View Full Version : General talk Booked a girl and cancelled on arrival

02-01-2024, 06:15 PM
Booked nepalese Jeena at 42G today. I got there 20min early and waited inside for a bit, but then the boss came back and said that she isnt in today. They havent updated the roster but I know this girl is notoriously hard to see. Do you think that the excuse was genuine or did she just not want to see me?

02-01-2024, 06:19 PM
When you booked, you were told she was available today?

02-01-2024, 06:40 PM
When you booked, you were told she was available today?

Yep, she was on the roster

02-01-2024, 06:42 PM
So do you need the forum to go through what constitutes a dud punt, how you should have immediately responded, and how to prevent it happening again?
It's very easy

There are a few points of note. You were dudded bro. Totally nothing personal. It's all business related

02-01-2024, 06:44 PM
She doesn't want to see you. Don't dwell on it. Find someone else to fuck.

02-01-2024, 06:49 PM
Have you ever seen her before? For a session or even an intro? Could possibly be that she saw you on the CCTV and either knows you or has seen you around outside the shop. Have heard of similar scenarios before.

02-01-2024, 07:31 PM
Did you book the first time slot? At the same moment the girl hasn't bothered to tell the shop they weren't turning up. I have that happen a few times over the years.

Its not a professional workplace and girls come & go as long they get away with it.

02-01-2024, 07:34 PM
If CCTV is a variable you could also throw the race card into the mix

02-01-2024, 07:37 PM
Did you book the first time slot? At the same moment the girl hasn't bothered to tell the shop they weren't turning up. I have that happen a few times over the years.

Its not a professional workplace and girls come & go as long they get away with it.

But on arrival the manager would have told the punter that excuse, if that's what happened. I doubt that was the reason for OP being dudded

02-01-2024, 08:11 PM
But on arrival the manager would have told the punter that excuse, if that's what happened. I doubt that was the reason for OP being dudded
Not necessarily, business decision to keep the customer hanging on in case the girl shows up late. Just a few weeks ago, at an elegant place like Yoko's, I was told to wait 5 minutes... when 5 became 15, I left. Now, one last hail Mary, as I was waiting for my bus, I called, and the lady had FINALLY showed up, 30 minutes late.

Likewise, if it's a wg playing manager, she might be unfamiliar with schedule changes, that the girl has called in sick/abruptly changed work hours, etc.

Or, like has been said, it could be he came, she saw, he didn't conquer.

02-01-2024, 08:14 PM
Not necessarily, business decision to keep the customer hanging on in case the girl shows up late. Just a few weeks ago, at an elegant place like Yoko's, I was told to wait 5 minutes... when 5 became 15, I left. Now, one last hail Mary, as I was waiting for my bus, I called, and the lady had FINALLY showed up, 30 minutes late.

Likewise, if it's a wg playing manager, she might be unfamiliar with schedule changes, that the girl has called in sick/abruptly changed work hours, etc.

Or, like has been said, it could be he came, she saw, he didn't conquer.
That has happened to me too bro. I just went up to the ask the manager, honestly, what is the holdup?
They then generally understand they can't lie, and it's not their fault directly anyway, and they will tell you the WL is not on the premises.

I left and punted down the road. You could been waiting another 45-60 minutes

You didn't have a car that day, that's why you had no negiotiating leverage. I had car

02-01-2024, 08:23 PM
(Sue is not the real name. Some of text detail has been shortened)

Another time I arrived at a shop, I texted the manager from my car. "Is the 10am booking with Sue available as we booked yesterday? I'm at the shop

Reply: No

Me: Is everything OK?

Manager: Maybe later if you are ok. Sue worked very late last night

Me: I may visit another time

Manager (as I am driving to another shop): Can you come in at 1050?

I read that last text as I enter with a new WL into a new room at a new brothel, just up the road, at around 1030

If you know the manager even a tiny amount, they generally need to be honest as it helps noone to lie. Unless it's a really incompetent manager. Those shops I always avoid

I left respectfully from the first address. At these smaller shops, the WLs often sleep in, noones fault. Just move on with your money in your pocket and a Plan B

02-01-2024, 08:23 PM
That has happened to me too bro. I just went up to the ask the manager, honestly, what is the holdup?
They then generally understand they can't lie, and it's not their fault directly anyway, and they will tell you the WL is not on the premises.

I left and punted down the road. You could been waiting another 45-60 minutes

You didn't have a car that day, that's why you had no negiotiating leverage. I had car
No, I had all the leverage I needed - my feet. After 15 minutes, I dressed, and like I've posted before, once my shoes go on, it's DONE. I was a road warrior, and I've been in too many airports where the flight will be delayed by 15 minutes... I don't ever buy it.

I will say I was impressed, the Mamasan gave me my money back, NO problem, full refund, readily handed over. I did complain about losing time; she countered that SHE was losing money because, as she readily admitted, the girl hadn't shown up, something she could NOT control. I did see her point. She offered a substitute but I declined.

It had been a bit of a slog for me to get there via public transport. As I was waiting for a bus, I computed the transit time to my secondary target (I always have one of those), but before I booked the secondary, I figured I'd give it once last shot, called back. She assured me the lady was on-site, so I walked back. Mission complete.

02-01-2024, 08:31 PM
I understand all of the above, just wondering if it is a waste of time to pursue it in future lol

02-01-2024, 08:38 PM
I understand all of the above, just wondering if it is a waste of time to pursue it in future lol

These days shops are desperate for customers but are not willing to change their shady business practices. If I were you I'd sit in the car texting the nearest shop if there's anyone available that you may be keen. Top Ryde is only 5-10 mins away, another extra 2 mins and you'll reach massage galore West Ryde.

02-01-2024, 08:40 PM
These days shops are desperate for customers but are not willing to change their shady business practices. If I were you I'd sit in the car texting the nearest shop if there's anyone available that you may be keen. Top Ryde is only 5-10 mins away, another extra 2 mins and you'll reach massage galore West Ryde.

Excellent advice. Have a Plan B. Some days your Plan B becomes your Plan A

Stay respectful, it's all business.
Don't take anything personally

02-01-2024, 08:43 PM
I understand all of the above, just wondering if it is a waste of time to pursue it in future lol
When your booking is stalled, ring the manager and ask if the WL is working today. You may get a lie for an answer, but accept the answer and move on. If they aren't offering you another lady, and don't seem to care, then try rebooking in a few weeks.
May have been a very busy day and the lady was double booked with a punting VIP. Shit happens

02-01-2024, 08:45 PM
Have you considered being honest with the masaman.
Ask if the reason she didn't see you was because she saw you and didn't want to.
Make it clear you don't care eitherway.
If so, you dodged a bullet, it would have been a shit punt anyway.
If not, then you can always book her at a later date.
If it was, you ask the masaman to suggest a good girl for you.
Im sure they don't enjoy customers complaining, especially on here, so I'd be surprised if he didn't suggest the best girl possible and encourage them to give you great service.
Kind of a win win, you avoided a dud punt and get a good one, while winning the thanks of the masaman who will help you out in the future.
I realise writing this, I'm going to get all reasons the this wouldn't work, but what if it did.

02-01-2024, 08:46 PM
I understand all of the above, just wondering if it is a waste of time to pursue it in future lolWhy not try again, with a SOLID backup plan. Maybe she wasn't there, maybe you were superceeded by a regular, maybe it was her calling the shots. I'd say, if it happened for a 2nd time, label her as one who got away and move on.

02-01-2024, 08:48 PM
Have you considered being honest with the masaman
No sensible mamasan will tell you a WL doesn't want to see you. They need to keep the WL safe and not put her in danger.
They will lie or tell you or say she is unavailable which you accept as fact and walk
Some of the busy WLs are just that, so just have a Plan B

No punter in life is able to avoid the dud punt. Move on

02-01-2024, 08:54 PM
Proably right.
It would depend on how you talk to them and how you are perceived.
If you're angry, no doubt this would be the response.
Im not a small man, and smaller girls haven't been willing to see me, such is life.
Always another option.

02-01-2024, 08:56 PM
If you are 6'5 or taller, arrive early, and start walking around the inside of the brothels of Sydney, a fair few of your bookings with slim ladies will be cancelled. Let's just say that

Even if you turn up on time, CCTV will pick up a lot about you

02-01-2024, 09:00 PM
And when I was younger I got annoyed and complained.
When I was older I realised this was actually pretty great for the reasons I mentioned before.
Some of my best punts have been when who I wanted to see bailed for that exact same reason.
Didnt get angry, masaman suggested another girl and it was great.

02-01-2024, 09:07 PM
Never thought of throwing a tantrum in a brothel when my booking got dishonoured. I usually ask who else is available, and pick the best ones. Otherwise I walk away and look for the nearest shop.

Back in the days I used to get frustrated by privates more than shops because of bait & switch. In shops even if I get baited & switched the girl would be on par with who I booked for originally. If no one else is available I'll end up with blue balls but reserve punting for the next day instead.

02-01-2024, 09:13 PM
Back in the days I used to get frustrated by privates more than shops because of bait & switch. In shops even if I get baited & switched the girl would be on par with who I booked for originally. If no one else is available I'll end up with blue balls but reserve punting for the next day instead.

So why do we keep getting people on here asking about private websites? Bait and switch is an obvious problem. Like dating sites it's wall to wall dodgy photos. Also funny are the inflated prices like $550+/hour. Wtf. I'm not an international businessman who can only Google "Sydney Escort"

Not to mention a dodgy apartment with a pimp in the next room, rather than an established premises, where the brothel has to be partly accountable on the day

02-01-2024, 09:26 PM
1. If she didn't wanna see you, then you are very lucky because she could have ripped you off and you will end up with the headache after a shit punt. As others mentioned maybe it's a race card or she just didn't wanna see you. Who cares, you still win.

2. If you are still very keen you can ask the manager, if there is a chance to book her later.

And my opinion, I have seen her in their intro. She is very skinny and tall. I didn't find her attractive so I passed, but this is just my opinion, others may like her.

02-01-2024, 09:40 PM
Not to mention a dodgy apartment with a pimp in the next room, rather than an established premises, where the brothel has to be partly accountable on the day

Yeah that's freaky - during COVID a few private operators had their pimps sleeping in the next room. I walked out the room and the pimp was headed for the loo, gave me one hell of a shock. I certainly wouldn't want to live a life being a pimp.

02-01-2024, 10:06 PM
Yeah that's freaky - during COVID a few private operators had their pimps sleeping in the next room. I walked out the room and the pimp was headed for the loo, gave me one hell of a shock. I certainly wouldn't want to live a life being a pimp.

In the scenario of meeting the pimp, he gets right of way of the bathroom, is that right?

02-01-2024, 10:09 PM
In the scenario of meeting the pimp, he gets right of way of the bathroom, is that right?

The room myself and the WL was in had an en-suite so I didn't need to share bathrooms with the pimp.

Must be annoying sitting in an empty room all day hearing different moaning noises and people walking in and out.

02-01-2024, 10:21 PM
Majority of privates have this security nearby. I hate the idea of a man next door as I punt. I avoid apartments for this reason

Also small but not zero risk of being subject to extortion. It's an easy sting to set up

02-01-2024, 10:24 PM
Booked nepalese Jeena at 42G today. I got there 20min early and waited inside for a bit, but then the boss came back and said that she isnt in today. They havent updated the roster but I know this girl is notoriously hard to see. Do you think that the excuse was genuine or did she just not want to see me?

I suggest you should never arrive any more than 5 minutes early for any booking. You should always appear to be a busy man and your time is important. This is called "posture".

You need to keep in mind it is really "business" and not feel let down or rejected by what happened. You are paying $$$ to get laid. That's all and not one iota more than that. These girls do not give a shit about any punter. It is their way to make money, and they get fucked by many men every day. We punters are not special to them in any way. This is the strong mindset you should always maintain. Nothing -- absolutely nothing romantic in what we do.

It is nothing new that the girls do reject guys sometimes when they see them on CCTV. Many reasons, including they have seen the guy before and did not like his ways, or racial aspects (e.g. Korean girls not wanting to see Korean men) and many girls (even on dating sites and sugar baby sites) do not want to see Indian men, or Asian men, or any colour skin men... Again, we are not punting with strong principles of human rights and anti-discrimination bullshit. After all, most men here go for Asian women.... go figure!!!

With the above issues in mind, it does not really matter if you were told the real reason or not. The product you wanted to buy was not available for sale. Take your money to another vendor.

02-01-2024, 10:42 PM
It is nothing new that the girls do reject guys sometimes when they see them on CCTV

Very nice nuanced answer

03-01-2024, 09:57 AM
In my experiences at 42g I'm always asked on arrival if I have a booking then shown to the cubicle. If I have made a booking the financials are taken care of there n then. So was that the case with you or you told straight up that she wasn't there? If you have seen Jeena before and she's avoiding you, you would know why.

03-01-2024, 11:23 AM
In my experiences at 42g I'm always asked on arrival if I have a booking then shown to the cubicle. If I have made a booking the financials are taken care of there n then. So was that the case with you or you told straight up that she wasn't there? If you have seen Jeena before and she's avoiding you, you would know why.

He asked if I had a booking, said yes (as I did) with Jeena. I told him I was 20min early and he said something to the effect of “ah ok” and walked off. Came back after 10min and told me that he explained to the previous customers as well, but she’s not in… she might be in on Thursday.

I thought the whole interaction was weird. In hindsight I should’ve confirmed the reason on the spot

03-01-2024, 11:53 AM
He asked if I had a booking, said yes (as I did) with Jeena. I told him I was 20min early and he said something to the effect of “ah ok” and walked off. Came back after 10min and told me that he explained to the previous customers as well, but she’s not in… she might be in on Thursday.

I thought the whole interaction was weird. In hindsight I should’ve confirmed the reason on the spot I didn't mention this before after reading your other post I will. Yesterday looking at 42 roster I noticed Jeena. I have seen her twice over a few months and thought why not!! Waited till just after 12.00,her rostered start time. Made the call and she was at work. 2 O'clock was my window for an hour but was told she was not available till 2.45. Because of home commitments I let it go. Too risky if I got home late. What happened after I hung up I wouldn't know . But she was there initially there at least. With all due respect to you if she didn't want to see you think of the$$$ U saved. Please don't beat yourself up over it.

03-01-2024, 12:22 PM
He asked if I had a booking, said yes (as I did) with Jeena. I told him I was 20min early and he said something to the effect of “ah ok” and walked off. Came back after 10min and told me that he explained to the previous customers as well, but she’s not in… she might be in on Thursday.

I thought the whole interaction was weird. In hindsight I should’ve confirmed the reason on the spot

I do not agree with you when you wrote "I should’ve confirmed the reason on the spot" because for me, it is a business transaction. Who cares what the "reason" was. What if she didn't like you (if she saw you on CCTV and felt not right), or she has her period and not feeling well, or has too many other client bookings, ... In reality, the "reason" does not matter one bit.

There is zero value in knowing the reason. If I were in your shoes, I would take my money and buy what I want somewhere else. The nature of this thread seems to be too focused on attachment and ego.

Successful punting is like sales, to be successful you must be able to handle rejection, and always remember it is all about money.

If this were my experience, I would not try to book this girl again. It leaves a hundred others to play with.

03-01-2024, 11:06 PM
I do not agree with you when you wrote "I should’ve confirmed the reason on the spot" because for me, it is a business transaction. Who cares what the "reason" was. What if she didn't like you (if she saw you on CCTV and felt not right), or she has her period and not feeling well, or has too many other client bookings, ... In reality, the "reason" does not matter one bit.

There is zero value in knowing the reason. If I were in your shoes, I would take my money and buy what I want somewhere else. The nature of this thread seems to be too focused on attachment and ego.

Successful punting is like sales, to be successful you must be able to handle rejection, and always remember it is all about money.

If this were my experience, I would not try to book this girl again. It leaves a hundred others to play with.

I agree with this sentiment right here. I was able to talk about this stuff with a private (and by private, i meant one without a pimp/ security, which, youd be surprise is a LOT of them) and she said outright that from her personal experience, certain combo of race and age of people ended up having a low standard of hygiene (even after the on premise shower), respect and common decency with her. She has been robbed multiple times, slapped and been roughly handled etc etc, Is the race card thing racist? Sure as hell yes, but at the end of the day, its her body that she is transacting and her safety comes first. She said if feels uneasy about the person, she feels very stiff and performs poorly, so she opted to just, bypass that entirely, saving her the poor experience, YOU the poor experience and saving YOU the money.

If the WL rejects you or ghosts you, then just take it as part of the hobby and have a regular as back up. It sucks fucking ass, but thats how it is.