 18 months while most ranged from one meeting to 3 months.

Fact #1: when you’re paying, it’s not a relationship. It’s a business deal. After all, they would not continue to have sex with you if you don’t pay. Also, they never ever offer any unpaid freebies because they feel for you. Not even as a birthday present to you.

Fact #2: even the you ones are expert at manipulation. It’s in their DNA. They do it instinctively. It’s them having power over you and you are emotionally weak, coming back with cash every time.

Fact #3: these girls fuck younger guys free of charge when they meet online and at clubs. But never their sugar daddies.

My advice to any brother here is “as soon as you get any hint of feeling emotionally attached, cut and run”. Do not be so stupid and weak and discuss it with the girl. Take back your power and take your cash to the next girl. There are 4 times more girls than sugar daddies online.

Always look in the mirror and ask yourself, “am I strong and in charge, of giving cash to solicit affection?”

26-12-2023, 02:09 PM
I always thought to myself, if people knew what they want but still pretend to be in denial of all those things, what should I say?

If I agree with their words, they'll get stirred up inside. If I disagree then they're the ones trying to stir me up.

So I learned a new approach. If it's someone close to me, I'll disagree with their words just so that I can agree with their hidden views. If they're not and just spewing misguided opinions, I'll agree with them regardless of my own opinions. They'll get stirred up but it's their own faults.

My opinion in this situation is dependant on the girl you're after:

If you want a girl that eases into a relationship within several months (or even several weeks), be prepared for a huge disappointment. Many white girls are like that, moving in together as quickly as a matter of several weeks. Then you realise it's too late to leave the relationship without initiating a civil war.

If you're patient enough to wait for a girl who takes her time to declare the relationship official, you might be striking gold or diamond. It's tricky to know if she's playing you or if she's genuine, so at this point you'll also need to suss her out. If she sheds crocodile tears or isn't moved when you tell her you're not tolerating her nonsense, she's bad news. But if she's the one being compassionate and makes it up to you, you can trust her.

Think of it as if you're wooing a hot young restaurant owner. If she drains your wallet by making you buy the most expensive meal on the menu and gouging the price up every couple visits then you need to stop. But if she always gives suggestions on value for money, delicious meals on the menu and sometimes even takes charge of the kitchen in order to make the meal special for you, then you know she wants you to be her future husband and potential restaurant partner.

Tbh it is rare to find sex workers these days that are worthy of chasing. At least I found mine - she didn't gouge her prices with me, kept the sex really hot and passionate, and made me feel like she really enjoyed having me there. And when I'm quiet on the forum she always find ways to get me logging back in... 😅

26-12-2023, 03:53 PM
I don't think its that rare to find a WL that's worthy of chasing if she is Asian and does a good in bed its very easy to fall in love esp if your thinking with your dick and not your mind.

26-12-2023, 07:32 PM
If I think with my dick I would be chasing all the WLs that gave me multiple orgasms in a single hour with zero convos.

But when I think with my mind, I chase the person who immediately got excited and remembers my face even after we haven't seen each other for months and offers extras immediately when asked.

26-12-2023, 08:11 PM
What do you mean you're the only one paying for her and she says she prefers to keep it in the room?

So she's not a wl working in a shop and you see her privatly at home or hotel? How did you know her and how did this kind of arrangement start?

If she's not a wl, I'd say just go with it and enjoy while it lasts, don't think too much.

27-12-2023, 07:57 AM
I'm back with another stupid "falling" for a girl story - but this time not with a ML/WL.

I recently ventured into the sugar baby realm and I met this Japanese girl - shes 20, beautiful (literally a 10/10 in my books) and is really interesting. Shes into the clubbing scene and raves but a big weed user.

I have been seeing her for the past 2-3 months and it's been great - besides me catching feels...again. The way she looks at me, the way we kissed, it was like I was making love to her instead of fucking - it felt real? It felt too good.

We talked about our feelings, well mine. She seemed to avoid it a bit and ultimately said she is crap at relationships and wasn't after anything serious (I'm kinda the same). To be honest, I just wanted to spend more time with her and get to know her more. She mentioned she likes me but wants to just keep in the room. She mentioned i'm the only guy paying for her (not sure If I believe that) but she has a few sexual partners. We have been doing it unprotected (another attribution to my feelings) but found out shes been doing it with 3-4 other guys too which kinda drove my head into overdrive.

I find myself watching her Instagram stories constantly and whenever she live streams on TikTok.

Essentially now my feelings are just wrecking my brain and im not sure what to do. I want to keep seeing her because the sex is amazing but the emotional damage is real. Thoughts?

I don't blame this girl at all, she only acting how you allow it.


we are all learning, A few weeks ago, I personally decided to no longer date girls that vape..

What is there less of in Australia? Men that make over 100K a year? OR young pretty girls?

there's less of us, we are rare. pretty girls are a dime a dozen..

i don't blame girls for behaving the way that they do. i blame the men that allow it.

27-12-2023, 08:54 AM
I heard one day of vaping is like a month of normal smoking. The girls that vape now are going to get health & dental problems later on when their in their 30s & 40s. Vaping is not healthy its a drug addiction. Yes when it comes to WLs there are plenty avail its not rare to find one you'd like to chase. But chasing and stalking its a fine line between the two. The WL may not like being chased.

27-12-2023, 09:54 AM
On the subject of Japanese working ladies, is it customary for them to thank you via text message at the end of her shift? I’ve been seeing a Japanese ml and more often than not, no matter the time of day I see her, she’ll send a message after work to thank me for coming to see her and that she had a good time . Granted I was the one who asked for her number in the first place and I’m guessing she does it to build business relations with good customers.

27-12-2023, 10:56 AM
On the subject of Japanese working ladies, is it customary for them to thank you via text message at the end of her shift? I’ve been seeing a Japanese ml and more often than not, no matter the time of day I see her, she’ll send a message after work to thank me for coming to see her and that she had a good time . Granted I was the one who asked for her number in the first place and I’m guessing she does it to build business relations with good customers.

I think it means she wants you to keep coming back to see her. She's just an ML is she prepared to do FS with you in private? You got her number that means you could hook up away from the shop. Just agree with her how far she'll go with you and a price, is she offering extras?

27-12-2023, 11:11 AM
I heard one day of vaping is like a month of normal smoking. The girls that vape now are going to get health & dental problems later on when their in their 30s & 40s. Vaping is not healthy its a drug addiction. Yes when it comes to WLs there are plenty avail its not rare to find one you'd like to chase. But chasing and stalking its a fine line between the two. The WL may not like being chased.

Haha, I knew you'd slip something between the lines.

Vaping and hookah is equally bad.

The WL that likes being chased though, is the one that always makes you feel like a husband mid marriage - annoys the husband constantly and has makeup sex at night, then repeats it again until they grow old.

Having the whole week off. I woke up 7.30 this morning but went back to sleep. Woke up again at 10am. In between that I went into another lucid dream. Saw some revelations about someone's past which is quite interesting.

27-12-2023, 12:03 PM
I think it means she wants you to keep coming back to see her. She's just an ML is she prepared to do FS with you in private? You got her number that means you could hook up away from the shop. Just agree with her how far she'll go with you and a price, is she offering extras?

She already does Fs in the shop but she gave an excuse when asked if she would consider working privately at her place. Ideally if she had agreed I would’ve like to see what price she would’ve offered since the shop is out of the picture.

27-12-2023, 12:29 PM
She already does Fs in the shop but she gave an excuse when asked if she would consider working privately at her place. Ideally if she had agreed I would’ve like to see what price she would’ve offered since the shop is out of the picture.

That's your best bet because if she stops working at the shop at least you can just book her whenever you want and just go to her place. Or get her to come to your place if you don't have a wife. The fact she texts makes me think she is interested in a FWB or sugar situation with you. Go for it bro.

27-12-2023, 08:48 PM
That's your best bet because if she stops working at the shop at least you can just book her whenever you want and just go to her place. Or get her to come to your place if you don't have a wife. The fact she texts makes me think she is interested in a FWB or sugar situation with you. Go for it bro.

J girls are hard to read as you can’t tell if she is agreeable out of cultural politeness or whether it’s from a place of sincerity. I may try going for a sugar arrangement if she quits working in shops. I’m kind of glad she keeps it professional and doesn’t complicate things with emotions otherwise I’d be making one of these posts. I think punters confuse lust with love sometimes.

27-12-2023, 09:00 PM
J girls are hard to read as you can’t tell if she is agreeable out of cultural politeness or whether it’s from a place of sincerity. I may try going for a sugar arrangement if she quits working in shops. I’m kind of glad she keeps it professional and doesn’t complicate things with emotions otherwise I’d be making one of these posts. I think punters confuse lust with love sometimes.

Yes many guys confuse lust and love for sure. Keep texting her and see if she will agree to private. You can maybe get her banking details in the long run you can send her payments for each sugar visit. Hope she gives you a fair price for the arrangement. In the meantime keep seeing her in the shop so you can maybe talk to her in person at the shop and see if she's happy with being your sugar baby. Good luck.

27-12-2023, 09:45 PM
Easy to read between the lines you know.

Well, if someone wants to be a sugar baby it depends on the arrangement. Maybe go out on a few dinner dates first before agreeing on sex and what to charge. Most Seeking reviews I've seen did that in the early days, because these girls normally work on their own.

27-12-2023, 09:52 PM
J girls are hard to read as you can’t tell if she is agreeable out of cultural politeness or whether it’s from a place of sincerity. I may try going for a sugar arrangement if she quits working in shops. I’m kind of glad she keeps it professional and doesn’t complicate things with emotions otherwise I’d be making one of these posts. I think punters confuse lust with love sometimes.

What about when they start behaving like a nagging wife?

27-12-2023, 10:07 PM
What about when they start behaving like a nagging wife?

Then its time to marry the girl and have a great ongoing sex life with her. Unless you marry her and she stops doing it with you,

27-12-2023, 10:11 PM
Then its time to marry the girl and have a great ongoing sex life with her. Unless you marry her and she stops doing it with you,

Yup. You said it yourself.

27-12-2023, 10:51 PM
Yup. You said it yourself.

Your converting my advice if you really infatuated with a WL marry her if you can. What ya got to lose? Gain, lots of bjs & Asian food?

27-12-2023, 11:11 PM
Your converting my advice if you really infatuated with a WL marry her if you can. What ya got to lose? Gain, lots of bjs & Asian food?

You misunderstood me. I was agreeing to the phrase "its time to marry the girl and have a great ongoing sex with her". Of course I'd lose out if I walk away.

She never told me if she was a good cook but I'd be glad to try her cooking. The bj might phase out once we have kids but I'll enjoy the time when she readily gives bjs at the start of the marriage. I'm marrying her only because I've been infatuated with her for the past 3 years.

28-12-2023, 01:18 AM
My two cents.

A transaction is a transaction.
I am recently fucked in the head also. But it's sorta opposite. I insist on sugar-ing, but she has left me due to me always giving money whenever she meets me. And her not wanting to be a third wheel to a marriage.

It's sad, but I don't feel seeing a girl without paying her is unfair.

As sad as it is, my heads fully fucked now thinking of her.

28-12-2023, 08:19 AM
My two cents.

A transaction is a transaction.
I am recently fucked in the head also. But it's sorta opposite. I insist on sugar-ing, but she has left me due to me always giving money whenever she meets me. And her not wanting to be a third wheel to a marriage.

It's sad, but I don't feel seeing a girl without paying her is unfair.

As sad as it is, my heads fully fucked now thinking of her.

If your married already and your mind is fucked up thinking non stop about a sugar that's not a good position to be in. Are you in love with your sugar lady? Suggest leave your current partner and go for the sugar lady for a relationship with her. Otherwise its too hard to reset your mind and stop thinking abt her. Its the first time I heard a sugar lady leaving because you kept paying her maybe don't pay her then.

28-12-2023, 01:51 PM
If your married already and your mind is fucked up thinking non stop about a sugar that's not a good position to be in. Are you in love with your sugar lady? Suggest leave your current partner and go for the sugar lady for a relationship with her. Otherwise its too hard to reset your mind and stop thinking abt her. Its the first time I heard a sugar lady leaving because you kept paying her maybe don't pay her then.

When you already have a partner and having feels for another girl it's lust. I had an idiot for a friend once, he's married with two kids and was telling me he felt hurt being rejected by the girl he was having an affair with. What kind of person feels hurt being rejected when he's already married with two kids? The marriage itself isn't even falling apart, he's just egotistical because he thinks that his life should be easy without thinking of the consequences to others.


Maybe Sean_lee should read this article and re-evaluate his life choices. I grew up accepting life's hardships because I didn't want the choice of suicide. I also understand that if I finally marry M one day our life isn't going to be rosy and filled with happy endings every day, but when evaluating M's personality compared to all my exes she's the one I'd rather live with in both ups and downs. Don't be surprised at how many people choose suicide as a way out of life, many successful rockstars ended their life because they can't find the satisfaction they needed even when they're banging groupies on a daily basis.

If you want to leave your partner, don't leave her just because you have a "side chick". You need to do lots of inner works before you determine that the both of you are no longer compatible with each other, and if you have kids you'll also need to think of their welfare instead of selfishly thinking of your own.

28-12-2023, 03:12 PM
When you already have a partner and having feels for another girl it's lust. I had an idiot for a friend once, he's married with two kids and was telling me he felt hurt being rejected by the girl he was having an affair with. What kind of person feels hurt being rejected when he's already married with two kids? The marriage itself isn't even falling apart, he's just egotistical because he thinks that his life should be easy without thinking of the consequences to others.


Maybe Sean_lee should read this article and re-evaluate his life choices. I grew up accepting life's hardships because I didn't want the choice of suicide. I also understand that if I finally marry M one day our life isn't going to be rosy and filled with happy endings every day, but when evaluating M's personality compared to all my exes she's the one I'd rather live with in both ups and downs. Don't be surprised at how many people choose suicide as a way out of life, many successful rockstars ended their life because they can't find the satisfaction they needed even when they're banging groupies on a daily basis.

If you want to leave your partner, don't leave her just because you have a "side chick". You need to do lots of inner works before you determine that the both of you are no longer compatible with each other, and if you have kids you'll also need to think of their welfare instead of selfishly thinking of your own.

Do you ever wank while choking yourself?

28-12-2023, 03:14 PM
When you already have a partner and having feels for another girl it's lust. I had an idiot for a friend once, he's married with two kids and was telling me he felt hurt being rejected by the girl he was having an affair with. What kind of person feels hurt being rejected when he's already married with two kids? The marriage itself isn't even falling apart, he's just egotistical because he thinks that his life should be easy without thinking of the consequences to others.


Maybe Sean_lee should read this article and re-evaluate his life choices. I grew up accepting life's hardships because I didn't want the choice of suicide. I also understand that if I finally marry M one day our life isn't going to be rosy and filled with happy endings every day, but when evaluating M's personality compared to all my exes she's the one I'd rather live with in both ups and downs. Don't be surprised at how many people choose suicide as a way out of life, many successful rockstars ended their life because they can't find the satisfaction they needed even when they're banging groupies on a daily basis.

If you want to leave your partner, don't leave her just because you have a "side chick". You need to do lots of inner works before you determine that the both of you are no longer compatible with each other, and if you have kids you'll also need to think of their welfare instead of selfishly thinking of your own.

if the guys mind is fucked up and his thought is on his sugar lady or WL and not on his wife why does he stay with his wife? At least my mind is not in that mindset but for someone who is infatuated & in love with his side chick he will never get peace staying with his wife when hes in love with the other girl. Love or lust or what ever you call it can screw with a guys head. A side chick should be just for the extra sex, a good time but when a guy can't live without his side chick and thinks of her all the time instead of putting his wife first his marriage is in jeopardy.

28-12-2023, 03:21 PM
When you already have a partner and having feels for another girl it's lust. I had an idiot for a friend once, he's married with two kids and was telling me he felt hurt being rejected by the girl he was having an affair with. What kind of person feels hurt being rejected when he's already married with two kids? The marriage itself isn't even falling apart, he's just egotistical because he thinks that his life should be easy without thinking of the consequences to others.


Maybe Sean_lee should read this article and re-evaluate his life choices. I grew up accepting life's hardships because I didn't want the choice of suicide. I also understand that if I finally marry M one day our life isn't going to be rosy and filled with happy endings every day, but when evaluating M's personality compared to all my exes she's the one I'd rather live with in both ups and downs. Don't be surprised at how many people choose suicide as a way out of life, many successful rockstars ended their life because they can't find the satisfaction they needed even when they're banging groupies on a daily basis.

If you want to leave your partner, don't leave her just because you have a "side chick". You need to do lots of inner works before you determine that the both of you are no longer compatible with each other, and if you have kids you'll also need to think of their welfare instead of selfishly thinking of your own.

Lol. An affair is an affair.
No one's going to leave anyone. For people whom choose to leave a marriage due to lust is ridiculous in my mind.
If a person would leave a marriage no matter happy or unhappy for another lady, this means he will do it again for another lady.

I know what's important for long term. This is always temporary.

28-12-2023, 04:33 PM
Lol. An affair is an affair.
No one's going to leave anyone. For people whom choose to leave a marriage due to lust is ridiculous in my mind.
If a person would leave a marriage no matter happy or unhappy for another lady, this means he will do it again for another lady.

I know what's important for long term. This is always temporary.

well I won't be leaving my mrs ever and am happy with my sugar side lady. My sugar lady told me she does not want a proper relationship she just wants sex so that works and no need for me to fall in love with her. But some other married guys in here seem to be in a bind with their minds fucked up cause they are totally infatuated with their lover. And they can't get their sugar ladies out of their heads. Some of these ladies seem to be very seductive and very good at what they do.

28-12-2023, 05:49 PM
Sorry, was washing the car so couldn't reply ASAP. The weather forecast for tomorrow is rain again so I'm taking advantage of today's sunny day. Thinking about it, I didn't even have the time to head to the beach or the pools this week.

If a man leaves his wife even when he's happy in the relationship, something is wrong with him. If he's unhappy, it can also mean that he doesn't see his wife as sexually appealing as she used to. But it is justified for a man to leave the relationship if the situation is so toxic that it may end up in homicide, but only after trying his best to talk it over rather than leave on a whim.

Some single women don't really care about the man she's seducing as long as he has what she wants. Some won't even convince you to stay with your wife but instead give signals that you can chase her and leave your wife later. For me I'd rather stay away from such women even if they're work colleagues or a wife's friend.

I guess in my current state of mind I don't have much left to achieve. It's been liberating to stop punting for 2 months straight.

28-12-2023, 05:52 PM
Do you ever wank while choking yourself?

That would be awful. Where did you get that idea?

28-12-2023, 06:04 PM
At times, an affair can get your penis cut and flushed in the toilet!


28-12-2023, 06:05 PM

I had to learn things the hard way but at least I don't regret all my past relationships as it all led to M.

28-12-2023, 06:06 PM
At times, an affair can get your penis cut and flushed in the toilet!


That's actually very common in many third world countries LOL.

28-12-2023, 09:51 PM
Can't imagine who would need this nutcase to reply "ASAP", ROFLMAO...

28-12-2023, 11:22 PM
Can't imagine who would need this nutcase to reply "ASAP", ROFLMAO...

A bit suss, logging in for roughly 5 mins just to post this then quickly log out.

28-12-2023, 11:28 PM
A bit suss, logging in for roughly 5 mins just to post this then quickly log out.

That guy, who’s been registered for 11 years and has 5000+ posts that have nothing to do with you in any way, shape or form, is probably related to the woman, who’s just trying to do her job, you’ve recently become obsessed with and are stalking with delusions of a relationship and future marriage. It makes perfect sense. She’s just been playing the long game, a decade before she met you the clever bastard.

If you don’t already have meds, go to a doctor and talk about this. If you do, take them.

28-12-2023, 11:37 PM
That guy, who’s been registered for 11 years and has 5000+ posts that have nothing to do with you in any way, shape or form, is probably related to the woman, who’s just trying to do her job, you’ve recently become obsessed with and are stalking with delusions of a relationship and future marriage. It makes perfect sense. She’s just been playing the long game, a decade before she met you the clever bastard.

If you don’t already have meds, go to a doctor and talk about this. If you do, take them.

Oh, you're getting really jumpy now that I started investigating people's login activities.

May I suggest not being a prick? That way I can start MINDING MY OWN BUSINESS. Otherwise too bad, people's habits are now becoming my business to determine who they really are. I would also suggest that you take your anxiety meds.

Kiki kong
29-12-2023, 08:31 AM
Do you ever wank while choking yourself?

Broo, this comment is just mean...

But fuck me, it's fucking funny as 🤣

Kiki kong
29-12-2023, 08:33 AM
This whole thread is just fucking weird...

Is the OP that weird guy that got banned not too long ago, along with Vincent??

This whole convo about "M" this "M" that... is just getting too fucking old.

29-12-2023, 09:50 AM
This whole thread is just fucking weird...

Is the OP that weird guy that got banned not too long ago, along with Vincent??

This whole convo about "M" this "M" that... is just getting too fucking old.

But its entertaining....

29-12-2023, 11:22 AM
This whole thread is just fucking weird...

Is the OP that weird guy that got banned not too long ago, along with Vincent??

This whole convo about "M" this "M" that... is just getting too fucking old.

Nah, HamishAM has been around for a while. Appears to be pretty level headed for all intents and purposes. The thread just got hijacked by the mentally unstable, that's all.

29-12-2023, 11:28 AM
Nah, HamishAM has been around for a while. Appears to be pretty level headed for all intents and purposes. The thread just got hijacked by the mentally unstable, that's all.

Mr Cervix Basher is the judge of who is and isnt unstable?

Bit of pot and kettle isnt it?

29-12-2023, 11:38 AM
Mr Cervix Basher is the judge of who is and isnt unstable?

Bit of pot and kettle isnt it?

Oi, sussy baka, you've already outed yourself as begov's alt handle in the other thread. You keep making the same mistakes exposing your alts, lolll.....

29-12-2023, 11:54 AM
Oi, sussy baka, you've already outed yourself as begov's alt handle in the other thread. You keep making the same mistakes exposing your alts, lolll.....

Again with the diversion tactic. What's with the "baka"? You're a little out of character recently lol

29-12-2023, 11:57 AM
This whole thread is just fucking weird...

Is the OP that weird guy that got banned not too long ago, along with Vincent??

This whole convo about "M" this "M" that... is just getting too fucking old.

Let's see.

OP existed long before the "weird guy that got banned".

I'm pretty sure someone is going to have anxiety if M is no longer mentioned as a person of interest.

29-12-2023, 11:58 AM
Oi, sussy baka, you've already outed yourself as begov's alt handle in the other thread. You keep making the same mistakes exposing your alts, lolll.....

Doubt it given i think hes a psycho as well. But he does spout off some interesting retorts at times.

I was just pointing out though the irony that you consider yourself normal.

29-12-2023, 12:06 PM
Mr Cervix Basher is the judge of who is and isnt unstable?

Bit of pot and kettle isnt it?

The problem is that forums with normal punters who care about vfm punting would only be active in the after report section. General talk isn't a favourite section only because it's full of abnormal people who goes around bashing others because they're sitting on a kid's wooden horse instead of an actual high horse.

Riding an actual horse can be similar to riding a WL, or a WL riding a hung customer. It takes proper communication and respect. Treat them like a toy and you'll get dismounted. With a horse you need to use medium kicks and medium trot (a little bit of cowgirl action of going up and down with your hips, that's where the CG position got its name from) to get the horse running.

So yeah, if a person is used to riding wooden horses, they're in the illusion that they know everything about a horse.

29-12-2023, 12:08 PM
Doubt it given i think hes a psycho as well. But he does spout off some interesting retorts at times.

I was just pointing out though the irony that you consider yourself normal.

The irony. Again, where did you get the idea to choke yourself while having a wank?

29-12-2023, 12:18 PM
The irony. Again, where did you get the idea to choke yourself while having a wank?
Michael Hutchence?

29-12-2023, 12:23 PM
Michael Hutchence?

I was thinking more of 90s grunge era rockstar suicide, not this kind. Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley. My heroes in music...

29-12-2023, 12:44 PM
I was thinking more of 90s grunge era rockstar suicide, not this kind. Kurt Cobain, Layne Staley. My heroes in music...

Yep....both of them were definitely amazing. Maybe percy is more of a inxs fan if he's into choking

29-12-2023, 01:04 PM
Michael Hutchence?

Correct this is

29-12-2023, 01:52 PM
Yep....both of them were definitely amazing. Maybe percy is more of a inxs fan if he's into choking

Or maybe he's into weird fetishes.

29-12-2023, 02:16 PM
Or maybe he's into weird fetishes.

It was an actual real question to see if it was something you liked?

Given you are a whack job it is intriguing to see splashes of normal pop up in between your stalker / delusion sessions eg researching shares before you research your next victim. Random.

For the record INXS is overrated.

29-12-2023, 02:48 PM
Yeah, she definitely made me feel for her. The way she looks into my eyes and we kiss.

Try to realise she didn’t make you do anything and that you are entirely responsible for your choices. Seems to me that just by making this thread you already understand the truth. You should keep seeing her, let yourself enjoy the fantasy that it is real, but acknowledge to yourself that ultimately you are in control, not her, and you can stop any time.

29-12-2023, 04:37 PM
It was an actual real question to see if it was something you liked?

Given you are a whack job it is intriguing to see splashes of normal pop up in between your stalker / delusion sessions eg researching shares before you research your next victim. Random.

For the record INXS is overrated.

Nah, not for me. I like a pair of hands or pussy attempting to choke my hard dick, not a pair of hands or silk tie choking my neck.

29-12-2023, 06:34 PM
For the record INXS is overrated.
Definitely agree!

29-12-2023, 10:22 PM
I wouldn't say that I'm not a fan of Aussie hall of fame but I just didn't grow up with it. To me, grunge, punk rock and metal from US/Europe was what I grew up with. I remember the days of carrying a Sony walkman and several cassette tapes with me everywhere.

29-12-2023, 10:29 PM
walkman and cassette tapes your giving away your age! Those were the days no computers around you had to know where to find the brothels. Everyone has it easy today with everything online.

29-12-2023, 10:32 PM
walkman and cassette tapes your giving away your age! Those were the days no computers around you had to know where to find the brothels. Everyone has it easy today with everything online.

Would you rather I say I walked around town with my huge arse vinyl player and 12inch record?

Walkman was the thing for everyone regardless of age back in the 90s-early 2000s. Then the iPod came out but only the richies were able to afford it.

Back when I was a kid dudes use to carry portable stereo operated with D-sized batteries LOL. Something that looked like this except no bluetooth: https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/134488747120?chn=ps&_ul=AU&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=705-139619-5960-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=134488747120&targetid=&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9112595&poi=&campaignid=17314422707&mkgroupid=&rlsatarget=&abcId=9300875&merchantid=7364522&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhp62usa0gwMV0sY8Ah2dJwJgEAQYASAB EgIvwfD_BwE

30-12-2023, 03:57 PM
Nah, HamishAM has been around for a while. Appears to be pretty level headed for all intents and purposes. The thread just got hijacked by the mentally unstable, that's all.

Thanks lol. Yeah I've given up on the thread. Some great advice early on which has helped me.

I'm doing well to manage my feelings, keeping it a business transaction as much as possible. There's nothing there unfortunately.

30-12-2023, 05:16 PM
Thanks lol. Yeah I've given up on the thread. Some great advice early on which has helped me.

I'm doing well to manage my feelings, keeping it a business transaction as much as possible. There's nothing there unfortunately.

And please take all the advice with the respect its given. We've all collectively fucked up in a similar way to some degree. Some guys much more than others and you can see the trainwreck situations they find themselves in.

If you're keeping it all business, you'll be golden and most likely be laughing about this situation in 6 months time.

22-01-2024, 02:20 PM
Update on this if anyone cares.

I've stopped seeing her this week.

I found myself getting the feels still. We saw each other a few more times but she kept coming late to our sessions, and leaving early. She kept me on "read" without responding for days at a time which is painful. It was an enjoyable time with her, a 10/10 in my books from a look perspective. The sex was good. But my attachment and her lack of care for me ultimately forced me to end it.

I'm now trying not to keep watching her stories and get over her, but it's a hard journey.

22-01-2024, 02:36 PM
Sounds like you made the right decision. It also sounds like she was trying to help you make it. It’ll get better with time and don’t forget we’ve all been there. Good luck.

22-01-2024, 05:23 PM
Update on this if anyone cares.

I've stopped seeing her this week.

I found myself getting the feels still. We saw each other a few more times but she kept coming late to our sessions, and leaving early. She kept me on "read" without responding for days at a time which is painful. It was an enjoyable time with her, a 10/10 in my books from a look perspective. The sex was good. But my attachment and her lack of care for me ultimately forced me to end it.

I'm now trying not to keep watching her stories and get over her, but it's a hard journey.

I think this is better this way than to have her stringing you along. Hope you feel better soon.

22-01-2024, 07:07 PM
So many hot women in the world man.

Use this time and extra $ to work on yourself, smash the gym, work on a business, work on your pick up game etc.

Then when you feel confident maybe book a trip overseas and you'll see what else is out there and you won't miss a thing about this chick.

22-01-2024, 10:05 PM
Update on this if anyone cares.

I've stopped seeing her this week.

I found myself getting the feels still. We saw each other a few more times but she kept coming late to our sessions, and leaving early. She kept me on "read" without responding for days at a time which is painful. It was an enjoyable time with her, a 10/10 in my books from a look perspective. The sex was good. But my attachment and her lack of care for me ultimately forced me to end it.

I'm now trying not to keep watching her stories and get over her, but it's a hard journey.

Definitely hard to break it off with a girl when the sex is good but with the arriving late and leaving early it was wise of you to end it. Its got to be one of the hardest things to do its like breaking up with a real girlfriend. Your best bet is to see some other wls. And try not to fall in love with them.

23-01-2024, 08:34 AM
OP you've spent the last few months receiving a crash course in love and women. And like any good education, it's cost you a shit tonne of money and mental stress. You've had the express elevator of joy and the toilet plunger of despair.

Go forth young padawan, stronger and wiser.

23-01-2024, 09:16 AM
I think this chick is really into you bro and is now playing hard to get. She's pushing you away to test your resolve and authenticity and wants to know how far you are willing to fight for her love. Don't give up the struggle, shower her with lots of compliments and expensive gifts; and if need be turn it up a notch and go into needy/clingy/thirsty/desperate mode. All chicks dig that mode and generally fall for it (at least they do in every romcom)

23-01-2024, 09:33 AM
I think this chick is really into you bro and is now playing hard to get. She's pushing you away to test your resolve and authenticity and wants to know how far you are willing to fight for her love. Don't give up the struggle, shower her with lots of compliments and expensive gifts; and if need be turn it up a notch and go into needy/clingy/thirsty/desperate mode. All chicks dig that mode and generally fall for it (at least they do in every romcom)

Some chicks are good at inventing a whole new story. If this chick finally settles down with kids she should start writing a brand new romcom book.

23-01-2024, 09:59 AM
Thanks everyone, appreciate the comments. On to the next.

31-05-2024, 03:59 PM
Now I know why this thread was started. And I know now who started it other than the obvious username (some people are really good at digging up the past).

I have to admit, I had wrong views in the past. I had no father figure to teach me how to look for a wife - I was told to "figure it out myself". Every relationship I realised that I was easily duped, only because I was trying to avoid becoming like my own father. I didn't want to go through a life of multiple marriages and divorces myself like my father did. Unfortunately I went through my first divorce in early 2019 and luckily no kids involved.

The time I posted the quoted comment I was actually dating a WL, one who was previously quite popular. She accepted my proposal to be her gf almost immediately - I was so happy at that time. She even asked me if I wanted kids. I kept seeing her for more than a year. The dealbreaker was that she purposely forgotten about my birthday which was a traumatic event for me. She didn't even offer any apologies or try to calm me down. I walk out on her.

Weeks after that I saw an opportunity to see M on a regular basis which I couldn't before that because she tends to get booked out in the afternoons. M also announced that she might be quitting by year end. I didn't react to it at first only because I was conflicted between going back to the WL I broke off with or starting anew with M, someone I've been yearning for years. Honestly when M rejected me for the second time I had thoughts of going back to the ex and probably just accepting that I might have to endure the trauma of having my birthday forgotten - I haven't actually celebrated my birthday properly for more than a decade because of a family issue.

Being able to see M regularly and having her convince me to keep seeing her was something that made my connection to her very strong. Something that my 3 other WL exes just didn't have. With the one I saw before M, honestly she's been tormenting me after our sixth month together. I had the strong devotion to stay with her regardless of what was about to happen - I thought that if I had to endure an unhappy marriage and divorce for the second time, so be it. But I felt that something was protecting me - our breakup was purposely caused through that traumatic event. Remembering that traumatic event I didn't even tell M my birthday, hoping that she doesn't do the same to me if we were to continue seeing each other long enough.

So yeah, what I wrote in that old comment was real. The one that I went out with on a shopping date outside was the first ever WL I've dated. That was before I met M.

All I can say now is this - the forum hasn't changed much since then but I wrote that real life experiences just to have a go at the person who "doxxed" me once upon a time ago. I admit that I was still pissed off at her at the time. I wanted to focus on my ex at that time and be the person to make her happy but unfortunately her karma ran out. Right now I don't mind having to experience any karma of leaving my ex. Even if M decides to play me and not come back, I'll accept and move on. All I want is for M to be happy. No point in her making my wish come true if she's going to suffer with thoughts that I might leave her one day, but my dealbreaker is simple - either not celebrate my birthday at all or make the effort to celebrate it even if you can't buy a tiny gift. The ML I dated before my ex also did the same thing by pretending to forget about my birthday after we exchanged our birthdates (and I bought a present for her birthday) but I forgave her at the time. With M, if we were to meet again I don't mind her not celebrating my birthday as long as she doesn't ask for my birthdate. The reason is because it is the issue that causes a rift between myself and my dad before his passing.

So Ive been living through a similar thing but with a sum total of three WLs and two MLs plus my GF. Still have two on the go maybe three plus the GF.

Difference is I drop them after I’ve burnt them.

That way you come out the winner.

Begov94 I read you as a big loser.

Copy what I do and you’ll be a better person for it. You won’t need any happy pills or feel a need to put your real life out in the forum.

I know you’ve been banned but no doubt you’re still around somewhere…

31-05-2024, 04:10 PM
There is a lot of sage advice here mate. She's keeping you at arms length, which is exactly what she should do as long as its a business relationship. What started as fun is now painful and won't be good for your headspace in the long term.

Cliche but there are hundreds of hot 20y/o Jap girls walking around Sydney. You can always find another.

A similar age J girl… Yep that was the first WL I dumped December last year. 38 years younger than myself. She wanted to move in straight away! Every guys dream but when they want to move in instantly… it’s not happening. We only ever spoke via google translate, plus she was another who fucked me around with slow text response. She was a big online gamer and I understand that occupied her time but when I click my fingers you’d better come running or it’s bye bye.

Quite a few good reviews about her on here too.

31-05-2024, 04:18 PM
This thread reminds me of that ML I split up with a week ago. Interesting comments and good advice. When you’re in the drivers seat you tend to not listen to anyone’s input though.